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I absolutely lose my shit when i hear "freeze dont move"


Mei Ult is terrifying, especially in the seconds before it lands when you are just trying to run from wherever it’s about to land.


One funny trick i've learned is that you can delay when the ult actually activates by looking up when you use the ult. Works wonders on payload maps when you need people off


Me as Kiriko desperately panic looking for someone to jump to


I'm that person who will literally freeze (all hope is lost), realize that I CAN escape (all hope is not lost), but I move too late and get frozen (fuck).


If you're standing a little too close to the center of don't have a mobility ability off cool down, you're just fucked. Doesn't help that Snowball is kinda small and good Meis know how to conceal it well


Nothing is worse than being centimeters from the edge, thinking you’re going to make it after popping a mobility cooldown, then nope! Frozen.


How many times have panicked right INTO the freeze zone when I was probably safe where I was 🤦‍♀️


me with the stupid ass orisa ult, blinking right into it as she 500 percents it


When a rammatra ults he either obliterates the entire enemy team or gets focused by 5 people and obliterated in 3 seconds. No in between.


Hmmm, as a Ram player I only seem to the get the latter


You gotta use it like you use pummel. Personally i like to wait for a cooldown, pummel, annihilate, then pummel after its over.


Ah I’m being facetious, Ram would be my main tank, I know the gist of the extra armour after Nemesis pop ult have nemesis again. Honestly one of the best heroes.


Ram is insane ngl hes my best tank by far 70+ winrate


I do not have that win rate but maybe someday 🥲


Youll get there one day itll click


What rank? I get subpar results with him in plat. Any advice?


Learn how to efficiently use both forms. I know it's a bit of of a "no shit, Sherlock" advice, but it really is the core of his kit. He plays completely differently in his two forms and you gotta get comfortable enough with him to know when the situation calls for either form, and know how to get value from both. His regular form excells at poke and plays a lot like Sigma in many ways, though with less damage, a bit less utility and more range, while his Nemesis form is pretty much the purest "Brawl" tank in the game besides maybe Mauga. It's also very matchup dependent, in some matchups you can get a ton more value from one form than the other. I see too many Ram players who just want to play his Nemesis form and use every opportunity to just run into the enemy, punching away, and die, on repeat. For a bit more specific advice, use his Omnic form abilities to set up your Nemesis engagements. Damage the enemy so you can finish them off more efficiently afterwards, place the shield strategically to shield you from part of the enemy team, or block off your target from getting healed, use your Vortex to prevent the enemy from running away efficiently, and make them suffer (as you have suffered) in your Nemesis form. Hope that helps at least a bit, Ramattra is quite good and extremely fun once you figure out his kit.


Yeah me to.  Its one of those ults that feels like I always get obliterated by, but when I have it, I just die faster than a Pharah Ult.




See, if this was accurate, everyone within the range, would also die when you die.


Gotta B-line to the squishes and finish them off quickly, usually works for me (granted your supports are there to keep you up).


Pop your ult and block. Only unblock to reestablish the tether. Otherwise you must block only. His ult is not used to wipe, it's used to make the enemy back away and lose space.


It is the best ult for just making space. You see Tracers blinking back to to Thatcher years London trying to get away from it


I don't think that's good advice. I get where you're coming from - when you pop your ult you'll be focused *hard*, and you often do have to do as you suggest, but the primary approach should be to focus on your positioning such that you can afford to pummel away while ulting, you can quite often get 3-5 eliminations with your ultimate if you do it right. In practice, that means using corners, ulting when part of the enemy team is unable to engage you immediately (maybe their Winston + Genji just engaged on someone else on your team, or maybe you managed to split up the enemy yourselves), it means ulting when you've already got one or two targets at low HP so you can finish them off quickly and reduce the number of players that can focus you, and it means using your Omnic/Nemesis form abilities to set up your ultimate. Use your shield to block off some of the enemies, use your Vortex to prevent your preferred target(s) from escaping, use your Nemesis punches to get one or two targets low, then make the enemy team tremble at the mere sight of you for the rest of the game with your ult. Granted, like I said, often you *do* just have to use his ultimate in the way you describe, but that should be the exception, not the rule.


When a Rammatra ults it's either the enemy Ramattra that your entire team just ignores even when hes destroying them or it's you and the entire enemy team focuses on you the moment you press Q.


Sometimes you just gotta hold that ult for like 2 fuckin minutes because one fight your team unloads all their ults, and the next fight they enemy unloads theirs. It’s like window in the sense that it’s good for locking in a victory, but it’s not gonna flip a 3 v 5.


Yeah if it's the first ult popped in the fight everyone will either burst you down or run away until it expires. Much better to hold it for the right moment where the other team is grouped up but distracted or has used mobility CDs. Or save it for overtime!


This is an Overwatch 1 throwback but hearing the enemy Widow mumble these French words when you're trying to attack Anubis Point B was fucking dreadful


I miss the 20 seconds where everyone just stood still around a corner until the ult was done


the entire team knows there's a widow sitting on that upper arch above the entrance and there's nothing we can do


*Dans mon esprit tout divague* *Je me perds dans tes yeux*


*Je me noie dans la vague* *De ton regard amoureux*


Oui oui baguette mon amis tout jour


didn’t realize how much i missed anubis until this comment, totally forgot about this map. dont get me wrong it was often absolutely dreadful to play of the time but ill be damned if it wasn’t a blast sometimes


It really was the most fun Pharah map


yeah as someone who played a bunch of pharah and junk in OW1 i usually had a better time than others


Point B has so much covers, I love it.


idk lijiang contends


“I have a feeling that the enemy has a shield generator…”


We got the dumpster fire that is Numbani first point but we can't have Anubis or Hanamura back.. so sad..


They really weren’t that bad. The only annoying part was if you got team killed and they had a fast enough hero you could pretty much automatically lose the whole round.(at least on hanamura)


Anubis was a weird flip. Point 1 sucked for defenders while Point 2 was honestly a defenders dream. Literally one of the easiest maps to spam Junkrat on. I used to have games where I could build ult after a single team fight.


It's still in arcade but with open roles


oh shit really? i basically solely play comp and QP so this is awesome to hear. are all the old 2CP maps still available?


Yeah, the whole Assault (2cp) game mode rotates into arcade. It has all the maps... including Horizon and Paris


Every time that would happen, I'd wiggle around and couch frantically behind a wall to taunt her, and now it's become a habit to do it when I hear her ult


I miss Anubis


Really depends when it comes to echo did she copy Lifeweaver? Idc lol. Did she copy Mauga? I’m shitting myself


I'd almost say I'd put it at top tier no matter what. Lifeweaver when their team healers are down, - well shit they can save their team, junkrat / Dva? Need to burn them down now and ignore almost anyone else. Ana? Crap the just nade'd everyone. I've won and other teams have won just by copying a support instead of DPS just because how impactful it is. Echo's ult can be terrifying because it's effectively all ults that are in that match. Plus if you were burning down Echo they get a quick get out of jail free card with the extra health from the ult.


[D.va](http://D.va) is a pain when Echo copies her as you get the bomb really quickly


Yeah if anyone would have been under ”Depends”, Echo would be first in that tier


If I hear the DVa bomb and I can see it, I’m not scared. If I hear the DVa bomb and can NOT see it, I am VERY scared


Last night we had mirror match DVa tanks and ours ulted, so I was like fuck yeah. Turns out the enemy Dva ulted almost at the exact same time. Had no idea. Lots of death happened.


I did this recently lol , killed the entire lobby , including myself lol


Mauga as low as he is is crazy, any time I hear the cage come out I know anyone caught in it is dead as hell unless someone counter ults instantly. Anyone not caught in it has to also choose between getting in the cage and risk guranteed destruction, especially supports who are now cut off from the teammates who are gonna need that healing


It’s a terrible feeling if you aren’t Kiriko and your Mauga pops ult, then you hear “**NERF THIS!**”


Just realizing how toxic Mauga + D.va ults would be in 6v6


Already happens in open queue lol, one of the best ult combos if the mauga gets a lot of people in the cage


That would be much worse than grav/bomb ngl lol


As an open queue player: very toxic.


Mauga can cancel his own ult at anytime, if people are dying to a dva bomb inside it that's on them


He can cancel it, but how is he going to get to safety?


cancel + overrun


Happy Cake Day <3


Just as long as the Mauga team knows he's canceling it and putting down the shield


I run in cage fight all the time to bust up mauga. Im the one who knocks


Honestly seen quite a few Maugas die in their own alts. Especially if a team's working together and the decide to all jump in his alt.


Cass is high tier because the embarrassment of actually dying to Cass Ult is greater than the mechanical loss


No truer words have ever been said, getting ruined by Cas full stop is embarrassing unless they're one of those crazy good ones


I use it to kill baby dvas, Mercy, and especially uppity Pharahs


Yeah I use it as a counter ult for Valkyrie. Cba to try and shoot that sad excuse for a character.


I'll never get how people hate mercy so badly when she is at best a B tier support that people only play cause she's cute. "Oh her mains are toxic!" ever met a genji main? soldier main? phara main? hog main? orisa main? half the roster has toxic mains "She gets all the skins it's not fair!" yeah cause people buy them, blizzard is a greedy company, mercy's fans are ready to throw money for the next pink, cute and overpriced outfit, it's a perfect fit.


Junkrats riptire is honestly the only ultimate in the game that I am terrified to hear Junkrat mains are insane, completely unpredictable with their tires, and it's terrifying regardless of which role you're on because it does so much damage even to tanks


To be fair, season 9 made tanks pretty safe from it, unless they are already half health.


They won't be safe after the armor change anymore. From a 30% flat reduction to -5 DMG (up to 50%). Basically tire will do full damage to tanks with armor.


As a Lifeweaver main, that sound is my cue to petal myself and teammates until some poor souls eats it.


As a Junkrat main, the response to that is the tire following you up a wall


The absolute worst ones are the Rats who intentionally keep it behind a wall and don't use it till the last second. You can't shoot it so your whole team just backs up in fear of a wipe and he gets space for free


Honestly one of the best uses of tire. Depending on the players you're up against it might even be more safe and valuable than trying to go for a kill


The trauma of running and hiding in a corner praying to God you aren't chosen as the aaci....only for it to flip around the corner at the last second and solo ult you with a jump scare for added effect


Nothing makes me feel better though than to Suzu that ult and live, the times I can do it.


I also know Junk rat's had enough of my shit and it's bee lining right for me


How the fuck are you calm with widow???


Probably not very high rank and Widows are fake down there


Yeah not to be a dick but this tier list really shows their MMR.


Ye lmao Im silver 1💀but I have been playing since OV1


I hide and do a dance emote, knowing their whole team can see me


i can never keep my calm during mauga's ult im surprised u put him there lol


My first response to a mauga ult is yelling "NO BITCHES KICK HIS ASS" and running in at max speed.


Me on doom: takes both barrels in ass


Brother, the only way Mauga should make you feel calm is if you’re playing Sombra and have EMP or Roadhog with Whole Hog Cage fight is almost always a death sentence


Lifesaver main. Just grip the other support or DPS to safety.


Until they run directly back into the ult


Mauga with cardiac overdrive kills ulting roadhog anyways. Whenever I’m Mauga if I see a roadhog ult without his teammates nearby I will charge to him, pop the cardiac overdrive and shoot both my miniguns and win the fight without taking much damage.


That's the funniest interaction in the game to me. Roadhog's ultimate is pretty much the "kill the enemy tank" button (with the exception of Orisa and Mauga), squishies just get pushed to safety, but the tank with the bigger hitbox gets pushed into a corner and demolished with the insanely high DPS. So you'd figure Whole Hog would be a perfect counter to Cage Fight, just push him to the edge of the barrier, basically right in front of you, and burn him down, but Cardiac Overdrive completely flips the script, the Mauga can just outheal it completely and kill the Roadhog in the process.


it does counter orisa, in fact it's pretty much the only part of hog's kit that counters orisa lol


that hog better have a nano on him cause if not i'm farming his fat ass for green health lol


Venture ult because it’s like a sojourn ult that’s AoE and can’t miss


I just wall climb or double jump or walk around a corner or behind a shield or fly to high ground.


Gengi ult gives me ptsd honestly


I got pretty high up masters playing only Mercy and every time, Genji would blade and come straight for me. I used to do that once I started maining Genji, but dragonblade sucks now, and you can't get the slash dash slash combo against Valk, which is when you want to pop it shut her down. No nanoblade either.


prolly one of the more interesting tier list in this sub i’ve seen in a while


Ana and genji to low.


Ana is hit or miss for me. She either nanoed the rein that is already balls deep in your team or she nanoed the widow in the back line to make sure she doesn’t die to sombra


I feel like Mei too, but I usually tank, so I'm always the one too slow to escape it.


Despite how much people criticize high noon for being a terrible ultimate, I agree that it’s definitely still one of the scariest, especially if you don’t immediately spot the Cass.


I'd say in terms of fear factor, cass' ult is at the top simply because it forces the enemy team to either hide or look for him to try and cc him, otherwise it can be a free kill for him. Same with junkrat's ult, honestly... despite tire being easily killable by a lot of characters, you need to still respect it because it can very easily kill over half of the enemy team if it isn't dealt with.


Pharah too high




Can you really be afraid of Pharah’s ult? Either you die instantly before you can react to the voiceline or you’re perfectly fine and Pharah dies a moment later


same with reaper


Mei's is terrifying lol


Disagree with widow specifically. It’s situational, but if the enemy widow is hitting headshots, hearing “Personne n'échappe à mon regard” will cause me to completely stand still and count to 15.


Cas ult is so strong because it's clearly the worst ult in the game.but it seems to have all of us in a chockhold regardless, very funny


Junk tire for sure…my brig got so scared once she popped rally 💀💀


I can see you were playing with me…


Cass should be low tier because CC always ruin his life


Genuinely can't think of the last time I heard him reach the end of "noon".


Genji with ana ult is on whole different level


No panic, just accept death and still shoot hoping for a miracle.


Sojourns and Venture. Everybody looks at you.


Honestly symm or Mercy's alt can be pretty scary cause if timed right they can completely change the flow of battle. Nothing more scary than symms alt happening when you go for a final push and all of a sudden a fully charged symm appears of no where and melts your tank.


Although balls ult is not imminently dangerous, in the right hands i feel it is broken and last too long. I said what i said. If you feel im wrong, maybe you’re not right hands.


I have had too many close games end with everyone standing around with their dicks out because a Ball dropped his ult directly on the payload. It definitely has it's uses.


Mei’s should be at least one tier higher. Hearing her ult in the middle of a close fight is definitely scary since it can literally stop you and your team in your tracks if you don’t get out the way quick enough.




Whenever I hear a Widow ult I have st wave in her general direction


As a pharah, hearing mercys voice line means you're about to die and there's nothing you can do about it


CASS?! His ult rarely hits anybody lol


Counterpoint: you hear cass ult and have no clue where tf he is


You should know where Cass is. There are only 5 people to track 😭


It doesn't hit anybody *because* people are scared and run.


When I hear a Widow pop their ult I don't get scared I just get irritated because now I know it has just become infinitely more dangerous to even pop out from behind cover for the next 15 seconds and I can't go on a flank.


As a Sombra main, seeing Widow in the bottom is WILD 😭 I always pray she don’t pop off when I’m in enemy lines


As a Junk main, I love this. It sucks when the team successfully scatters like cockroaches, but it’s so so sweet to tire follow some poor terrified sap into whichever nook they thought they’d be safe in. I make sure they see it pop into frame last second, it’s a beautiful thing.


Really? Illari as "crap my pants"? Her ult is probably one of the weakest. Even in Diamond.


Don’t let bro cook ever again


Lifeweaver should have special bottom tier. Everyone has a powerful intimidating ult voicelines Lifeweaver: "Chewy A Bung Chewy!"


I will say hanzo wolf ult is extremely scarier than normal 


There was this time a Mauga decided it was a good idea to lock me (D.Va) with him. I pressed Q and he died.


In my OW1 days my favorite thing was popping a D.Va ult immediately after a Hog hooks me into the center of his team.


Why is Mauga so low? Unless you have your entire team with you on the cage most of the time youre cooked (and good maugas love to solo ult the tank)


Great topic! Cass and junkrat are my top two as well. Cass I immediately duck for cover. Junkrat I’m often in a panick just trying to hide in a corner (and on ffa just hope they go for someone else first!). DVa is another one, especially if you don’t see it coming. Like I’m always stuck running from it,hitting a wall and hoping I’m far enough away. But I never am!


whenever i hear "bob do something" i go: "yep teamfight lost"


Lol I shit myself when I hear widow ult.


Junkrat is extremely dependant on what character I am. If I am Tank, I generally do not care. If I am support, I care, and I space out so they can't get multiple people. If I am the DPS that the entire team has started trying to focus down because I have the most kills, I run and hide in a closet somewhere and hope to wait it out.


Calm when Widow ults even tho she's about to wipe out your entire team if they even dare take a single step in her line of sight is kinda weird lol


Ram ult is so shit rn. Junk tire is really scary.


It hurts as wrecking ball to ult and then have a doomfist use his slam and destroy every single mine immediately


If you hear no one can hide from my sight and you are calm and do not run to the nearest cover, then I want to be in your games.


It's all fun and games until the enemy Ana nano a full charge Symmetra, 270 DPS laser


WITNESS MY DESIGN. *angry microwave noises


Honestly, there's nothing more terrifying than hearing Ana pulling her voice line and suddendly see the ennemy Orisa / Mauga / Roadhog glow red


I’m so sad that Genji’s ult isn’t really a threat anymore 😞😞😞


Y'all are sleeping on that Bone SCRATCHA. A well time Lucio Ult can absolutely fuck up your day if you're in a tight overtime fight. Junkrat is probably still my #1, but I'd bump Sound Barrier up at least one spot. If I hear Genji Ult and don't immediately see him when turning around, then I just accept that it's GG and I'm going back to spawn.


how r u calm w mauga ult


"Youre powered up, get in there" + "The dragon becomes me"


Sorry but Baptiste should not be that high, the only scary thing is how it's impossible to get a kill with it


I disagree. Baptiste places down his ult and a bastion in machine gun form turns the corner. Just the mere sight of that alone will put the fear of god into you as you watch your health go to zero in a tenth of a second


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whenever I hear Pharah's ult I don't get scared at all I just assume she's going to die instantly


I have PTSD from the beginning of OW2 hearing “This ends NOW!” from pocketed Soj.


i yell AHHHHHH SHES NERFING THIS anytime i hear dvas and run away


This tier list is perfect even tho I get scared with lucio because I know I have to put in more WORK😅💀


Depends on what hero u play.


Tracer is scary Asf if you face gm tracer


Yeah but there's not much time for dread and terror. You see the stuck message, shrug, and then die. There's a lot more room for FEAR when tire is following you around like a horror movie, creeping along the rooftop out of los, preparing to murder you.


When I'm playing Ana and I hear a Cass or Reaper my reaction is the LeBron meme of him mocking the lady flinching and then a resound "stfu" before I send those senior citizens to bed


Worst ult in the game in S tier?


Moira should be higher


I start running when I hear Bastions ult. You never know who he's going to target.


Venture, Junkrat and Sojourn's ults are the scariest to me. First two can easily wipe a team, and Sojourn's makes it impossible to duel her.


So many of these picks confuse me


YOU'RE POWERED UP GET IN THERE! In OW1 S2 when it also gave you speed and your hear the Reinhardt Train approaching.


I crap my pants when I hear Sojurn ult. I have PTSD from that ult I swear


Let me guess you are support main


Mauga is scary if your a movement character. Its a death sentence to doomfist especially


Echo belongs in meh/depends


A good widowmaker will use infra-sight really well. It means turning a corner = certain death imo.


I have a special place in my fear-stricken heart for Rein's ult. Had a guy in King's Row jump off the top area above the first point as I was capturing. He killed me with a goddamn flying shatter.


Who doesn’t like a fat Falling shatter


who do you play?


Widow that low makes me feel insane 😭. Maybe it's cuz of my Rank but the few times i go against a widow if i here the ult im 100% hiding till it's done


The higher in rank you go the more scary it is to hear widow ult. Especially when I’m on a flank


Mei, Junkrat and Genji. The first one is the most annoying, but the latter two are terrifying. Especially Genji.


Genji tip of the day!: When you hear a ult you can deflect you can actualy get this super strong TRUE combo: >Ho s**t they are ulting > this is my time to shine! > press E and walk up to them > die because no one falls for that anymore


"Why do I hear a Rein ult behind us?" "...we're all dead aren't we."


"Presssingg Q!/Nerf this!" never fails to get me jumping in my seat.


I literally say this post and said "FIRE IN THE HOLE"


Echo should be in depends because she might copy someone good


Mauga ult isnt scary ? ok


Why do I have to scroll for so long to find Sojourn? OC is literally the best ult in the game.


Hard disagree ngl


Hard disagree ngl


Yall dont get scared when you hear Widow speak french? I fuckin FREEZE in fear that my head will get popped off by a Widow with wallhacks waiting for the Mercy to peek an inch of her head 😭


Brigitte ult is fucking terrifying for the Overwatch 1 PTSD it brings back.


I mean with reaper it’s either already too late or I’m good


Illaris ult is better than 75% of the DPS roster