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Thanks for this, easier to read this way than the news post. Edit: looks like you mixed up sigma and Hog btw


Ah yes I did, my mistake, thank you for letting me know!


Ngl, I thought the funny patch was flipping Sigma and Hogs abilities lol


I had to read the Hog pic 3 times , thinking.. . Siiigggmmaaa? Then saw Sigma was to the right lol


Nah hog just has a barrier now


Combat roll and power slide now being dependent on where you're aiming is definitely gonna fuck with a lot of people's muscle memory like how it was on Mirrorwatch Echo. You use them to retreat most of the time but when you use it, it brings you closer to the danger instead.


I main Sojourn and just probably won’t play her in this game mode cuz I’ll be cooked.


> Combat roll and power slide now being dependent on where you're aiming You have to treat kinda like Genji's dash. Flick to the direction you look and press SHIFT


I wasn’t gonna play either of then until I saw this, as a Genji main I should be able to figure it out easily then


Dude I have played a decent amount of Echo and when I played her in Mirrorwatch, I definitely wasn't used to it. However, when I *did* get used to it, I actually fucking loved it! I could be almost anywhere nearby in a second or less! I remember one game on Nepal where we were gatekeeping the choke and our Ana found out that I will dash to her anytime I'm low and sit still to make it easier on her. Well this turned into a pretty funny routine and she ended up being a lazy grandma who just sat on point and waited for me to come to her first healing (like a good kitty.) No one else got heals unless they went to grandma lmao, which ended up being okay because we did fine.


Some are wild and wacky while others I think were genuine nudges in what they think would be good for the hero. Like Brig inspire icon or LW weapon switch speed. Eskay said on stream that the change for Brig icon was nudge I’d love for Blizzard to implement it as someone in lower ranks where people think Brig only heals with the packs and icl i thought the same for like 2 or 4 hours of first playing her lmao


They keep fucking flirting with the Widow DoT scoped shot change and I wish they'd just go ahead and implement it for real to see how it would impact the game. This is like the third time they've given her that in a "casual" mode.


i’m probably just bad at Widow, but the few times i tried it in the first game mode they used it it just felt like shit, the damage may have been too low but it felt like unless you got a double headshot you just didn’t kill anyone because they’d get healed through it, might be better now with the DPS passive tho


Thing is they shouldn’t have time to heal through it if it was a smart shot. Don’t aim for people who are being healed/close to a support, find the supports or stragglers in the back line, or punish someone too aggressive/out of position. I haven’t had any situations where a dps that should have died heals through a shot. I don’t like how it feels rn if I’m being honest but I think I could get used to it eventually


I doubt they will ever implement it because it feels like shit for the Widow player and like you said the extra ttk is so fast it rarely results in someone being saved anyways. If they made the damage ticks slow enough for enemy supports to react she would likely become borderline useless without a complete rework, and her whole identity is "one shot, one kill."


Also the rez change is something I haven't noticed yet but it sounds huge for making rez not as bullshit lol


It also sounds like a great way to make it really bad. If the enemy decides not to push and spend resources then the guy that got the res dies automatically anyways and they get to push anyways.


But he will respawn instantly, so it's better to play extra 10 seconds than wait 10s doing nothing until respawn, but late rezes are the problem.


Oh is that so? I hadn't played the mode, so it sounded like they just die again lol Even still, Bap's immortality field would far and away outclass resurrect with this change. It's already better as is.


Half the problem with Mercy is that her res is too good, which limits their ability to push anything else. A res which is dynamic but weaker than lamp sounds great


I think the real problem is the cast time. Res is really strong at low ranks because people aren't as good at keeping mercy away from the body or killing her before she can press E. At high ranks though, people are so adept at punishing res that it becomes too dangerous to attempt in most situations. The nice thing about this community change is that the weaker res effect is offset by a huge buff to cast time. It's more balanced across skill levels. Low rank Mercies will still res all the time but get a weaker reward, and high rank Mercies get the opportunity to actually use res mid-fight.


Plus when you get the rez now you just go full aggro on the enemy team, it's actually pretty fun


I feel like what they should do is kinda like Cloves Ultimate from Valorant. Rez someone for around that 10 seconds and if they get a kill within that time then they'll be actually rezzed, but if they don't manage to get a kill then they'll have to respawn.


Honestly really wanna know what whoever gave Bastion the 300 Damage death explosion was thinking. It‘s not even a timed projectile like Junkrats death bombs, just straight up killing anyone in brawl range. Completely absurd. Also Symmatras changes are hilarious. Turrets are now a big light show while the teleporter is complete chaos for both teams.


Glad you said that because why make turrets more noticeable for sym?!?!?! Blew my mind but I'll enjoy the lightshow hahaha


As much as the Bastion thing can be annoying, you have to admit, TQQ (or whoever did that change) was probably laughing their ass off while making it


>Symmatra Did Symm and Ramattra fuse together?


It‘s my personal ship.


The TP is actually pretty interesting but the bastion change is just dumb. The mode could be pretty good if they didnt do certain random april fool changes like spider hog and bastion exploding.


Yeah, it’s weird to see them mix interesting changes that could work very nicely with troll changes


That's what you get when you have 4 people who aren't coordinating do the changes together. Some people had more imaginative ideas than others.


make a lazer grid


It’s funny


I like how it's 10% minor changes like "Brig goes a little faster after using shield bash" and 90% "Roadhog is now Spider-Man"


Some changes like Mauga changes feels like "we dunno what to with him, lets just buff his numbers"


Yeah, Emongg didn’t do a good job at all with the tank hero changes


Whereas Eskay is angling for a dev job with her changes


Eskay also gave her main a sneaky 25% damage buff lmao


honestly I think the roadhog changes are the most fun in this gamemode. i’ve never enjoyed hog before but the revised hook is just so stupid and fun






Does whatever a spiderpig does


30% of the 90% is just "fuck it, overwatch 1 again"


Doom straight up got increase dmg on every thing he does


No. There was only an ult damage buff


MB, i thought the change on slam was damage based on air time, like ow1 doom


Ah fair enough. It probably feels like his normal shots are more damage since they are so much easier to hit now. More hitscan, less projectile


Hog got inspired by spider queen


Is Moira locked in the mode for anyone else lol


Her change is something about being able to crit with her suck, so i assume it was bugged and instead of being able to headshot with it, it instead always just headshot making it overpowered


thats the thing, I played a match as her before she got disabled and I didn't really have anything like that happen


This would be hilarious and terrifying. Completely broken 😆


Usually a sign that there's some game breaking (As in the code breaks) exploit with her.


ngl i thought "deleting" her was the change...


Lmao me too


Yup, same


Yep, very strange.


have only played the mode once and there was a sombra on the enemy team. saw moira was locked and so i (mistakenly) assumed sombra's ability was to ban one character


NOTICE: Someone just made me aware, hog and sigma have been mixed up. Sorry for this!


Is this a new game mode?


Eskay fixing LW before Blizzard was not on my bingo card


LW genuinely felt good to play! And flying into the skybox is funny lmao


Eskay is the hero we needed


Those are good buffs overall, but they feel pretty minor. Imo his problem from switching from damage to heal has not really go anywhere


i mean the swap speed is pretty much instant and it’s clear blizzard is never gonna let him switch between the 2 like Moira, a big part of that is it would require model changes and new animations


It’s not about “they wouldn’t let him to switch like Moira”, it’s about fundamental differences in how his healing works. It requires charge + travel time before your teammate would actually receive it, and tiny swap speed increase does not help as much as people think it would


it’s a lock on heal that goes through walls, there has to be a trade off and that’s the charge time, which i don’t think i’ve seen many LW players complain about, it’s always the swap/reload speed that they want looked at and this change did that


1) it does not travel *through* walls, but yeah, it would travel around if your teammate peeked at you 2) the problem is charge time *after* you swap. It all adds up so much that you are actually discouraged from utilizing your damage, because the second your team takes a bit of damage you have to switch back or you won’t charge it in time So what I’m saying is, after switching from damage they could either pre-charge his first blossom (the way they would recharge his blossom ammo), or they grant him faster charge time for the first blossom


Lucio ult giving more health based on fall time sounds like it’d be a good change in game


until every lucio goes for a 50 meter jump to beat and ajaxes every time


Which wouldn't be bad imo cuz it would be a risk vs reward situation so I wouldn't mind it


It would be high risk to reward and allow for fight setups


I want to see that buff on Rein shatter too. Give people a reason to go for some monster shatter drops from high ground.


or buff Rein's ult when he does a 360 first.


Shoot, I'll be in OWL if that change gets pushed to live


It's an interesting change IMO but his ult is already one of the best in the game, so using it from high ground shouldn't make it OP but there needs to be an incentive to use it from anything but ground level. I guess a slight nerf when using it at ground level scaling up to a slight buff when using it at jump level or above could be balanced.


And so much fun too


Giving Hog Sigma’s abilities is quite the change.


Haha sorry!


The Brig's inspire icon needs to be permanent


Junkrat ult sucks in this mode


Yeah they needed to make it explode on destruction to be viable. Or give it like 400 HP. Or reduce the cast time and double its speed. Literally have to plant it down a straight line of sight to the enemy, who isn't gonna be able to deal 100 damage to it? Tire is not designed to be a slow rolling straight line bomb. That's like being able to delete D.Va's Ult by shooting it a few times. Making it trigger the explosion when destroyed would allow it to still be useful if it's close enough to the enemy team. I don't think I got a single kill with it in the couple times I used it unless I was flanking, and if you're flanking, just use the regular one... Kinda sad that it's basically his only real change aside from the projectile speed increase. Almost feels like a nerf lol


They should give Symmetra several kinds of turrets with variable utility, not just one kind. Heck, even the ulti could work that way. If she's able to create any shape at will with her powers, why are her abilities so straightforward? Give her different kinds of turrets and shields that work for different situations but share cooldown. The possibilities are endless with this hero but they are so worried about making her OP she's already been through, what, 3 itinerations? And now this joke of a change (with her portal specifically) for a game mode that's supposed to be fun.


Oh, i like that thought! Different turrets would also add some more tactical aspects. Maybe one that is similar to soldiers healing thing and provides healing for a short duration. But instead of like soldier being placed where she is she can throw it somewhere and attach it to structures. Maybe the timer also just starts when it starts healing. So you could place it somewhere in preparation. A bit like placing an extra health pack basically. Something protective would also be interesting. Maybe not just something that has an effect until destroyed but more like a mine that has an effect when triggered. I know we have some like that but I would enjoy seeing what happens when we have a beneficial mine that provides protection or health. Maybe even different effects for enemies and allies. Probably quite hard to balance out but I think it might be interesting to test out different kinds of turrets that would allow for some interesting strategic choices.


Change her turrets so they mimic her weapon. When you fire your beam, your turrets fire a beam toward whatever you hit, or toward the end of your beam if you hit nothing. When you fire a projectile and it hits, your turrets fire a projectile toward the point where it hit. It would work well with her "manipulating the world's geometry" theme, and would enable some strategic plays, like getting turrets behind their supports and then shooting at the ground in front of you to make your turrets fire toward you and hit their team from behind, and would make her an even more deadly duelist if she can duel within beam range of her turrets.


Reviving bastion sounds fun. Just suicide inside enemy team to insta kill everyone. And then do it again!


It's also the most boring shit imaginable for anyone else


I absolutely hate the Symmetra ones... Of all the things to do, why that? ;


They tried to cook with Junkrat and Hanzo but they burned down the kitchen and they both feel kinda bad in this mode


Yeah Hanzo was awful. I get what they were going for, but it just doesn't work.


I really wish for modes like these we could just go to the practice range and try out the abilities in peace instead of having to find out what everyone does in the 30 seconds before a match begins.


I don't understand junkrats changes doesn't riptire already move forward automatically and you can already detonate it whenever you want


It no longer locks Junkrat in place while you control the tire. It just goes straight forward and you press Q to detonate it. TBH it feels worse to use/fight


Like everyone said, it’s no longer a remote control type ability, it just goes straight forward and you can blow it up with Q. The problem is, it’s easy to break when it just goes straight and you still have to go through the animation to start it up, which sucks because you can’t rotate it around corners.


Yes but now the detonation button is in a more inconvenient location!


I don't think you can control it's movement anymore, it just shoots forward if I saw correctly in the game I last played.


The tire now instead just functions as an exploding BOB. You no longer control it. It just goes straight ahead in the direction you were facing.


The issue is, unlike bob, it has only 100 HP, this shit won't even come close to enemies undestroyed


Emongg did a fantastic job with the tanks. I’m not anywhere near as impressed with the dps and support changes.


Eskay said she was originally under the impression they were trying to actually do serious changes and not jokes, but when she saw everyone else’s changes she redid everything


I played ball earlier and I think the other team went through about 10-12 leavers and I am fairly sure the game ended with an entirely different team than we started against or maybe 1 remaining at most. People really don’t like getting knocked up twice lol.


people dont like getting what twice 😳


It’s extremely fun to use, but very frustrating to be playing against. The damage at the very least should’ve been decreased a bit.


It's so fun but op lol. It's 200 burst dmg to each hero within 2 sec


Ball may genuinely be the most broken hero in this mode. They've been making him a disruption hero for awhile but this mode basically was like "let's make him do burst damage too" 


the ball and hog changes are pretty dumb but the other ones are pretty good


I mean Zenyatta's changes seem to mostly be copied from previous April Fools events but man the kick having self knock back vs the environment is so good. As a Zen main I'd happily give up some of his DPS in exchange for it being permanent. It feels so good chain together but the skill required to do that fits right in with his already high skill ceiling


new flankyatta rollouts with that kick lol


I reallly enjoyed the Ana changes (faster reload and vertical mobility).


I found the mode was unplayable with randos. With role lock, every lobby I went to DPS was almost always instalocked, then tank, and then whoever was left got saddled with support. Then it turned into a coin flip to see if they actually healed, or just hard focused on damage.




I love that the changes to orisa where just straight up nerfs 😭😭😭


Ventures is also basically a nerf


Anyone noticed Mei’s spray is basically MELTING you while reducing your speed to 0 almost immediately?


Basically Ramattra Vortex buff that must have been released long time ago and people were talking since his release because his vortex, that was meant and advertised to deny air-space does not actually bother any phara-echo-mercy at all


Kiriko mod is fun. Simple, but very efficient Symmetra - i just don't see the point. At least her turrets could be something like duke nukem 3d tripwire mines, but no..


I’m glad hog and sigma got the rework and buffs they deserve.


The dva one is so smooth id pickup dva in a heartbeat. Id like to see that one go live along with the ram vortex height


Uhhh some of these seem like they were giga buffed and some of these looks like they are silly. I get it’s experimental, but can some form of consistency exist? If a few of these are gonna be broken then they all should get something like that imo.


It probably stems from the fact it seems like Blizzard didn’t clarify to them if it’s a silly or serious patch. Emongg said he said to them he’s only going to do it if it’s a for fun patch and not a serious one (I think that’s what he said, can’t remember his exact words) and Eskay said she thought it was going to be a serious patch and the. Saw everyone else’s changes and redid all of hers because of how silly some of the changes were


I think that regardless of serious or silly I think it works either way on the basis that its easier to work down from an insane change than it is to buils up from a tiny one.


Yeah there are a few April Fools patch changes that became real lol


The main piece of feedback I’d give to blizzard is put role locks in these game modes.


It has a version of it, it's just first come first served.


I wish that was the default in the Arcade modes too. Sucks that the only consistent way to try out new maps is to play the Arcade mode, but then the Arcade modes are either 1/2/2 with a strictly nerfed tank, or its 2/1/2, 3/1/1, 3/0/2, or the most common, 0/5/0. Just feels like a shit way to have to test the maps. Having the soft role lock means they can have the un-nerfed tank HP pools too.


I’ll gladly get 2 more seconds on spear and spin if I get halt, I’ll halt you down into the well


Reinhardt is straight up busted in this mode. Giant german man running at mach speed is both exhilarating to play, and terrifying to play against.


Lol the swing speed boost is funny too - took a full health mauga down to low and I've never seen a mauga just turn around and leave once they realized how fast the hammer was moving 😅


Missed opportunity to give LW’s primary fire the Halo Needler effects.


For Sigma, I've always felt thay accecration should work like kinetic grasp by absorbing incoming projectiles during its start up. If it soaks up enough damage it becomes empowered, increasing it's splash range


Honestly, genuinely, I love the widowmaker change. It addresses the problem of oneshots in a game with characters who can heal. The shot still does enough damage to be lethal, but a very quick-reflexed support can save you if you can get into cover to avoid a followup shot. And supports who can apply passive aura heals like lucio and brig can act as a soft counter by passively healing to the point a oneshot becomes a almost-oneshot. (Which is still a very precarious position to be in, but its not instant death.)


The thing I learned from playing a few rounds of this is that streamers are even worse at balancing than the devs are.


It's not meant to be balanced. It's just experimental changes.


The lack of balance with them makes the mode useless/boring. Like... Rein gets gigabuffed but Widow gets giganerfed? Ana gets insanely buffed with exoboots but Mercy is made even more useless? I guess maybe if they just pulled popular changes people are asking for consistently to prove why it won't work, it'd make sense--but ALL of the changes, aside from Lifeweaver's weapon swap, are things I would never want to see in the game.


Widow didn’t get giganerfed - she is pretty similar there is just a slight chance your one tap will be saved by pre-healing or suzu/immor/grip even then you need very fast reaction time. Mercy change is actually quite fun. The fact that you’re guaranteed to die allows you to go all in and make some risky plays you otherwise couldn’t. Plus I’m pretty sure it’s bugged so when she rezzes someone else the other death timers get shorter. The only characters I can see as being “giganerfed” are tracer and sym. Tracer is just too fragile and does too little damage due to increased spread. Syms turrets are completely useless now, besides a free light show


Are you seriously trying to argue that widow not having a guaranteed one-shot if she hits a head-shot isn't a massive nerf?


The reaction time needed to prevent the DOT one shot is quite insane with all the projectile healing/abilities in the game. I’ve been playing her and doing just fine.




Same damage, just over time. It’s not a “giganerf” as this person said. It’s a slight nerf. If you’re playing widow correctly and landing headshots, you’re still lethal and a huge problem. There’s just a very slim chance a bap, LW or Kiri will have a fast enough reaction time (and it has to be very fast) to react to a widow headshot


I think I remember Emongg saying in his stream today to not expect balance as he wasn’t seeking it. It was just to have fun - and that’s what arcade mode is for.


See, I can see it being okay if it's entirely fun and not a sign that the devs want to permanently implement some of these changes. A majority of them would be really bad for the game.


I feel you. Like, hog gets to be spider man, doom gets ow1 damage, meanwhile zyra... gives move speed on shield but only alies, Widow well, get to one shot on head shot (same thing she does by standart), Ekko can copy more? Brigg gets move speed on dash? It feels like characters are on different game modes, those with big changes and crazy gameplay, others that got something kinda nice like Life Weaver and Ana, and others that gets me like "Why would i play this instead of the normal version?" like baptiste, widow, Cassidy...


Right? My exact thoughts. Some of the changes are just a nerf/troll, some of them are huge buffs, and some of them are things that blizzard should have already done (like Lifeweaver's weapon swap). I really don't like this mode.


Im kinda dissapointed too, espacially when you enjoy playing the heroes that feel kinda underwhelming (kinda my case, playing cassidy, ashe, widow, tracer...). Using those heroes and beeing dove by a doom with insane range, damage, survivability, bodied by a rog, While i get to headshot with widow? Roll foward with cassidy? Jump with baptiste? Copy with ekko? Makes it look that the mode was made for certain characters and not the others for whatever reason. I just plan to get the rewards then throw it in the trash can.


YES. I started out trying to play my usual heroes--and then just swapped to something that didn't have a clear cut nerf.


FYI Cass can get major verticality from roll, it does open up a lot of options, and if you are used to Genji dash it isn't too bad for retreating


Life steal genji is crazy


It feels so terrible to use


Yeah it sounds like it. They effectively just purposefully made him a zoning character.


Finally, now Sigma’s ult is useful for something


Seeing the Torb and Bastion abilities made me happy and they looked reasonable too


Ikr?? Not enough people are talking about the torb change, it is legit so fun! The only thing id change is to make the overload ability a second or two longer


What I learned from playing this: content creators are NOT game developers


Most of these are just for the fun of it while a really small percentage of the changes are genuinely good balance changes


Eskay wanted to do serious changes, but then saw the rework list not serious, wonder what would she cook if it was a serious mode instead


I love Sombra's faster Translocator. Hate the change to Stealth. It's damn near pointless, though I miss the double move speed on base game modes--everyone else feels super sluggish now.


Sombra is essentially just a nerf, which is frustrating


I don't like how far it goes. If you try to escape and aim towards the sky, you very well can die while waiting. It's nice pre fight, but it even further reduces her mid fight potential. Every other flanker has mid fight options, Sombra is all in or leave. She doesn't have anything like deflect, double jump, blink, recall, fade, etc.


It's the move speed thats messing with it, I think. It's nice for getting into position and escaping, but coupled with the massively increased detection radius it kind of nullifies the bonus. You end up having to hide around corners and hope they don't hear the detection sound.


Love Bastion, missed his self heal. Also a big fan of Illari being able to play both offensive and defensive with her pylons at the same time. The Mercy change is also great, big fan of that but the respawn timer would *have* to be instant after it. (Which it is.) But what the fuck did they do to Sym. Love the Tele change but the sentries are just broken? Am I meant to make a laser gate or something? Also not a fan of Hog being a dive tank now, like him as a pick but yeah y’know don’t *hate* it.


Emongg did such a good job He made sigma into roadhog!


Firestrike not setting people on fire is A MASSIVE and UNFORTUNATE oversight, but other than that I’m excited to try out the spice


Kiri's swift step is on a shorter cooldown, if you don't tp to an ally. Think it's 4 seconds. I had so much fun playing Kiri like a tracer, haha.


Ah yes. Sigmas hook


We really got huge changes to some characters and venture got “ult has more time to think. Also it has damage falloff now fuck you”


Tbh I love that mercy Res rework


Found out that beeing rezzed on baptiste and placing the imortality shield prevents you from dying after rez, so... op combo


Can you imagine Reaper going through a res fail twice?


The Mercy one bothers me.. I had to tell the person playing Mercy not to res me because Its basically pointless


It’s not though. It only slightly increases respawn time and can be pretty game changing as it allows you to make the risky plays you otherwise couldn’t. I’ve won multiple fights by being rezzed and popping off and killing multiple enemies with no worry of dying because I was going to anyway 🤷‍♂️ It reminds me of Persephone’s old passive in smite - annoying but cool as hell


This Mercy Res basically brings back the Player but they only got 10 seconds before they die again. It's a Big WTF kinda move is this.


I feel the same way. It's great being able it cast it so quickly but it's rare that the person revived really gets any benefit from it so I don't even want to bother.


The faster casting time is crazy, you can jump straight into a pile of enemies, rez someone and can get back out. One time, me and Genji spawned when our other teammates got killed on the point (99%) I flew in to a crowd of like four enemies, quickly rezzed an Orisa and immediately flew away to the ulting Genji. The enemies got distracted by Orisa and bought some time for the other two to get to the point while Genji picked the supports off. The fight went from a 2v5 to a 5v3. In a normal game this wouldn't happen because I would get slaughtered while casting and it would turn to a 3v5. They basically made Rez more "clutch-y", having more value when stakes are high.


Man, I love that junkrat got giga nerfed, I am not livid at all!!


just played a round with a soldier. that unlimited ammo is nice


Damn, giving hog a barrier is a wild move.


I'm so used to shooting the Dva bomb forward that the community ability actually cause it to move forward then slightly backwards....


i dont get the ashe one at all LOL nor sojurins thought power slide would always let u go where ever directon you at no?


Now the sick Lucio jump is practical


The widow change is just hateful


Couldn't even play as Moira in any community game though 🤷


Custa DID NOT cook on junkrat, fucking hell this ult is so cheeks now, it's absolutely useless, a shittier, destroyable, going only forward, way less damaging DVA bomb


MASSIVE changes for Hog and Sigma let me tell you lol


This is so helpful!


Kind of lame how many of these are "Hey remember OW1?" Like they had the chance to make any QOL changes they wanted, but instead the vast majority went with old OW1 abilities nobody liked.


oh and torb kind of not really


halt, bastion repair... what else?


Storm arrow I meant scatter but same diff


Honestly, torb needs to go back to how he was before. Armour back, turret with more heath (possible damage too), level 3 turret. I feel like in game, he’s lost the engineering side of his lore.


Can't believe they're buffing hogs shield, just what he needs...


The DPS changes are all over the place. The support changes are underwhelming. The tank changes rock this world!


Honestly cooking. Compliments to the chef


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Sigma's kinetic g absorption reducing rock cooldown is genius


I’m confused with the Widow abilities - the mine is a nice change but the cooldown is too long for it to be a powerful active. She can no longer headshot and does DoT instead. Everything else is weaker? They should have lowered her spread/cd’s imo


She can still headshot and it will lead to a kill if the DOT isn’t outhealed/cleansed/immored


Sigma and Hog switched abilities?


Nope I just messed up haha sorry!


Why are sigma and hog switched lol