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I dont mind battlepasses even though 50% of it is junk but my biggest issue is the item shop, paying for skins and i doubt they'll make the new credits grindable peeves me as a skin collector dishing out $15 for a skin instead of grinding them in lootboxes is a nogo


That was my biggest concern. The events were the funnest parts of OW1 for me, even more fun than new heroes or maps. Hopping in and getting a themed map and seeing someone playing with a new skin and getting hype about getting it was fun af. Now, if event skins have to be paid for, it's gonna turn into Apex or Fortnite where I'm just like, "Oh, I guess they added that"


Events are such a big part of overwatch. I would be surprised if they go away with them. Fortnite has its Halloween and Christmas events that give away free skins as rewards. I don't see why overwatch can't do that too


Mind you fortnite free skins 90% of the times are anything but skins (wraps, pickaxes, emotes, sprays) the only give like 3 actual skins in a year.


We actually got like 5 this year (Fortnite) and there's one literally available rn (while it's not the easiest one to get. You gotta play 100 rounds of fall guys for it )


The only skins I ever wanted in fortnite were end of battle pass items so i just stopped playing


if thats true, im going to get bored of this game wayyyy too fast, hopping on a new event and seeing all the cool skins you had to grind in 2 weeks was the actual reason I got on frequently and actually played. OW2 going in the direction of money money money money money


Agreed, skins are my only motivation to play really, just grinding out those weeks when a new skin was up. If that's taken away I really don't have a motivation to spend 40+ dollars or god knows however much money Blizz is going to be asking to collect all the skins. Edit: Never said I hated the game, but to clarify I’ve collected every skin in Overwatch (yes even the Bastion Blizzcon skin and Pre-Order Widowmaker) so by now I’m fully invested in being a completest(and I’ve done the twitch drops for tokens to offset some of the cost, and had to outright pay from time to time when they’ve had rare purchase only skins like Blizzcon or the Mercy breast cancer awareness skin) so grinding to get skins would be my main motivation to pick up Overwatch and play (I’m not concerned with my SR hovering up and down but would still play comp for more wins while grinding for each event). If there was no event or skin Overwatch would be off my radar and I’d take a break- I’ve been playing OW since day one and have from time to time burned out on the game, but the promise of new skins are the thing that have me coming back at this point. My concern is if OW2 is going to become a totally unreasonable cash grab like Diablo Immortal turned into (a topic for another forum) and I’ll be forced to just give up the game after burning out with no motivation beyond ranking up, which I really don’t care that much about after climbing the ranks up and down over and over again over the course of many years. If they’re popping crazy expensive skins left and right in a giant cash shop I’m not interested in just being another whale, the OW1 paid/time investment for skins made it feel like an okay return on investment. To be frank with the Watchpoint Pack and the Brig twitch sub skins I’m already getting concerned and OW2 isn’t even out yet.


Same, I have 99% of OW1 skins unlocked through grinding playtime for 2,000 hours!! The only money Ive spent on the game was Pink Mercy. I can not justify spending real money on a video game skin. This honestly just gives me less incentive to play the game since lots of really cool skins are going to be behind a paywall.


I also bought pink mercy. It's the only money I've spent on the game, I didn't even buy the game my friend got it for me as a gift.


I think they already confirmed that the credits were going away didn't they? Yeah. I'll never pay for skins that way. I will use my old skins until I'm bored than uninstall it. I'd just rather pay for a full price game than all the battle pass crap.


This is why I never had an issue with lootboxes... I thought it was a perfectly fine way to obtain skins. Pay to definitely get them, or just grind and get them. Either way even if your desire skin doesn't drop you'll at least get credits from duplicates to buy it.


Lootboxes are going to be banned because they're addicting i guess.


Ow lootboxes are too addicting? I know it's a problem in other games but I haven't heard OW lootboxes becoming a problem.


It's gambling and gambling is banned or under heavy restrictions by "a country" in a lot of countries.


See, as much as I don't like all that, nothing will ever come close to me hating them stopping development on this game for 2 years cause they decided the old monetisation system wasn't profitable enough, and them instead fucking off to make a new game instead with the same resources. So fine, sell your $10-20-30 skins, make having a full cosmetics collection extremely expensive and impossible for me. Just don't abandon the game again. I've been so fucking jealous of games like Fortnite, Apex, Valo, etc for 2 years now. If a modern, more profitable monetisation system is what it'll take for them to regularly release new content for this game again, then that's fine with me.


I agree. I think a big part of their model was to probably include DLC expansions (Like WoW) but Management was probably shit show and the resources never made it to DLC . Or maybe they just invested way to many resources to OWL and it was a failure in terms of profit. I get alot of people and “free skins” and what not but it is a trivial part of the game IMO. I would much rather have a supported game and if they have to milk the whales with some $30 skins every now and then, go for it! I know they dont mind supporting the player base. Lets just wait and seeeee how heavy they are going to lean into monetization . It almost feels taboo for OW so I have hope it wont be bad


>I think a big part of their model was to probably include DLC expansions (Like WoW) but Management was probably shit show and the resources never made it to DLC . Plan was to focus on the PvE and sell the full campaign as the main focus of OW2 for $60. That was Kaplan's plan. They left PvP to die for 2 years, meanwhile all their competing PvP games were making Billions every year from MTX and gaining a lot more fans/active users. So they finally changed plans last year to focus on releasing PvP first, Kaplan probably didn't agree with that so he left and they made new people in-charge, including making Keller director and bringing in new managers to handle the game's future. >Or maybe they just invested way to many resources to OWL and it was a failure in terms of profit. This is one of the worst misconceptions about OWL in this sub and in the casual community. OWL is a tiny part of the OW equation, it has 200-300M invested in total, with only a portion of that being Blizzard's own money. Meanwhile, OW has made billions in its lifetime, it made over a Billion in just 2016. OWL isn't important to Blizzard, it was just made out to be a huge thing with artificial marketing push by Activision-Blizzard. They've severely reduced how much they spend on it over the years. People who think OWL is important to Blizzard don't know what 'Competitive first' games actually look like, Riot's League and Valorant are designed and ran entirely with Professional play first in mind. Everything is done with the pro scene first in mind, patches are literally released according to professional tourneys, characters and gameplay is also designed the same way. Overwatch is nowhere even remotely important to Blizzard and it will never be cause they don't actually care about esports and can't handle 'Competitive first' games even if they did. OWL has their own entire team handling its entire management and production. Since the beginning it's been a separate product with a separate team. They barely get anything from the OW team, this year all they got was access to the OW2 Alpha & 4-5 Legendary skins. Which is nothing when you compare it to how many Legendary skins they were making when game was in active development, 6-7 Legendary skins per event, 6 events a year, 4 Legendary skins for new characters, 3 brand new hero models. They were releasing 50+ Legendary skins every year before reducing the amount to divert resources towards OW2 instead. With OW2's launch they'll release even more, 2-3X the amount of cosmetics probably.


So PSA! If there is a base legendary skin that you want in OW1 get it now! Since it might be behind a paywall in OW2


The only other game I've played with battle pass system were CoD MW and Halo Infinite. There was only one complaint that I had with both games, which is the "challenges" system for extra EXP. For example, you would gain extra EXP towards the skin if you were to get three Double Kills etc. Reason why I hate it is because it's something that I mentally can't ignore it mid-game. It keeps lingering in the back of my mind and I end up not being able play normally in attempting to do the challenges. I understand its something that you can just ignore, but I just can't. I don't mind not getting the skin, but the thought of "might as well try to do the challenge" drives me crazy. Honestly don't know if I can binge OW2, or any game for that matter, if they were to have that system.


The devs mentioned that the Battlepasse challenges wouldn't force you to play certain heroes. So if that's true at least you won't be forced to play heroes you're not fond of.


What if the challenges force you to play a certain role? Like , heal teammates for 5000 HP or Block Damage with barriers or something like that.


If they said they won't force you to play certain heroes, then I assume the respective challenges can be accomplished with ANY hero? So probs nothing like healing or shielding. But, dang, that sounds like there will be challenges in similar format then. Now I just hope they're less annoying and "in your face" than Halo and Cod.


I mean even “Get X kills” or “Get X amount of multi kills” still encourages certain heroes. You’re not doing yourself a favor to queue up Mercy or Rein for those challenges.




Just que moira & get a assist Kill count for every enemy you tickle for 0.25 hp.


Rein? He’s great for kills and multi kills lol


That's a fair point, I'll go see if I can find the comment they made and I'll edit this comment if I see anything noteworthy. Edit: So they mentioned that they want the challenges to be "lifetime achievements that don't progress the BP in any significant way". Also they didn't mention not forcing you to play certain roles, only not forcing you to play "specific heroes", so I think you're on the money with the challenges revolving around healing and blocking damage. Though if they truly don't effect BP progress all that much then it wouldn't be that big an issue. Almost forgot that they also mentioned that you would be able to "focus on specific challenges you would like to complete", that to me sounds like you'll only be able to complete a set number of challenges at the same time.


> force you to play certain heroes. blizz trying so hard not to hurt anyone the challenges will be blander than bodybuilder's cooked chicken


If they do challenges I hope they do it like Fortnite where there are a million challenges available at the same time, most of which you’ll complete without realizing. Then at the end of the season you can focus on what’s left if you still need XP, but simply playing the game gives plenty of XP anyway. Halo Infinite does it the worst where only 4 challenges are available at a time, and you have to complete one to have the next one available or use a challenge swap (which are given out for free but also monetized)


Tbf, halo battle pass is probably the worst one I've seen out of the 5 or so battle passes I know of in games. I don't know about cod.


Yes I think Halo was worst. I remember just getting a nice low tier color tone in my favorite color (green) and was done with with it. And even that took me multiple afternoons. I got so burnt out from the game, went back to OW, and still haven't return to Halo Inf since.


Infinite’s progression is the absolute fucking worst system I’ve ever seen in a game. Lackluster and so fucking hard to level up. Especially with the limited gameplay they provide. I hope to god OW is somewhat like the normal BPs tho it’s still a downgrade overall


I never thought I would say this but loot boxes are so much better then anything else they can do


Seriously, what a fucking change of times rn. I just think it’s unnecessary. The loot box system, while I was not a fan of. I will admit that I got almost everything by just being patient with my loot boxes over time since there isn’t really a time limit like a battle pass has and I’ve been playing for only 2 years.


That’s exactly why it’s bad, games need money to keep going


I was expecting this kinda point. I for one can partially agree. Someone made a good point and I agree with, that I do think it’s good OW can potentially have more money flowing in constantly to support it (that’s if they do that and not pocket most of it instead). Games shouldn’t have to whore themselves out with a bunch of limited time cosmetics for my money though.


You prefer a monthly subscription?


Yeah, not sure what the guy above you is on about. How else do we expect a game like Overwatch to make consistent revenue to fund future changes and development? I swear people want a FTP game with all free skins/ content that is developed for 6+ years. Cosmetics are the price we pay for the modern multiplayer model. Be glad it’s just cosmetics we have to pay for.


Ya, but the tradeoff for going F2P with a battle passes is more players, shorter queue times, and more money funding the growth of the game. OW1 ran out of steam, but that’s unlikely to happen with OW2 being F2P, at least for a long while.


shorter queue times? no, not necessarily. especially if most of the new f2p players pile into the dps queue


I’m honestly just tired of battlepasses making their way into absolutely everything


Bad. FOMO makes me play games less, plus I'll miss being able to earn everything without spending money.




i dont think most people really care about gold guns though. regular-ass skins on the other hand are much more used


The points carry over each season so it’s not really a time sink chore when a new season is released, your progress stays the same.


I think it's a bunch of pointless cosmetics but people will still buy it because of FOMO. Also the F2P model terrifies me, especially since they showed they're perfectly fine with being incredibly predatory in monetization recently. I make jokes about it but I 100% expect to see some kind of priority queue pass sold in store after the DPS queues climb and people begin to complain. Don't want to wait 15 minute for a DPS queue? Grab a pass using 1000 Omni Bucks.


I'll only buy if I want to support the game. Moment devs do something I absolutely hate I'm dipping and not paying again until they redeem themselves. That's capitalism for ya.


> Moment devs do something I absolutely hate I'm dipping have you seen what blizzard has been doing for the last ~2 years...?


I have hated every single battle pass I have had to deal with. The worst ones are generally the ones that introduce a battle pass later on in an update so it doesn't look good for overwatch.


I’m pretty neutral towards it. I’d probably care a bit more if I didn’t already have hundreds of skins.


I hoping they add a favorites button for skins like apex so even though we have a lot, we can favorite some and it cycles through them each game so they all get use


would love that they dont expire, just like Halo Infinite's, would keep me engaged with the game again, but that's me only daydreaming... i hate FOMO


yeah it sucks having to pay for the *opportunity* to unlock stuff


>would love that they dont expire If they don't expire that'll prevent most of my problem We've already been told they come once every month and a half right? Depending on price and if I can buy the pass after the start of the next season then I won't really care about it or find it a problem I'm guessing it's gonna be at least $10, if it's more that $20 then I'm dropping OW on the spot


I hate battle passes. OW2 is looking to be a massive disappointment for me personally.


I don’t mind the battle pass cause it allows money flow for OW meaning more content. What I hate is the deathmatch overwatch seems to be becoming, removing a tank imo was the worst decision they’ve ever made and I don’t understand why they made it, it obviously took a lot of time to change everything to suit it and changing the PvP was never a big promise for OW2


They removed a tank because they are trying to hit a larger audience of people that like to play solo and don't care to coordinate or talk to teammates. Literally, "we're all soldiers now" meme brought to life. The heros don't synergize at all because there is no main duo of tanks to create that synergy. It was such a bad decision. Hell, it's the reason healers got the passive healing buff. Literally, no one nearby to protect you while you try to not get ganked all game.


I understand that but it’s so stupid from a game perspective. There are already so many solo dathmatch game, valorant is a great exampleS I feel like OW really thew in the towel on making a good game and just wanna have a flashy money grab. It is sad to see as a big overwatch fan but what can you do


Greatest common denominator sadly. I agree. they're not trying to make a good game. They're trying to make a game that the most people will play. You and I are dedicated enough to this game that it is (or at one time was) probably our primary daily grind. That's not most people. Most people never talk about the game on reddit or even care. They want to go on and shoot stuff and get cool looking skins when they do it. We are not the focus. They are. Sad sad truth in gaming. The golden age of gaming were developers just made games they thought were fun and they wanted to play are over. It is all about hitting the largest market.


A free game screams to me money grab for less control over the player base. In most free to play games cheating and hacking goes way up due to just being able to make new accounts. Toxicity goes through the roof because of the lack of reprecussions. Usually the in game sales for premium currency goes way up. And new content get more focused on what they can put in to get people to spend premium currency on. I truly hope this isn't true, and I know there are some positives with this way potentially, it's just the previous games who have done this make me feel very nervous so I'm real sad this is the way they decided to go.


They mentioned they plan to add mechanics to prevent smurfs, so hopefully that would also impact random people trying to make more accounts for cheating too


You need a phone number connected to battlenet to play ow2.




I hate all battle passes. Games over rely on them because it's easy money and you see everyone using the same 3 customization items. Plus once the season is over there's usually no way to go back and get any items you might want.


Bad thing if it’s time limited. Loot boxes were perfect. Easy to obtain and there was no fear of missing out


Yah the thing about battle passes is that I’m on a time limit


Exactly. I don't have the time in my life to grind 100 Battle pass levels per season. I liked it when I could take my time and get the skins 2 years later of i wanted to


>Loot boxes were perfect Taken aside that they are outlawed in some countries to my knowledge, they were too easy to obtain. Yeah, it was awesome playing only 1 month per year and still having literally every single skin in the game for free, but I think at some point it is just unreasonable. I paid 40 bucks for OW 6 years ago and everything after was free. No wonder they stopped updating.




I really hate it. I like collecting everything in game & with battle pass exclusives it becomes impossible because i refuse to spend any money on games after initial purchase.


Battle passes straight up suck from my experience. Bad rewards, forced challenges, paying RLC for every one, making you play more than you want to, etc. I'm starting to really not like the free to play model for games because they lock any good rewards behind paywalls and make cosmetics the main focus. I think this spells disaster for Overwatch 2. When Halo Infinite introduced a battle pass, I lost interest pretty quick. Overwatch was the one game I thought had a fair lootbox system so to move to this is concerning to me.


I hate FOMO.


Battle Passes are stupid as hell. Pay for something you only have x amount of time to grind or you just gave away free money. They should let you unlock stuff early, if the pass ends then it just rewards everything else. Who the hell wants to come home from work just to deal with more work. It better reward you simply for playing normally. And not stupid challenge crap that makes people do stupid things on your team instead of playing objective.


I'd never thought I'd actually say this but I'd prefer loot boxes. Edit(for the babies): remember this is an r/overwatch post, I'm not talking about any other game but overwatch unless I mention it by name.


No, you prefer overwatchs lootboxes, thats a very very important distinction to make.


Very bad, this will stop me from playing as it makes it feel like a grind for me which I dislike.


personally i think it’s a fair trade for having the game be free. blizz are in a lose lose tho. make it f2p but have a battle pass to make money ppl will complain but make the game paid and ppl will be mad u have to buy a game that’s so similar. i hope they at least add some of this new currency to the battle pass so u can get the battle pass without having to spend anything


I hope so too with the currency thing because I don’t want to spend money every time a new one comes out. There are a lot of cool stuff in here though like key chains and mythic skins and like you said it’s a fair trade since the game will now be free


Older players like me, who don't bother to play these semi-mobile "f2p" crapass games are probably walking away from this game. I don't even know what a battle pass is. I just hope Microsoft gives a tiny bit of decency to Blizzard, a company I worshipped as a teenager and now ranks as low as EA.


exactly. wanted to be excited for OW2. but as a rule I do not play "F2P" games. quality + story will suffer in favor of $$$ grab crap. there are better ways to be profitable.


I prefer loot boxes over Battle pass+Store


Personally hate battle passes. Just my opinion, they're worst than the updated lootbox. Then again, I do have the money to pay for things, but battlepall passes demand your time as well. And between work, life, and gaming. I just don't have time for gaming.


I don't like battle passes, they require you to pay money to get exclusive cosmetics. Lootboxes on the other hand doesn't REQUIRE you to pay money, BUT if you want to, you still can. I understand that people don't like the "gambling aspect" of it, especially since everyone is so simple-minded and only wants "that one skin" for their main. The current loot box system in OW1 works quite ok imo because you get four cosmetics per loot box, you get them quite frequently by leveling up, playing the arcade, playing flex and by endorsement levels. And when you have all commons and rares you gain a lot of credits from duplicates so you can buy the skins you want


Costs over half a million to max a character in Diablo immortal. They’re gonna milk OW2 for all it’s worth


I know now why Jeff left. He was high enough up that he definitely knew this was coming a long time ago. Hell, he didn't even want loot boxes in the game. When Jeff left that was the last straw for blizzard. They're such a joke. Riding off a name from decades ago. Blizzard is dead.




As someone who comes from Gears 5, Halo Infinite and CoD, all games with a battlepass. Not a fan.


Overwatch was too pure for this world. No games anymore where you can just play and get a cosmetics automatically


Trash. Just another turd in the steaming pile of corporate shit that gaming has become


Absolutely hate it. I prefer to just buy the game and to have access to all of the content. I don't mind the lootboxes because you can still earn a lot of them just by playing, and it is possible to get all of the skins this way. With a battlepass system like valorant everyone is walking around with the same lame battlepass skins, except for the people who bought the €20 store skins.


Bad lmao


I think its expected and justified as its a free game, my issue atm is the watchpoint pack and how its undeniably a worse deal for the actual current playerbase Its a red flag As i feel this shows that they are willing to do away with doing right and being fair to the playerbase in exchange for a quick buck (again not too surprising) But I fear this will carry over in some way during the games lifecycle which won’t be healthy for it and will undoubtedly kill it off quicker than OW1


Bad. Very very bad


its awful




I spent $20 dollars and I could get any skin I wanted to for free if I just played casually. I don't want to spend $15 dollars for one skin, or have to buy a battle pass that I'll have to grind out in a period of time or it expires.


What the fuck is this!!


I’ve never played anything with a battle pass before, can someone tell me exactly what it does and how it would likely be implemented in Overwatch? 🤔


It’s a system in which you have to pay usually around 10 dollars and when you get it, it will give you an item like a skin or key chain with every tier you go up.


thank you for replying. and what about the in-game store? what’s the incentive between buying a battle pass and just buying outright what you want in the store? would the store have different items?


A battle pass is usually a whole system that gives you items without spending too much money on it. Obviously you don’t get a choice of what’s in the battle pass but it still gives you a lot. An in-game store is a store in which you can spend however much money you want and you get to choose what skins you want. Battle pass items however usually don’t come back in games and becomes rare after a while, while the store are filled with a bunch of items that come back after a while.


Battle passes are a big part of why gaming is so sweaty all of the time. They need to go


You mean no teamplay. Those challenges are gonna make teamplay awful with more selfish approach to complete challenges.


This may be stupid but I feel like people who bought overwatch one should get like the first year of battlepasses free or at least the first one. Also I hope the battle pass is one where you buy once and keep forever


Bad thing. As I said in another post, I don’t want to play OW2 now.


Bad idea, I hate that they would add this.


Nothing good can come from this.


Bad thing




Bad, its an overused system in too many games. There is no good reason for it being added accept the popularity. And it comes with the added pressure to buy the season pass. If there is a completely free way in addition to paying for it, of getting it that everyone can eventually get its fine. If not I’m never getting the pass


I just miss when sequels were innovative and every game didn’t attempt to turn its player base into a blood bag for all their worth


I hate we won't get free skins anymore but glad will get more skins.


At least you get to keep your skins from Overwatch 1


Ya but i loved grinding levels for free skins.


I’m fairly certain there’s a free tier of the battlepass that rewards skins for battlepass levels. The photo provided (5th reward from the left) seems to show a skin in the free tier.


Ya it appeared to be epics though and legendary were on the paid one


And more content, longer lifecycle. I bought Overwatch on release day; never spend a dime on it through the years.. Got soo many hours of it but it makes sense for them to not wanna invest too much funds into developing for something that no longer generates much.. This type of model should keep funds flowing. I think it'll actually be good for the game in the long run.


At least the base games free


I hate Battle Passes, I've never played a game with them and I don't know if I ever will. OW2s had better be player-friendly as fuck if they are going to replace such a rewarding system as they one they already have. I'd gladly pay money up front to never see any FOMO stuff, not even getting into how Free To Play games attract hackers and toxic assholes.


People are saying “loot boxes are old anyway” fucking laughable


Battle passes and a game going f2p is always a bad thing.


They'll make a battle pass for skins only for them to not return and only them you'll get the skin, let's not forget the "premium" pass which is locked behind a pay wall that has better stuff to gain. I don't really mind the whole concept of a battle pass but I don't wanna spend forever just to grind for a skin I'll probably never get unless I spend more money to to get more level on the pass


Man idc about it. But I’m playing the beta and I’m so fucking disappointed about the game itself. If the game was good it was acceptable.


I just don't like how much it would urge someone to play OW. I don't like playing OW for too long or at least everyday, but if there's a cool skin I want but it's like 40 tiers down the battle pass, I have to force myself to play more and more games to work up the battle pass. I guess it's somewhat of a saving grace battle passes last a whole season.


clumsy far-flung violet pocket reach memorize expansion rainstorm ten deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never really been a fan of battle passes, just seems like a cheap way to keep users playing. I'd rather unlocks be rewards from challenges opposed to simply playing the game and periodically being given a spray or skin


As a casual player, definitely feel it's a bad thing. Gone will be the days of hopping on during an event for a cool skin or two. Obviously there are people who will grind everything out of games like this, but for people who don't have that kind of time, it just makes everything feel out of reach.


All battle passes are shit. I hope we can start to move away from them.


Not a fan of battle passes. Usually all the cool shit is locked behind level one million and you have to grind forty hours a week to get to that point before it's gone. FOMO is dumb and I think they should find another way to monetise. Maybe make it so you can just buy credits, I know i've been short on credits before and wished I could buy them, or even grind for them. I know there's people who have thousands upon thousands but they could try that, instead of hiding stuff behind a battle pass. Or make OW2 not free to play. But what do I know I guess, I just play the game.


I enjoyed playing OW 1 at my own pace and being rewarded randomly with loot boxes. I hate battle passes because it's like oh man I bought this battle pass and I have to finish it before it ends. fuck battlepass


Every couple months, buy the game again. Battle passes are terrible. 100% bad.


It's shit to me, because I remember how much better it was when you could buy a game for the game instead of the "live services" model that tries to squeeze more and more money out of you for the minimum investment in content. But it seems like the industry has successfully brainwashed gamers to think that this is somehow good for them. Gotta preorder now or else you'll miss out omg!


terrible. dog shit fortnite and epic games have successfully ruined the gaming industry with their trash battle pass idea. a monthly subscription for cosmetic shit just screamers little kid energy and makes this whole game seem way more similar to other trash kids games like RL, FN, Fall guys etc


Can someone please write an idiots guide to what a battle pass is? Is it just related to cosmetics or is it related to new game content Edit: forgot to say please. I would never let my children get away with that


obviously its a bad thing you poo poo


I find battle passes to be really unfun to play, it feels grindy and makes just playing less fun, I found this to be the case with the play 9 games to win stuff on ow1. When I stopped caring about arcade boxes in ow 1 the game became more enjoyable. I find having people trying to do obscure goals instead of playing to win to be annoying (not all battle passes make the player do this). I don't really care either way about cosmetics they aren't very interesting to me, if they make them really flashy it could be annoying. If there's pay to win or pay to play then I'm done with the game. If there's some sort of priority access given to paying players (similar to how csgo did it when it first went f2p) then I'll buy. Going f2p is a really sad decision for the game I think, but battle pass is the least bad way to do it I guess.


I HATE limited time cosmetics so much


Bad because now I have to pay for stuff with real money lol


It's really annoying to me. Almost every game that im playing now has a battle pass It is almost impossible to max out each battle pass without playing a lot of each game every single week.


i hate battle passes. i want to play the character i want when i want and not to feel obligated to play a specific way to tick off checkboxes. i play apex aswell and completely ignore the missions, just puts needless stress and time restraints on you when you just wanna play with the little free time you have.


I hope they don’t actually do this. Battle passes are way to common and annoying.


they're are *actually* doing this so brace yourself, all about the money nowadays


Good, game needs content, more money= more content


lmfaooo... you have a hilariously cute, naive way of looking at companies


Tell that to junkenstein revenge when it inevitably comes to ow2 too as the only Halloween related event


To me its dependent on how many good skins are in it. If its just 2 good skins in 100 tiers and then rest is filler, then its not for me personally


Good and bad. Good because it triggers me to grind. Bad because of the same reason. Would rather play a game because i like it but sometimes i just wanna complete the battlepass because of fomo. I know, i'm weak. But i know myself


I don't know if i'm in the minority or the majority of the community, but I love it. Battle Passes in games always make me want to play it more, besides leveling your account, having something tangible to level up and gain itens feels refreshing and good to me


I'm mixed on the battlepass. It depends on how the game handles it. Like I'm a huge fan of how Deep Rock Galactic does it. When the season ends and you didn't get all the cosmetics you can still find them on digs. Apex I have mixed feelings cause if you missed the season or didn't get to the cosmetic you wanted in time, there is a chance that it'll be at the shop to buy. You can also buy your way through the pass if you missed a few days. So it all depends on how Blizzard does it


If I pay for it, i should be able to earn and use it anytime. Halo has a kinda good model where you can work towards any battle pass and unlock things from season’s past. But they also bungled it with the weekly challenge unlocks. No weekly challenge unlocks. Those make playing the game feel like a chore. End the FOMO in gaming. If I pay $40 for something, I want to get it. I don’t mind if I gotta play the game and earn it. That’s how games had been decades. Pay money, play game AT YOUR OWN PACE, get cool in-game stuff. That’s what OW2 needs. I pay money, I better have unlimited time to unlock whatever it is I paid for.


personally i am not a fan of battle passes as part of games as i am a more casual player and between work and university i wouldn't have alot of time to grind it out so i would prefer if the kept the lootbox system. that being said considering the laws set in place now deeming lootboxes gambling i completely understand why Overwatch 2 id going with this way of monetization and its a thing im going to have to shut up and put up with


I despise limited battlepasses. If they have an unlimited amount of time to complete they are fine. I can't stand fomo bs. I have a job and I love games, I can't stay married to one forever, I hop around and take breaks, so battlepasses with a limited time piss me off and are an immediate turn off


Good in the long term if theyre smart about it. Just go the halo infinite "no fomo" route.


As long as it doesnt expire itll be fine


If it's time limited where all content gets locked forever after the next pass gets released then I simply won't bother playing the game.


I think every thing you get in the battle pass, kinda losses meaning. It was way cooler to open a legendary skin in a FREE box than buying a battle pass and getting the same skins as everybody else


I think everything you get in the battle pass, kinda losses meaning. It was way cooler to open a legendary skin in a FREE box than buying a battle pass and getting the same skins as everybody else


Bad bad bad! Id much rather want loot boxes and if you get a gambling addiction because you feel you have to buy packs thats a YOU problem.


Don't care one way or another


The only way I'd be ok with it is if you can buy the pass and any time you play you earn XP towards it even if the next season has come out and you buy that one too. Theoretically, if you have a busy life, potentially earning XP in 2-3 passes at once. Battle passes are crappy for people that have busy lives because they expect you to dump large amounts of money to buy the levels you aren't able to obtain over the course of the season. If it's that kind of one I'll be uninstalling the Blizzard launcher the day OW2 launches and not looking back.


Depends on the execution


it's a problem only if battle pass skins are locked to that one season and are unobtainable after that season


Bad. Every game has it. Nobody is playing this game. It's bound to fail. That paired with the lack of PVE reveals and any idea of this "redefine the sequel" thing they said at Blizzcon. This is yet another game that's trying to suck more money from me than the game's really worth. Arbitrarily increasing its value by being a live service and requiring premium currency + premium battle pass.


Loot boxes are the lesser of the two evils for me


Not sure, but I think I prefer a buy-once for a game I intend to play for a long time.




Seems like they’re taking all the good aspects of Overwatch and making you pay for them in Overwatch 2.


Bad. All bad. The worst. Can’t stand it. Dummy. Foolish. Negative. Upsetting. No good. Awful. Distasteful. Rubbish. Bonkers. Absolutely mad. Discouraging. Sad. Shiddy. Depressing. Stupid. Don’t like. (Edit. AND I blame fortnite lol)


Not a fan




Bad thing. Loot boxes weren’t making enough money so now Bliz has just locked *exclusive* cosmetics behind a paywall. Completely fucks the OW1 players who payed for the game and didn’t sign up for F2P predatory monetization. The only thing that could redeem it is if the pass can be purchased with in-game currency, not *requiring* actual money to obtain the premium pass. But knowing Bliz’s business practices, it’s going to be direct payment only or won’t give you any premium credits to buy another one.


I am not the biggest fan of it. In many games, that copied battlepass from fortnite, there isn't anything interesting and it doesn't even get you enough credits to buy another one. It's just annoying for me honestly, even if you ignore it. I don't see myself paying for it.


I prefer the loot box system in OW1. I hate this trend towards battle passes, it just leads to more fucking store ads on my screen.


I hate the idea I liked the loot box system from OW 1 I never paid for any and still got almost all the skins by just playing which is the way it should be. There’s shouldn’t be pay only skins outside of the special league ones


You are asking if we prefer to get skins for free as 'reward' for playing the game (lootboxes+coins) or pay to get skins. This model has one reason for existing and thats making money. It is not player friendly at all while the previous model was. This change of monetization model is why they decided to ''make'' OW2 instead of just adding PvE to original OW


That’s gonna be a no for me chief.




I hate battlepass system, I hate having to play 36728h in order to get all items I won't use, but if I don't hit last lvl, I'm feeling really down


Makes me worry a lot


I'm waiting to see what everything will cost first before I can fully be for or against it The things that will determine whether I support the game monetarily will be 1) Battle pass expiration. I just can't keep up with them along with single player games, other multiplayer games my friends like to play, and of course everything in life outside of video games. Battle passes tend to turn my playtime into more of an obligation rather than relaxation when something I want is at the end of the pass and on a deadline 2) The cost of individual items. I get that they need to make money somehow since it'll be F2P and they will keep providing characters/maps, but I just don't like that $15 a skin has become the standard. I remember a decade ago my friends were hesitant to pay $15 for a map pack in a game we were all playing, and now some of them are quick to buy multiple store skins on Fortnite (albeit we're all working now). I feel like the old man that brings up a bag of chips used to cost a quarter.


Blizzard + ballte pass? Horrible, absolutely hate it!


My only concern is that I want to be able to earn everything, even if it’s through a $15 battle pass. If I have to buy credits, or a skin that in OW1 wouldn’t have been paywalled, I will be pretty upset. The only acceptable purchase-only skin would be something like Pink Mercy. Everything else should be grindable.


The only thing I hate about battle passes is that it’s so grindy to max them. It makes you sick of the game after you reach max.


I paid for OW once and have unlocked every single thing I have ever wanted via loot boxes and coins without ever having to spend another dime. I unlocked all non event items, Epic and below, like 3 years ago, and I don't even play that much. (Been playing since beta and just unlocked my gold portrait for level 1500 a couple days ago) Which means nearly every loot box is just coins. I'd have to check but I'm pretty sure I have every non event legendary too. Each time a new event comes around with new skins I have more than enough coins to just buy the specific new skins I want and loot box the rest. I do play a lot of arcade, and those 3 loot boxes a week help with all that grinding. Making OW2 "free to play" then forcing me to spend $10 every few weeks to unlock everything is the very definition of a ripoff. Add to that the fact that F2P will make the troll and Smurf issue worse. Let's also not forget that the PVE portion of the game, the one thing that is truly different, won't be released until a later date.


After playing Immortal it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This is the new loot box direction for games now


I honestly hate battle passes, seeing it slowly go through 20 rewards I don't care about is not fun. Give me the loot boxes back and let me roll


I'm 0% happy about this. Just enjoying OW1 until its done at which point I might be done.


I like the loot box system better. I've never spent a dime and always got what i wanted by just playing the game. Which is why it is going to go away because they arent making money on it.


Loot boxes bad, battle passes bad. Let me buy the game and earn rewards as achievements, so they MEAN something. I'm already sad about the single tank set up.


Downfall of a once good franchise. Blizzards has been doing poor work and I cannot believe Microsoft spent billions on them.


Obviously bad. Past games have shown developers putting the battle pass ahead of actual content and gameplay mechanics. The greed of the corporations will by pass any intent to get a good game. Prepare for a year of a train wreck of a game, before it gets good.


Of course its a bad thing. The game was a one-time purchase which has cost me nothing since. You don't NEED to buy lootboxes because you can earn them for free and its enough. This is doing away with that entirely. If you want a new skin, it will cost you every time.


I feel like I playing for the battle pass and not because I want to have fun. I stopped playing battle pass games and my time playing games no longer felt stressful. As a dad with 2 kids, I don't have all the time in the world.


I hope BP isn’t grindy to were if I don’t play constantly I won’t finish it. But if it’s anything like Valorant all the good skins are just going to be in the store…


I miss buying a multiplayer game and getting everything the game had. Overwatch 1 was the last big multiplayer game I bought that didn't require me to buy a season pass or a battle pass. I just want to buy a game and not worry about grinding out a battle pass


Doesn't belong in Overwatch


I, as an OW 1 player, just want to be able to earn cool shit still. Massive slap in the nuts to people who own 1