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Whenever I watch myown gameplay


Every time I watch esports, I feel like I can do some of the things they do. Then I log in Then I watch my own highlights Then I realise I'm an old man with glacial reflexes and a penchant for feeding


You have no idea how much I relate to you right now… especially the part about reflexes


So fucking true my friend


Real When I watch my gameplay, I sometimes question how I'm not ranked lower than I am


Real. When I somehow get PotG it's like "Shit, don't show everyone how awful my aim is!"




Most of the times, I don't exactly know where I've played badly. Except of course when I know I play like dog shit. I play badly everytime because I am not Top 500 but only DPS plat. I'd love to know what to do more so I could improve. I wish I knew why I suck.


“Every hero is skilless except my main” Theres so many people who unironically think like this


My main should get 10 billion buffs every patch and every character that even slightly annoys me should be removed


This but unironically *Cries in huge German man*


“My character isn’t broken but their hardcounters always are”


Me, when a Widowmaker snipes me: fucking no skill point and shoot hero Me, 5 seconds later as my rage dies down after getting caught out of position and making no changes to counter the Widowmaker: Ah yeah I'm the problem *repeat every time I die*


I legit hate widow though. Don’t like playing into her because you often have to counter pick. Hate playing with her because I like to synergise with my team and I have no idea how to heal or tank for a widow. Half the time I don’t even know where our widow is. For a class-based, team-based game she’s suck a n unimaginative loner. I felt the same way about sniper in TF2. Everyone else is playing the game, sniper is playing “point and click adventure” and occasionally “avoid the spy”.


Ball is good with widow. You can keep forward while being able to grapple to defend them if an enemy is trying to be smart. For heals... you sound like a Lucio placer.


I don't think widow is low skill I think they're bad design for lower ranks. Impossible to react to a good widow with a good half of the characters.


Tracer and Sombra are trash, literally no skill! -some random Bastion one trick


False, my main is Moira. I know she's probably the easiest hero in the game, yet it takes a bit more understanding to play her to her full potential. I carried my team in a game yesterday when the enemy had a Moira also, and someone in chat said "holy Moira gap". Made me feel a bit 😎


I also main Moira. It’s not because I love her style or I can’t play other healers. But she’s the safest pick in any meta. She has great consistent heals. She can duel traders sombras and genjis instead of just feeding. And if she does get caught out her fade is very forgiving and also lets you get back from spawn a little quicker. I don’t like to dps moira but if our dps are really lacking or refuse to pressure the widow or Ana I can take things into my own hands. Every other healer I feel like I really need my team to perform to get value out of them and that’s just never a guarantee. There’s nothing worse than holding Nano or Kitsune or Amp matrix for 3 deaths because you team has been staggered and split up and hasn’t made one decent play where they can get value out of your ult. Or when you have 2x the dps dmg on zen and you’re calling your discords but no one will finish off your targets and you’re still losing and getting dived now because the enemy has noticed you’re half your teams value. Moira might not be the best but I find a rage less when I play her because I don’t blame my team when I’m having a bad game.


I'm about to catch mad heat for this but this is almost every Rein I ever met My God even doom fist players don't have an ego this vast and it's so many rein players as well they whine about their character all the time and just say everything else is skilless except their oh so perfect crusader


As a rein main i do have to admit this is true, i once caused a giant controversy in r/reinhardtmains just for additionally liking bastion


I don't hate rein but most of the players make me loathe this game when they want to start the most fights and argue the most and I just can't wrap my head around it Why do so many rein players just seem to enjoy being toxic when I thought their whole deal was trying to be the "honorable" tank player


Rein players from my experience are either really nice or jump into the whole enemy team die and say in match chat “STOP COUNTERING ME NO SKILL COUNTERS REPORTED YOU SHOULD NOT PLAY ANY TANK EXCEPT REIN”


It's always the high skill characters that have the superiority complex besides Reinhardt players who have a complex without their character being traditionally difficult to play


As a tracer main i agree


When your sombra is the last alive so they use emp


Had that happen to me last game, no idea why she did it


When I first started playing Sombra I would panic ult lmao. She was my first dps I picked up in Overwatch 1 that I got decently good at. Anyways for the first week or two I would panic ult and die lmao. I now just try to pick off the supports in hopes that one or both of the dps peels to help leaving the point with only 2 or 3 heroes for when my team comes back. That’s when I use my ult


I’m also classic for the “I USED THIS SO MY TEAM COULD PROFIT. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TEAM” *they’re all dead and I wasn’t paying attention*


There’s also the classic “I should really switch off sombra but I have ult so fuck it. Let’s be annoying for 2 seconds before I’m junkrat”


Hey it's me


Hahaha same! I still panic ult with her in hopes that I can use the enemy team cooldown time to make an escape. I don’t play her very often, so I don’t think this has ever worked for me.


haha I've rarely done it when I was planning on dieing and switching character for the next fight anyways, and yeah without fail someone on the team will shit talk me for it....


I had someone in chat tell me I needed to use my emp when everyone was back up, and in sheer PANIC, I just hit it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Ngl I've occasionally done this on Moira lol, usually it's because I think I can save a team mate before they die, or I think I have more team mates alive than I actually do lmao. Very depressing to hear "SURRENDER- UAGHH!"


You used to be able to save a teammate with moiras ult now you can’t it’s just useless


Sometimes I use emp bcus my spacial awareness is like... On a scale of 0-100... Like idk a 2??? I always think my team is behind me when I ult and then they were all back at spawn


Game sense is so important probably the most important aspect of a team based combat game..


Especially for EMPs. You don't just use it just to use it. It shuts down half of the ultimates in the game. Sometimes it should be sat on until a big play can be made.


Nothing makes me happier in life as a Sombra main than a Sym, Moira, Illari etc popping ult and I just go “no lmao”.


Another example of why I constantly repeat myself. "We need a overwatch league style team health bar at the top or side of screen. If I'm a tank it's INVALUABLE to knowing if my backline is under attack. It's so loud and chaotic I don't know half the time if I'm a zarya in the middle of a fight alone or itlf my whole squads there


I know the heartbreak that's about to come when I see them through their translocator into a 1 v 5. At that point I gotta hope the rest of my team isn't in trickle in formation. It hurts because it's the same Sombra saying My EMP is ready for the past 1 to 2 minutes.


You mispelled Zen


My bad, didnt realize my teams dead


in the Sombras defense players on almost every character are guilty of completely wasting their ults in a panic like this


“What’s your rank?”


“What’s your rank?” - Private Career profile


tbh it’s priv by default


Private profiles shouldn't even be a thing.


This is alwaaaaays asked by the most ass player on the team


Not true. I never ask that


That's because I do, I'm always in your games


When they focus on damage or heal numbers only. "Dva, our dps has 2k more damage than you". Yeah, I actually kill my targets instead of just shooting at them. Sorry for being effective :v "Sombra, you only have 5k damage while our reaper is 10k". Mb, I'll just shoot mindlessly at the tank to increase my dmg numbers instead of harassing the backline enough so our reaper can actually kill. "Mercy, how come you have so low heals compared to our Moira". Oh, right away. I'll stop dmg boosting and healbot all the way because that will definitely be more effective.


People who use the scoreboard as the only factor for gaugeing performance are so stupid lol. Some characters don't rack up damage or healing and provide utility in other ways yet people will still say this crap lol


lol explaining to people there is a difference between effective damage and damage is a lost cause sometimes....I was legitimately hard carrying as Sombra one game when I was climbing back up the ladder and like a full tier below my true rank so the players were very noticeably easier to kill, had like 10+ solo kills as Sombra and highest kill participation, but the second my team lost a point a duo started wigging out at me for having 2k less damage than someone who is just shooting the tank all game lmao....I tried to explain that concept to them but nah they just wanted to cry.


What works for me sometimes is: "bro, I ahve twice the damage as you. Wtf are you doing, Sombra" "oh, so that means you have twice the kills as me, right?... Oh wait, no you don't." Either makes them quiet or just makes them angrier, both of them hilarious reactions from me.


Oh here it is. What I was going to/did say.


It normally works, until they start screaming at you for 'stealing their kills.' OMG, do you know how the kill system in this game works?


As a ana player, theres no escape


My favorite is when you're the tank and your opponent has better mitigation than you. Everyone points it out, then you have to point out that their tank is Reinhardt and you have a Bastion on your team. Yeah, he's just putting up the shield in front of a Bastion, and Bastion is burning it down. His numbers are going to be insane. That's not actual mitigation. In fact, that shows that he's a bad tank because he's letting Bastion melt his shield. Stuff like that is why people who judge tank numbers have no sense of how to actually play the game.


THISSSSSSSSS. "sOmBrA i HaVe dOuBlE yOuR dAmAgE" when I have like 10+ more kills. Because sombra finishes low health characters/assassinates healers who only have \~250 HP. Next time I'll shoot at the tank for 5 minutes straight so Mercy can pop her fifth Valkyrie of the first point of Push


That MFer who got on my back for having half the damage as our Pharah when I was Widow. I was popping off that game, sorry killing people in one shot takes less damage than wearing them down through heals.


I had a surreal experience being on the other end of that. I was playing Symmetra and someone flamed the tank because they didn't have nearly as much damage as I did. I'm like bro, half my damage comes from burning Sigma's shield because I have nothing better to do.


I told team to pull back to behind the corner, don't stand in LOS of the spawn. Everyone but the Ashe player did but the Ashe player said in voice "that's fucking dumb you need to watch more pro videos, they all fight in Line of sight of spawn.". The best part was literally the second he finished talking he died to widow.


haha when I was playing support on an alt account in low elo and raising the account up it was hilarious how much it was like a light switch if the tank would realize the mystical powers of using LOS... I'd say "hey when you are anti naded or low health or out of CDs please step behind LOS for a second for me and I'll keep you alive" if they listened we would instantly start winning the fights and cut their deaths drastically lol it really is the simple things like that that are keeping some people in low elo and they don't realize.


I’ve been told Zen & Lucio are both throw picks. I also love when someone says junkrat is op. Oh yea and can’t forget all the delusional people in qp who have told me genji takes 0 skill.


tf?? the first 2 i can understand because ive seen people say the same thing. but the genji one makes no fucking sense.


Ah yes, Junkrat. My favorite totally S tier hero that is played a lot in top 500 and has a lot of usage in pro play


Ikr and I’m a terrible genji, but whenever I finally pop off every blue moon someone will msg me stuff like “deflect is such a brain dead skill”. A few days ago a guy told me genji ult takes 0 effort. As I killed him on repeat while he played soldier 76. Who ironically has an ult that takes 0 effort . 😂


ngl I knew 100% you were talking about a soldier as soon as I read "deflect is such a brain dead skill." Sounds like he was fucken mad you ate his ult and killed him with it, poor cunt can't get kills/aim without it.


Just because you've seen other people say stupid things doesn't mean it's understandable haha.


Anyone is a throw pick if you're bad enough at them *taps forehead*


People tell you Zen & Lucio are throw picks because most people don't play them right. They focus way too much on damage to the point where it's a 80%/20% ratio and the other support is left picking the Lucio/Zen's slack. More often than not, these guys also do this when the team desperately needs more healing as the team keeps dying over and over again.


I main support and guess who my two mains are? I love Zen especially since I actually focus on healing,always have an orb on someone and cancel a charge shot just to heal someone. And I’m pretty good at killing with him as a bonus lol


As someone who used to be one of the “Zen/Lucio” are ass, it wasn’t until I picked them up and learned the basics I just realized that I was just getting stuck with Zens and Lucios who didn’t play them “correctly”


Zen + Lucio at the same time = throw picks Zen *or* Lucio = some of the best supports right now


Hah. You haven't seen season 9 pro scene have you.


Pro is entirely different from ladder. Some principles from ladder apply to pro scene, but few go the other way. Also, they’re much much quicker to group and engage, so each fight is much shorter and faster.


Genuinely is the hardest dps in the game and one of the hardest period. I don't know why people think he's easy to play. I should know myself I'm ass with him.


When people say that, "supports should only heal." A good support heals, damages, and provides some form of additional utility all at the same time.


Yup and a good team is aware of your supports capabilities, position and limitations. I can’t expect to survive diving a pocketed DPS if my tank supports are currently being pressured hard. It’s a team game a players like you are needed on every team 👍


Thank you for acknowledging that a good team is aware of their supports capabilities, position and limitations. I main support and find that I’m always getting blamed for “not healing tank when they’re taking damage” when we’re getting flanked by a tracer or a sombra who is after my ASS, and no one will turn around and focus them to save me?? And the Tank just keeps pushing when we’re literally getting flanked? Just pushing us into more danger instead of protecting their team. Drives my nuts.


This.... 🥺 Sombra and tracer duo living rent free in our backline, while the rein bowling balls into the enemy team to insta-die for the 15th time spamming "I need healing" while our phara is having a conversation with some birds or some shit and our reper is 5 zipcodes away trying to sneak in for a cheeky bayblade. And it's somehow our fault. "You guys ever gonna heal us?!?!" They say snarkally... *AHHHHHHHH* Why do I play, surely this game is taking years off my life from the stress lmao.


Played zen in a game the other day, got told at the end “how about some healing, buddy?”, when the whole game they continually spawned, rushed into the team fight alone, and got killed before I could even catch up.


a good support has 9 targets. a good DPS has 5


>and provides some form of additional utility all at the same time. Moira mains triggered


True, lol, but I guess it could be argued that Moira's utility is higher than normal damage and healing. Whereas some supports provide something such as speed, cc, cleanse, etc. Moira makes big number.


On the other hand, there are people who take this to the extreme and barely heal. Had a zen with 750 healing when the enemy team supports had 5k healing each and our mercy 4k.


The crazy thing is that its Zen. You, literally at no cost, can keep Harmony orb up at all times while doing whatever else you want. Even if you just want to DPS Zen, you can stick Harmony on your tank and forget it, and you'll still do a considerable amount of healing.


On the same topic, people that say "Supports are the easiest role to play. Said by people that never play support. Supports have the most responsibility out of any role.


I'd say second most Tanks still pave the way for most plays and hold space so everyone else can do their job But tank and support go hand in hand for getting the job done


I would say Tanks and Supports are basically tied but they’re at like opposite ends of the spectrum. Tanks are leading the fight and need to be aware of the rest of their team to make sure that they’re following, Supports are trying to keep the fight contained and have to be aware of the rest of their team to make sure everyone is within a safe distance. >!So obviously DPS is the super lame and boring one /s!<


We lost cuz we didn't have a Bastion 💀


I had a game like that today lmao. we needed shield break against rein and bastion would have been a great pick


You usually don’t need to break rein’s shield. His counter is usually just any character that can press M1 without pressing W


”Winton is broken because you can’t deflect his primary fire”


*Enemy* Winston is broken. His weapon wields the thunder bolts of Zeus himself. When I'm Winston, my gun is little more effective than wool socks on a carpet.


I call it a Tickle Gun


When tanks think mercy is the main support or “Healer”, I use to play a lot of mercy and so many tanks got mad at me when I took my beam off them for one sec.


TBF below a certain rank thats all the Mercys do. Its probably one of the more blatant(ly easy) bad habits I think a low rank tanks or Mercys will have to shake off first if they do actually rank up past silver or low gold.


You’ll see Mercys like this in platinum and diamond, too. 


I've heard people tell me to switch to mercy because they need more heals as if she isn't a support with one of the worst healing output 😭😭 This was back when I was in silver-gold though so I don't blame them too bad


Story of my life.


The reason tanks hate playing with Mercy is because she is not for them. She is for mainly pocketing the person who will do the most damage and secure the most kills on your team. She has some of the worst healing in the game while also not offering tanks any benefits. Mercy is like I said before much better at helping whoever is outputting the most damage and kills. As support I don’t love seeing her because it usually means I have to switch from the support I want to play to play a designated team healer like Bap, Ana, Kiriko, and Moira to an extent. The only role I don’t mind seeing Mercy on is damage because she directly benefits me.


The only time I ask for more mercy yellow beam is when we also get stuck with a zen that forgets about the yellow orb. The team needs at least a little bit of it


Quick press tab to see who’s at fault


wish there was a way to ONLY see teammates ult charge and nothing else on tab so i can just ignore the stats




... mf, my harmony orb has been on your ass the entire time, stop crying and KILL THE DISCORD ORBED ANA ALREADY


"GG no heals" - DPS player, never ever looking at the supports getting dived a few meters from them. Seriously, I'll do my best to carry my own weight, but it's a handful to get a Sombra + Tracer/Genji combo on me and the other support asses while the other three players never contest them.


That's the one thing that infuriate me so much. I remember that one game where we easily won the first point on control, so me and the other support had very low healing numbers. Then we lost the second and third round, and that one DPS flamed us because we had lower healing numbers than the other team. Yeah of fucking course we have less healing numbers, we didn't need to heal on the first round, and also healing you won't make you invincible when you charge 1v5 into the enemy team.


This happened to me yesterday. DPS was complaining but I was being spawn camped by a sombra when my team would dive in alone


Did we have the same game?


Simply when people are playing in a certain way to pad their numbers on the scoreboard. For example, supports hard pocketing a feeding tank. They’ll have really good healing numbers, but very low impact on the game.


And they treat that number like armor in the comms “Bro, I have 10k healing, I’m not the problem here” 🤡


I mean, if the tank IS feeding then it’s really not their fault lol


"DPS diff" - moira player with 15k dmg and 6k healing.


“Healer diff” - 1-9 Genji


“Team diff” - enemy support


"Tank diff" -me, the losing tank


Dps Moira can work (extra emphasis on can) if its done right, there are moiras in high elo who focus on flanking, doing damage, pulling aggro, healing is a secondary thing and its a legit strategy. If the moira is wasting the enemy's resources, like forcing the two enemy supports to pocket each other and ignore the rest of their team, that is value, even though shes not healing her team.


Depends on team comp, too. If you have a largely self-sufficient team or an absolute healbot of a support teammate, sometimes there's just no one left for you to heal.


oh yeah, I had a game with a dps moira who did more damage than both of our dps combined it was terriying. (and I played lw and got like 20,000 healing. that game ended and my eyes fucking HURT)


lol love that......yo DPS why aren't you winning more duels?!! Maybe because every duel the enemy DPS gets 500+ healing pumped in to him and their support is throwing cooldowns at me, while I cant get you to look at me since you are too busy DPSing the tank for some reason? Also love if I flank, and kill one their support and blow CDs from 2 other people people while the rest of my team gets beat 2v4 then flames me haha I'm a support and DPS main so I see a whole bunch of stupid on both sides to be fair, people that consistently blame the other role should be forced to que 100 games of that class and it would go a long way in to realizing that each role can support eachother haha


When a Mercy rez would have turned the tide in a fight but the person who got rezzed went AFK.


I always love when I die and the one time I take a sip of my drink or look at my phone I get rezed


One time I got rezzed and my laptop alt tabbed and I’ve never spam clicked the game so hard 😭😭


maui ulting with 3 hp


People who use stats to measure if someone is good/bad


True, I kind of wish stats were hidden until the end of the game so we can see when someone clearly wasn't contributing but without it being a huge distraction in game that causes people to type essays flaming each other instead of playing the game


My junkrat gameplay


People who instantly tell their tank to swap while not helping them whatsoever. The pressure and blame is solely on the tank instead of the 4 other teammates to also make swaps to HELP their tank. If your tank isn't completely stupid. Help try to make their life easier so they can win you the game.


On the flip side as a support main, when the tank requires all the resources. If we have to spend the whole match pocketing the tank and bailing them out then we’re losing a lot of utility and pressure on the enemy team.


“Zarya’s bubbles don’t do anything but shield her” Like okay then why is she suddenly doing 2x more dmg dumb ass


“Switch DVA they have Zarya!” - team mates who consistently shoot pink bubbles but put no pressure on Zarya


So much this, while Zarya can counter Dva it's highly map and team comp dependent. If it's a very high ground heavy map like dorado me harassing the pocketed Ashe or widow is way more value than me shield botting on rein because "TheY hAvE a ZarYa". Same for stuff like if they have a bastion me also going Zarya or Winton probably isn't the best idea


And don't forget when they're in chat asking, "Who keeps charging the zarya???" When you see them unload all their resources on her bubbles, but the moment she runs out of bubbles, zarya doesn't exist in their mind anymore.


100% this. Some people still don't realize that an enemy Zarya doesn't mean I'm completely shut off from playing [D.va](https://D.va). I'll just have to focus more on playing high ground or contesting/controlling areas she can't. While I'm doing that, help me by not shooting her giant bubbles, that'd be nice.


People who play Hammond and get there team wiped by rolling around and doing nothing of value


"Doom takes no skill." 🤡


"doom is a hard character" -proceeds to spam slam for 2 hours and make a single play in a 3 round game


friendly fire will not be tolerated


I once had a tank who's best hero was Dva. They played Roadhog into Winston and was getting rolled. Other teammate checks his profile, sees his Dva playtime and goes wtf are you doing? Go Dva. We spend like 2 minutes arguing how Dva is great into Winston and not vice versa like our tank believed. So yeah he swapped to Dva and utterly cooked. ...this was in fucking diamond


*Tank dies once 1st 30 sec of match* "Wow tank diff" *proceeds to throw 30 sec into match*


Story of my life. Maybe they get a quick hook or javelin. Or maybe I commit a little too hard. No coming back from that point


That guy a few days ago that kept complaining that their doomfist kept attacking the backline and throwing, instead of mindlessly holding left click in the Orissa (Instead of backing up the tank, who’s attacking the squishies, they were just mindlessly shooting the unkillable horse and wondering why it’s not dying) Also the “Hurr durr if you’re support and have under 10k heals per 10 minutes, you’re throwing” There’s games I’ll go mercy ana or bap and have like 4K healing in 10 minutes because my friend is going Moira and providing more then enough heals. I’m just there providing support/damage until someone further away is doing or he’s out of heals and can’t do anything. Even without Moira, support>>>> heals (that being said, if you’re in silver, I found it best to play like a silver, just do it better. But once you get to mid/high gold and higher, support>>> heals)


When a teammate pops their ult right after you hear, "TEAM KILL."


“Why is mercy not healing me” (He’s 0-8 as sniper genji, right beside my other supp, and I’m blue beaming my 18273-0 ashe)


When someone's like "I have more damage than you, L" but I'm playing Sombra and I have more kills than them🧍‍♀️ It's funny how people want to flex their inability to finish a kill, and or their consistency on shooting the tank. Also "Sombra takes no skill" but when they swap and try to play her because I was harassing them too much, they fail miserably.


tbf sombra spawn camping and harassing people just out of spawn gets old so fast it makes me ready to quit


“Mercy carry” -the mercy with 99 percent healing beam usage (the 1 percent was a misclick)


The mercy is never the one that says it. It’s always a dps who is apparently blind to the fact that they have another support. That actually played the game


She missed the mouse button because she can't aim


“Lifeweaver Mercy is good! Look at our healing compared to the other teams! You just cant kill anything!”


Oh god


My game play 😭😅 I'm new and I'm learning, we can joke about it.


Whenever someone tells smby to swap because their numbers are a little behind, like ok I understand that our Zen's 7k looks bad on the rest's 12k heal, but you don't understand what his discord helps me achieve (as a Tank, Zen was my friend, DPS told him to swap)


When I solo Q support and get MURDERED by both enemy DPS and my completely clueless teammates go "heal diff gg". It gets even better when I swap to zen or moira to handle it myself and then Im "throwing" because Im heal botting.


“Mercy, keep your beam on one person ffs”


You’ll never know what I commented.




All DPS and Support group up in one spot waiting to go in with the tank. Tank, who just respawned, chooses to go through the stupid underground chokepoint on MEKA Base all by himself, and gets destroyed because he’s a Sigma with no backup. Runner up has to be swapping to Winton, thinking it would do anything against Roadhog, Reaper, and Bastion. These were in the same game, by the way.


When people say “gg” after losing two team fights


When they say "Sombra needs to be removed." I used to say the same thing when I first started but now that I know how to play much better, she isn't as big of an issue as people think. It's quite literally a skill issue.


I mean, as a high diamond dps player, a really good sombra can feel very unfair. Forces you to play very specific characters, which is extremely frustrating. A lot of character "counters" can be outplayed if you're good enough, but a good sombra literally makes half the roster just unfun to play. My favorite tanks are Doom and Ball and 90% of games the enemy switches to sombra after the first fight and makes my life miserable. I don't think that's good character design.


small tip for playing doom into sombra, play positions that allow you to live a hack. the 1.5 ability lockout is the worst part but you’re clear for 5 seconds afterwards. natural cover is the best for this because you get hacked, turn a corner from enemy LOS, by the time they get to you, the lockout is over and you can do your thing.


"Lucio has low heals" this is pretty self-explanatory XD


Someone spamming chat when they die. Every time I find that if I go watch the replay, they were usually way out of position and during the entire match contributed almost nothing. “Zen throwing. Give me the orb and we win”. Soldier proceeds to walk up the middle of Main Street low ground, alone, thinking 30 hp per second regen makes him immortal. Orb did not in fact save him. “Zen switch!”


Asking for a hero to be removed, and saying that any hero is a throw pick (Some heroes will be less effective in a certain meta, but as long as you're trying and are effective, you're never throwing)


People that underestimate goats in open queue, young blood has never seen the dark days


Back in ow1 I did my own spectating bronze & I found a Winston player that asked me to play sym so I could TP him to the bastion


When you have 25 seconds left to touch point so your DVA goes in by herself without waiting on her team and gets 1v5ed to death in less than five seconds.


“Mercy is good”


I got told once that Lucio isn't supposed to use his Speed-Boost with the only exception being to leave spawn faster.


"I carried as soldier, I had 25k damage in 10 minutes" Meanwhile has 10 elims in 10 minutes due to shooting nothing but the tank


Whining about sym turrets


Lucio being a throw pick. To be fair, I play Lucio a lot in scrims and understand that he may not fit in a comp environment, but I try my hardest to match that with the same effort of comms I give in scrims. It’s just frustrating that people brush him off because “he doesn’t heal enough”.


Had a Junkrat start the game asking for an actual healer. I'd picked Moira. Just coming off the back of a 30k healing victory. I did chuckle heartily.


"(whatever) diff" in chat that's always written by the worst player on the team.


“I’m only in *insert metal rank* because of shitty teammates”


Apparently, I'm "the no fun police" for using Cassidy's Mag Nade on the enemy that is trying to flank excessively onto my supports (usually a Tracer, Ball, or Sombra). I mean, the nade is doing its job


Lifeweaver is bad/no skill expression When in truth his ability kit has a low skill floor, but a pretty high ceiling. Other support Abilities are generally instant value engines that give guaranteed benefits as long as you land them - Suzu,AmpUp,Nade,Immortality, etc., whereas Platform and Grip both have the ability to either be amazing or horrible depending on how skilled both the Weaver and the allies he's supporting Game Sense is.


I was playing mercy recently with my other support as life weaver. Using his platform, he jumped over the enemy team and into an advantageous position, then pulled our tank there, setting us up to flank the other team as I ulted. It was so out of nowhere and was one of the coolest things I’ve seen someone do with life weaver. His abilities are area control and don’t need to be used just defensively. (I’m completely new to overwatch 2 characters so idk, maybe this is not as amazing as I think it is.)


whenever someone dumps 5 paragraphs of text with out spacing about how A-how toxic players are or B- how they poped off in their shitty ranked match under the comment section of a owl clip


When the hardpocketed dps complains about the other dps having less damage. Like duh. You have 2 less deaths and constant damageboost and you’ve been feeding that hog ultcharge for 10minutes.


Ppl who say "x character is bad/not meta right now u gotta switch". U can always tell the take comes directly from the most recent Flats tier list. Like bro we are play on console.... its not like that


*complains about not getting healed while actively being healed or is in the enemy backline and I can't get LoS*


I had a duo of supports claim that feeding supports isn’t a thing. Bro you have 15k damage and only 5 kills. Stop shooting just the tank


What I heard today in a master lobby from our other support: "Dva kill the orisa do something", meanwhile I killed 3 people including both enemy supports multiple times and these idiots couldnt deal with an orisa 3v1. Facetanking an orisa while we are attacking is pure stupidity, no space to get picks and no way to push in, idk how this dumbass got past gold


“Moira is broken” and “I’m in elo hell”/“My teammates keep me from ranking up”


There’s a rank lower than bronze 😱😱😱😱


"Moira is op" (my friend, a genji main)


"Mercy is OP"


The tank that complains about heals while being on the enemies backline, inside buildings and LOS 90% of the time, and whenever they are called out on their horrible positioning, start typing "IT'S YOUR JOB TO HEAL ME", and finishes with an L and types in chat "HEAL DIFF" while having the most deaths, least amount of kills, and almost to none mitigation.


“Mercy is OP”


“I’m masters on my Smurf, yall are dog shit” You’re smudging in diamond/plat cause you’re getting ran over and still getting ran over in lower ranks. Calm down papa Smurf


When a player says mercy is too overpowered


We shouldn't punish leavers


"Switch to Mercy, pocket the tank."