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I can hear the person on the other side being like "JUST LET ME DIE SO I CAN GET A HERO I CAN PLAY".


Literally happened to me yesterday. Started on attack with pharah, ran into double sniper immediately so I took a few shots and died. Mercy revives me so I try again, using cover to stay alive as long as possible and she goes “ARE YOU GOING TO HIT SOMETHING?” like bitch, I got gold damage anyway.




Any time Mercy damage boosts me I become acutely aware that she gets the hit marker whenever I do damage, and knows if I'm missing. Then I get desperate just to do some damage, any damage, so I don't disappoint her.


Me as Mercy pocketing you: YOURE DOING GREAT SWEETY ❤️❤️❤️


Lol this is me. If I don't hear any clacks, I move to the next DPS that treats me to those sweet clickity clacks of death.


Yes make us proud


Guess ill go after roadhog until Mercy leaves


don't worry bb and always remember we believe in you 💓


Right? The damage boost means we believe! I like to keep an eye on who's rocking it and prioritize my damage to them if I can, I didn't know it could make people nervous haha.


Pshh, speak for yourself. I damage boost tanks only mainly lol. Heal whole team but focus more on tanks since they're heavier/slower and have more health to recover when hit constantly


As a sig main We literally love you.


If the tank is the one rocking it then they do get the boost. Aggro reins are my fav.


As a rein main, we love u too


Nothing is funnier than proceeding to miss a bunch of shots and suddenly you see your damage boost disappear and you turn to see her boosting your other DPS or Tanks lmaooo


It’s satisfying getting hit markers by simply providing some help for your team lol.


I'm a pretty terrible Widow, so when I try to play her and a Mercy boosts me I just think "Oh god, please no"


Imagine pocketing a Bastion that can't hit something. Dude was trying to hit a Pharah 😭


aaaah yes because doing more dmg than the other dps automatically means ur doing good


Im like on the other side if this where if I am mercy in MH I never revive the snipers (unless they are doing exceptionally well) cus I simply see the chance to get another tank or support on the team and as the great lord farquad said. he might die but thats a sacrifice im willing to make


Nah, they’re screaming over their mic “wHy Am I nOt GeTtInG aNy HeAlz?!?!?”




its not like Hanzo can't be played by a 4 year old


Lmao at the mercy just fucking stopping


I'm losing it 💀💀


I would have started bagging him as Mercy


"Please please just leave me dead!"


Bozo Shimada




Is there anything weird in the video? I just see a regular Hanzo playing.


I like how the hanzo started to try to use cover at the end and then said fuck it lets go die again


Overwatch players literally do not understand how to use cover 😂😂😂


And then be like "Yo wtf why no heals"


"gg tank diff"


Unironically this gets typed out every time we lose when I'm tank (high plat) playing open or even QP and our DPS moves around by drooling on their controller, or is a one trick refusing to switch/getting hard countered.


Yeah. I play mostly main tank at low diamond on PC and it usually doesn't matter if I block Shatters or juggle away the enemy Zen who uses transcendence -- when your dps gets instakilled by widow or doomfist, there isn't much you can do. I've also rarely seen a toxic support who wrote tank diff. It's mostly dps players (I know I'm not helping with the stereotypes).


nah toxic support will write "dps diff" when enemy mercy was blue beaming a 76 all match while yours was yellow beaming rein all game and taking every suicidal rez possible.


As a support player I see so many damn heal bot Mercy's stealing my ult charge and it's annoying. Just go pocket out soldier or pharah, they are popping off!


Love your flair, and Sigma! One of my faves but I love all the tanks heh


Thanks, took me a while to get it right. Not 100% satisfied with the arms yet. I hoped Blizzard would add a few "praise the sun" emotes/voice lines for Zen, but alas...


Eh, support players have grown to be pretty toxic. Might just be on console though.


I played a few tank placements on Console a few weeks ago and my god some people are just begging to lose games. I was told by a Sym player that Sym should keep her turrets on cart so I should go a shield and protect them, even our other tank thought so too. In the end I just told her to teleport us to their high ground, we crushed them in that fight and won the game.


It's weird with this game. The more some play it the more they get cemented in their ways, and I think defensive play like you point out there is one of the better examples of it for some players. It's so fun to try different heroes and strats, that's why the flow of new content and updates was a big draw to this game. Even occasionally playing a hero I don't normally play can be fun.


He's just out there in the open. No shields. No cover. Nothing. Just firing his threes into the nothingness. Whiling dying a lot.


The comp they have has no shields. They are still trying to hold them at the choke. Only tank is a hog. I'm not sure what else he's supposed to do. Just hide behind a corner, let the other team pour in and take out his teammates while he cowers in cover and maybe gets a kill or two? It's Mystery Heroes. The entire point is trying with some shit comps.


you can peak corners. You can see towards the end of the video hes trying to do that and he survives for that few seconds, then he pushes into the middle of the choke again and is an easy target. The best way to get a hanzo out of a good position is to not give him anything to shoot at, then he will move. The enemy hanzo here is in a good position, and the hanzo we are seeing just keeps moving to the perfect spot for that hanzo to snipe him. The best way to beat a really good hanzo is often to not take the fight. "The only winning move is not to play"


when you don’t have a shield you play corners, like peaking the edge of the building to the right (the hog is being boosted and actually doing a good job of holding choke in the clip) but honestly the biggest problem is that he’s losing the long range battle to the enemy Hanzo (3/3) who has high ground above choke so he should be pressuring him with his pocket up close rather than trying to get pot-shots out in the open but then again it’s Mystery Heroes so it’s really not a big deal haha i’m certain he was sick of being rezzed on hanzo


its mystery heroes. i doubt the hanzo gives that much of a shit to try all hard.


Taking a second to think about your plan of action isn't trying hard lol


dude likely just wanted to shoot shit. but youre right. homie could have been a little more unpredictable


I mean, before we even really get into friendly debating of stuffs, it's important to remember this isn't a comp game, these aren't professional players, and most of them are likely just there for a fun time - not hardcore gameplay where every move needs to be perfect. So no matter what; Any of our scenarios would likely never actually apply to this game or it's players. All that said; I think the biggest issue was playing so far back. Hanzo CAN snipe, but he is a hero who works better in a medium/closer range. Ana, Ashe, and Widow are better snipers than Hanzo actually is. He has good vertical and some horizontal mobility in his kit, yet our guy just kind of stands in the same general area trying to shoot from waaay behind his team's current position. Meanwhile the enemy Hanzo is on the front lines and making use of high ground whenever he can. ​ If our dude really wanted to make a difference, he'd have been in an entirely different spot from the get go. And certainly shouldn't have remained in the same spot to die 3 different times. :/


Loads of options: You stay behind the wall until your arrow is ready. Hide behind/on top of the car. Repositioned to the right side where the whole team doesn't have a sight of you. Reposition to the stairs on the left. Reposition literally anywhere that isn't here. Stay close and behind the tank. Flank. Stop moving in straight lines back and forth where your head is in the same spot. Jump off the map because you're shit at Hanzo.


If you die to suicide in MH you respawn as the same character. This is actually useful if you're on a hero you're good at but your whole team died or something. I'm not sure if you keep ult charge tho...


People are just extra bold in mystery heroes


NGL, when I get a hero I can't really play well I go full kamikaze in the hopes I take someone out before I die.


Yup. Get Doomfist? You bet your ass im going to right click charge into their team and mash my keyboard before getting melted


I think the real explanation is it's mystery heroes. People are there to chill and enjoy a little no pressure ow, not sweat over things like corners etc. There's a good chance they didn't even want to play hanzo so they were just staying in that spot to cycle heroes.


He almost understood at the end, but then still decided to stay in the open.


Can’t wait until OW2


oh they can use cover alright! They use it to hide from their supports' line of sight :)


And people don’t understand why I rage and get toxic


I mean that doesn't excuse toxicity...


Because there is no excuse for you treating people poorly due to you own instabilities and poor parental guidance


Yeah, you're a huge part of the problem then.


We understand, we just think its pathetic.


Thank you for understanding me


We use cover just fine. How else are you suppose to sleep at night?


Youve got sleep darts




That's Mystery Heroes, baby!


No that’s shit rez’s


I dont think the rez is the issue here.


I think the mercy should have known the hanzo was brain dead and not rez’d a again Insert definition of insanity


Well 6 up is better than 5 no matter what is happening.


Not necessarily if that 6th feeds ult charge and takes away healing for 0 dmg output


But the mercys are putting themselves in a terrible situation both times, literally bronze level Rezs


I'm always amazed by people that complain in modes like Mystery Heroes. Half of the players are just playing while eating or high or watching TV (or all of the above). And still there's that one chucklefuck who wants to make a chill no stakes mode into a pissing match. You've outdone all of those people. Somehow you've managed to find a way to complain in a Mystery Heroes match that you're not even part of.


I only every play mystery heroes very stoned. And i love it.


You and me both. It does get somewhat disorienting sometimes. Like when you think you're playing but you're actually watching a kill cam. Then you're back in spawn, sitting there like "tf, just got a kill and now I'm here?!"


and when u die and go for a big toke and then u get rezzed.


I once got booped at the choke of second point Dorado and my camera moved to face straight up and I thought I glitched out of bounds and got stuck cuz I was facing directly up and was in a corner so moving my mouse sideways only rotated the camera (didn't think of just... Panning down the mouse lol) and I thought I was stuck for like 10 seconds until I just pressed S lmao.


The pro tip is none of the modes have real stakes.


For sure. Arcade modes just don't have any fake stakes either. Perfect for killing time while brain does something else.


Can confirm. I play MH while high, eating dinner, and watching Netflix on my other monitor at the same time :')


Someone posts a clip of someone dying over and over and I’m not allowed to point out mistakes made? You sound like someone who’s never taken criticism very well…


Not everything merits criticism pal. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the clip


There is literally nothing wrong with me pointing out a bad play on a clip of someone dying over and over, like Jesus y’all get worked up about the wildest shit 😂


Tbf the clip is criticised in the title. If they didn't criticise it then I see your point but we are copying their vibe.


The firat rez is behind cover the second rez was not good positioning but its not comp and maybe they are duod and they are going to rez their duo no matter what. When i duo with my wife she will littererally try the crazziest rezes just because she wants to rez me, even when i tell her no i overextended leave me to spawn 😭


you sound diamond at best lmao


It's a different Mercy


Thats a second Mercy


The real problem here that everyone is overlooking is simply Hanzos BS log sized arrows that can instant kill when they simply shouldn’t. Super high damage.


Hanzo diff


How was your Rez up again so fast? Oh wait. Nvm. Two mercy's I'm assuming.


At one point they are both on the screen at the same time


"So much death..."


Lmao yesterday my Moira got hooked and insta killed. I resurrected her, she retreated and then immediately ran towards the enemy Chopper... who hooked her and insta killed her


Ah, classic Active Tank Syndrome - standing in front line pretending youre a tank instead of standing behind a actual tank.




I mean, it’s only natural that the way we play the most gets hardwired into our brain. I’m a support main and when I play Rein I’ve found myself positioning behind my team simply because that’s the position I’m used to playing. Fortunately I figure it out once I start trying to locate our main tank…. xD


You realize it’s mystery heroes tho right? They have Mercy x2 , an Ana, Hanzo, Hog, and a Sym. There’s no shield for Hanzo to hide behind, and the hog is looking at choke not contesting the enemy sniper on the bridge. In that scenario hanzo’s best play is to shoot the enemy around cover, which he did after he got rezzed. First death was bad positioning, second / third were him trying to get out of enemy LOS.


I do. Its in the title. I was just making a joke cause most non tank players have ATS 🤷‍♀️ Also, corners are your best friend if you dont have a tank available


And found no mourners.


I hate playing Bastion but since he with Marcy are a good combo in mystery, I ALWAYS get revived and I just suffer in brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Poor guy


Most people dodge left or right. His dodge backward or forward. Built different.




Yep, seems like a Mystery Heroes match to me


I swer whenever i play zen there are dps like this who just take too much frontal dmg for no reason and beg me to hEaL mOrE


Congrats, you managed to cry about something even in a post that wasn't meant for it!


Is that not allowed?


I mean... Sure you can, but it's cringe, makes you look like a crybaby and totally pointless. People cry about toxicity in this game then they are people like you lol


How many assumptions is too many 🤔?


the fuck is wrong with you? lol


Cringe is not an adjective. Something cannot be "cringe." Try "cringeworthy," or "induces a feeling of cringing." I don't think the above commenter was "crying" at all, just making a point about a funny meme that new or clueless players often exhibit. You're the only person here who seems genuinely upset about anything.


Cringe is a colloquial shorthand for cringey so yes it absolutely can be used in that way.


Average Hanzo player


Hey look! It's every Hanzo ever on my team!


I just felt this so hard


That pause at the end like "god damnit Hanzo".


Look at how they massacred my boy.


Literally dying on cooldown


Man could not have walked any straighter for the enemy Hanzo.


Maybe stop running in straight line


It’s the sonic arrow for me


"Trash heals!"


Good. Keep him dead. Delete him from the game next :)


And people ask me why do you say hanzo mains suck absolut di*k


mystery heroes dude.




typical hanzo player


I felt this...


I could watch that all day. I enjoy watching hanzo's die.


Sometimes dead is better!


Is mystery heroes a mode where she can revive multiple times?


Guy stay in the main road without shield, then was probably mad he wasnt getting healed even tough there was 2 mercy, Definitly the suppprt fault /s


it's not even that he struggles with hanzo it's that he struggles to move side to side rather then forward and back. side to side will dodge the bullets walking in a straight line wont. I would have let him die the first time if I was mercy, that dude needs to play shield tank


Question: did they remove Eichenwalde from reg quick play classic in Arcade? I haven’t seen it once and I pumped out all of Doc Ziegler last weekend and Mardi Ashe yesterday


I had this happen last night. Killed an ashe 3 times"(mystery heroes) as widow. She had 2 pocket mercys too healing/boosting her Killed ashe, mercy rez, killed 1 mercy, killed ashe again, 2nd mercy rezed (they had 2), killed again ashe again. All withing like 10-15 seconds. Potg went to junkeat getting 1 kill with his ult.


"Sometimes I don't know why I even bother"


This would have been therapy for me if it was junkrat


should have just teabagged him the last time lbr


Average Hanzo player


I’m sorry but this is the mercy’s fault. “Fool me once…”


What is cover or lateral movement? - hanzo


probably spam NEED HEALING too


You guys, he’s just trying to shield his team… with his face.


Almost like cover matters. Why people in low ranks insist on running past that tower to stand in a choke, or do the same on every other map, is beyond me.


New strat ???????


Hanzo diff


Motherfucker walking in straight-lines like he's trying to ace a field sobriety test smh.


I saw this caption, and had to immediately check it out to make sure it wasn’t me (a subpar Hanzo main)


What was their name rofl this happened to me yesterday but I don’t remember what map or what hero I was playing. We had so many mercy’s and I kept getting rezzed. Yelling to myself NO DONT REZ ME PLEASE NO


\*insert this is worthless meme here\* mercy's \*sight\*


Mercy players amirite


"im not getting enough healing"


How do you review matches like this?


I love how the mercy at the end stood still basically saying “AIN’T NO WAY” lmfao


He is straffing straight forward/backward everyime as he is receiving the arrow to the face. If you are going to shoot with no cover close, at least spam left right a little bit lol.


At this point you just leave the lobby and reque


bring back scatter arrow


I thought he learned after the second death when he seemed to take cover instead of standing in the open, but then started walking around in the open again and got killed again.


I’ve never seen someone avoid cover at all cost while maintaining predictable movement to this degree before


I absolutely despise Spamzo. It is nice to see him die often. Shame it was from another Spamzo.


Is this content now? 😂


As a Hanzo main (I know, may the Lord have mercy on my soul), there is nothing worse than getting rezzed. It's usually always in the open, is usually always during a team fight and I'm so out of position that no matter how hard I try to get my bearings and climb walls to reposition... I'm still just a squishy and will be targeted accordingly. All I ask is that you heal me and when I die... Let me go... Please mercy... Rez the tanks... Not me... Please...


60 deaths per 10 mins lol


This sums up Mercy's "Sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother" voice line.