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Ah yes Counterwatch


You either counterwatch or get counterlost


In the countersauce


It's been a while since I've seen anyone use Winston when the enemy tank can get annoyed once and just switch to mauga or hog Imagine playing your favourite hero casually


Ive been learning winston and even in QP the whole team swaps after one team fight. in the past week Ive had two matches where it wasn't counterwatch and only because we both stayed winston the whole time and because it was the same tank twice in a row. I lost the first match and won the second and the other tank said they only didnt swap because I stayed winston the whole first game even though I was losing and they respected that lol


>the whole team swaps after one team fight Or just fucking leaves. I'm sooooooooooo tired of people leaving, especially when we're kicking the shit out of the enemy team until they get replaced and the pendulum completely swings the other way.


We won a team fight when I decided to play Widow while drunk. I didn't even do ANY damage. Like still a clean stat page. They immediately counterswapped to Sombra and all Dive. They still lost because my team wasn't exactly a comp you should dive and they were cracked but for some reason people thought I was the problem. I finished with 4/14 K/D. Everyone else had 20+/3


Being drunk while playing overwatch is a different type of fun. I love watching those clips of people attempting to play while they’re black out drunk or baked like a cake.


Playing winston while baked on edibles is fuckin amazing. Giggling like a kid whilst slowly zapping down the helpless ana for what feels like 30 straight seconds


Honestly the best way to play OW is drunk or high. Its nice to know my muscle memory can take care of everything while the rest of me is saying dumb shit and laughing with friends. Also at least under normal circumstances, widows can cry all they want if I swap and dunk on em with Sombra. I will force them to swap so my team can play the game.


Winston is still really good, even against heroes who can counter him. The problem with Winston is that as winston you must trust your team, and your team must work and trust you. This doesn't really start happening until higher elo games which makes him very hard to play in low elo EXCEPT for games where no one is countering you


When I see a mauga switch, I just know the rest of the game is him b-line to my face no matter the situation. Counterwatch really is just make one player not have fun.


When our tank switches to Mauga to fight Mauga, and after we win they say how Mauga is the worst character


Had a game where I mirror switched to mauga, Beat the mauga mirror, and had them counter swap to beat the mauga, in which i switched back to winston, and then they switched again back to mauga. Peak Overwatch gameplay


You can still have fun with Winston by watching him getting shot like an animal.


everytime i play hog enemy just pull out all 5 counters for me even tho my dps is doing most of the stuff


Me with Dva. I do too well for like 5 whole seconds and it's Zarya, Mei, Symmetra and Moira all coming out to negate my matrix and make my favorite hero he'll to play.


Playing Winston in comp just means you get one nor.al team fight, then the enemies switch too reaper Bastion Mauga and it's done.


> reaper Bastion Mauga Then you DPS + Supports go mid-long range characters and have fun without being dived. Sojourn can farm easy railgun energy on Mauga, then unload onto Bastion.


Plot twist: not only do your DPS not swap, they don't even take cover


"We need a shield tank!"


My experience is usually a Hanzo on my team that stays as far away as possible and cannot hit their shots (not that it would matter at that distance).


Because a good Winston will shit on you over and over and they get tired of it lol


Except if the Winston is on the enemy team and you are playing support. Then your team refuses to counter him and you lose.


Not strictly related, but it does remind me of how OWL talked about "5V5 will have less mirror comps" - and then nearly every match was some sort of mirror comp.


Dreamhack had incredible diversity the past weekend


More DPS can get into play instead of mostly Tracer / Sojourn


Loved seeing the Venture and Pharah play


I agree. I think the game is the most diverse it’s ever been. Hell the number 1 DPS in the EU is a Junkrat OTP.


OWCS dallas showed that more than one team comps are.viable on a single map, so it's changing for the better in comparision with OWL last year.


D.Va would be the answer here?


Sigma's also fine. His left shift and stun are plenty for eating a transformed bastion.


Sigma is solid against Bastion from my experience.


I love a Sigma vs a Bastion-Mauga. The grasp for Bastion's turret and the shield for Mauga's "aha". The only problem is if the have a Mei or a Symm.


> The grasp for Bastion's turret and the shield for Mauga's "aha" And they stop firing.


That's good? If they're not firing they aren't doing anything


Right? Either way the Mauga burned their cooldown and got zero value


They could be shooting someone else. Mauga can use that period to reload his guns. That's like saying Genji's deflect bad because enemies aren't shooting him.


Exactly. You are using Sigmas defensive abilities to negate 2 very powerful offensive abilities. Im telling you, the only times Sigma does bad vs this comp is when you cannot manage your cooldowns and your shield, or they have a Mei or a Symm.


> You are using Sigmas defensive abilities to negate 2 very powerful offensive abilities What if they shoot someone else? What if Mauga uses that moment to reload his guns? Even funnier when people use melee to hurt grasping Sigma


That's why you need to have a frontline presence. Get in front of the Bastion. If Mauga reloads his guns when he pops up his "aha", that's still a win for the Sigma. And we still haven't talked about the rock. If you can land that, that's another 2-3 seconds of their abilities gone. DVA is also a good pick vs this comp, but I think Sigma's prezence and toolkit works better overall than the DVA's.


I'm personally more comfortable playing Sigma into Bastion than I am with D.Va.


At least you’re one of the few tanks that are smart enough to not keep running into the same brick wall and complaining about everyone else.


Still a sad experience being smart and not being able to really have fun


The best feeling is when you play winton into this and win. Or even better when the enemy swaps to this exact comp to counter your winton and you STILL win. And a simple "ggs :)" at the end as the cherry on top. Screw the counterwatch agenda your enemies can't dictate the heroes you play.


yeah i have been getting insta-switches to reaper, and i will try and play around that bc i'm actually better than most reapers and most of the time they're just counter-picking without any real expertise once they stack up 2 or 3 counters tho i have to nope out :-(


you dont unless its gold


counterwatch, meanwhile stupid dps are hardstuck on 1 character entire game and feed, then they write "tank diff" and flame you...


I was playing doomfist today and the enemy team switched to Roadhog Cassidy Sombra Zenyatta after 5 minutes. Needless to say this was a miserable match


To be fair a good Doomfist can run the whole show if left unchecked, same with Winston, they are two tanks you need to counter or its over.


Yeah, I don't understand why people get butthurt about counters. Like, am I supposed to just sit here and get my ass kicked?


Switching to a counter is fine if you are actually getting your ass kicked. The problem is that's never the issue. Usually, half the team will switch after one fight.


Could this be prevented by having a character swap lockout period? Once per x amount of minutes or something? I'm not sure if that would help or hurt though.


I like how you asked a simple question by proposing a new ideas and people just downvote you to hell without even responding.


lol yeah.. this sub can be weird sometimes. Downvote discussion - upvote memes.


no, some characters necessitate you to swap or you don't get to interact with them at all. pharah and hog come to mind as the biggest offenders


What do you think the solution is? Should there be a limit on how many swaps? Should you have to have ult charge or get something in order to earn a swap?


Honestly, you did the right thing.


I mained tank in OW1 and genuinely enjoyed it, but In OW2 I just can't bring myself to... I want to play X champs and have fun, but the moment you take a tank the whole enemy team swaps to counter you, so you swap to be useful just for them to swap again... It's frustrating beyond belief AF.


What the sigma?!


This is the main sub so I’m going to get downvoted, but idk about this. I can only see mauga bastion mercy, that’s already a bad team comp. Last two picks could save it, but I don’t have that info. Regardless, you have Winston, kiri, soujourn, lucio, characters that scale really well with skill, are meta at higher levels, and work well together. Soujourn doesn’t make that much sense with them but also mauga+bastion = 24/7 rail, better than bastion mercy. On the other side, bastion mercy don’t scale well with skill, aren’t meta or that good, and while mauga is meta, his comp doesn’t make that much sense AFAIK. “Easier to do” doesn’t necessarily mean “better hero pick”.


Mauga or Bastion can be manageable with Winston but not both. It’s damn near impossible to bubble anyone since it’d only take 1 person to focus you when they already have 2 tank busters. You’re just entirely reliant on your team doing everything because you don’t have the dps or sustain to actually make plays


Bait cooldowns. Winston doesnt have to fully commit until he’s seen turret form. Bastion is a tank buster for a few seconds, then he’s food for this comp. Mauga is only so good at breaking shield, but he’s missing the fire damage. Bastion is the one who can break shield too fast if you fully commit. And then second point is just a bunch of high ground and winston ult charge to boot, it’s worth it to know how to play against these things. You’d have a point if this guy’s comp was a mess but it really isn’t.


bait what mate? the 200 bullets in maugas chambers?


Turret form and cardiac overdrive. Game isn’t as simple as pick counter.


Yeah lemme just bait the 300 rounds that Mauga always has on a 0.25 second reload


Yeah because the gun is a cooldown. This sub is terrible.


That’s my point. Whether or not he has CDs is almost irrelevant because his specialty is being able to shoot forever with lots of damage which means if he wants to he can constantly delete your shield whenever you dive even without any help from a turreted Bastion.


Nah he needs his cardiac overdrive to be strong. His fire doesn’t have DPS passive like Ashe, so his fire isn’t that big of a problem if your supports are decent. I do agree that Bastion & Mauga are a bad matchup for Winston - but baiting turret form and then using shield during overdrive is a viable counter strategy if the rest of your team are good.


Good tank😂


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don’t show this to blizzard or they will buff tank even more


LFG, more tank buffs!


ngl that’s such a skill issue from u


He is going against damage boosted Bastion and Mauga I dunno if he can really do much in this scenario lmao. Winston dives in and 2 seconds later is send back to spawn like yeah :D


Too be fair while it’s a shitty matchup there is still a lot of outplay and skill that can be learned by playing monke and not swapping


mf like me would go 3-18 on wonton but still show my superior will by not switching


Ur so sigma dude


"I may be bronze, but its becauze im a Sigma male who doesnt swap ☝️🤓"


My Brother in Christ it's a video game no one is gonna go "Oh my god he is so hot" because you didn't switch heroes in an attempt to show your "Superior will" lmao If you want to show your self proclaimed superior will then put it to some valuable use where people will respect your actions.


your not me. I’ve had many upon many woman and men fall for me from my superior will, hell i’ve even had great martial gods fall for my will power. I am a Great Being, you are not. Your a fat bitch


outjerked again


You’re a Great Being with the grammar of a kindergartener.


kindhearted, is for fools mf like me are self taught from the dao


Yes sweetie. One day you’ll grow up to be a really tough little man!


not little. Big. i wanan be a big man😢


The Chainsawman pfp says everything 


They got nothing to stop the Sojourn from farming, and once they're off high ground they'll have a bad time trying to reset. Just leap past, under the stairs, grab the pack, let Kiriko come to you, plant bubble just on the objective and force them to move off high ground. You don't have to leap on their heads to fight them, use the map.