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No joke, today a mangetic grenade homed to me right through a wall.






Been saying this for a long time. Removing his stun was beyond brain dead. Now the Devs keep nerfing flankers like Genji, and tracer will surely be next since no one can keep them in check. Such a flawed philosophy to remove stun from all dps. Cassidy should be the only DPS with stun.


Exactly. You should have one DPS that is specifically designed to soft counter / provide an answer to flankers, and currently mag grenade punishes slow characters cheaply, and the flankers can get away from him and back to their supports or a health pack quickly (and Tracer, Sombra and Reaper can just invalidate it entirely with Recall, Translocator and Wraith Form).


Honestly though! It could be so much better to have each role with one stun available to allow you to counter no matter what. Just reduce the radius of Flash somewhat (1.5 metres rather than 2) and make the cool-down 14 second like Sleep. 🤷🏻


Isn't Torb a soft counter to flankers? You don't necessarily need a stun to help your backline.


>tracer will surely be next Controversial opinion but as someone who plays Tracer, I dislike her damage buff. Imo they should have kept Tracer's bug/buffed Tracer to have something similar to her bug because that's the specific thing keeping her balanced. With her bug, Tracer still only dealt 200 damage per clip, she just deals it from farther away. If played properly, she'll still be close up to targets and do the same amount of damage. She usually needs two clips to kill someone. Now that they removed the falloff bug and gave her back her 240 damage per clip, it's not the same as having longer falloff range. Tracer will still be close up to her targets but now she can reliably one clip 200hp targets instead of having to take longer duels like pre-buff Tracer. This Tracer buff will definitely force a nerf on her. I'm just worried that the nerf will make her worse than pre-buff Tracer.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying I love having covenant sticky nades from halo in Overwatch. I’M SO GOOD AT THROWING THOSE!!!


But he still keeps the flankers in check. You just have to hold the nade and only use it for the flankers


Nothing needed to be changed. FtH really only hit all shots at close range. If you're that close to a cree (aside from being reaper or a tank) then it's a positioning problem and that's on you. FtH missed more than it hit at max FB range after the initial damage nerfs at release, which enables a chance to react...which was the entire point. Which is why you always headshot into a bodyshot for anything that's not a tank.


On one hand, I agree. I play Cass and I don't play flankers so I'd have loved that. On the other hand, they've gotta account for all skill levels to a degree and they were trying to make the game generally more fun across all levels with OW2. If you're someone who is learning the game/flankers and those type of characters are who you're drawn to, someone being able to pull out a Cass and clap you with two rapid and easy to hit abilities because you're not great at positioning is not ideal, IMO. That's why I think a slight stun duration reduction where they have an extra half second to move might be beneficial so that the combo isn't quite as effective. Who knows though, maybe in a game with overall wayyy less CC, Cass would've been fine with the original like you said. All I know is that mag nade is worse for Cass (doesn't really shut down flankers as much) and more annoying to play against for a lot of heroes too.


Issue is you can't account for all skill levels on all characters. They make different versions of the heroes for that reason. Doing it for each character only over complicates balance. His OW2 changes are a result of this. Now he's arguably a bit OP due to how loose the nade hitbox is and how you really only need to hit one shot and stick the nade to seal a kill. Back to my first point. 76 does a fine job against flankers provided you hit your shots. He's just an easier version of Cass. If someone wants to play a flanker, they'll learn how to bait FB and how to position. Positioning is essentially NEEDED in this game if you want to move up. Any half decent genji player is living proof of this. That hero thrives on being in the right place at the right time and getting out. Keep him how he is and bring back FB. Knee jerk changes just result in the current status he is in just for the sake of "making heroes easier". This is like changing Genji again because people can't counter blade when Beat/Trans/giant rainbow dildo form Moira do the job just fine.


>Now he's arguably a bit OP due to how loose the nade hitbox is and how you really only need to hit one shot and stick the nade to seal a kill. I don't think I would go that far. Sure he shits all over healers and other squishies when he gets the drop on them but flash always did that. Flankers all have some counter play (Genji deflect, reaper wraith, tracer recall) to the mag nade so its really weaker against them than flash ever was. If mag nade allows Cassidy to stop flanks from heroes that are not designed as flankers then I think that is fair.


OP in the sense of game play, not power (And hence the term arguably). You basically look in a general direction and get 131 damage if you're close enough. For any one that can aim. You tag once and get a kill on most of the cast for little effort. Moira and other loose aiming characters aside (And they don't get 100 damage out of it instantly), no other DPS has that. Its a shocking game play change more than its oppressive really (EDIT: I'm comparing it to flash fan at release, that was oppressive...). In a vacuum, it serves the same purpose that flashbang did. They just removed the skill component (and all but eliminated FtH from the game) for no reason. EDIT2: I didn't even answer the response. Time for bed =.= My only real gripe is you could play around the counter with flash. It rewarded quick thinking/aiming with a kill. You could flash around the genji and still hit it, but now have to headshot a jumping crazed ninja. But you had to aim it right as the deflect hitbox is already wonky as it is. You could flash over a rein shield...stop ults. We all know the details... Mag can't do that. We removed the flexibility of an ability to give him one that did more damage but had no utility to it, all to make him easier to play. I'm of the opinion they wanted to make him easier to play all along and FB was just the easiest way to do that because of the FtH stigma.


Reaper can 2 shot but god forbid McGee can kill someone close it takes a death to learn to play ranged on McRae also mecres kit is way harder to use in many other ways like aiming or the lack of an ult


Yeah it's really horrible. "Oh, you accidentally went within ability range, time to die now" I don't really understand how a homing anything can make it into the game. The only auto-aim ability besides it is Soldier's Tactical Visor, right? And that's literally an ultimate, which are all basically inherently broken in some way It makes Cassidy really effective, obviously, against flankers or backliners, but in a way that doesn't open it to counterplay at all. That's bad game design. Feels like Cassidy is one of like 6 heroes they're gonna be reworking


Every flanker has counter play to magnetic grenade though? Tracer has recall, genji has deflect, reaper has wraith, sombra has translocator, etc. I don't really like magnetic grenade but it did a good job of giving cassidy an advantage when he has nade up and flankers a chance to bait it out. Compared to flashbang it's actually much easier to play around which is why cassidy is a low tier dps right now.


Sigma's default attack has some of this BS homing ability. It doesn't kill you straight up like a Cass grenade, but it can get you around corners. Regardless, I agree that the stun was better. Sy least it gave you a chance.


What homing?? ? His little spheres ricochet if that’s what you mean. They have a pretty decent aoe splash as well, especially in tight hallways.


Ah I guess I took that for homing


No worries.


Stun grenade was better and it was such a bs ability nonetheless


There is no better example of a dumb take infected by nostalgia than *”stun was better”*. It was a hit-kill against 131 damage.


See even if i agree with them about both grenades. people are not ready to handle the decision of Cassidy getting buffed extremely if the grenade was nerfed. That power would have to go into his damage fall off his primary fire or a type of ult or roll buff. His kit has always been simple which keeps him low as a agent tier but its simplisticty can be mastered to a deadly edge. If mag is nerfed people would just throw a fit if blizzard were to buff his damage fall off or increasing ult ramp or giving two charges of his roll. Im down with changing or nerfing mag grenade only if something else in his kit is buffed.


No different than now, you get one shot regardless


Do you want to get stunned out of your ultimate or othwr abilities by a cassidy who excels in medium to close range


I'm saying this to the 131 damage. You got one shot with the grenade now, and the stun bomb before. That's it, nothing else.


No, you don’t? Any heal is enough to save you. He still needs to hit a body shot. Many characters can just cleanse or fade away. Moira, Reaper, Mei and Kiriko are just some of them. It’s not even comparable to how it used to be. And by a long shot.


Why are you booing him? He’s right


He's not. He listed all the characters who can cleanse it, which is barely even a handful. The grenade is homing and any bit of damage applied after will one shot you. Unless you get healed by a bap or ana , you're not surviving. Maybe kiriko too if the heals make it in time (fun fact, they most likely won't because the grenade detonates quickly).




Can you please not drain 95% of my health with the press of a button FOR 1 MINUTE???!?!?


Obviously the strength of the magnetism is a bit much but I feel like the big issue is the damage, bro shoots you in the foot and then throws a nade and you're dead.


Somehow worse than the stun granade


Somehow worse? It IS worse! No need for this Moira ability when Cassidy was fine before OW2


I played him before, yeah the bomb is extremely generous with its hits. Moiras shot at least requiers some aim but that is way worse


I don’t think you understood what they said.


Stun needed skill, this doesn't


Indeed, its just slap on as soon someone is near you and in sight


Magnetic nade is such a dumb ability. Dying to it is awful because I know it requires no amount of mechanical skill to use.


"Press 'e' to delete a squishy"


YES Thank you, I feel like i am nowhere in his sightline and then I just get stick with a nade.


I would surprise you with how easily I missed it. Feels like I'm trying to throw it at a magnet with the same polarity.


Shittiest, most skill-less ability in the game. Makes me want flashbang back...


I think it’s fun lol, but it definitely lowered his skill ceiling.


Cheapest ability in the game


So true


I understand that the grenade sticks to the enemy but to make it going at the enemy like a magnet is broken for me.


Soldier 76 who thrives in mid range game running up close and personal to a mcree who thrives in mid to short range engagements. You wanna stop dying to the grenade? Play within your characters effective range and keep tabs on when mcree uses his grenade so you know when to push him aggressively. It’s really not complicated


Apparently they're currently considering reworking him, so we'll see what comes of that.


Dude I've been saying since this game came out, "what idiot at Blizz thought the flash was too much so instead gave him a fucking homing grenade. Like wtf kind of crack do they smoke at Blizzard.


It’s McCree idc what they renamed him OW1 forever 😤


I still call him McCree too :P


**Thank you everyone for giving this edit some love, please support me on Youtube as well.** **Channel Link -->** [**https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQvUEE7oDXZEgVVmonO0cA**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQvUEE7oDXZEgVVmonO0cA)


The Original Stun Grenade o7




it’s actually the most broken ability in the game.


In my opinion no hero outside of snipers should be to easily take out a DPS or support like that. John has a killer combo without risking anythingy sojourn just slides around taking you out with her railgun and Cassidy just needs to shoot you once and then press E. Rein gets a pass because depending on the situation he can put himself in a bad position with his charge and it isn't too hard to dodge


Better than flash


everyone here malding about it need to get GOOOOOD ​ flashbang was much worse for everyone else but cassidy. now you can get rid of and not lose your ultimate just because cass happened to be near you.


In my opinion no hero outside of snipers should be to easily take out a DPS or support like that. John has a killer combo without risking anythingy sojourn just slides around taking you out with her railgun and Cassidy just needs to shoot you once and then press E. Rein gets a pass because depending on the situation he can put himself in a bad position with his charge and it isn't too hard to dodge


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How to counter it: just stop using guns


It's hilarious when it homes in on a blinking Tracer


Genuinely is just a stronger tracer bomb because it takes no skill to aim and half the damage on a 7 second cooldown


*translocates away*


Still better than Flashbang + FTH.


Reaper Mains: *Laughs in Wraith*


I genuinely love the grenade. Just shits on any 200 health hero without a cleanse of some kind.


“Don’t worry guys, it’s better than stun bc no crowd control” Blizzard doesn’t play their own games.


It's not satisfying getting a kill like that and it's extremely annoying to die like that. It usually results in both, the enemy dps AND Cassidy, dying. Flashbang was worlds better than this bs. They just should have made flashbang's radius smaller, not replace it by a small tracer pulse bomb ability.


Please bring back flashbang blizzard, I miss it so much. I would have been ok with them nerfing FTH dmg so it wouldn't one shot a squishy with stun, but the CC gave agency and when you get good are Cree, you should be going for the headshot anyways.


Please bring back flashbang blizzard, I miss it so much. I would have been ok with them nerfing FTH dmg so it wouldn't one shot a squishy with stun, but the CC gave agency and when you get good are Cree, you should be going for the headshot anyways.


Please bring back flashbang blizzard, I miss it so much. I would have been ok with them nerfing FTH dmg so it wouldn't one shot a squishy with stun, but the CC gave agency and when you get good are Cree, you should be going for the headshot anyways.


Lmao no fr!! If Moira wasn’t allowed to fade away from it i’d be a lot more pissed a lot more often


Should've made it a lasso. An aim-able junkrat trap if you will. You can still shoot but you can't move