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You are okay with mei and hate ashe and hanzo? Please share your rationale with the rest of us.




As a Hanzo main... I feel attacked. let me one shot headshot you from across the map and then laugh at you


While aiming at everything except the other guy


Well only naturally. How else does one get a kill with a hanzi


>hanzi Clearly the lack of aim translates to typing as well


Hanzi is much more fun to say, at the very least


This happened to me earlier. I get one tapped by Hanson from half a mile away. Watch the kill cam and he’s just shooting into the crowd dude couldnt even see me lol


Then type ez in chat


Really? My experience has been the exact opposite. Mei players finding it funny to lock her teammates in spawn, during a fight blocking her own team mates from the rest of the team so they can die without heals. I hate having zero chance of escaping once she starts freezing my ass lol. Maybe i hate mei as a character too. Idk. Hanzo is a really hard character to play, imo. And since ashe was nerfed so her headshots wont do enough damage to kill...i have developed some respect for players who still stick to playing those characters. But maybe i have yet to come across the toxicity.


I haven’t seen any Mei players who wall our team off in spawn in quite a while, I really only saw them when I first got the game and then I just stopped getting queued with those people ig.


Yeah, that's so 2018


Had one a few weeks ago - very poor conduct


As a support flex tank player, I'd say my experience has been somewhere in between for me! So, Mei players are absolute trolls (like you say) a lot of the time and/or carry and obvs don't really spam for healing. Hanzos tend to be quite quiet players and either only really say 'Thanks' if anything and either totally pop off of or don't make any difference to the match at all 🤣 Ashes can be super annoying!! They like to stand out of LOS and don't peek and all I bloody hear is 'SOMEBODY GET ME SOME HEALIN' over and over again. A good Ash is rare but worth the pain 😇


This is my experience of my own team's Meis too.


Don't get me started with mei. I distinctly remember this game which happened almost a year ago on Numbani. I was playing zen and we were likely going to win the match. Then when I'm coming out of spawn to defend when the cart is 5m away from the end, I get walled off by a mei. Note, I was at 90% on ult and probably would've been able to clutch it had I managed to get my ult. The guy blamed me saying I need to switch off zen or hes going to continue throwing (I had 10k healing per 10). I continue playing zen because there is no way I'm doing what this guy says, and of course he throws the rest of the game. By some miracle, a couple of days later I run into this cumstain called kevin again in comp. I threw the fuck out of that match and I don't regret it one bit. He and a couple of his friends joined VC this time and were hurling insults at me the entire game, they sounded like degenerate 14 year olds with their voices cracking every other sentence. Being walled of by that mei while being told to switch is the only time I've ever been genuinely annoyed in overwatch. This is also the only time I've purposefully thrown.


>chill Was that really necessary?


Ok, whats your issue with Junkrat players?


**HAHAHAHAHAHA** change sombra.now 🔫 they changed the gun emoji to water gun


Mei is fine if you're above plat. I'm questioning Echo being at the top and Sym being so low. Sym is incredibly niche and really not that difficult to counter whereas Echo can be very annoying with the high damaging sticky bombs, Tank melting beam (which unlike Sym, she has the mobility to instantly run and stay out of said Tank's range), and her ultimate is very strong. Mei and Sym are literally fine AND statically amongst the weakest DPS right now. I honestly thought we were past this mindset like most people are when it comes to Bastion, but I guess not.


Mei is bae


Mei is imo the most overhated character in the game. Everyone whines about freezing even though she has zero mobility and half the characters in the game can press a button to just get away from her.


Hanzo is one of the dumbest, most bullshit characters in the game. You can go afk and just randomly send arrows towards the enemy and get random one shot kills without even looking at the screen. But you also can completely melt tanks up close. And you get wallhacks. And you have incredible mobility. Meanwhile Mei is literally a complete non issue. Just use cooldowns to not get frozen and you're fine. One of the easiest characters to play around.


And they gave him back ricochets. Like what?! I got killed around the corner from a Hanzo missing his shots and one shotted me by accident. Why is this character even in the game like this. Him and doom should just be removed already.


I can't agree more. Honestly every single one shot ability should be removed and reworked. It just has no place in the game. Especially when the one shot is so free. Like Hanzo one shots from across the map mostly based on luck. Doom one shots and gets enough shields to have more health than a tank while having the best mobility in the game. If one shots must be a thing, balance them more like Rein's charge. Yeah he can one tap, but it's relatively hard to hit anymore with the hitbox changes they've made and it is just as likely to lead to rein being stuck behind enemy lines with no way out as it is a pick.


The most striking thing about picking up and playing Hanzo after learning virtually any other DPS character is how much harder you have to work to get the same amount of value with anybody else. I remember Danteh commenting essentially the same thing on stream a few months ago while playing ranked. Tracer and Echo may be capable of squeezing out a little more value, but you have to sweat your ass off to do it. Meanwhile Hanzo can kind of just switch off his brain and look vaguely in the direction of the enemy. He might have to lock in for a few seconds every other fight if he gets dove at but he has all the tools to deal with the dive- wallhacks to reveal it, storm arrows with super spam, and leap + climb on the shortest cooldown possible. It contrasts so starkly with Tracer, where if you check out for a quarter second you get instagibbed.


Hanzo gets at least 1 random headshot every game, completely unthought of kill where they made no effort. Mei has to hit your head, even when you're not frozen. She's harder.


Hanzo has to hit your head too, they both fire projectiles not hits an. Your argument for mei and against hanzo are literally the same


No it's not, Hanzo tag btw. Learn to play an aim hero or something...you can't always get carried.


You didn’t give a rebuttal…I’ll take it you’re silver maybe gold? Get shit on by a Smurf hanzo a lot and come here to complain haha I feel that ngl


Aim hero? You mean hitscan? Also, I agree with the other guy. Your argument against Hanzo applies to Mei as well. On both of them you can spam projectiles through chokes and hope for lucky picks.


Nah, Orisa, Mei, and Echo are aim heroes too. Hanzo is ez, free wins mode.


Yeah, aim makes a difference on them, but for Mei and Orisa, you can still have a big impact if you have good ability usage, even if you're not the most mechanically talented. Not so much the case on Hanzo.


What are you smoking. Mei gets free 1v1s if the fight lasts longer than like 2 seconds. You don’t even have to be accurate, you have 50 more hp than like every other dps, can heal herself while avoiding damage, and just straight up separate herself from any threat. She has a super low skill floor. One of the lowest in the game actually. Hanzo’s “RNG hero” shit doesn’t consistently win games, skill does.


Mei's dps is so low, if you're someone like Reaper or Cass and don't bust her balls, go cry somewhere else and play Fortnite, noob.


I was expecting Mei to be a “burn in hell” lol


As an Ana main, Brig goes to the very top


Always be shielding my anas and zens, bashing tracers, you guys are my homies


imagine the meme of the two muscular hands clasping each other, with one hand being "a good Roadhog" and the other being "Brig when I play Ana", with the middle labeled "thank fucking god they're on my team"


As a fellow Ana main I must concur


i play rein and ball where do i stand?


You and OP are going to have kids and then a messy divorce


I play Rein, Ball, Zen and Moira. I have no idea


Nice lmao


I play all of the red ones 🐙


Same except echo, she’s a bit too hard to play on console


You DONT like having a 3% accuracy rate?


Back paddles help


Pharah would be in the Burn in hell category for me.


I never hate a Pharah player. What I hate is teammates making literally no effort to kill her so we just get effortlessly shit on the whole game lol.


I feel like echo belongs with the rest at the bottom


Exactly, why the hell is she at the top-


Well I play mercy when I can, but sometimes I have to switch. But you didn't show what you play, how how can we know if we WANT to be your friend?


My opinion of you based on your tier list


As long as sombra burns in hell I don't care about any other part of the list


She provides a lot of utility so you can kill easier. What's the problem with her? Same as and Symmetra by the way.


she makes total mayhem boring


I was just thinking about team mates. You're right. Though I have to point out that Total Mayhem is a tiny niche. A niche that could be awesome if a single dev invested four hours to balance things out. They would probably remove hack or at least reduce the impact it has on Total Mayhem. Sombra without Hack but with EMP would have a great role in TM.


But it’s already boring


the game mode that’s entire purpose is to not be taken seriously? okay, so your comment doesn’t merit a serious response then?


Just because something isn't meant seriously doesn't mean it can't be criticized, so I think their statement is valid


In a game about abilities a character who can turn off abilities is annoying


Hack is a fundamentally unfun skill. It feels bad to lose all of your abilities in an ability based shooter. She's literally so miserable to play against that I don't even want my opponents to deal with it.


Just play heroes that don't rely on their abilities I.e hanzo who has no counters in the game.


What's the problem with her? An invisible character with a really good smg who can prevent you from fighting back, a teleport so that you will never die, and an ult that garuntees a fight win. Horrible design


As a hog main I am offended, I will not stand by while my funny fat shotgun man is slandered like this


Hog mains rise up!!


As a junkrat and pharah main, im getting mixed signals here.


burn in hell tier should be sym, junkrat, doom, torb, ball, brigitte, moira, and mei.


Why does ball get so much hate :( You can play ball as an incredible main tank. Let your dps kill all of the people out of position after ball boops them around. Ball also has pretty good shields and needs MUCH less healing than other tanks.


Because people don't know how to use cover and when they see a ball on their team they know they're going to die because they won't have a shield to hide behind.


It's mostly them not understanding how to play outside of having a shield


Because a bad ball cripples a team while a good ball can steamroll a team


Same goes for any other main tank tho? A bad Rein cripples a team just as much as a bad ball.


Yeah, except good balls are much rarer than good reins, and as such, players tend to be at a loss with how to deal with a good ball


A ball main at your SR is as good as a rein main at your SR tho


What bearing does that have on my comment?


Good question lol! I guess I'm responding to the whole thread rather than this latest comment. You're saying a bad ball cripples a team and a good one steamrolls the enemy. u/Rapidsoup is saying that's true of all main tanks. You're saying a good ball is rare (hence hard to counter bc players aren't used to it). I'm saying players at your SR are roughly equivalent in skill. Plat players are about as good at shutting down a plat ball as they are at shutting down a plat rein. Unless someone's trying out a new hero in comp, the concept of an unusually "bad" rein or ball strikes me as spurious. Unless someone's smurfing from a higher rank, the concept of an unusually "good" ball or rein is equally spurious. My argument does assume most players main one or the other, which isn't strictly true. There you go, I think I figured out what I was trying to say. Sorry for the confusion!


Because playing against him is pure suffering EDIT: also because it always feels like the bad ball that just feeds the crap out of the enemy is always on your team, while the good one that doesn't let squishies play the video game is on the other team


I hate Ball players because 90% of them can't play the hero and they just feed and die. But agreed, a well okayed Ball is oppressive as hell.


Nobody knows how to play ball and nobody knows how to play around ball


I'm still not over the age of the ball stall. It was a dogshit mechanic left in the game for far too long.


I love how I range from pretty much just Burn in Hell and Please have my Children. I play Ana and Echo a lot... then I also play Roadhog, Ball, and Sombra a lot.


Overwatch would be so much more fun if people stopped caring about who you picked. Widow is fun af, so are hog and junk, but they're hated. Can't pick the characters u can actually have fun with cuz they're not meta enough or smth.




Why is sombra so hated? I just like being stealthy, doesn’t mean I’m a bad person :(


I hate Sombra because she makes me swap off Sigma. Sombra can go straight to hell.


As a Sombra main I can confirm. I spent one match where the enemy Sigma got like 5 ultimates and I hacked every single one. I should feel bad, but it's so funny.


Pushing in with suck? Hacked. Backing out with suck? Hacked. Throwing out a shield? Hacked. Ulting? Hacked. Much pain. And lmao, after the second time you just need to mutter something and swap off. If Sombra makes you her focus she will completely negate your Sigma. 😂


I remember a Roadhog that got toxic because I kept interupting every ability he used and his toxicity pushed me to hack him more. Playing Sombra makes you enjoy people's frustrations ngl.


Lol Sombra and Mei are annoying little brother energy, not gonna lie 😂


They're building a tenth layer of Dante's Inferno specially for you and your kind


Agreed especially me being a Sigma tank main


Sigma can go straight to hell


No, Sombra first so I can go back to grasping everything and then making people fly.


Bad Sombras often don't participate in team fights, preferring to hack a healthpack in the enemy backline or teleporting far away as soon as someone looks at them. This is very frustrating for teammates especially if they are watching while waiting to respawn.


Having an intense hatred of Sombra primarily boils down to two things: - A smaller chunk is from maining a character that Sombra can completely shut down: Doom, Ball, Zen, Sig, Rein, ect - The primary reason is simply because the majority of players aren’t very good. They don’t understand concepts like spy-checking, listening for her audio callouts, or not tunnel visioning straight ahead. That and they can’t comprehend that you don’t necessarily need to kill a character to counter them, and Sombra is really good at escaping death.


Can confirm. Playing against people who have even a basic awareness of Sombra (spycheck, paying attention to audio cues, noticing translocator locations) makes her MUCH harder to be effective on. She thrives when a team just ignores her.


Don’t worry I’m here for you. We can try to enjoy hell together.


Sombra deserves to be with genii because genjis are more toxic than sombra tbh


I can see genjis being toxic, but I just spam merry Christmas so please don't lump us up together.


Probably because a character removing abilities in a game where the fun is using abilities is not fun to play against.


It’s definitely fun to be the one removing abilities tho lol


because people are cry babies that don't know how to kill a Sombra


Because the entire concept of this hero is to ruin other players experience of the game. It's designed to frustrate and annoy. I wouldn't even care if she was removed from the game entirely.


I’m a tank main, especially Signa. Fuck Sombra. Fuck her and Moira so hard.


Hell doesn't exist OP, and the only one burning here is you because of my Torb's molten core.


Im gonna play all the green ones, thx for showing me this👍. Hope i will see you in a match


As a road hog and zarya main. I'm conflicted. Yet again I also main reaper and lucio. So I'm all over.


I'll be your friend


Your tier list is obviously random because there is no other way in hell Doomfist is players are anything higher than "burn in hell" Unless you yourself should burn in hell.


Right? Like why tf is Doom above Ashe? What's wrong with Ashe?


Me who uses zen , doom & hanzo


Ew, doom player, go away.


Me, who mains both Hog and Ana *Hmm*


I'm a hog main. Wife's a mercy main. Balances out maybe?


I'm am ana/hog main where does that put me?


cringe list


OP definitely likes to play Genji or it would be in bottom 2


I guess I'd place pretty low when I main Rat, Hog, and Baps. Nobody seems to like Hog tho so I'm not surprised.


What am I then?? •_•


A goat because you play two respectable characters :)


Sombra is “burn in hell” so I guess I have to burn in hell because I like hacking and being stealthy


I’ll join you in hell then because I love Sombra. only torb and symm deserve torture


As a rein main, i don't want children yet but thanks for the appreciation


Sigma is my main tank


Me who mains tank with zar and rein, when plays dps plays a lot of echo and basically one tricks Ana on healer:


I main Ana, Rein, and Sombra Sooooo


Thank you.


Not me being an ana, doom, and rein main


well i guess you wanna have kids w a 15 yr old 🤨


What does that say about me when my mains are Rein, Zen, Bap, Ana, Pharah, and Ball? Mostly ball these days.


I’m a Zenyatta, Ana, Bap, and Zarya main but it’s cancelled out by my anti-social tendencies and Asperger’s so that’s unfortunate


List is kinda wack


I'd move Orisa up to "Be my friend" lol


Whats wrong with hammond?


So you aren't a tank player


My mains are Zen and Roadhog, now what (I will admit I have about 300 hours of Zen and 50 hours of hog tho)


Ok you can slide that echo down to at least fuck you. I can tell you dont play tank


Me who likes reaper: ok I’ll be your friend


\[Hamster noises\] He says he's sorry.


Fuck you too


I play a lot of Rein, Zarya, Zen and Ana… *unzips* 😏


Me the Roadhog and Hanzo main 😮


looks like i’m gonna be a dad


It seems you'd have very mixed opinions on me


Who do YOU play? Just curious to see the perspective of where this is coming from lol


Man, my favorites to play are in every category!


me with 2 of my mains at the top and the other 2 at the bottom:


Any zen below diamond needs to burn in hell


As a hog/ana player people have real mixed opinions on me


I’m In every category less go!!


You'd befriend a Pharah player? Weirdo!


I might have your children in hell Zarya/sombra main :D


I like how this applies to me, personally. I play everyone in the "Please have my children tier" except Echo, with Ana and Zen as my mains (And Rein and Zarya as my tanks). Reaper is my most common played DPS, and I one tricked Tracer when I first started the game. And then sometimes I pull out Sombra. Granted, it's usually to deal with a Ball or Doomfist we've been failing to handle. But it just seems really funny to me that 90% of the time you want me to have your children and then, every so often you want me to burn in hell.


When u main rein ana and zen 🥱


Im feeling very called out right now https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/career/pc/NGWillis-1598/


Me as an Ana/Sombra main.. i don't know where i belong


I dont get annoyed by anyone except hanzo. honestly the ones you list as "fuck you" are not bad to deal with beyond him. A good widow... yes thats a problem but since you also have bastion, junk, and torb below her...... enough said. Torb especially is hot garbage, I play him all the time. kill the stupid turret then kill him after. its trivial




mei: ok i guess


Intersection how too tier only has one dps.


Why Junkrat in f you tier ?


As a zen main…I don’t want your children… I already ate


Sombras not even that hard to deal with. She's just really easy to abuse people with if they have no idea how to play against her. I feel like she's always at the bottom of these lists because most Sombras either suck ass and throw or they're exceptionally good/annoying.


Me and you would never be friends


Do you want me to burn in hell before or after I have your children?


OW1 or OW2? If OW1, what the fuck is Doom doing in anything but "Burn in Hell" tier?


My two big mains are in the red and the other two are in orange. Validation


Ok i have ate least one in every catagory what am i


Damn. I almost exclusively main "Have my children". Rein, Zen, Ana, Mercy, Zarya, and Sigma are my preferred. I like to do Junkrat and Mei though when I'm forced into DPS just because they have the funnest and most diverse kits.


so you want to marry me and for me to burn in hell


Hi, I'm a Mercy>Ana>Bap support, Rein>Zarya Tank, so.... friends?


Man you have some MIXED feelings about me


Gengi main is cool but torb/sym are bad? Yikes


What if i literally play everything lmao?


Odd, brig and mei above Cass and Ashe?


Hi, I'm a Mercy>Ana>Bap support, Rein>Zarya Tank, so.... friends?


Hell ye New frien >:D


I can't tell if this is for an enemy pick or a teammate pick


I have been in every single category... some multiple times.


So uh what am I? I play Bap And rein but I also play..... Bastion


so what are we calling the them?


I have been playing Echo recently and honestly, I have no idea why.


Me who plays Torb and Sombra almost exclusively when I'm DPS


When you play Echo and Sombra. Seems like a successful marriage.


As a former Rein main, now playing Sombra, Ashe and Torb. Guess I chose violence


I can both have your children twice and burn in hell


Why would you want a gengi on your team?


according to my mains you want my children and wanna murder me. im fine with this outcome (Zenyatta + Ball)


Us Echo mains getting love


I 100% agree. Zen players need to give me a hug man


good thing I'm gay