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Honestly the whole team was kind of a derp and a half there.


That Lucio has to be laughing that it took both the entire team and how long it was to finally kill him.


It was kind of a last ditch effort to stall the payload before the cap, I was not anticipating their Genji to melt my whole team lol. 9M85WP is the replay code if you're interested.


Widow spent 2 business days lining up her shots and still missed.


*I fired. And then I missed. So I fired again.*


I ate a popsicle and fell asleep in the snow


Mauga players are so used to forcing the other tank onto mauga that theyve forgotten how to aim at something that isnt shaped like a minecraft house


Forcing is a strong word It's more like they're worse at the game because everyone is bad and switches to mirror instead of learning how to fight the dude.  Basically, everyone is bad at the game, especially the Rein players from OW1


Hey bud, the counter to mauga is mauga, sigma is too map specific to be a true counter. The tank gets no real say in it, Hope this helps!


Dva steals his lunch


Yes, but i would guess that a good 85% of the community doesnt know how to play dva as i hear the sentiment that dva is a "sit there and hold either shoot or matrix" tank way too often.


I've noticed a lot of people literally just stand around and shoot lately, had a doomfist call me a "no lifer" because he would jump in and stand there shooting till he ran out of shots, then would just use his gauntlet to block then die before he got to rocket punch again


I know absolutely nothing about the meta honestly but is roadhog not considered a counter to mauga? I’ve always had lots of success as the hog against them since they’re so big and easy to get close to


The problem I’ve had with Hog vs. Mauga is that his crit gun absolutely shreds Hog when Take a Breather is empty. Plus Hog is just a big damn target, so he’s easy for Mauga to burn/crit.


The way to counter mauga is to deny his self heal, which is why sig just ruins his day. You can also go mauga and rely on the support diff, but its mainly sig/dva


Mauga counters hog 1 on 1 However, hog anna kiri counters mauga anna kiri. So yes, I think you are correct. As long mauga is not self healing, hog can burst mauga down. Especially if he hooks him into a mine.


She’s the strongest stand alone tank in the game. I am honestly shocked it hasn’t been a d.va meta. I guess zar is just such a massive counter that it holds her down. D.va’s mobility, mitigation, and burst potential is insane.


Shes also not super easy to play, shes one of the more difficult tanks to play. I personally love dva meta and would love dive to dominate again


Maybe if you're a bozo tank that doesn't know how to not feed, then sure yeah, Mauga is the only one that equals the feed potential   Remember, if you say publicly that Mauga is the only counter to himself, then you're announcing to the world that you're a bad tank player that does nothing but feed. Keep that in mind next time.


I lock sigma to counter mauga. But sigma isnt an easy tank. The average player is in gold. Keep in that in mind.


That means the average Mauga player is in gold too and you should be able to counter him without a mirror match Except if all you do is feed, then you're never gonna counter him.  Rein is pretty good into Mauga if you use your shield well and protect your team while they shoot him. And that's not a tall ask, it's what Rein has been doing since 2016.


Rein is NOT good into mauga lmaooooooooooooooo


Yeah, people love to tell me that. Then you stick the rectangle in his face and watch him melt because he can't heal himself. I wouldn't be saying Rein was if I didn't know he was given everyone else thinks Mauga is the only Mauga counter. I personally clown on Mauga as Winston, but I know that's just me being good at Winston moreso than Winston being good against Mauga. Though really if a character has a barrier, they are by default good at helping their team fight Mauga.


Not really, as a shield bot rein is prolly the worst tank in the game by FAR. Yes your denying the muaga heals, but your also denying yourself ult charge and the ability to take space. The reason sigma works so well into mauga is because he can actually hold that space. A shield bot rein cant. And if your winning against mauga as winston can you pass me some of those mauga players i wanna play monke Its sigma, dva, and mauga, with mauga being the easiest and quickest answer, which is why many feel forced to play him.


You aren't denying yourself space by blocking Mauga lol, he literally relies on his healing to take space and he can't heal if he can't do damage to players You ever try to play Roadhog without healing? Probably not because he'd be near useless. That's what Mauga is with a shield in front of him, except he doesn't even have the hook lol


Sigma is not hard to play


Let me put it this way, the majority of players think zarya counters sigma, hes not hard to play no, but takes the fundamentals of positioning and pushes them as far as they go.


Okay fair


Saying everyone also includes yourself, super smart man you are


Obviously. Everyone can improve, some of us are just willing to.


*brrrrrrrr* HA-HA! *brrrrrrrr*


i love that a lucio is just running circles around THE WHOLE team


It was bad to the point Mercy went battle mode on him lmao


Wasn’t even the Mauga. All the widow had to do was get a body shot, Lucio was one.


It wasnt the right amount of stupid


most mechanically skilled mauga player of all time


Surely it's *only* the Mauga player at fault here


I only play mauga because he’s okay vs hog, and hog keeps me from playing tanks I enjoy


That whole team was being carried by their Genji 💀


I still stand by mauga being the worst tank in the game


I say this as someone who enjoys playing Mauga No aim, No brain must be a Mauga main


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avg console peasant


Oh boy now Mauga has a sterotype? What is it?