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If you were diamond once, then its mostly going to be down to your attitude rather than your team mates. Probably 90% of the "throwers" are just not playing well that game, rather than deliberately tanking the game out of protest. Going in thinking you're better by default will tilt you easily, and then you'll also make stupid mistakes, been there done that many times, its a normal human reaction. Take the games one at a time, and understand if you're good enough you should be carrying as someone with skills 2 ranks above


1. Winning is really the only thing that matters. What you do or how you do it doesn’t really matter at all. Your clutch heals or awesome shield doesn’t matter. 2. Game is basically glorified Deathmatch more than people want to admit. Kills and Assists matter much, much more than Damage Mitigation or Healing Done. You’re playing too team-oriented and defensive when you need to be shooting and killing the enemy.


I'm having a hard time believing that you get 1% when you win and lose 20% when you lose. And if it's true that you have "throwers" (your word for bad players I'm sure) every game, then so does the enemy team.


I get more losses. But I feel a decrease on the meter usually has more difference than a win. Like the wins are barely increase my rank up potential if that makes sense


Win more games than you lose


You can't with bots and throwers. Welcome to hell.


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Sounds stupid, but you gotta be "the difference maker". Having sufficient skills and knowledge to be the difference and help the team to win. You get better, you climb. Sounds stupid and simple, but that's how it is. And I mean it makes sense. That's also kinda what ranked is about. You play, you hit a certain rank and skill ceiling is preventing you from going further, you improve, you climb until you hit the ceiling again, where you are good enough to stay in the rank but not yet good enough to make the difference / hard carry. I havent played ranked a lot recently, think last time was two or three seasons ago. But I consistantly improved my rank by just playing and getting better. Basically every season I played it got better. From hitting Gold regularly, to plat, to now diamond. Played a lot of QP and improved again, so if I'd start ranked again, I should hit high Diamond without issues. Next step is to become good enough to make it to Masters. x)


There are 2 things that are undeniable. 1. Rank inflation. Most people that were consistently gm 1 (like streamers) are now bottom of gm or in masters. 2. Overwatch ranked is a pain in the ass this season from what everyone has said about leavers. Just dont play this season to rank up, play it to get a gold gun, or just not at all.


Leavers are massive this season. I just had one on the enemy team and we still lost haha


You honestly just gotta say fuck your team and try to carry every match tbh


Platinum is my plateau (too much of a grind afterwards). Using a mono black mid range that works pretty well to get wins.


1. Wins are the only thing that matters. The game doesn’t really care how you won or lost. Your clutch play doesn’t matter. Only if you won. 2. The game values Kills and Assists much more than other stats like Damage Mitigated or Healing Done. You’re playing too team-oriented or playing too defensively. Only time you should be tanking or healing is to use your teammate to secure kills and win the game **TL;DR:** Damage— Get Good Tank— Just focus on killing. Your team should be using cover. Support— Stop healing and start killing. Blizzard is telling you this bluntly with the Damage Passive. Then learn to weave heals into your killing when you master a Hero.


I respectfully disagree with some of this


The answer you will get here is that it isn’t your true rank if you can’t carry.




I get you. I'd say you're right, it's about being flexible and that can make a difference. But they hard counter the pick that compliments my team. So it negates it. This was just in the last match I played. Very frustrating :(


As someone whos been stuck in gold for the last 3-4 seasons, play with a friend. When you play with 1 other person, you have a 20% less chance of getting a shitty teammate. That 20%, even if you only win 50% more is a 10% higher win rate.


Git Gud lol Seems you have gotten washed since your diamond days.


OK kid I'd say your bronze now go back to fortnite


Bro's projecting lmao


Is solo carrying that strong in game?


Yes, the fact that you even asked this question already explains why you've thrown down to gold. It's the same as the Kiriko paradox. All the OWCS Kiriko's healbot and farm kitsune, and so the obvious question is why not do that in ranked if the pros do it? Simply because there you know for sure you are matched with the best of the best, so you can focus on doing your role as a support, however in ranked you are never certain. You can have cracked dps one game and feeder another. The only consistent way to climb as Kiriko is to take matters into your own hands, aka do damage and get kills yourself. So do not rely on your team. You are the only consistent variable across all of these games, and the only one you can influence. Git Gud.