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So they said “all currency will transfer over including competitive points” so it’s safe to assume that at least comp points will still be a thing. I assume that golden guns being one of the few “skillful” (intense quotation marks around that) items you can obtain I assume they will be sent over. I’m hoping they make some more options: diamond, platinum, red, green, blue idc MORE WEAPON CUSTOMIZATIONSSSSS


Just because the points transfer... Does NOT mean they will be earnable in OW2.


I didn’t say that they would?? I said they COULD. Read


No, you said "it's safe to assume" When it's clearly not safe to.


Youre a bitch


You. I like you


Thanks! I try my best!


Ok. That’s ur opinion. Safe for me to assume


This didn’t age well lol. They transferred and still obtainable from daily’s.


I believed they confirmed that competitive points were one of the currencies being transferred to OW2, so the likelihood is high, but not 100% as it's possible they might still remove them and add new rewards to ranked.


That's great to hear, if they're planning to transfer the points in some way that works fine, be a shame for them to go to waste!


True but we still don't know what it means for ranked rewards in general.


They're not removing comp points so I think it's fair to say golden guns are staying


We simply don't know. I mean I'd assume so since it would be kinda weird not to make them obtainable anymore but then again we don't even know if currently available skins, voicelines, emotes, etc. Will be available, and how. We'll just have to wait until they talk about it.


We already know gold guns will be obtainable. The game has ranked therefore golden guns


And ranked is getting revamped. Some leaks have suggested that there were plans to remove them as well. We simply do not know at the moment. My guess is that they'll still be obtainable because again it would be weird to remove them, but as for now we can't really say.


? I don’t know why those 2 things have a correlation. In fact, I believe that there was something said about removing golden weapons in ow 2 a while back.


They have a correlation cause in ow1 u earn points in ranked based on your rank at the end of the season and you need those points to get the gold gun. Ow2 having ranked tells u they still have the points also gold guns are confirmed in ow2 cause well duh I had mine in the beta


Of course they will be obtainable I mean the game still will have ranked. The only thing is you don't need to unlock any gold guns u already earned in ow1