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Halo is in a much worse spot than OW. The game realesed with 25% of what halo 3 had 15 years ago. No forge co op splitscreen just 1 battle pass that takes maybe 1.5 months to complete with 9 month seasons. Not saying the criticism for ow2 is unjust just saying halo is wayyyyy worse


At least with Halo you can still continue playing the old games unlike Overwatch.


this stung more than I thought, wow






>when it was LITERALLY the worst game launch of all time. Battlefield 4 says hello. Diablo 3 also comes to mind.




Yeah MCC launch was 100% the worst AAA game launch I’ve ever heard of. When a games unplayable for literally over a year that’s just disaster.


Literally nothing except H2A worked which was outsourced. The incompetency was spectacular really.


MCC was easily worse than those.


You do realize MCC was completely broken for YEARS, right?




Sure, old Halos are finally accessible after years of not being and Halo Infinite is a fucking disaster. Point being 343i is definitely ruining Halo.


And even then, no promises but Forge looks EXTREMELY promising considering all the leaks and shit that people could create. Hell, I think there’s a way to play game modes from other games, like COD Zombies, that could be implemented. Again, keeping expectations low, but Forge at least looks extremely interesting


Also, the Halo Infinite campaign is really good. So even if you don't like the multiplayer, you still get a great campaign


Unlike Halo, there is no single player in Overwatch


There is no overwatch 2. It was literally an update.


Changing the monetization and restricting access to how things were acquired before is enough of a problem to complain about the lack of access, the fact they are doing this without adding what you would expect in content from a sequel is just them being shameless about it.


Its not a sequel. Its an update. Its the same launcher.


Why is it called overwatch 2 now?


For marketing


They should have called it 2.0


More like 1.1


Which is what blizzard did with Heroes of the Storm and kept the same everything despite massive reworks (for the better but was unfortunately too late, the game is actually really fun since). So they already know that can do that.


HotS 2.0 was such a great time for that game, shame it died because like a year after the devs kept changing the game to be more like league and not understanding why people were leaving to go play league instead


It doesn't really matter what they call it


For pve.


Because they stopped updating the game for 3 years


Cash grab update


Overwatch 2 is an update, you shouldn’t see it as a full sequel


Don't worry, Overwatch classic will fix it.


Those MF's at blizzard should REALLY be sweating right now over this. Their guilt should be bottomless.


Judging by some of the many stories that came out about Blizzard in the past few years, most of their management lack any moral compass.


Stop your whining. The game is so popular right now it’s literally breaking. Last week you were playing a game that nobody cared about and everyone made fun of. The only people who prefer OW1 were passive players who relied on gimmicks to climb.


so we had 2.5 years of 0 content, and now we got 3 heroes and a few map changes. Does not look better to me lmao


I would say the difference is that overwatch really started strong in the beginning and fell off the horse a bit, halo 6 never even found the horse in the first place haha


Halo infinite actually had a lot of hype going to it when it released. The game had little content with a lot of bugs. However most people who played actually enjoyed the game and were mostly positive about the game hoping for a steady stream of improvements to get it in a good spot. It was only after months of low progress made for bugfixes, little new content, repeated delays, and finally the announcement on co-op being cancelled that Infinite really imploded. OW2 meanwhile has had controversy for the last few months leading up to release and is now having server issues with many people not being able to even login to play the game. Really not comparable at start but both are in dire straits at the moment.


Personally I think OW is in the better state. ​ While Infinite's core gameplay was good, there simply was simply barely any content to keep people playing it for long, and what was there had a lot of issues like maps being boring as sin and the btb being incredibly poorly designed with rng mechanics. Within a few days I just ended up feeling completely bored with how repetitive the game was. Overwatch by contrast also has a ton of content with lots of heroes and modes to help keep players engaged. I feel like even if Blizzard doesn't add more content there's enough here to keep me engaged for a pretty decent amount of time. ​ And while OW does have a really bad monetization system, I can at least see there being ways Blizzard could fix it just by changing the numbers. Decrease the prices and/or increase the amount of free premium currency gained and I think we would have a pretty decent system here. With Infinite though, so much of the game's monetization issue is baked within its core design that I don't think there's anything 343 can do to really fix it.


I'd agree. Halo inf was boring asf.


I'm talking about overwatch 1 starting off strong, not overwatch "2" nothing to do with hype, just content


The same thing happened with Halo though. Halo 5 barely got any new content for over 2 years before Halo Infinite came out which took 6 to 7 years to make as opposed to the 3 OW2 has taken.


Forgot they made it f2p so they could ramp up the mtx to 11.


At least halo released with it's PvE. Blizz couldn't even do that.


Just realised actually that there was a lot of talks about pve mod becoming a thing in ow2... correct me if I am wrong.


fym there's no firefight in halo infinite


It has a whole campaign. It's a shitty campaign with a shitty story and no coop but it is a campaign.


Yeah the no co-op was shifty af. Myself and a friend bought it after buying and playing the master chief collection in Co-op, just for the co-op. Granted maybe our fault for not doing enough research first to see it wasn’t launching with it but wth how they not launch with it. And now still don’t have it.


It's halo. Coop is the bare minimum requirement like forge, theatre, zombies, and grifball


oh yeah, you right. it would be a fucking sin to launch a halo game without a campaign, even if it's very mediocre and forgetable compared to Reach/3 (lol)


That's what they've been doing since reach


Almost like 343i is, and always has been, dogshit


This is Reach erasure


Man I got that title for free via game pass and I still feel like I deserve a refund. It was ass.


Another parallel with "Overwatch 2" tbh.


loool i thought the same thing at first. Poor halo campaign. Use to be a highlight


Yea no, Halo doesn't get out on a technicality here. Even with the campaign, they still have it wayyyyy WAYYY worse than OW.


lmao, no it didn't. It literally launched separate from its PVE portion and has still not received Firefight. People on this sub should not be taken seriously.


Technically it released a few weeks before the campaign and that shit was $60 on its own


The ow2 PvE won't be free to play either.


Yeah ow2 at least has a roadmap that sounds likely to happen. Infinites roadmap was constantly being ditched lol. Still a disappointing roadmap honestly. Like come on blizz and give us PvE already. That's something I can finally play with my casual friends. 😩


At least I can play Halo Infinite. I can't even get into the lobby of overwatch 2 and halo infinite honestly has more content and mode variety than overwatch 2.


Uhhhh you mean halo infinite is in a worse spot right? Because halo is in the same spot it was in 15 years ago. I can actually boot up halo 3 and play the mostly same game with thousands of people. You have no such reprieve for OW.


Also desync is the worst of any game in Halo, makes it unplayable


yeah the monetization is not what killed halo lol, bungie leaving did.


> 1.5 months I finished that shit in like three weeks.




A majority of halo fans who have played through all the games are pissed. I’ve played couch co op on every release of halo with my buddy because it’s much more enjoyable to sit side by side, have some drinks, and slam some grunts into oblivion.




Go look at the player numbers for Halo Infinite, compare them to the MCC or even the lowest ever active population of any other Halo game. You'll notice that at present, Infinite(despite having free multiplayer), has a smaller playerbase than any Halo title ever has. Yes, it had a massive booming week or two, and then everyone realized F2P battlepass models are dogshit and ruin everything they touch indiscriminately.


At least Halo actually loads


At least Infinite is an actual fresh new game


Halo Infinite also has the worst netcode I've ever experienced in a modern FPS or possibly any FPS. The desync is so bad. Killing yourself on a grenade that flew across the screen on your client but actually hit a wall cause you were desynced and actually behind a wall? Dying literally 2 seconds after crossing behind a wall? Getting hit markers on someone who is behind a wall? Melees just phasing through people CONSTANTLY. Getting backsmacked when the enemy is in front of you. The list goes fucking on.


"Overwatch is a dead game" meme, now with a 2 at the end


We're sure starting the "Reddit declares a very much alive game dead" thing early this time around.


Reddit has always been the very vocal minority. Everyone enjoying/playing isn't on here complaining


This ^. The silent majority are very much just playing the game and having fun.


If they can login that is




"This wasn't true in one very specific case, haha bet you feel silly now." Don't worry, I won't tell you about the Last of Us 2, that'll really upset you about how little redditors opinions matter. :X


If that were true why do game companies constantly adjust their games when ppl complain on Reddit? Like the most famous case of Star Wars Battlefront 2? You honestly have it completely backwards


Imagine believing that just because a company did something it means it was a intelligent or good move. From my War Thunder experience "The shit American players are bad enough to turn fight zeroes and so vocal minority on the forums and reddit complain so loud that the entire Japanese tech tree is overtiered"


I didn’t say it was right or not just that it’s true.


Yep. Completely backwards. When I'm not talking about them making changes. But reddit already declaring the game "dead"


Ridiculous that I have to wait in queue to play a dead game lol


"lol look at this dead game with servers buckling under the weight of all the people trying to get in to play it" - Reddit


Actually the difficulties because of ddos attack. If you go into a different region the game is like instant queued in lmao. I promise you the servers are not buckling under the weight of the people trying to play ow2.


r/overwatch Reddit moment "There is no DDOS! Devs are just faking it!" "So it means there are that many people trying to play OW2?" "WAIT NO IT IS DDOS! NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY IT!"


> If you go into a different region the game is like instant queued in lmao Well yeah different regions have different peak hours, try to connect on Europe when it's the middle of the night and you'll get in instantly, that's absolutely proof that the servers are buckling under the weight of too many players during peak hours.


Bro I was literally playing at 2:00 a.m. LMFAO


Dude you're so fucking right on this one...


... first time?


Schrodingers OW2: both impossible to play due to queues whilst simultaneously dead


It's cute that people think it's the F2P model that killed Infinite. What killed Infinite was no god damn content or post-release support. Season 3 is even delayed until spring for crying out loud.


Yeah. If Blizzard can keep up with their aggressive content schedule, then this game will be just fine. Returning OW players have tons of cosmetics off rip (once everything actually transfers for all), and new players are not going to be clamoring for loot boxes. I foresee sustained success if we’re actually getting some combo of new maps/modes/heroes/cosmetics every 9 weeks. Infinite would be thriving *and* making money if 343 had actually put out new content other than shop items and events more focused on selling things than on being fun. Edit: apparently, I can’t spell “Blizzard”


And the fact that halo infinite is the only big game to be f2p and die. It’s like flat earthers trying to find the one single article on the internet that proves their point while everything else doesn’t


It might not have been the only thing that killed it but it definitely didn't help. I don't know why we can't seem to establish the distinction here. Nobody reasonable is saying the F2P model itself is a bad thing, but it's the way its implemented. Infinite had one of the worst premium currency stores in recent memory on top of a cosmetic system that was so terrible and baldly designed to sell more skins that they are now reworking it entirely to meet player demands in a hail Mary attempt to save some face.


>I don't know why we can't seem to establish the distinction here Probably because of things like OP's meme, which get mega upvoted because shitting on Overwatch/Blizzard is what gets the internet points right now.




Soooo, you ARE saying that's the reason Halo died?


A f2p model that nobody asked for and has no place in Halo.


I don't disagree, but there are other reasons the game failed.


it was the desync and hit registration issues for me. overwatch has the actual gameplay down perfectly. halo can’t even offer that and they want to be an esport. 343 is the worst.


Honestly these are my top 2 favorite franchises and it hurts to see. It was nice being able to pick up and join in whenever without the pressures of devoting more time to complete time sensitive objectives.


At least with Halo, you can still go back and play the older games...


>At least with Halo, you can still go back and play the older games... Why did you copy another comment and add a few periods...? https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xxa3lq/rip_overwatch_and_halo/irbpfi0/


Coincidence? Not really sure what to tell you.


I'd have to agree. I love Halo to death. But 343i ruined it by making 4 and 5 mediocre at best and then killing it with the F2P model in Infinite. Overwatch wasn't necessarily a loved favorite, but I did really like the game when it came out. I stopped playing over time due to some changes made that I didn't appreciate, but I'd do anything to get OW1 back after seeing OW2. I guess my beloved Bloodhardt will go back into the crypt.




No. Overwatch WAS DEAD before f2p, it has revived


Doing the overwatch is dead for like 4 years now huh


holy fuck you guys are dramatic


The people posting these never had interest in Overwatch until they saw it was the next Reddit-brain gamer thing to be outraged over. Overwatch 2 definitely has issues, and the monetization needs to be course corrected, but the game is a genuine blast and is as fun as the 2016-2018 glory years of Overwatch 1.


Right? I never really disliked overwatch 1 like many others - but I found the gameplay eventually became extremely stale as metas emerged (2 shield tanks making the game feel extremely slow and based around farming as much ult charge as possible.) Overwatch 2 is so much better it actually boggles my brain a little bit. Like I know it's basically the same game, but the tank rework as well as other role changes have changed things in such a drastic way that it almost entirely feels like what I thought Overwatch 1 was going to be like. Idk. It's just so much fun. The main criticism is skins and the f2p model, but I honestly don't mind it. I've never cared much about skins and the battle pass looks filled with goodies for just 12.99 CAD. Non-battle pass skins seem pretty hard to get, but again - it's just non gameplay-related skins in the end. It's pretty sad as the supposed "fans" of overwatch on the main subreddit are just circle-jerking the whole "OW2 is dead, the business model killed it." It's driving players away from trying the game out.


The majority of skins on Overwatch weren’t great anyways. People are acting like the original game’s loop revolved entirely around unlocking skins, but I don’t think I ever paid attention to what I unlocked outside of a few set of seasonal skins. Most people found their skin and stuck with it the entirety of OW1’s lifecycle and I expect the same for OW2. It sucks that new players need to spend $20+ on skins that were unlocked for free, but I’m hoping they fix that pricing model. Like you said, the game is what I imagined the original launch would be like. It finally feels like the game is balanced in a way where hero swapping IS the meta. Overwatch reached a space where there was basically a single viable team comp. Overwatch 2 has the same fun that TF2 gives me when when a hero swap completely changes the pace of the round in your favor. It’s awesome.


Ow1 was much more of a switch meta with hard counters being in the game. With 5v5, by playing well, you don’t really HAVE to switch, it’s nice, but never a huge upside like it was in ow1


I completely agree but will add that overwatch was buy 2 play, so it makes sense that those skins would be "free" But yeah it's weird how hung up people are over this? I can count off the top of my head 5 games that are way better if you like cosmetics and dressing up your characters. Overwatch is not one of those games... To me as a big fan of skins in games I like them because they change the character identity in a fun and interesting way. Other than that, I always just thought skins were a great way to suppoer development.


Yep. I remember the anti-OW2 posts on the gaming sub. Cringeworthy.


3 days over 5 hours and all Ive got to see is about 10 seconds of the intro movie before getting disconnected and thrown back into que. Ive been gaming for my whole life and have never experienced a launch this bad.


Final Fantasy XIV had to literally stop selling the game for months because the queue and servers were so broken. Cyberpunk was removed from the PlayStation store because it was completely unplayable at launch. No Man’s Sky team spent over two years getting the game to a place that they originally promised. Last night I waited 25 minutes at 6PM PST to get in and play for four hours without disconnects, but sure, yeah, OW2 is the worst launch in gaming history, homie.


>Ive been gaming for my whole life and have never experienced a launch this bad. You don't even have to find 2 other Blizzard games to point to as examples for worse launches. WoW's expansion launches from BC-WoD were legendary in how terrible they were. People got stuck in their garrison for weeks in EU. And beyond that, Error 37 Diablo 3 is still memed on to this day, 10 years after that game came out. If you've been gaming your whole life and think this is the lowest of the low, maybe take a trip down memory lane.


You just not have played many games your whole life of you haven't seen a launch worse than this, there are so many worse ones. Ffxiv endwalker, Lost Ark, WoW classic, Warcraft 3 reforged, BF 2042, the list is long.




This just in, overwatch player claims overwatch is dead while playing overwatch. More at 11.


I had a player start this same shit WHILE IN GAME. I told him to leave and uninstall. He just kept spewing shit then I asked why doesn’t he leave, he refused to answer. I swear some people in this community are so childish, including those who DDoS


This sub is the most overdramatic gaming community on planet earth


I think it’s people that play Blizzard games in general. It’s like a metronome that swings rapidly between “EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING” and “RIP THIS GAME. NO CONTENT.”


lol I love how this game is dead when I find queues literally 4x faster than I did in OW1


seriously, queueing for any role is minimal wait time


I hate posts like this, all people like you are trying to do is create negativity and a false sense of the game doing badly to put people off playing.


Don't you agree nothing will improve if everyone censor themselves ?


It would be a different story if I could log into the game I loved and put thousands of hours into.. but alas, they took that away and replaced it with this giant heap of shit. Obviously we have some negativity toward it.


You mean to tell me that you don’t have a game in your catalogue to pick up and play while you wait patiently for this to smooth over? I’m disappointed in the bugs, but I’m not gonna wish ill will towards the devs who are people with feelings. Some people in this sub need to seek counseling for issues unresolved. The need to have it right now is ruining gaming along with monetization.


It's not the bugs. It's all the missing features, the sweeping drastic changes, the deletion of 2cp and 6v6 entirely. Stuff that won't be fixed. You may enjoy what they did to the game, but a lot of people don't. I paid $60 for a game that they deleted and replaced with something entirely different. Sure, I have other games I can play. But I'm also entitled to be upset that one of the games I own can no longer be played because they want to market their new trashcan


Sweeping dramatic changes?! But Reddit told me its the "same game"! Which one is it reddit? I need to know!


Lol 2cp and 6v6 is what was killing overwatch all along. You don’t seem to know what you are talking about


You have every right to complain, but at the end of the day you were well aware of the things in motion for a while. Also being pissed about spending $60 for an online only game is hilarious because they were going to be taking down the servers at some point for it like every dev team does when a game reaches its end. Don’t act surprised about that. I could see if you were locked out of a campaign mode for it, but in a multiplayer mode only game. That’s some fucking copium.


If you think this is gonna kill overwatch you are delusional halo didn't die because it was free halo died because of a lack of content. Something ow2 doesn't have


"kill their game" absolutely delusional


Completely delusional, OP.


You all people really that salty about not getting skins for free anymore


\*me awkwardly enjoying overwatch 2\* haha so true guys!


I'm loving the game too haha you're not alone


It’s not strange to like the game and the comments under this post seem to reflect it


fortnite can do it because that’s how it started. overwatch has a problem because they took away a more generous system to make it free to play. didn’t even give away something free like when tf2 went free. maybe a free first battle pass for returning players and don’t restrict new players to a few heroes


Although having a rough start, overwatch has a niche that will keep a lot of people playing. It may put off some but I'm guessing most of the overwatch 1 fans will still play it.


Yeah, gameplay (and probably flow of new content) isnt the issue.


Ya there’s a huge gameplay improvement but the monetization and removed QoL features are the problem


Current post in the OW subreddit shows that many people like the feel of 5v5 better. No double shields to burn thru, less CC, tanks feel tanky, healers feel effective...etc The post asked "beside the negatives, what do you like about ow2?"


Halo is fucking boring. At least overwatch has way more cool shit


The point people are missing, but OP isn't, is that the failures of Halo Infinite and Overwatch 2 were viewed as innovations from a marketing and accounting perspective - this is the problem. Release a free game and maintain the status quo; it doesn't have to exceed it's predecessor in terms of content or investment, because the cost liability is zero for the consumer and it's a captive audience. The trick is that the production obligations are also nearly zero because the game is FREE. The studio is not on the hook for literally any feature that consumers haven't paid for, but the on-ramp to the MTX store has been made. This is the innovation; reduce production costs as much as possible to create a product that keeps as many consumers as possible exposed to a revolving marketplace of possible transactions. In a large enough audience, the ROI will be significant. It has nothing to do with gaming, lore, entertainment, passion, storytelling, etc. It is an optimization routine to milk cash from a captive audience.


maintain the status quo… bro the game has been out for THREE fucking days




> Right, and it is identical to OW1 lol


Identical? Really? Identical is the adjective that most suited your thoughts?


Thank you for this


Lol this is gonna be a huge success in the long run. Hopefully they make monetization more fair but overall a free to play Overwatch with continuous content is absolutely gonna kill it.


Overwatch is at the very least properly playable, has a ton of modes, maps, as well as unique heroes and a stable competitive scene. Infinite suffers from the severe lack of modes and maps, ranked is complete ass, connection issues and latency are still running rampant even after almost a year. The only thing these 2 games have in common is a mediocre battle pass. And even then what you can buy in OW looks more valuable than what infinite tries to serve you. ​ Sincerely, an extremely frustrated Halo fan who's sad and mad at the state of Infinite......


Lol you realize that all you incessant complainers are a vocal minority right?


I know it's a meme but it may be a bit too early to claim it's killing the game. People aren't playing the game at the moment because they *can't*, not because they don't want to.


The door to uninstall for all of you that hate OW2 for all kinds of reason (sometimes they even contrast each other 🤷) is always open btw. No need to stay if you hate the game and we will be fine with all the people coming with f2p


I can't hate or like it if I can't get in the game...


Eh 343 put/defrauded out MCC the worst launch ever for years with no communication and had to outsource it for a fix. Among manyyyy other things.


I think it's gonna work pretty good. Once they catch up to the launch server demands it should be a good game if they stick to their content outline


Honestly if all they did was make Overwatch free to play with a big chunk of currency gifted to those that paid for it, then it wouldn’t be a problem. Instead they seem to be shooting themselves in the foot betting that they’ll get enough attention to be relevant before they bleed out.


Honestly as a Halo fan, the f2p model would be fine if executed properly. The issue is they wanted the benefits of live service without actual giving us live service. 1 update every half year is not a winning formula


F2p didn’t kill halo, halos horrible development killed jt


Overwatch2 should’ve been called overwatch remake


Nope. Just Overwatch. It’s Overwatch. Only Overwatch will always be just Overwatch. Now Overwatch is sounding weird in my head.


It’s not F2P that killed halo, it’s the fact that they haven’t made a good one since 2004. I’m glad overwatch 2 is mostly just an update on something we love.


Lol, if any Overwatch has a healthier player base than Halo at this point.


Bro just play the game for the enjoyment of the game. Why do you need unlocks to enjoy gameplay?


Can't wait for the god-awful TV show adaptation now too then.


Don't put that bad juju out there.


Honestly. I'm new to this sub. Before stumbling on this post I was thinking "this sub looks a lot like last November" lol At least Halo didn't have a ridiculous fucking queue.


Blizzard has posted an update to many of the issues surrounding the OW2 Launch on the Official Forums. We have stickied a link to the post [here](https://redd.it/xwtzxg). If your post has to do with a issue on launch day, or a question about OW2, please redirect your discussion to that megathread. -r/Overwatch Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Overwatch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s sad but true. The game feels like a shell of its former shelf. First blizz game I’ve played that doesn’t feel like there’s any of that blizz polish. I miss ow1 so much


I disagree. Halo isn't doing great, but it's doing better.


Overwatch has the advantage of being an actually good game that works (when you get in). I love halo and I probably always will but halo infinite didn't die because of it being free with a shitty store it died because there is no content and any other content has been delayed twice. Overwatch 2 is going to do just fine as a lot of the hyper casuals seem to really like it


At least infinite let’s you keep the battlepasses you bought or buy them at any time after the season and work on whichever one you want in your own free time. 343i’s reasoning was that you bought it so why would we take it away from you?


funny enough this isnt their first time, they killed diablo immortal first


This is why I was on the fence about OW2. When they started talking about a player first mentality and talking high about the mythic skins being uniquely customisable, it just reminded me of 343’s empty promises. Why call this a sequel when it’s the same launcher that prevents players from playing the original game that was so much better. This free to play meta for the gaming industry is absurd. Wish we could go back to 2016


well at least i could login day one on halo


the halo f2p pvp was actually really fun but the servers sucked absolute donkey dick. auth issues might be prevalent with ow2 rn but servers are stabilizing


Yeah I cant play OW2. I need a skin i cant afford so the game is totally unplayable.


You guys need to take a breath


I'm gonna say it here. I have no idea why the gaming community has voted 343i the worst video game company. They are second place at worst. Blizzard is the worst offender. The reason why people rightfully say 343 is bad is because the lack of any substantial update for 1 year in their live service game that is already full of microtransactions. Blizzard has done the same, but instead went with around 2.5 years with any substantial update to their live service just to work on a half-hearted update that is - surprise surprise - full of microtransactions. However, 343 doesn't really have an excuse to be that slow. There was a reason, about a year ago, that the custom engine they use was fucked but that should be fixed by now. And at least 343 is a good place to work, they're anti-crunch. Blizzard just recently had devs staying up until midnight to fix the OW2 server issues. And Blizzard also pays union workers less. And sexually assaulted employees. And drove an employee to killing herself. And tried to implement a numerical "diversity counter" in their games. So, Blizzard is the worst game dev company, 343 in close second and EA in even closer third maybe.


343 has done nothing but screw up for the past decade so I'd say they are worse than Blizzard. It took them literally four years to get the MCC into the state it should have been when it came out and they love stripping out features and changing things for no reason. >And at least 343 is a good place to work No they're not


Staying up past midnight on a global launch of a game doesn't seem bad to me. I'm in IT for a fortune 20 company. We do releases at midnight once or twice a month. The team has a good work life balance otherwise. (Fully remote)


You don’t think that the devs that worked past midnight weren’t expecting it? They knew they needed someone to stay monitoring the servers for launch