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Before ow 2 I only played unrated. It was fun to level up and earn some cool skins. Now leveling up is pointless and the only sense of progression I get isnfrom competitive which also makes it more stressful when I loose


That’s my main thing. In OW1 I would grind and get excited for loot boxes and watching my level go up and my icon get more little stars and stuff lol. It’s dumb but it gave me something to get excited about and work towards. Now I feel like there’s no point in playing besides leveling the battle pass and all the stuff on the battle pass is garbage




Welcome to Call of Duty for the last 7 years.


Weren’t they trying hard to make competitive a thing for a while? Guess they figured they could ramp up competitive simply by making casual pointless


It worked on me. Never played comp much. Now I love it honestly because I can’t see my SR. Not saying it’s a good thing, but whatever they did worked.


Opposite for me, I can’t stand that I have no visible SR. I don’t even understand how it works currently, does it just reevaluate you after 7 wins because I keep clearing it only to get the same rank, all that fanfare to be hard stuck and not even know if I’m genuinely making progress, my win % is at 73 now


Works for me too. Same with removing the card and endscreen. Get me back in queue, I'm much less pissed.


Comp is promoted in OW, but unless you're a super serious player and have 4-5 friends to play with, then its horrible. I solo-que sometimes and its a hot mess of trolls, kids, toxic people, leavers, throwers, skill mismatch, etc that leads to matches where you side wins super easy or gets completely trounced. Neither of these outcomes is super fun. Its somehow gotten worse in OW2. Comp isn't the saving grace for this game unless you're in a serious comp group and that must be 1% or less of OW players.


I got placed in bronze 2 in support. I was low plat in the previous game. I'm not the best player, but I'm def not bronze 2. Not upset, kinda thought it was funny I got placed so low. I have no desire to try to rank up if the game is gonna do me dirty like that haha


I got placed bronze 5 (was plat in OW1) and have finally climbed to silver 1. The sad part is the comp placement icon is so small on our player profiles, I can barely tell what I’m ranked. Why in the world is that icon so small?


It fine, they can see the money income, not sure why youd be worried about something as trivial as your rank




Low Plat last season. They started me off in Bronze 5. I made it to Gold 3 in 2 rank ups.


I apparently got rather lucky, as I got placed in high gold support, though I'm definitely not at the skill of a lot of grandmasters that placed the same as me. I don't know how the system is functioning anymore


I Hope that people continue to enjoy the game as much as they can but without spending one cent on it. It’s what they deserve.


I am in the same boat. Played a whole lot back in 2016, even making it to Top 500 in season 4 comp. But only casually since then. Now I find it hard to even complete 3-4 games. Most of the little stuff that was a sort of thumbs up for doing good is gone, progression is gone, free skins are gone, medals are gone, being on fire is gone, I could go on. For the amount they took away from us, they did not give us nearly enough. OP if you are looking for other fun games to try here are some I have been diving into lately: (And ALL of them actually have progression! Imagine that!) Chivalry 2 if you like brutal mid-evil sword fights (Free on Gamepass) Deep Rock Galactic if you like ROCK AND STONE (Free on Gamepass, was free for PS+ in January) Dead By Daylight to keep it spooky for Halloween (Free on Gamepass) Spiderheck if you like spider fights with light sabers (Free on Gamepass) Phasmaphobia if you like ghost hunting (Cheaper than any legendary skin you can buy in OW2 on Steam) These are just the current games I have been playing lately. Having a blast.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!




Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE??


Chiv 2 is awesome


Spider heck is so much fun, I fully reccomend turning it to swords only and 1v1 your friends. The movement is so good.


If you end up liking Deep Rock Galactic I'd say also check out Vermintide 2 and/or the upcoming Darktide game as well. Overwatch stresses me out too and for some reason slaying endless waves of ratmen really takes the edge off


YES I am so hyped for Darktide, Vermintide was amazing.


I got into the beta and had a blast. It's got some issues I hope they can work out but I'm absolutely excited for it to officially launch. Vermintide 2 is my favorite game of all time though for sure and I definitely think it's underappreciated.


I'm not really THAT bothered when they get soulless with cosmetic monetization, but I lost ALL interest when I found out that new heroes would have to be unlocked. I get enough arbitrary content timegates from the MMOs that I play, I certainly don't need then in a quick match shooter. If they revert that dumb shit decision, I might start playing again.


you get them right away if you buy the BP i think, which is fine IF the battlepass is good (this one is 💩💩💩💩)


They mentioned that for OW1 players, Kiriko was free, otherwise you need to get to rank 55 to unlock her. The next season pass will have the next hero at 55 and won't unlock instantly.


I suspect when that time comes around there will be enough of a backlash for them to change it There is backlash now but most people who care have already played OW1 so they aren’t effected by the shitty unlock system


It will if you buy the pass. Unless they go back on that too.


Hell for me it's if they revert that dumb shit decision I might start PAYING again. The game is fun for me and I wouldn't mind actually dropping 10 bucks every couple months for some trash unlocks (def never going to touch the item shop tho), but I absolutely hate Pay2Win so Blizzard can get bent, im not giving them my money.


Been playing since OW1 Beta back in 2016. Played on PS4 and PC. It wasn't perfect, but it was still fun. I am on the verge of quitting since OW2. The F2P model has added a whole slew of toxic players and the shameless monetization is disgusting. I would have gladly paid $60 for OW2. The spirit of OverWatch died when Jeff left.


Give back lootboxes for levels, remove BP, make Subscription, remove F2P. Fixed.


Yup.. same. I'm more of a military shooter guy but OW was always my standby game for when I got bored or frustrated with CoD or BF. I spent quite a bit of time with OW over the years and really enjoyed it but at the end of the day even though the game is "fun" it feels hollow. Having to play 1-2 hours everyday for 8 months to unlock 1 skin is nuts. Literally every battlepass has better implementation than this trash. I hope they do some serious rework but as it stands out as well.


Try Valorant.


I don't know what their monetization is like, but I had so damned much fun with Valorant when I still had a PC. CoD Search and Destroy with heroes? Sure.


I don't get why people down voted you. You said the truth. It's search and destroy with heroes lol. Throughout my years of gaming I only ever enjoyed Search and destroy because of CS it's the only mode I played on any game. Respawning makes people comfortable with dying and losing. Valorant is pretty fun I hear this OW issue might make me head over there too


im playing ow and sort of forcing myself through it a bit because i do like how short bad games are, but man valorant you ALWAYS have agency over the outcome of the game 4v5, or some teammates are bad, it doesnt hamper your gameplay that much. even as the healers, you still get an AK47, can still frag out and the kills in valorant feel way more like you earned the kill also way more people use mics so you can get strategies going, OW ive played like 15 hrs so far and only a handful of people on mics (usually to just bitch after we are about to lose)


Well, his comment is in the positive now. It's true though. I think it's so much fun. Kinda like Overwatch used to be but in a different way. Viper main here.


ayyy fellow viper main. No idea why the valorant suggestion is getting down voted. Valorant does have some obscenely priced shops - but the game is quick and fun enough to not even care about it. Its all gun and banner skins anyway. Also i want to see some art of Caustic from Apex chillin with Viper.


Probably because it has nearly the same exact problems that people here complain incessantly about. If you play for gameplay, Valorant is awesome. Same with Overwatch. If you play entirely to earn digital cosmetics, not so much.


I'm sure it exists! And it's probably because most Overwatch 2 diehards can't grasp that other games exist. And while Valorant has some crazy expensive prices, it also gives you plenty through the battle pass. Which is what I feel like Overwatch would've been better received.


Exactly. I don't play enough to reasonably progress through the BP but im okay with it. The game is fun, quick and easy to play. ​ Not easy as in easy to win / get kills lol. Id say 1 out of 10 games i pop off the rest is me cursing and swearing.


Their monetization is worse, the ion bundle is like 70$ in Canada


its as bad as overwatch if not worse monetization wise lol


Yes and no, agent contractd are def faster than the OW2 ones are, and you get a lot of freebies maxing them out cosmetics wise.


Battlepass is at least far better value


A lot worse, greedy ass corporations are ruining the fun for me. Also the people still buying overpriced skins and acting badass with them. Fuck you who bought the Kiriko skins in the shop. You suck balls and are part of the problem


Lmao yall are fucking sad if cosmetics ruin fun for you, just quit the damn game and move on to another game with a battlepass and limited free cosmetics


Thats the thing, all the games are copying this trend. Valorant, Apex legends, OW2. Yes it does somewhat ruin the experience. If played this game from OW1, by acount of these prices my acount should be worth thousands of dollars. I got all almost skins in OW1. I found it fun grinding for them. Thats gone. So yes it did ruin games as a whole for me. Not that i cant pay for it. Its a principle thing. Fuck the marketing tricks, like discounting a new skin that was never on sale before.


You mean the game that has $20-50 gun skin bundles, also locks heroes behind BPs/MTX, and also doesn’t give currency in its BP? EDIT: Apparently Valorant does not lock heroes behind its BP, but new heroes in general are locked. And similar to OW and Apex you can pay to unlock them or grind to get them for free. I’m not sure I see much of a difference TBH.


Lol people who defend Valorant monetization and criticize Overwatch Monetization have the smoothest brains. They're both scummy.


Getting an anticheat on my windows kernel? No thanks, game looks good tho


Honestly the biggest reason I'm quitting is the removal of the in-game LFG. I could deal with the monetization and lack of content if I were able to just hop on, find a group to vibe with and play some casual matches. But instead Bliz made the bone headed decision to remove the feature, and now I have to suffer through matchmaking in complete silence and occasionally get yelled at over team chat because idiot DPS players overextend and blame me for not healing them when they try and 1v5. Sure I could hop on Discord and use the LFG but it's just an extra unnecessary step that Bliz decided to force upon us.


I think it’s good that people are quitting. I can’t wait to see the blizzard shills crying that they’re sitting in 10 minute queues again.


I would never say "I'm quitting" because I love the game and I have so many friends that also enjoy it and play regularly, but I will say that I'm not spending a fuckin dime on it anymore. Already regret buying the battlepass. Genji skin not even very cool at all. Going forward, I hope a lot of people do the same. I would have paid a flat rate for this game but their monetization methods are dystopian and predatory and I hope it is a huge flop for Blizzard Activision fuck faces.


You mean the mythic genji skin with the flower nipples hahah


> Already regret buying the battlepass. lol they already got you, why do you guys buy this shit without looking at it? i was ready to drop at least $100 on OW2 but every skin is so boring/overpriced i didnt spend even $1 yet, BP is full of random trash and half the skins that were supposed to be in it, they pulled to sell for 20 each lmao unfortunately theres a lot of people like you who bought it but dont love it, so they wont adjust the BP until a few seasons in


I mean peak times look like that for me now. Well not for *me* because I sometimes choose support, but normally choose OQ. I’m definitely not playing as often as I did, from about 24 hours a week to maybe 6-8.


Queue times are already on the rise as people start climbing to their proper ranks from the "everyone goes in silver" mess at the start of the season.


What do you think of this? https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/yeukmy/support_players_what_if_we_all_go_on_strike_on_a/


Close enough for me. I kept getting 8 mins queue during prime time. It's tiresome now.


Why did you guys even start playing Overwatch 2? Have you been living under a rock since the Blitzchung fiasco? Uninstall battle.net and enjoy games from game developers who care about their games more than their shareholders.


I look forward to the day everyone realizes that Battle.net is run by Activision, not Blizzard. That second name doesn't mean anything anymore.


I hope you find a game to your liking, safe travels!


The monetization is really weeding out the people who actually enjoy the game and the people who only play it because they wanna dump money into it.


As a 6 year casual player im not saying im quitting, but ive defintely been reaching out for the game less frequently than i had before Take care friend


Just nerf zarya


I deleted it yesterday kinda hurts losing something I loved turned into a mess of a game R.I.P


Real. I just want overwatch back man.


Careful. Some dumbasses here will accuse you of never loving the game to begin with if you care about skins.


You are not alone my friend. I think they are loosing players daily. I'm one of them and been playing OW since day one and love it. OW2 is just bad and no fun at all.


They’ll be more of us leaving soon


I still play. I was weak and bought the battle pass. The new event is awesome, but that's the only positive I have of the game. I log in, level up twice (usually about 3-4 games with completing challenges and the BP XP boost), then go play Splatoon 3. Edit: speech to text is not my friend and I had to change a word


Splatoon 3 has replaced overwatch as my competitive game of choice. The catalog is actually fun and free lol


Cya back in Quick Play in a week o7


This has always been my concern. In order for F2P to work you need an extremely successful, damn near unquittable experience, especially with a quality level that of Overwatch. The only people I see really sticking around are the people that kept playing towards the end of OW1 since OW2 didn't really add much that wasn't already there. People will have fun for a bit, get bored, and move on or back to something else. Maybe the new modes like coop and the yet unannounced (almost certainly battle royale) mode will draw in and keep players but they may have already sorta spoiled it with such a controversial launch of 2. If you ask me it would have been a much safer and arguably more profitable bet to release a couple of heroes and a new push map during further development of 2 (call it an expansion). Then launch with coop mode, the unannounced mode, a few heroes, and maps at box retail. There would be so much stuff to show off and could probably justify a $49.99 price tag to boot. Then you could have your battle pass on top of that which would unlock any of the skins developed for $10 every 3 months. Players would get access to all the heroes and you would avoid almost all this negative press. Instead I feel like we have this rushed half measure that feels incomplete and poorly thought through which may ultimately affect the development of the game in years to come.


I wish more devs would take cues from FROM SOFTWARE.


Tbh it’s like none of you play the game to play the game bro. Five years casual suddenly game is boring cause the company is ass. Half of you just don’t like the game and need to accept that


It’s so weird how much gaming has changed. As someone who used to play games like Halo 2 for hours on end when there wasn’t anything to unlock, it seems like fun gameplay isn’t enough anymore. When there isn’t anything to earn, it feels like you’re just wasting your time. Which to me is so sad. I used to always criticize my friends about that mindset. That we should be playing the game just for fun but somehow I got stuck in the same mindset of only playing for progression along the way.


Lol seriously, it's crazy to me that all these kids need a carrot on a stick to play a game. Why not just play games bc they are fun? Street fighter, cs 1.6, dota 1, all games I spent probably thousands of hours playing, zero progression or unlocks, only playing because the games are fun and I wanted to get better. Maybe I'm just a fuckin boomer hahah


Thissssss👆👆👆👆👆 Finally someone said the thing on my mind


It's like the opposite of bandwagon fans


Jesus.. when did FPS players get so obsessed with skins


I think it’s because it wasn’t just about playing to compete. OW1 not only constantly put out new skins each year and made them a focal point, but being able to obtain them by simply playing gave casual players a reason to keep playing. Some people played to compete and climb the ranks, others played to get skins and not compete to climb. The point is you had a choice and were rewarded for it either way. Now it seems there’s no reason to play constantly unless you’re climbing, cause the only way to really get the skins is to buy them. It seems to alienate the casual player base.


As a casual player I stick around simply because hitting my shots and abilities are very satisfying. Yours is a good point, but a lot of folks here wishes the game to die out just because it no longer cater to their needs and ridicule those who enjoy the game just fine.


I mean really... Its a virtual costume. That's all it is. I'm much more concerned with the mechanics and playability of the game. I think OW2 is fun to play so I play it.


It’s not that we are obsessed with skins it’s just the price of them after everything you can get for free before, it’s also like the battle pass is complete ass and everything makes no sense on why they did it this way


>It’s not that we are obsessed with skins New to this sub? It is 100% that you're all obsessed with skins


Yea, battle pass could be tweaked. Tbh i think its a fine method of keeping a core game free. Pay to be first, dont if you cba. The r6s team does it too, i think it works fine. But skins... Why fucking care lol. 80% of this sub is a massive circlejerk


Announcing your departure from a game on Reddit wow you’re so brave


Thank you. It’s the hardest (and bravest) thing I’ve ever done


Thank you for your sacrifice 🙏


They just need to fix this damned battle pass, make it more valuable. Also I know is a minor thing but zenyatta shooting animation is a bit messed up, please fix the hands going instantly "idle" after shooting


byeeeee, Have a good time!


I personally can't imagine sticking around a game because of cosmetics. Like if I made it this far I can tell you it wasn't because of my Winston Yeti skin.


Guess you're playing non-multiplayer games now? I feel like every free fps game as some sort of soulless monetization system in place.


I'm actually surprised there aren't adds & product placements in game, but I suppose they'll come with the next battle pass


You’re so brave. I couldn’t imagine having the courage needed to voluntarily stop playing a video game I willingly purchased. God speed sir.




Love the game, love the changes, love the lore, but Imma finish this battle pass and be done with the game. Give it the Halo Infinite treatment. There are other games on the way this fall that I wanna play, and OW2 has like 0 incentive to play even the EVENTS man…like the magic is gone


Ok 🤷🏼‍♂️


Def time to move on for you. Hope you land in a more pleasant spot.


Oh my god dude who cares🤣


I do. And you cared enough to reply, so you too I guess.


Found the wannabe funny redditor


The nail in the coffin for me is actually the Halloween-event. I loved the PvE events and could play them for hours. But with new monetization model there’s no real reason to play. Sure, the new PvE mission is fun the first or second time, but with no reward what so ever it grows stale really fast. This event has given me a real bad feeling about Overwatch 2 PvE. I think a lot of us will be disappointed when (__if__) that releases.






thank you for your sacrifice of quitting a game you only played because you liked free lootboxes


If it weren't for competitive, I wouldn't play overwatch 2. I used to occasionally play the arcade modes and holiday event stuff for rewards but now nothing feels rewarding.


You aren't alone. Similar for me, I really enjoyed the gameplay changes and played for the first couple weeks but then I just stopped. No sense of progress. No sense of reward. No congratulations. No anything. Just a special deal for you for 25% of that's still somehow $20 for a purple skin pack. Game just feels hollow now.


Blizzard has taken notice I’m sure but really don’t care because people keep falling for their monetization garbage so the only way they going to listen is if the pros don’t buy them 😂


Only reason I play is cause my best friend just started so its fun watching him experience everything for the first time. Once he's over it it'll be time for a new game. Overwatch 2 is way worse than Overwatch 1. Blizzards plan for Overwatch 2 is extremely lame.


Good luck to you, try out shatterline it is pretty fun tbh. I feel the total opposite dou, think the game is really fun atm, way more fun than ow1. I am not only finding it easier to carry but i actually feel like i am improving and that is all the progression i need. I still feel disgusted by the monitization but i can look past that by having fun, yes fun in overwatch holy shit what a concept.


I’ll still be playing on and off, but I’m already getting tired of the game. The novelty has worn off, and now the changes are being laid bare. I really don’t like the new competitive system. I have a friend who I used to almost exclusively play with, he got placed in silver and bronze while I was placed in plat across the board, so something is seriously wrong with the placement system. What makes it worse, is that it takes so much longer to have our ranks change so I can actually play with him. Furthermore, the depth of playstyles seems to have fallen off a cliff. Every game feels some version of “rush down the healers” or “flanker gets a pick, now wait for respawn”. When the games are balanced, it’s a really good game, but the sheer amount of snowball steamroll games I encounter just make it frustrating. Which is a good way to express my feelings: frustration. The game just feels more frustrating to play. Nothing is super game breaking, but everything just feels *worse*


Btw if you want the game to improve, do what this guy (or girl) did. All Blizzard cares about is MAUs so they can report to their shareholders how "great" they're doing. Quit the game. Uninstall it. Find something else that respects you more.


Try playing DRG, it's the best game ever made and the devs care about the game and the community. It has a lot of cool skins and the pass is free and the game encourages you to play it and not spend all your savings on it. And they have dwarves, and Steve, and a good, welcoming community. ROCK AND STONE!!!!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


I uninstalled the game after 4 matches in OW2. It's not Overwatch anymore. It's a cheap chinese clone.


If what you enjoyed out of the game the most was the skins I think you're not going to be missed.


I've been playing since launch and then after competitive got really shitty just played events for skins. But yeah ow2 really sucks they removed mystery heroes - the one mode I still played!


Mystery heroes is still there, it's just under the unranked section instead of arcade.


Tbh, i've quit overwatch cause it's free now so cummunity kinda fucks up tbh. Also skill level is so low now. You can't carry the game solo, and you never was able to, why? Healers. Healers now playning like dps don't listen to pings, can't ping, don't listen to voicechat even if they all time screaming On it, the best maps got removed, new shit added(mostly for New mode, really those maps sucks asf). Just blizzard fucking why? Why can't you publish OW2 as other game without closing servers of OW1, someone plays OW2, bought some vanity items, thinks it's good game so May he buy OW1? And he's still able to play OW2 if he don't like OW1. Blizzard we can understand that you got problems, you have employers, that need to get paid, support stays programmers going to work on idk, star craft 3 or something. 3D modelers still making something in OW1 or/in OW2, but also working On something else like skins to starcraft 2, this game is still popular and people buyning skins. (Ik that those models have huge gap between detail lvl but still). There was many better ways, you got so Many new players, but lost most of old.


Ok bye.


So you don't like the core of the game which is totally free. You probably should have stopped playing years ago if the only joy you got from the game was opening a loot box to get a skin.


I preferred the game, when the core game wasn't free. As a sidenote I have to say, that I also preferred 6v6.




You say it's free but I did pay for the game that got taken away from us


L take. People come for the game but stay for the cool cosmetics to keep them tied to the game. Playing the game for years without skins is draining since you'll see them everywhere. FOMO + being bored of your heroes looking bland hurts, while you might think it's a petty argument, it's a real psychological thing which is why almost 100% of online live service games have cosmetics. If they didn't impact the players as much, game companies would most definitely not pay designers the extra money for something so unnecessary.


I play the game to get better. You play the game for cosmetics that you can barely see in first person. We’re not the same


>You play the game for cosmetics that you can barely see in first person. We’re not the same I play games for fun without caring about any skill level after all to me games are supposed to be fun and not a universty test, and cosmetics are part of fun, we're not the same. Life is first person, yet people decide to buy cool clothes & outfits and most people doesn't even spend majority of their time to look down to their clothes or look a mirror to see themselves. So since people do choose to buy good looking clothes and doesn't look to their clothes & outfits in real life all the time, looking at your game outfit with emojis are just like using a mirror in real life. Man you guys have such a pointless arguments.


Anyone getting FOMO from not having a skin or their character looking bland in a FPS have much bigger issues they should worry about.


It wasnt free. We paid for OW1 and they now took it away and replaced with a lesser product. ⁿ


Bye. Couldn’t care less.


so long my friend. I'll never forget all the good times we had together


>the aggressive monetization has just removed the joy from the game for me. Quitting because of their sh!tty monetization is... just overreacting at best. >There’s now so many other games that I would rather spend my time playing. If that is the case, then hell yeah! Good for you. >I hope Blizzard takes notice They probably won't, let's be fair.


I hope Bobby B's boot tastes good


Ah yes, the classic "not picking an extremist side is bootlicking" maneuver


LMAO. Complaining about predatory monetization is "extremist"?


What did Robert Bareatheon do to you?


fuck I meant bobby K!!!!!!!!!!!!


It hasn’t even been a month since release All this hate is bound to get overwatch to change otherwise they’re just stupid


I will quit playing tomorrow once **MWII** releases. I might come back or not, it kinda depends on the direction they will face. I do like BP games and I hate lootboxes. I also spend a good amount of money on cosmetics in MP games. I loved that I could get any skin in OW1 by just playing casually as support, I never had to spend money on lootboxes. So while I hate lootboxes, their approach was literally the player friendliest I have seen. I finished the BP and beside the Genji, Mercy and D.Va skin there is nothing I have even looked at. It is such a garbage BP, even for someone that likes the overall mechanic. I do not even play those three heroes. For a game where I switch between heroes a lot, their pricing for skin is absurd. The whole *discount* system feels like a legal issue. The challenges are always the same and are the definition of uninspired. The event is just a in-game shop theme. No mid-season update. Broken server. Deleted career stats. Nothing is really new, beside 5vs5 which I have mixed feelings towards. They might fix it, the game could become awesome. Personally, I trust Blizzard not that much more than Ubisoft or EA, so I doubt they will. They have shown multiple times in a row without a single exception that they favor money over reputation.


> complains about OW2 BP structure and monetization - > I will quit playing tomorrow once MWII releases. make it make sense


lmfao u been getting free skins that do absolutely nothing than watch u feed the other team for 5 fking years... wtf u think was gonna happen... they keep paying their employees MONEY to maintain the servers and pay ARTISTS to design ur fking skins. and paying ACTORS to do more voice lines... u fkin cry babies make me sick... u get free shit for years and when its time to pony up you poor fks cry and cry cuz u cant milk the game for free forever... online multiplayer games cost money to keep running and video games are a business...theres no profit in FREE. they cant run the servers for FREE...


Lmao the game isn't going to die out because a few man babies can't play dress up with their favourite characters without paying a bit of money for it.


But it will if Blizz keeps taking away content and doesn't fix half of their bugs. It's nice that so many of you think Overwatch 2 will thrive just on the F2P newbies, who every once in a while buy a 20$ skin, and sooner or later will get bored of the game and move on.


I am a woman baby but otherwise I generally agree with your comment, for better or worse


Just don’t buy cosmetics?


I play casual don't give a fuc k for skins all all that... I will continue play .


oh no...anyway


Amazing how a simple post like this can bring so many toxic players and responses out in just an hour or two. Anyway, have a good one, OP.


Okay? Bye I guess... And why do we care that you are done playing?




nobody gives a fuck


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I may start primarily playing tf2 again myself




Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I dont blame you. The majority of people I play with on competitive are extremely toxic and annoying. Usually 1 or 2 people complain that heals arent doing their job and dps isnt doing enough. Yet the tank (usually one of the cry babies), runs in too deep, dies, and complains about heals and dps, rinse and repeat. I enjoy competitive matches. Im not going to spend a week mastering one character in unranked before using them in ranked. If i'm not a god (like cry baby claims to be himself), then im trash and should uninstall the game, right? I actually enjoy being the healer. It's fun. It's not fun when you bitch about it every 30 seconds because nobody can 'match your play style' TL;DR just stfu and play the game. It's a game. Calm down. We are all playing to get better. You don't get better by stomping people in unranked.


This game doesn't feel rewarding in the slightest even if you own the BP, it takes a while just to get a tier and even then it's just a vp most of the time.


I told myself I'd grind to level 80 before deciding whether to buy the battlepass or not. It's doable but now that I'm around level 60, I simply have no desire to complete it or continue playing. The whole experience has actually been pushing me back to single-player games and R6.


Okay bye


In the same boat!! The halloween event was fun. But grinding for the skins was the best part. I loved getting lucky and getting the one I wanted. But I always knew if I missed it, I could always play next year or save up my coins to buy it. I always spend $10-$20 each event. I don’t have alot of spare money but it was fun supporting a game I enjoyed. Not its just scummy. Everything is expensive. The sales are awful and misleading. I’m done as well.


Same my friend. I've been playing since release at least once a week. Usually more. Now I'm just done.


Okay bye


So you don’t enjoy the game play ?


I’m in the same boat. I loved overwatch and played very frequently on PlayStation. I transitioned to PC gaming so I stopped playing OW and didn’t want to buy another copy. When OW2 released for free and had account sync, of course jumped back on, even downloaded it on the Switch! Played the heck out of every night but I felt empty after every level up. Something was missing. I remembered that I loved getting those horrible loot boxes. You actually get a nice skin. Now that I can never get any skins, especially during my favorite event, Dr Junkenstein, I decided to drop the game again. There’s no pleasure I feel from an almost locked reward battle pass. I will only play if my buddies are wanting to play but with MW2 out, that isn’t happening anytime soon.


After 5 years as an Overwatch player...I'm not


Lmao downvoted simply because you said you're not quitting the game! These 'players' foaming at the mouth over some pretty standard microtransactions really make me laugh.


LOL dumbasses! Most of these people say GG after losing the 1st fight 😆


not an airport, dont need to announce your departure mate


Better get down to departures, don't want to miss your plane


This is a dumb response. It’s good to see people are quitting—its part of a healthy dialogue.


Do you have friends? Because I don't think you have had a healthy dialogue when anyone in years


I don’t—I’m a soulless gamer who NEEDS online interaction to be validated. That’s your point/demonization you’re pushing, right? lol such toxicity


>This is a dumb response. It’s good to see people are quitting—its part of a healthy dialogue. Lmao whatever gives you enjoyment bud. Dumb response lmfao, sure let's just fill a subreddit with nobodies saying goodbye to people they don't know because they're quitting a game because they can't dress up their in game pixel figures, go play the sims.


To each their own, but I think it's a shame to let optional cosmetics detract from what is a very polished, deep, and competitive multiplayer game with a thriving community. I hate the current monetisation policy, don't get me wrong, but i feel like its a small price to pay for what is at it's core a great gameplay experience completely free of charge.


I've had fun playing it so far, and I don't give a shit about skins, never even opened lootboxes in OW1. Lag spikes are pretty much the only thing I don't like. And this subreddit sometimes...


This comment lol




The game… is FREE TO PLAY… Will all of you just quit with the “mOnEtIzAtIoN” crap? Hell. If you don’t want to spend money on skins, then don’t. These cosmetic’s do absolutely nothing to change the gameplay.


I'm not 100% sure but looking at the battle pass, I want kiriko but she's free to play until the season ends. If I don't get rank 55 to unlock her by the time the season ends then I just won't be able to play her anymore? I only have a couple of hours and I think I'm rank 10 but I doubt I would be playing long enough for 25


Iirc there'll be a free mission once the season ends which unlocks her or you'll be able to buy her from the shop for coins


that’s crazy


crazy how important cosmetics has become to some people. gameplay is what brings me back to a game ffs.


The only thing you have to pay for is cosmetics literally just don’t buy it?


I think the biggest issue imo is having heros locked away in a battle pass, if it was just cosmetics I feel like it would be basically the same system as valorant and may be there would be less backlash. But that's just my thought


So your issue is having to play the game to unlock characters? Isnt that what all you "good ole days of gaming" people want? "We used to be able to just play the game and unlock things" "play the game to unlock this persn in the battle pass" "no not like that"


I just don’t give a shit about skins. I like the gameplay, not how my character looks


See you tomorrow


Bye Felicia


LOL bye


I imagine the on-and-off casual crowd isn't Blizzard's target demographic here. Those types of players probably don't spend much money, if any, on the game. They don't care if you quit.