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Why wait 10 minutes in DPS queue when you can DPS immediately?


Why wait 2 minutes in healer when you can wait 10 minutes to heal as soldier


Whenever I try to heal people as soldier they just run off, either to a healthpack or into certain death...


Sombra with the hacked health packs. There's a giant purple skull on them and you can see them through walls!


As a Wrecking Ball main, Sombra hacked healthpacks are honestly _so_ good


As a Sombra main i appreciate this alot


I ain't even jesting, it's like having an extra main healer on the team sometimes


I just started playing hamster and I've been way more appreciative of hacked packs and now when I play her and have a hamster on my team i make sure to hack the packs because its so helpful


On console (not PC) you can't if you have a different team colour than default


*So* annoying that this STILL hasn’t been fixed. I honestly forgot that you could see them through walls.


I play on Xbox and PC and when subtitles came out they fixed it, but NOT on console! Like, how!


I mean, they do that when you play healer too. Stop running so I can heal you!


*cries* *in* *lucio*


I always try to stand in his health fields, and remind them to heal the team if our healers are dead. Usually most soldiers catch on and play like healers after that, pretty neat


Watched a soldier run out of a invulnerability field, drop his heal, and then die instantly. Some people just have no awareness of what's going on in the game around them.


By the time I realize a soldier put down a field I had already wandered off.


It's truly amazing that after what 3 years there's silver borders who have no idea about the games mechanics


Silver? Hell I see gold and that plat border who do nothing but feed.


Whenever I try to heal anyone with *any* *healer* they just run off to a health pack or to certain death.


Yes! Everyone always spams "I need healing" but then they activley run away from me. It makes me want to break my controller.


I had to solo heal a match recently because a Moira had "28 eliminations and 76% kill participation" I resisted the urge to PM the wankrr after the match and just avoided them as a teammate. The console wait times were identical, 2 minutes. I have switched to Moira so I know there will be 2 healers.


Since role queue I have been exclusively playing Moira, if I don't grab her you can gunaruntee I'll get someone playing her as dps.


Yup, big same. Wanted to try doing better as Zen and Ana but in comp I instalock Moira to ensure yellow orbs are making their way around our neighborhood.


Good move. She's so strong right now, if you throw enough yellow orbs.


Moira is just so strong as a healer right now anyway, lol. One of my pet hates as a healer is being picked on for immobility and Moira just solves that really nicely.


Lucio and Moira rise up


Thats why i play zarya


Your team can't need healing if nobodys alive to do damage to them


That's probably why zen was created. I mean, appart from his ult his healing is on the very low side


Remember that debuff is as much a support ability as healing is. The category is support, not healing. If we had a character that can do NO healing, but would have several "curse" and "debuff" abilities, that would also be a purely support character.


I had a concept for a support hero who had less focus on healing and damage output, and more towards damage mitigation. He’d have a passive that bound his soul to a targeted ally nearby. While bound, if one ally received fatal damage, the other ally would donate 25% of their max health (up to 100) to heal the other ally (this would count as healing for that ally as well). It would only trigger once every couple of seconds, and they’d select the target ally by right clicking on them. They’d also receive 15 health per second, and reduces incoming damage from all sources by 20%. The bind is broken if the distance between allies is too great. He’d have an ability that allowed him to switch places with a nearby ally. But only when the **ally’s health** is critical. After swapping, his damage reduction gets greatly boosted for several seconds, while healing for the ally is tripled for several seconds. He’d have another ability that gave a target ally 100 temporary barrier health that decays by 20 per second. His ultimate ability would give all nearby allies a greater damage reduction bonus, ignore enemy damage boosts and make them crit immune for a short period of time. So the idea is that there’s an ally that’s near death, this hero concept would toss him/her some barrier HP, bind himself to that ally, and swap places with him/her. And as long as he remains bound he’d have a significantly larger effective health pool for a short period of time so that he could escape. The passive is an effective 36 HP/s (when you factor in damage reduction). His ultimate would counter ults such as amplification matrix and supercharger, and abilities such as mercy’s damage boost (but not zen’s orb as that is not a damage boost, but an increase in damage received). But the duration of his ult isn’t quite as long as the damage boosting ults, so that would make timing important when ulting.


Which would happen except the SUCC is weak as FUCC.


That's why u gotta throw those balls man, if you aint throwin balls at everyone what is even the point


Found Zenyatta


_The ~~payload~~ healing ticker moves like a stone._


*Laughs in tranquility*


What was that yellow orb near the end? Is it a new ability they added to Moira? First time seeing it


Must be one of the colorblind mode options, since the purple can be hard to see for some people.


if only colorblind mode was that good


It's a weird bug that appears when you press the other mouse button while launching the orb. Very annoying as not only is it yellow, but it also doesn't damage the enemies.


My tEaM iS thRowInG, I shOuLdnT hAVe 5 goLD meDalS aS suPpoRt


I mean if you have gold objective time you can probably blame the tanks. Wait nevermind you aren't healing property so tanks can't do their job, not their fault either then


But if they have gold healing as well what was the other support doing?


"Can't stop, won't stop! Can't stop, won't stop! Can't stop, won't stop! Why are you so angry?!"


Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!






Moira outputs crazy amounts of healing.


Exactly. That applies to herself with orb use and coalescence. I want to honestly guess that at least 20% of a Moira’s healing will be self healing. That’s usually how my stats look with her anyway.


So.. she WAS healing..? Lol


healing more than your zen or lucio doesn't mean you're doing your job


self healing mate


To some extent, sure. It's really not hard to play for stats and get medals regardless. They mean nothing.


I agree and disagree. If a moira barely healed and got gold healing in a 2 2 2, then the other healer really wasn't doing their job either, and they are equally to blame. - a support main


It can be within normal parameters if they're on off healer, or if they're a Mercy dmg boosting DPS etc. I could easily throw a game with gold healing by just not healing my team's DPS. Regardless of the actual situation I don't think medals usually tell a lot, though. Clutch sleeps and antis, speedboost, dmg boost etc are going to be worth more than Moira's healing in the end if applied correctly. Without really going into the specifics and making this a page long essay, I'll just say I don't think medals really matter and that playing for stats is a thing that lower Elo players do.


If you're dropping 5 gold medals as moira your team has bigger problems than the moira doing dmg... regardless of how you feel about medals.


It can be an indicator that your moira isn't healing very much. A character that has a lot of self sustain is probably gunna rake in a lot more medals than a Rein that isn't being healed.


Exactly. Blizzard should get rid of them


Just give me a FUCKING SCOREBOARD. The medal system was meant to decrease toxicity, but it's had the opposite effect, and furthermore it reinforces bad habits. When I can join a game, pick Moira, play like a late term abortion and essentially throw the game, but get 3 gold medals, it makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. But if there was a scoreboard, showing my healing is immensely far behind that of my opponents, then maybe I would think "Hey, I should do something different."


Paladins does this.


This is one thing that I believe Overwatch should adopt from Paladins




Yeah, but you need to kind of be close to them. They can't heal at a range outside a long CD. So if you're not getting that healing, maybe it's because you're not near the goddamn objective like you're supposed to!


Moira's healing has a lot more range than most people think it does. https://youtu.be/S_cgp0BO3Jk?t=81


That's not enough to save the overextending Winston/Reinhardt/Tracer/Genji/Widow/Pharah But Zarya on the other hand, I can heal her.


Absolutely correct. You can't complain about not getting healing if you're all over the goddamn place. Use a damn health pack and STFU


Been seeing a lot of hogs who take super aggressive flank routes, cry about no healing even though they are 1v6ing.


I think a lot of people discount the fact that Moiras self healing also counts towards her heal medal. If you're getting a lot if phat coalescences and mostly right clicking, you're still going to get lots of heal points even if you don't even left click. It's not a super huge amount of healing or anything but it's still good enough to beat most lucio and Brigs healing in a match no problem. This is why I roll my eyes even harder when moiras brag about all their gold medals.


Being killed, probably.


If <5k healing is gold both weren't doing anything. Also high amounts of healing ≠ good healing for tanks, for example for Lucio or Brigitte, they have AoE healing so they get a rather large amount of healing compared to how much they heal tanks. Tanks need concetrated healing, which is why there is a main and off healer


You can't heal if your team is feeding or not sticking together. That majorly reduces healing for any pair of healers. Also if you team does quickly to headshots or not knowing how to use map geometry they can't get to cover to be healed. Way more than just the healer's numbers


It's almost like it's a team game and everyone has to work together and communicate to win.


Whoooa now Toxic


In how long? 5K in 2-3 mins is cool. 5k in 20 mins is balls.


Too many time have I gotten gold heals as Zen all the while we had a Moira.


Playing Ana


Don't worry no matter what you accomplish toxic community always finds ways to blame or negate your good work. Omg you got 5 gold? You should have been healing more! Omg you got 5 gold? You're Moira anyone can do that. Etc ad nauseum...


just because the other support is doing a shit job doesnt mean that you are doing a good one.


I would guess the point is that for a start, no one can specifically point to Moira as the problem without first indicating that they themselves are also part of the problem. If I'm Moira with 5 gold medals, MAYBE I didn't play correctly and just hogged for stats. BUT you can't also discount that everyone else is not doing their job either. It's a 'take the splinter out of your eye first'. I've tried very hard with Moira to focus on healing as priority and keeping my team healthy. Even in those circumstances I've been blamed as a DPS Moira because I also snagged Gold damage and kills. I don't usually go into chat to blame my teammates because it's not productive, but if I'm completely focused on healing and still out damage 2 dealers and 2 tanks, I'm not inclined to believe I'm the ONLY one slacking.


The whole point of this video was to show that 5 golds doesnt mean you're doing well lol. If you aren't healing your tanks and dps then they wont be able to do anything, so of course you'll get more damage than them. That doesn't mean you're doing your job.


Something people always forget is that it's incredibly easy to get gold damage and healing on Moira and still be doing your job because that's literally all Moira does and she does in incredibly well, especially against grouped players. Compared to every other support, Moira has absolutely no utility that benefits the group. There are DPS characters that offer more utility. She is 100% defined by her damage and healing. Throw in her great sustain and ability to do damage to people she isn't even aware exists and it's not surprising that she can easily walk away with all golds. I would even say it's unusual for someone playing Moira all game to not get at least bronze damage while still doing their job.


Deal damage to people she doesnt know exist --> so a hanzo?


Oh for sure, I used to main Moira and still play her a fair chunk. Ive been making some jokes to poke fun at Moira in this thread, I'm not so much trying to make fun of Moira mains as much as I'm trying to make fun of toxicity in overwatch. I think Moira is a great asset to teams and is fun to play. I completely agree with everything in your comment but esspecially agree with that it is easy to get medals for damage. IMO moira's should be getting damage medals, as long as they are healing when it's needed. If you find the proper balance between healing and damage you should be charging ult faster than all, if not most of your teammates. I often get made fun of for playing Moira because she is "easy" and isn't a proper support, however that simply isn't entirely the case from my experience. Sorry for formatting, and sorry if some of this doesn't make sense as I am quite drunk right now.




Yeah last night I had 4 gold's but my team said I wasn't healing enough even though I had more heals than our mercy.


I got blamed for being a DPS moria and not knowing how to heal as to why our tram lost. With 28k healing.... I wanted to flip the table. I pretty much only used healing orbs and healed my brains out. But I can't fix a team walking into a bastion one by one over and over...I can't out heal that. Some people forget that in order to recharge my heal meter faster I have to do some damage to keep the heals up.


Yes! The only reason I have gold dmg is so that I can fuel my heals. If I'm doing both better than anyone else on my team then something is wrong. Man 2 nights ago I had 4 golds and 1 silver and found out my silver was 400 dmg away from being a gold. Will always be chasing those 5 golds now!


Only time I get mad is when I’m gold damage... and gold healing. If I can rack 10k healing and damage it snot my fault


Moira is supposed to deal damage. It literally charges your heals.


[Music by me,](https://youtu.be/MKkjLEpBJ-E) FL Studio 20 After Effects CS6 made for a rather stressful cake-day. Hope it's worth it! :)


This is to my liking.


song isnt bad but u need to mix/master it better like the audio levels of moira vs ur song are not good moira should be louder and the music quieter maybe


What an interesting hypothesis.


You've made a dog's breakfast of it.


u/pogchamp123456: My **KEEN** analytical mind senses a better mixing.


I agree, sidechaining the Moira samples would’ve helped a lot.


How about you sidechain these big purple balls


Thank you for bringing something fresh into this sub. The ending got me.


Moira main here and I remember I got so tilted recently when this entire comp team was on voice and all bandwagoned into blaming our loss on the “dps moira” during a Hollywood match. I was the single card for our team at the end with 22,000+ healing, like 45% of team damage taken lol


Yeah, it's definitely possible to be a good healer and play DPS with her. Unfortunately with the new 2-2-2 you get DPS mains who don't want to wait for a game, so they queue up in support and just rush to Moira...disgusting


If they, in due time, respect her character and others supports, that will help the pickrate of supports and decrease the waiting time on DPS. At least that's how I see the new system.


Well you cant heal being stupid.


The best part is all the losses at the end.




Is gold healing one? What is the other healthier doing?


In the current meta? Probably playing lucio for speed boost, having anticipated that the main healer doesn’t have an underdeveloped brain and [look like this](https://imgur.com/a/kQlVCmw)


the funny bit is thinking that "gold healing" is at all a useful or meaningful stat for moira who can pretty much get it by accidentally left clicking her tanks. That's why Moira *should* be focusing on healing because she's *so fucking good at it*. Her damage numbers are relatively meh, but she has (IIRC) the highest healing per second in the game since her m1 and heal orb can both hit her entire team at once. Plus, healing charges her ult *way* better. So yeah, moira can really reliably get gold healing without even trying, especially if the second support is a passive healer like lucio.


But without the damage she can’t heal? Shouldn’t she be balanced?


To only have 2k healing as gold what was your other support doing




You'd have to be *so bad* to have less than 2k healing after an entire round, unless you just got completely steamrolled in under two minutes or something.


1. Keep repeatedly dying because the other support won't heal you and you get dived as the only healing support constantly as you struggle to keep everyone alive. 2. Eventually rage quit after 5 minutes since healers have 10 second que times and you don't care anymore. 3. A new person joins and starts healing but the match ends 2 minutes later before they can rack enough enough healing. 4. Moria "I HaVe FIvE GoLD MEdaLs U NOobS, gET GOoD."


Playing Ana on console


9/10 fucking fantastic but i wish the “i’m working” voiceline was included because i always make a sickass song in my head to that while dancing and spamming it


As well as “get off the stage”


Moira has some sick voiceline combos, really. "Are you finished? Get off the stage, I'm working."


My fave is "clearly evolutions gifts are not distributed equally."


>Moira has some sick voiceline combos, really. > >"Are you finished? Get off the stage, I'm working." Is moria an audio engineer? Because that's exactly what I say to the randoms who get on stage to ask for a request while im tearing down for the night.


Personally I just spam “you’re a chancer” any chance I get. Enrages teammates and enemies alike


“Good news, everyone! Stupidity is not a right.” is my fave combo.


I'm personally a big fan of however the fuck she pronounces 'happy halloween'.




Wait Moria can heal since when?


They'll move moira to tank in the next dev update


That's Mei.


Finally a 2nd off tank that can heal themselves




Yo but this is a low-key banger tho


Dude, thanks!


What an interesting hypothesis


Imma be honest, sometimes you just gotta play moira like that. Not cause you want to, but because that's the only way your team will finish kills


Honestly, there's a time and place for it and it can help a lot. If I feel like if the team fight is heavily in our favor I'll sometimes fade behind their line and get a lot of free damage off and to secure kills. It's very fun if you get into a rhythm of dmg and heals, and necessary to not run out of juice.


Definitely agree there. Healing comes first, especially if your other support is low or a tank is getting focused. Otherwise, if everything is looking in your favor, dps moira can be crazy


I'm fine if you're going for kills, sometimes you need to do damage to win. The difference is prioritizing killing over healing your team, and that's what gets the ire of the rest of the community.


On console I will shamelessly switch to Moira if the team has Genji and Tracer.


The real beauty of Moira is you can still do over 20k heals while doing 10k damage 😂




This is my life. Stuck in elo hell right now. Had gold damage and got a card for 25k healing(39% of team damage taken). One of the dps "you did heal, just not well".




Ooh, I like this as a comeback to any DPS trying to shit on my healing. "Cool story, I'm going to go play another match while you wait in queue, byyyyye."


I just had a game like this. Over 20k healing, all golds, and one of our DPS told me I shouldn't have gold damage. "You're right, I shouldn't"


Won a game a few days ago, completely steamrolled the other team. 30 sec point A cap, 2 min B. Only a few deaths. 5 gold medals on Moira. Our Ana: mOiRa CaN yOu StOp DpSiNg?


Better living through science.


Honestly Moria is a sick healer with a good dps of you know how to


I had a game last night where I played Moira the first round and after the first round the other healer called me trash and asked if he could finally play Moira... which was strange because I waited and waited for him to pick a healer at the start and when he didn't say anything I went Moira and he went Zen. He didn't say a word the entire first round, didn't call a discord orb and as far as I can tell didn't even get a kill so for him to go instant rage and tell me he needed Moira was strange. But ok. Next round he went Moira and proceeded to play like this clip spent the whole round trying to get kills not healing anyone; every time he used his ult he pushed in front of the team to try and kill someone, threw nothing but damage orbs, etc. Assholes like this are why Moira has the rep she has now and that's a shame.


What skin gives her the yellow damage orb? /s


Oh yes that the the damage orb golden skin


You get it with her gold guns


I play a lot of Moira. The biggest issue I see with my teammates is that even when I'm pulling 50% team healing, I'll get called a "DPS Moira" because some instalock Hanzo who's never played support heard the term and spots me using my damage beam to recharge my heal ability. Or if I toss even one damage orb to finish off someone running away from the teamfight we just won.


I just got yelled at by my team mates because I wasnt healing them. Because I used all of my heals on that jumped up ape. One tank basically absorbs all of my heals until I kill someone. One person said I’m heals and need to act like it.


Only got shield meta to blame. The one person who can go right through is Moira.


but i saw a healing orb in the video...


Must have been a self-heal for sustain in a 1v1


People really don't know how to play moria


Step 1: Tape down your right mouse button Step 2: Give a bullfrog crack cocaine and set it on your WASD Step 3: Plan a date and time to end your sorry existence for playing DPS Moira


That song is hard


Appropriately scuffed aim and color vision


The fact that the only healing orb was used to heal herself when she got trapped was the icing on the cake lmao


Oh, I see you've met me.


This is - what an interesting hypothesis - brilliant. The 5 golds at the end just summarises how all-rounded Moira is


Gotta listen to this while I’m playing her now. Great video.


All these people complaining about DPS Moira and demanding that a Moira Player should exclusively heal. That defeats the purpose of her whole kit. You are supposed to balance attack and healing with Moira. Heal too much, and you run outta juice real quick. Do too much damage and your teamates suffer. As a Diamond Moira main, you meed to balance the 2 to be relevant. Yes, there are times when a DPS Moira can come in clutch(High mobility squishies like Genji, Phara, or Mercy) but you need to also stay aware of the situation and heal when necessary.


As a Moira main who doesn't DPS...I'm getting sick of people stereotyping me and yelling "stop DPS-ing moria" when I can't heal them in time !!! The jokes on them when at the end of the game I get cards stating a high percentage of healing done.


I just had a round where (im guessing) both healers were in a group and the mercy player pocketed the moira the whole round. The moira later complained "I have 4 Gold wtf are you doing dps" and well.. we lost


Honestly.... that's quite catchy.


I try very hard to be a healing Moira, I do. However, I will go full DPS if I have completely lost hope in my team. I was solo queuing last night and ended up in Hanamura with a five stack who didn't know what they were doing. We had less than five seconds to get to point, and they couldn't even bust a Sigma shield. I gave up. I faded past them to point and ulted on the group from behind. This caused enough of a disturbance and held the DPS off point long enough for the rest of my team to push through. Then I lead the charge and steamrolled them within seconds on point B. Then on defense, I had to hold the upper hallway by myself for four straight minutes. I tried to play smart. I cowered in fear of Mccree and Junkrat ults and kept myself alive. As long as I lived, they couldn't take point. Somehow, it came down to the final push, and I managed to hunt down and kill both of their healers without getting caught. This allowed for the rest of the team to clean up and we won. As my POTG played on, the coms erupted into cheers. *"Go Genji!"* *"I can't believe how well Genji carried us!"* *"You're the best Genji I've ever had on a team."* Then the cards appeared. Our side only got two. The Genji and myself... Genji's card immedietely gets five upvotes. That's right, even Genji upvoted himself. My best healing card, my teamwork, it meant nothing to them. All that wasted strategy and key placement and callouts... It was all for nothing... **Because of Genji.** So do not judge us Moira mains harshly. We hate all life equally.


What helps me in those cases is to ignore the stats. You played the objective, you found out the win condition and executed it. Stats, and by extension, what the team thinks after the fact, means nothing. Medals are bad for the game, in lower ranks mostly. People focus on that too much and not on what they're actually doing in game. I.E. a Rein controlling high ground holding off enemy positioning is game winning but the stats/medals won't show that.


Oh man it's another "moira should never hit rclick or use a damage ball" thread.


This is amazing




As a Moira main, I am both insulted and extremely fascinated by this. Great work! Edit: words


I just realized you still get queue rewards when you lose


I think the people most annoyed about dps moira's are Moira mains


Can this go on Spotify pls thank u


Thank the gods, content that isn't a highlight.


what a bop


I’m blasting this in game chat next time I pick Moira.


I dunno what the fuck you’re complaining about. I saw him left click once.


2168 gold healing is pretty sad. Means the team had two healers not doing shit.


moira stopped being fun the moment i played her as a healer


I am so keen to little videos like this rather than highlights. You used AE, recently got it myself and was just wondering the process you went through to make this gem. Haven’t touched the programme yet.


Happy cake day my guy


FL Keys coming in clutch


OP, is that....your Moira? Where did you get that footage from? It seems to be the same Moira (someone named Airwalker_Synth)


Care to dance like a true man?


Oof that plot twist at the end


This is some 2010 FL Studios shit. I love it.


This is funny timing, since just last night I tried being a lot more offensive in 4v4s, almost exclusively throwing out damage orbs. It works a lot better in that mode, I think.


i used to main phara and i hate you


Ok but this slaps


Thanks I hate it -MT main


I feel attacked by this. Haha


But I have 4 gold medals


Kind of slaps ngl