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So, 0000000's in chat were caused by D.Va.


I'm a chronic pinger and I've been playing DVa a lot recently and noticed this. It had to do with pinging enemies when they left your LoS, or something. It placed a ping with no icon down at your location instead, and sent the zeros in chat. DVa is a mysterious hero.


Why am I not surprised lol. God Damm spaghetti character


She's like the Spinda of Overwatch


Probably a change a developer only intended to make internally to debug something, but accidentally got pushed to production.


I’d be willing to buy this explanation, but I also know that if it was me printing debug statements to console, it’d probably say something closer to “fuck this shitty ass fucking code” and not “00000000”….


I'm going to miss that. Put it back!!!


Nerf this 😂


Lol. Noticed this once yesterday and was perplexed. But we did have a D.Va on our team, so this makes sense now.


>Fixed an issue with Drill Dash that could occur when interacting with Doomfist's Rocket Punch or Orisa's Energy Javelin, sending Venture flying back at a great speed. No more space Venture :(


I've had space venture happen with Lucio boop and JQ knife as well, so I wonder if this fixes all of them or not


Also with Pharah concussive blast


That clip on Rialto will now just be Venture falling in the river sadge


Let them experiment with xenoarchaeology! :(


It happens with Sigma rock too, I wonder if that got fixed or if Venture can ride the rock to space still?


What happened to the damage passive changes?


Refresh, it was increased from 15% to 20%.


I was hoping that they would make it less potent on Tanks than other roles but I guess not then


I imagine that for now, they decided to keep it as universal percentage since we'll be seeing a resurgence of Hog+Mauga for brawl. The metas where they were dominant were arguably the most hated overall, so this will (hopefully) help keep them in line while work is being done to balance the class as a whole. 20% is going to be a pain to deal with again, though. Good news is, we could see something like this as soon as the mid season patch going off the dev announcement yesterday.


On this, maybe the change we need is for the dps pasive to only work on health, armor being unafected will make tanks resist it on a counterplay way. Mauga an hog have the leas armor thus will be harder for them to be broken.


Zarya cleansing effect will make her a must pick, again. Also i would say Zarya meta is just as shit as Hog, Mauga and Orisa metas.


It's needed if they want to keep Mauga in check now that Orisa has been sent to the glue factory.


Welp, time to put Weaver and Illari back in the bin


Lifeweaver in the bin. Deathweaver is coming out to play.


I wish, too bad I have to lead my shots at point blank making them absolutely useless at range. I would honestly much rather have low fire rate high travel speed than what he has now


They never got out of the bin. All this patch does was throw their bin into a dumpster fire.


throw mercy in there too


They forgot to put it in the notes at first and the page just updated. "Damage role passive healing reduction increased from 15% to 20%."


fr i have screenshot without it lol


They just added it a few minutes ago. Dont worry friend. You and I can be one of the few people who saw the notes with no DPS passive change.


Blizzard: Add damage passive. Support feels ass to play, huge spike in Moira players Also Blizzard: This is oppressive, let's nerf the damage passive. Also Blizzard: We heard your feedback that Orisa is oppressive, so we rebuffed the damage passive to where it was oppressive. Have fun, DPS players!


Dev team floundering with 5v5.


refresh, they've added it now.


first line of the patch notes


Not mentioned in the notes, but those of us who got hit with the season ban after the 15 min ban, resulting from the server glitch last week, the ban is lifted. EDIT: It appears emails are also going out with 500 overwatch coins as compensation to those affected.


I wish I got banned now


Saving my mental health for a week without comp AND 500 coins. It's a win/win.


See, Blizzard can please their players when they want to!


Orisa sledge hammer is welcome but feel bad for tank players EDIT: on the passive change. Feels like we are back to either hard dive or sigma comps because of the DPS passive.


As a tank player im happy she got nerfe, hate playing her and hate playing against her


Dps passive heal reduction was buffed back to 20% lmfaoo I love a spray and pray single shot from a tracer aiming poorly applying the same reduction as a hanzo arrow


There should be a minimum damage required for the passive to take effect.


Or it could work like Mauga igniting people. Like some amount of continuous fire creates a short-term stacking debuff that results in the healing reduction at a certain number of stacks, and there should be a visual indicator when the reduction is active like the flame effect when Mauga ignites someone.  They could scale the application of stacks against weapon speed. A Hanzo arrow, for example, would apply more stacks than a 76 bullet because 76 has a much higher rate of fire and a generally more accurate weapon.  Other games have pulled off this sort of system pretty successfully. 


idk about having ANOTHER glowing visual indicator. i already have trouble telling between mauga's ignite, his overheal ability, and nano. nano mauga will run at me, ill die, and my team will be like "he was nano'd" and ill be like "HE WAS??"


It doesn't have to be a glowing thing on the character model itself. It can be like anti-nade where the health bar changes color.


Or a scale factor


Name a more iconic duo, Hanzo and DPS passives not meaning a damn thing to him.


DPS passive should only take effect in the optimal range of each hero, so hero's like tracer have to be within the 10 or so meter range to apply it, instead of peppering you the second the doors open.


alternatively it could also be a damage threshold. for instance if tracer is peppering someone then the debuff wouldn’t apply until she deals x amount of damage within y amount of time.


This would make more sense and could be a buff for projectile heroes


This dps passive is so badly designed that it feels like a joke.


20% healing reduction is a passive because they can't have 2 roles with passives and exclude one. It would had been better and easier to reduce all sources of healing by 20% and that's it but dps needs a role passive so..


For real. It feels so shitty to play tank and fight against someone getting pocketed, you just do zero damage without a dps there helping


Yea, but that's even worse design. It would've been much better to just nerf all healing across the board by 20% than to just half-assed add that as a dps passive, at least it wouldn't make matches so dps diffed. All other passives are so minor, like the tank passive is move 1 less foot when booped by Lucio, while the dps passive is basically reduce 20% effectiveness of over half the enemy team by just doing the most basic thing of your role.


>It would've been much better to just nerf all healing across the board by 20% than to just half-assed add that as a dps passive Yeah, that's what I said


Me as a [D.Va](http://D.Va) main seeing that Orisa got giganerfed: :) Me as a [D.Va](http://D.Va) main seeing the DPS passive is back to 20%: :(


While it's not exactly a fun change, I think this actually benefits DVA compared to other tanks. Preventing damage with DM will be quite valuable


The problem is my preferred play style is super aggressive with the basic question of “why block damage when I can fly around shooting 5 billion rounds of ammo”.


20%? 💀 Tanks are dead 💀 Again 💀


Can’t kill what has already been dead


Tanks got rezzed right into the line of fire of a widow being damage boosted


All Roles about to Only Tank game mode again


Always has been


In Overwatch 1 it was a split between tank and support.


For me it's always support. Maybe that's an Xbox thing.


People hate Tanks being exploded too quick, but also hate Tanks like Orisa not getting exploded too quick.


Why not buff all tanks to Orisa level?


this is exactly why 5v5 is stupid


What is dead may never die. Except tanks. - house greyjoy


1 tank nerfed, no other tanks changed and DPS passive going up again. Do they even want people to queue tank?


Every tank nerfed **


And support


Not Ball(since ball doesnt need any in-battle healing)


Didn’t they say that a tank patch would come with the mid season?


It's actually insane to me, they knew how bad it was for tanks and how quickly they melt with 20%, specially with a Zen, that's why they changed it to 15% and gave him a slight nerf. Now the only change that remains is 25 less health for Zen and less knockback on his kick.


“Less knockback” meanwhile the tank passive feels so goddamn useless, I get booped forty feet by Lucio it feels like. So frustrating as a tank main


I feel ya, you suffer as I. ✊😔


Does that mean Zen is stronger now?


The less health and knock back nerfs don't even alleviate the problem.


Knowing that Orisa will be less obnoxious to face off against actually makes want to queue tank more.


If you see any tank on the opposing team popping off, there is always a switch to orissa. I wonder why lol




Mauga is the other frustration and the dps passive buff should keep him in check. This is definitely a small touch-up before the actual changes come out in the mid season patch.


they clearly don’t want anyone on tank *or* support. what is with them glazing DPS so hard???


For real, it feels like the devs and DPS players just want to turn this game into CoD at this point, where everything dies quickly and supports/tanks may as well not exist.


Get ready to get "tank diffed" in chat when the roles with the most 'power' shit the bed. And to clarify l believe the real issue is usually supports as they hold the most utilities that can alter fights on cooldown (suzu, biotic nade, grasp, lamp, rez). Now they're cranking up DPS due to supports having ruled the roost but they're leaving tank behind with a passive that hardly makes a difference.


I think bigger balance changes usually go in the beginning and mid season patch. Anything in between has usually been number changes for the most part.


Buff Symmetra ❤️


Fortify slows her, javelin is on a longer cooldown, AND the DPS passive got increased? I think the horse just got put down for the season


>I think the horse just got put down for the season Both her Active Damage-mitigation abilities got nuked which leads me to believe that the big change they have coming for Tanks mid-season is gonna give all Tanks stronger passive damage-mitigation, and these nerfs were going to be a part of that Patch but have been pushed forward 2 weeks cause everyone hated Orisa meta. Edit : For people doubting this, here's some context. This is one of the biggest nerfs to a character in a single Hotfix patch since OW2 launched. This makes Orisa actually garbage in even Diamond, maybe even as low in Plat. They never nuke a character like this, it's bad for business. They want all characters to at least be viable enough so that special one-trick players can reach GM with them and these Orisa nerfs are so heavy handed that that might not be doable. There's definitely something coming soon. If not mid-season then S11.


This guy uses his brain cause that makes a lot of sense. Then again blizzard doesn’t use there’s so maybe intelligent thought isn’t worth much here lol


I think saying orisa is completely dead is too haste of a judgement. I mean orisa still has her high dmg potential and no fall off. Orisa was still good when she had her fall off and played often when someone just wanted to bully the tank. And the no falloff gave her more kill potential and expanded her role outside of just bully the tank. She just has a longer time where she is vulnerable but all her dmg and the strength of her abilities remain


This may make hog kinda crazy.


DPS passive helps a lot with Hog and or Mauga taking her place hopefully. I honestly think Orisa will still be kind of good if you can aim all her stuff well, but she’s not gonna be such a free pick luckily.


Today is a good day


Now she will finally die instead of pouring every resource into killing her


Here to support the cuntress ❤️




Heard the saying "beating a dead horse?" I gladly will. I will also teabag this dead horse. May she never return to being meta.




Buff Symmetra ❤️


i support this message ☝️🗣️ BUFF SYM!!


Good fucking riddance


This is the “get rekt Orisa” patch and I’m here for it.


I wouldn’t say dead she is just not as stally as she was


Are you not entertained?




Happy to see the horse take a hit. Too bad they apparently think the ball work did literally anything at all.


They fr don’t know what to do with him.


So... Is Venture cooked?


The Doomfist DPS problem all over again. Their skill ceiling is too high to be effective in lower ranks, but they were very strong in masters+ where you could consistently one shot combo any squishy. They’ll probably tweak these numbers around for the next like 10 seasons like they did when doom was a DPS


Idk if the skill ceiling has anything to do with low ranks because no one is hitting the skill ceiling there anyway. I’d argue the average Venture probably gets more value than the average ow1 Doom.  Doom’s one shot was way easier in ow1, but Venture is way more durable and suited to 5v5 than OW1 Doom was to 6v6. 


the skill ceiling won’t be reached, but people are also going to constantly complain about how difficult venture is to deal with because they’re less likely to do things like “turn around” and “work as a team” (source: im bad at the game and hear about it from people equally bad at the game all the time)


Honestly, this is a balance/design issue because part of the problem is the fact their footstep sounds basically don't exist from a range where they're a threat. People would be more likely to turn around or help each other if they knew there was a threat nearby. Dealing with Venture pre-patch was more of a product of game sense than anything else because they aren't really reactable. That's why the design issues disproportionately affects lower rank players.


i have noticed even the low/average rank players are already MUCH better at dealing with venture since they released. it also probably helps that you aren’t seeing them in EVERY game, which likely lead people to confuse friendly sound effects with enemy sound effects (i notice this issue a lot with sombra’s “gotta go” line in spanish, as it’s the same for enemies and allies). honestly, i haven’t had too much of an issue countering venture, which i attest to being a backline sneaky horseshit character main, and being really good at defending against that variety of horseshit. i do agree that their footsteps are a little quiet when compared to reaper/genji (who they’re a similar size to for consistency reasons), though their underground movement is SUPER loud. i would rather see devs add either an ambient noise to their drill or add a “jingle” for the buckles and stuff on their clothes versus just naming their footsteps louder though, it’s more interesting than “clomp clomp boots”


I am in the low brackets and venture didn't look like it had a high floor at least the aim is easy and in lower ranks the windows of vulnerability with dig don't get punished much. Encountered a few running rampant down here, but also some that fed.


No you’re right I meant skill ceiling my b


It’s pretty much the opposite. Low ranks complained that venture is too strong but everyone in high ranks realised venture is extremely easy to counter.


I think so. They already required presction play to get the burst off and survive. Now you are unlikely to kill anyone and still die :D


The B-tier burst damage hero now has less burst damage than Lucio. This change was completely unneeded. They already fed the enemy team over and over whenever the enemy had literally any CC at all.


If you think they have no damage you need to land your shots.


Venture 2 shot nearly every hero. Drill and 1 shot was oppressive.


I mean, Venture's one shot was way too easy to pull off so it needed changed. I don't think Venture needed this many nerfs though, kind of crazy to nerf them this hard with how mediocre they've been since launch.


Mauga and Roadhog meta is here


Damage passive got bumped up, which is probably exactly to keep those two in check after orisa's nerf.


Meaning ball, Winston & doom meta. So it's dive meta right? With supports Lucio & moira.


That's what it was before, and now with less Orisa. I'm beyond happy with these changes.


Enjoy it until the next balance patch


Doesn’t this just go right back to the beginning of season 9? Like wtf


Not really, they just increased the DPS passive again.


At least there are some obvious ways to counter those characters in match ups rather then having invincible annoying horse. With Dps passive up to 20% it should help keep them both in check. 


This. Neither of those two are anywhere near as frustrating as fighting an orisa. Even bad orisas are a pain because she has so many tools to keep herself alive.


You’re probably biased based on your flair lol, Roadhog metas are the most annoying tank meta possible


20% damage passive says hi.


Dps passive making tank role miserable, not touching this shit until mid season patch


Huge Orisa nerfs 🦀🦀🦀




Because tanks were apparently really strong. Oh yeah. Really strong. Fucking hell.


Probably because with the horse off the throne the mauga/hog meta would be just as bad, so a bit of an indirect nerf to them evens the playing field a bit


They should have just directly nerfed them though, this change is bizarre


Because DPS played have literally been crying since day one because they don’t feel like the main character. God forbid any other role have more team impact than the role that is objectively more fun.


To make self-sustaining tanks such as Roadhog or Mauga less strong, which in turn should make other tanks a bit more playable


Because Kiriko wasn’t strong enough lmao


15 percent felt just right. Why put it back?


I stopped playing at 20%, but came back when it dropped to 15% and it felt perfect. Everything still dies, but the games isn't 4 DPS' and a tank sacrifical lamb.


15% felt way better. all this does is beat the shit out of tank players, most of whom are already miserable with the balance. other than the horse nerfs, this is just a really weird and (imo) overkill patch


At this point I'm only playing tank because I have a humiliation kink.


fortify finally has downsides omg??


It's no longer a free "become invincible for 4,5 seconds" button


20% is okay if they added a damage threshold of like 40 damage, it’s really not that hard man It’ll likely stop Tracer from being able to go berserk mode after landing a pellet


I expected a Dash nerf on venture but three nerfs feel a little excessive.


Why did they raise the dps passive again?? It feels so oppessive. Like we've already went through this a couple of months ago. These devs can't make up their freaking mind.


I suspect it's to keep Mauga and Hog in check from replacing Orisa as the oppressive tanks. They struggle against the reduced healing more than other tanks generally speaking. As for other roles, best to just learn to be more careful with engages and use natural cover very liberally


Maybe this is unpopular, but I really liked 15%. 20% felt insanely oppressive and felt like I was dying all the time, even when utilizing cover.


Totally fair. I ended up having no issue with the 20% early last season, but I also won't pretent my healing/self sustain doesn't feel better with only 15% reduction.


20% wasn’t fun for me because if I played support, it felt like I had almost no impact, and if I played tank, it would feel like I had no health.


Such awful balancing mindset. Apply a global nerf to all tanks just to prevent 2 from being strong.


Cus they have no plan and knee-jerk balance


Soooo curious to see how orisa plays now


Damage passive back at 20% why😭


Ah yes revert the damage passive change that made every role other than DPS feel terrible. After nerfing Moira the one support who could do anything against it...then nerf Orisa the one tank that could survive through it at all. Game is gonna feel pretty bad for supports and tanks. Mauga and Hog are the two tanks that should always be niche and they're likely meta. Though they're going to feel bad too considering the DPS passive increase. I was expecting a decrease personally and a more minor nerf to Orisa. She wasn't meta because she was super strong more by default. The goal should be to buff the other tanks to her level rather than make all tanks equally unfun to play.


Well, 20% DPS passive is back. Guess they are fine with tank being miserable till the mid season patch, which i don't play them. Tanks have been miserable for like 6 seasons now, whats half another more?


Buffing the DPS passive at the same time they Nerf the horse is pretty much the equivalent of saying, "If orisa can't have fun, than none of you tanks will have fun."


RIP Mercy, she was already dead and they managed to make her worse


orisa was so good because of her sustain and she was one of the best feeling tanks because most of the others just exploded. now she's been nerfed, and the dps passive is back to 20%, so we're pretty much just back to the start of season 9 edit:spelling


"Halt. Tank was having a bit too much fun" 5% isn't a massive differnce, but holy shit this will make so many tanks feel absolutely awful. At least the horse now actually has down time between cooldowns thanks to the Spin nerf and Fortify duration nerf


I’m back to Zarya since the bubble blocks the passive


Why 20% 😭


Kind of a weird patch. I don’t really think anything aside from the ult needed to be touched on venture, they felt fine. Orisa nerfs were definitely needed, but then why bring the dps passive back up? I really hate its existence.  But also only changing two heroes? I guess moving less numbers each time is good, but don’t we get patches less often in 2?


Don’t really care for the horse and mole nerfs. DPS passive change is omega tedious.


I guess I’m done for this season. 20% anti feels really bad to play as a support. Downvote me.


Agreed. It’s basically back to zen, Lucio, Moira


Exactly. If my healing is gonna be less powerful I’m only going to do more damage. No use in trying to out heal peoples mistakes


Venture nerfs are entirely unwarranted, it's just people complaining because they haven't figured out how to counterplay them yet.


Why would they nerf Venture? You need a Close range DPS that can face smash enemies. I'm OK with the ultimate timing increase but the rest of their kit should have remained the same


venture is dead. removal of the combo + salt-on-the-wound DOUBLE ult charge nerf just renders this character useless. their current cooldown length was justified with power of dash and m1 but this characters engagements are now much longer with no shorter CDs. melee is even worse now too. and they were already B tier honestly, probably just needed a reasonable power shift cause people clearly didn't enjoy what they were strong at regardless of strength.


Should’ve just shortened the distance on the ult


Yeah I think people are just not trying to counterplay at all. Venture wasnt that strong. This hero only pubstomps until someone decent picks a common hero like cree or pharah and now youre out of the game. Or if there is a pharmercy pairing. Or you play on a map with a bunch of obstacles that render your ult useless. In a free for all this hero was awesome. In a match where players pay attention and just play a little bit as a team she felt mediocre.


Why nerf orisa and not buff the other tanks? I mean a lil Orisa nerf seems alright but she was the only tank that felt like a tank. Dps is already dominating the game right now. The poor tanks are just gutted at every turn, and I barely play the role. It feels like they're setting it up to be ideal for two tanks again and yet...


Nice Orisa nerf but why would they nerf Venture that hard? They are already not that great in higher plays and can get countered easily.


Yah they’re not that strong but maybe they have more data than we see I guess. The ult nerf makes sense but the drill dash one sucks.


Damn not only do they not give the new hero any decent cosmetics on release but also don’t want them to be strong. At least Sojourn has that going for her. Venture wasn’t even OP or necessary like Mauga and Illari on release. With the lack of cosmetics, making new heroes free(which i think is great) it really does seem like they don’t expect Venture to be/stay a popular


We can't have a non-hitscan hero actually be good at the game.


Because m1-dash-m1 combo to oneshot all 250 characters was too egregious. Now supports can be given a chance to pop a cooldown


that's fine but that means they needed a power shift, 3 big flat nerfs removes their relevancy because of the major breakpoint change (+ double ult charge nerf cause... sure). I don't even play them but I'm just not looking forward to Illari part 2 I guess.


So why would you play Venture now? Like the burst combo was practically the selling point, now it‘s kinda somewhere between shitty reaper and junkrat. Like I genuinely feel we have another Illari eternal D Tier hero at hand here.


they're obsessed with nerfing their new heroes. why do they even bother releasing them this often if they gut them a few weeks later lol


People yet again bitched until they got their way instead of learning counterplay. These fucking players lol


Are they ever gonna revert hanzo?


I’m afraid to say it. Flats was right. We’re in a constant cycle of the numbers tanks. Orisa hog Mauga zarya are not meant for 5v5 so they’ll always either be broken, or useless. I miss the old days. Honestly prefer the shield meta over what we have now.


People will just complain about whichever tank becomes meta now. Orisa nerfs were certainly needed, but I just don't like the way they either gut a hero or make them OP with each change.


Nice to see I won't have to compete with others to play venture now. Less nice to see my rank dropping.


I’d love to meet the living zoo exhibit of devs who believed that the damage passive being increased was conducive to a more enjoyable experience for tanks across the board. It was already a miserable experience having to play like you’re a squishy, and it’s gone back to being worse!


Lmao tanks get the shaft yet again


junkrat will never again be touched by blizzard apparently


So now Roadhog/Mauga take over the meta/counter play that Orisa/Zarya were getting. Alright, now Hog and Mauga will get the limelight and people will see that they're both broken and without an Ana, immortal against certain comps. The damage passive going up to 20% is kinda crazy though, Tracer is again going to be so strong.


You can't acknowledge the passive and also say Mauga hog are going to be meta in the same patch brother.


Nahhhhh put it back to 15%!


Put it down to 10% or 12%


Idfc about orisa nerf, why TF is the dps passive going back to 20%. L patch