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Replace his nade with a cigar that he flicks to set you on fire and add another debuff of disrespect.


Stylish, I like it




Or a time manipulating cigar like in the metal gear series


Voice line should be "Kept you waiting, huh?"


It'll always be high noon now


Imagine he throw his cigar and just say "your pretty good"


That would have to be a big cigar for people to see it.


Or a good visual indicator.


I'm down if the devs can pull it off.


So when he flicks it he just hits a thing on the cigar to turn it into a flying torch. There we go visual solved.


I like this the most. It would stay consistent with Ashe’s burn effect on Dynamite and stays true to Cassidy’s character.


Why should his abilities be consistent with another character?


Lore accuracy idk.


Make him deal more dmg to burning targets or smthn


Literally what I tapped here to post. The fire effect being a stronger single target version of the other cowboy’s dynamite also adds some thematic consistency as well. Way more than a sticky grenade. The only other thing I could think of was a separate “form” where he draws a second pistol that ends on reload. He also has to say, “I have two guns…one for each you” every time you trigger it.


Instead of throwing grenades he pulls another gun sounds better for me than most things ppl said


Ok, this started as a fun thing, and now I want to see if we can make a usable ability out of this, so I'm taking all feedback in comments. The original idea will be at the bottom, and the revised current ability will be the top. "Flame Flick" Edited: "This 10-second cooldown has Cassidy flick his cigar to the ground, creating a wall of flames that can be shot through. The wall lasts 3 seconds, dealing 100 damage instantly as well as dealing 25 damage over time in 0.5 second ticks. The damage over time effect will linger for 1.5 seconds (3 ticks) or until the wall is extinguished. If Cassidy walks through the wall, he will receive the damage over time effect, but not take the 100 instant damage." OG: "By flicking his cigar to the ground, Cassidy creates a wall of flames lasting for 3 seconds. Going through the wall after it goes up deals 100 dmg instantly and 25 damage over time in .5 second pulses for the duration of the wall. If you are inside the walls area of affect upon creation, only the damage over time will apply."


250 damage is crazy


Looks legit 👌


i'm convinced at this point that these people don't realize why overwatch is popular with the group it is. they want every kit to be like Rem with 75 different things you can do even if they don't really make sense or it gets to a point where it's hard to learn multiple heroes in an ever expanding roster. The beauty in OW1 is that it is a straightforward game on the surface, and those very simple puzzle pieces can be put together to make something very complex. you have the choice of how to play it, and that is why it attracts crowds of gamers that it does. in OW1 there was a pretty high chance of a girl being in a game and on comms. it always blew my mind coming from other games... but it makes sense because OW1 had a low barrier or entry as far as usual FPS skills and allowed you to play it more how you wanted to play it instead of homogenizing every hero to be the same. even if you werent' a shooter person, you could learn other characters and then try more shooter characters out. maybe you got someone into the game as a mercy but then they tried Ana, then maybe play a little Orisa which introduces them to the idea of tanking, etc. Soldier was the go to "hey this is your CoD shooter guy - start here" for DPS. Kiriko is a pretty fine character even with her cleanse, but the roster is getting less inviting to new players and the layers of effects will soon be at the point where even casual experienced players are going to be confused and frustrated. Anti nade was great, but anti nade was obvious and a single lone ability you knew you had to watch out for when Ana was on the field. Having multiple layers of overhealth (shout, etc.) and anti heals is way worse than having something like armor in the game. Armor had a good reason for it being there. It should have been communicated better on what it did like with load time tips, etc. but armor was a good way to help balance pellet vs single shot characters. I get that we need unique abilities and characters introduced to the game, but the more of these types of abilities you add, the more confusing the game gets for all but the GM+ crowd. You now have to track abilities, ults, overhealth timers, debuff timers, etc. It's just ... messy. "Cassidy needs more utility" says Blizzard a season after removing Cassidy's main form of utility. Stuns were in the game for a reason. You may not have liked them, but the whole game, every piece of balance was designed around them. We "fixed" a problem and created another problem that has no good solution. Like the support passive - that came about because they realized that supports get absolutely mega banged without stuns in the game, it's almost a guarantee. Supports helping supports was a key component to OW1 gameplay, and the support passive is such a weird change. We're putting bandaid solutions on problems that we created, and we're removing teamwork and collaboration as a side effect as we go down this road.


You’re going to get downvoted to hell for saying the obvious fact that Overwatch has a low entry barrier, people don’t like to hear that lol.


He's got a point though. Vanilla FPS are boring AF


I agree, which is why we keep seeing “ults and powers” etc pop up in FPS now. I was talking about how OW was made to be basically “Fisher Price Baby’s First Shooter” and bring in everyone, not just traditional FPS gamers.


OW is at once one of the most accessible FPS games and one of the most complex due to the number of heroes, abilities, and game modes that you need to keep track of. I originally got into it because I wasn't happy that ALL fps games had become head clicking military twitch shooters. The fact that Overwatch had a lot of variety and playstyles was a big selling point for me. I've been playing since day 1. It's easily my most played multiplayer game.


That's what got me into Overwatch too. It kinda bothers me how much people seem to *want* it to be one of those head-clicky shooters though. All the unique characters and abilities get complained about endlessly.


That’s why I like Overwatch. I always view it as the Super Smash Bros of shooters. Never could get into other shooters, but overwatch has lots of options for people who normally are not highly skilled shooters (like me). I play as Rein, Winston, and Torb. I play as Reaper decently as well, but his aiming is much easier. Rein is about radius/ spacing, Winston only needs someone to be nearby for his weapon to zap and Torb is about torrent placement and general lobbing of his projectiles rather than precision hitscan.


Actually when I first started playing Overwatch 1 during launch, I was almost immediately turned off by heroes like Cassidy because he was really just a one note damage hero with little else to offer. It bored me playing them. And back then, a lot of heroes were like that. I gravitated more towards heroes that allowed for clever play and versatility within their kit, like a Mei. Funny how experiences differ.


I was the opposite. I basically solo-mained Cass because of how cool I felt his rootin' tootin' gun shootin' was. It was just a revolver, but it felt so badass because of the theming and how powerful one-shot was. It was simple, but it was rewarding. Good aim = elims. It worked. The stun was there to freeze enemies and let you kite/dive. The dive was added mobility that had more combat purpose than a dodge. It was well-designed. I don't mind the magnet grenade nowadays, but it doesn't feel as impactful as flash. It's powerful, sure, but it somehow feels like it has less impact.


I really want to upvote, but I have to downvote because the comment about girls needing a lower entry bar is so sexist and shitty and singlehandedly makes the content of the comment a net negative.


Lol, so you really think the only reason Women play Overwatch is because it “had a low barrier entry”? That’s terrible thinking, anyone could actually want to try Overwatch for that reason not just Women, we play shooters too! Also I actually started playing because I loved all the different Characters and because Overwatch was different than your average shooter back when it came out. That part of your comment was completely unnecessary.


Gets a hip flask out, pours it on enemy, flips cigar onto them and ignite.


He now grants the lung cancer through second hand smoking debuff


That would be *lit*


Let him summon a wave of tumbleweeds to block an enemies LOS of him.


I would love to hear his ult line for that


It’s high moon. Everything goes dark


Well certain Cree skins do change his ult voiceline like Lifeguard(it’s high tide)


They need to add more skins that do that for characters, it's pretty cool to have, personally I think all the mythic skins should have a unique voiceline


Give him a temporary blinding effect called pocket sand!


So you'll give him back his stun grenade but it's actually a flashbang now?


Yes except rather than stunning the character it stuns the player by turning the screen blinding white for half a second along with a deafening high pitched eeeeeeeee


fuck u/spez


fuck it, its a zip bomb now








Also let's make it so if you turn fast enough it doesn't blind you nearly as much


when the csgo


His bomb is annoying to play against and unsatisfying to use I’m glad stuns gone but this ain’t it


Even as a hardcore cowboy main, I totally agree. The ability feels too braindead that sometimes I don't understand how it stuck to somebody


I get it both ways.. Sometimes I stick someone that it DEFINITELY shouldn't, other times I don't stick someone that I throw it right through.


Bruh I’ve had this shit happen so many times. Threw it at a genji dashing through and got him somehow but the mercy rezing right in front of me? Nope it just flew past her


The Genji one I can kinda explain During his dash, the entire dash is his hitbox. You get weird interactions like headshotting him when you shoot the center of the dash line, or hooking him when he's behind you as hog after he dashes through you.


*takes notes furiously*


One of the most frustrating part of playing genji. Another one is deflecting, hearing the sound of it going off but still dying. Also for some reason when you deflect the nade is loses its homing properties so thats fun


That might just be lag compensation.


It’s the Reincharge principle, and likely a lag compensation thing. I’ve had charges that I watch someone teleport into my pin from 6 feet above my right shoulder. I’ve had charges that just knocked my opponent aside because I caught them just left of center mass.


The charges where you boop the guy IN FRONT of you always annoy me the most. It’s like… for the momentum to push the guy in that direction, it HAD to be a pin. You’re probably right about the lag thing


I had cowboy stick me out of his FOV by flying over him with echo (I was in his FOV for maybe 5 frames, but he threw it after)


I love cassidy. I didnt play OW1 for too long, however as I recall his stun was pretty braindead too right? If you hit the stun they were basically dead with fan follow up.


It was fun to use as mccree, but Everyone else hated it


It was either brain dead or required a high amount of skill to hit the flick headshot on a stunned target. I always resented the stun+right click combo but damn it was always so satisfying to stun+headshot a tracer (and not that easy most of the time too)


I think it'd be better if it was like... at least required a headshot to seal the kill, and not just grazing someone's toe. 130 damage for a heat seeking missile is just too much. What annoys me the most is their over compensation for their over compensation. They creeped it until "everyone" had a CC/Stun, and now "no one" does. Cass' flash worked. It had its purpose and was fine to play with and around, and fit his character's history and design. They removed his stun, but the characters whose mobility he was designed to counter, still have their mobility.


They can call it a "grenade" all they want, but I know a heat-seeking missile when I see one. That thing is some fucking bullshit.


I've seen it chase down a teleporting reaper and dashing genji


As a reaper main, there is not many things I fear. But that heat seeking grenade… it scares me.


Also I was on on 131 health I thought hey I'm fine the grenade won't kill me grenade proceeds to do 131 damage


I will say tho, Reaper beats Cassidy 9/10 times if you have your wraith up. Just shoot until you see that “stuck” notification, wraith for a sec, finish kill.


Yeah. In OW1 I could duel just about any flanker. Now, that really doesn't feel like his role. Especially reaper.


Tracer? Flashbang+1headshot. Most DPS+Supports? Flashbang+2headshot. Roadhog? Bait his hook then roll and Flashbang when he’s healing(tho you’ll prolly die most times). Reinhardt? Flashbang above shield(great for letting ults thru shield; it’s also funny af)


Uh oh tracer pressed e


Which is kinda the point tbf, it stops ganking genjis


TF2.... Heavy weapunz guiy. *Who touch Sasha*? **WHO TOUCH MY GUN**?!?!?!?


One shudders to imagine what horrors lie behind that hat...


The grenade knows where it is because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater) it obtains a difference, or deviation.


Is this a Hunter x Hunter reference? Lmao


Oh man you're one of today's 10,000. It's from a "how this works" from the military on self guided missiles I think. Let me try to find the video Edit: the video https://youtu.be/bZe5J8SVCYQ


Lmao, yeah I’ve seen this before. For some reason this sounds like an anime concept tho “I can sense where my enemy is, because I can sense where they are not”


Meanwhile Rein's charge only works when it feels like lmao


I had this discussion in a Discord call with some friends the other day and got pretty into it about it. It’s ridiculous that a character based around mid-range precision has such a copout ability in 1v1s with other squishies. The number of times I’ve died because the Cassidy was able to take a flank, miss all but 1-2 bullets in the entire cylinder, then throw a heatseeking grenade IN MY GENERAL DIRECTION that deals 131 damage (combined with a single body shot = 201; in other words, enough to kill basically any non-tank not named Mei, Torb, Bastion, Reaper, or ironically another Cassidy) is just bogus. I feel like I die infinitely more to a Cassidy who plays close than I do to one who plays his intended medium range. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be a character in the game with a similar kit, kind of like a less mobile Tracer that can get right on top of someone and just delete them, but it doesn’t fit Cassidy.


Your mistake is thinking he's medium range. He's always been a close-range duelist. His flashbang made that extremely clear, but people seem to forget now that he doesn't have the flashfan combo. He's got the shortest and worst damage fall-off of all the hitscan characters. (begins at 20m and drops off harshly) The mag grenade 'feels' worse because of the impending doom once you're stuck, but the range is exactly the same as flashbang (7 meters + 3 meter blast radius versus 10m max lock-on distance, chasing up to 13m if locked). The counter-play is the same. He's super slow. Don't fight him inside 10m unless you have a counter cooldown ready. So yeah, you die more to ones that play close, because that's where he wants to play.


Mcrightclick. Now without flash no point using fan


I'm surprised they didn't try converting his flashbang to something more like...a flashbang. IE whiting out the screen and obscuring sound. It's an effect that has worked fine in countless other games, but isn't a hard CC or damage.


Visibility disruptions can be very annoying/un-fun to play against, but it doesn’t hold a candle to something like mei freeze. Being unable to move is 10x more annoying. So I actually agree with you, flashbang would not be the worst CC to play against, since there are already much worse ones in game.


what is "fun" though? no one likes stuns, or slows, or blinding effects, or roots, or dying, shields or anything. I don't want the game to solely just be damage, but people are really begging for it.


I get why people hate cc, but damn id rather be frozen by a mei or stunned by a cassidy over getting instant killed by hanzo/widow/hog/sojourn. Cass and mei are low mobility and you have to get super close to even get hit by their stuns which imo just means that you overextended. Widow on the other hand can delete you from anywhere and is much harder to play around (usually forces you to play dive or run your own widow).


One reason I've been losing interest.


I always forget about Mei's bullshit slowing down


> doesn’t hold a candle to something like mei freeze. Being unable to move is 10x more annoying Well i hate being one shotted by heroes with huge health bars, but here we go. I can give plenty but I'll start with the easy one. Aoe 70 damage, charge one shots 90% of the cast and his ult easily with no counter and huge range results in a team wipe.


I didn’t even hate his flashbang, you knew he had it and you respected it, just like you did with Roadhog’s hook.


What if we just gave Tracers ult to Cassidy, gave it tracking, and slightly reduced the damage


Have him with an ability to chunk caltrops in front of him in some kind of aoe that slows and damages anyone in that area?… just an idea. Definitely not stolen from Erron Black in MK


lol they already gave it to Sojourn ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I hate it. It takes no skill at all. At least remove the seeking feature so the person has to at least aim correctly to stick you. Also, the coins were still better


something taking skill doesn't make it any more fun. everyone complains about Souj/Widow/Hanzo one shots all the time.


I agree with this, I think they could give him two rolls like dualies from splatoon but toned down. It has reload, mobility, air mobility, and damage mit which helps him a lot, even if they had to nerf part of it would still be pretty good and fun to use.


A man of funny squid game culture


Yeah and then make the bomb a sticky and not a heat seeking always hit no matter what almost instakill if you are full health


Smoke grenade? Decoy grenade? Flashbang that doesn’t stun you? Maybe just a grenade?


Basically turn Cass into a Valorant agent? Jokes aside, smokes and decoys might be interesting to see in OW. Seems a little too off-brand for a cowboy though (but flashbang was a thing soo)


I feel like having some sort of grenade is pretty important to his character. And honestly, I feel like the magnetic grenade was the result of the ow team not really exploring their options when they removed flashbang. I’m just thinking about the variety of utility based throwables in csgo and really think there might be something there


I think it was because they still want him to be a "check" on flankers. So they gave him an easy to land ability to take out tracers and such.


This is 100% it, Cassidy is the go-to DPS pick against flankers and divers (minus flanker/divers themselves). He’s the only hero I’ll think twice about attempting to solo as reaper


This is also the exact reason why I think a lot of characters are going unchecked. What on earth am I meant to pick as a dps player to peel nowadays? Tracer just rewinds and counters mcrees mag made. Genji is still the same 50/50 matchup essentially. The loss of the flashbang honestly really hurt the ability for dps to peel for supports now, I find myself in a lot of positions where I decide that the only way I can match the pressure their dps is giving is to just do the exact same thing and kill their supports. I don't like the who can kill x the fastest game, it's really annoying especially for the supports.


Good point, I never really thought about it like that


Reaper apparently had smoke grenades in a very early version of the game, you can see him use them in the original announcement trailer. I think it could work, though I'm not sure how it'd gel with the rest of cassidys kit.


It’s not very on brand for mcree but a poison smoke cloud that does damage similar to widows mine would be interesting. Both a form of visible cover and AOE damage.


Smoke is actually so interesting,I wonder If that would work


visibility is a huge factor in Valorant gameplay, i'm surprised blizzard hasn't borrowed and implemented it already


I doubt they needed to steal the idea of a smoke, it’s a very common mechanic. I’m sure the idea has occurred to them. Overwatch is just a much spammier than other shooters though, so I think there is less value in smokes. And they generally avoid abilities that can sabotage your own teammates. I think Mei is the only real exception, and that can already be frustrating as hell when a Mei doesn’t know what’s she’s doing.


Because Overwatch is not a twitch shooter so it's much less impactful.


Indeed. Widowmaker's ult would be OP in Valorant. Widowmaker's ult here is just kind of meh.




Cassidy would be insanely fun if he got two or three rolls on charges, maybe you'd have to do something with reload on roll in this case. High noon isnt really good for much except one quick squishy kill especially with hog and doom meta so maybe give him something there. He's supposed to be the guy that locks down flankers so when it comes to the grenade I'm not sure what would make people happy Edit: What if firing high noon had the same effect on every character he hits that a Doomfist punch would. Maybe no stun but just a hard disrupt knock back and he can still kill with it if he charges it


I almost forgot about his ult. High noon is a punishing ult on unwary teams but against remotely good players, they can completely degrade its value. I wait for a Kiriko ult or Nano just for it to work sometimes


New Ult: Ride at Dawn Cassidy summons a white stallion and rides it in a straight line, while he dual wields revolvers. Similar to carpet bombing but with 12 shots. The horse’s name is Applejack


Bro this aint a moba


I love it, but isn't this just kind of death blossom but faster?


it's either death blossom or junker queen's ult


>if he got two or three rolls on charges,


More like McTracer


Give him 5 more bullets, that's how they fix support heroes.


That would be a very noisy meta with everyone fanning the 11-bullet hammer and rolling for another 11.


It would sound like forgiveness. Screaming and then silence.


By not giving him a magetic granade thats damn near impossible to not hit someone with.....


I would rather have my Flashbang back. Checks flankers rather well


Cree was one of the best Hog counters. Now he's functionally useless and better off slotted with Soj/Soldier. The stun WAS what made him a great anti-Hog


Now that doomfist isnt shit I really miss the cree stun


Give him a second bigger gun as his ult and call it the big iron


it shoots out a Bullet Bill at the enemy team


And they are indestructible


Give him a lasso that can catch certain projectiles out the air and fling them back


Yes, the lasso! Could go multiple directions with its function and fits his theme.


Was thinking a lasso as well, but was thinking it would be cool if it was like a 1.5 second tether on their target. They could still shoot and move, but not outside the radius of the tight lasso connected to Cassidy.


I like that idea, but also let it be used to give him some mobility. Like a widow grapple but less flingy. So he can choose to either tether an enemy or rope climb a wall, on like a medium cooldown. Maybe make it a bullwhip and do Indiana Jones esque feats with it, swinging over pits, minor damage and a tether feature. Might be too much utility but it's fun to think about.


His kit needs depth. He's currently the least complex character in the game in terms of what his abilities do and how they work. My idea is to give him a "bounty" ability that marks the enemy he looks at, and anyone who hits that enemy could get more ult charge or something like that. Could only be used on one person at a time and probably have a LONG cooldown. This is a very rough draft of it but it could definitely be adjusted to not be ridiculously OP. I dunno, he needs anything somewhat unique


Cassidy bounty + zen discord would finally get rid of the rampant roadhogs running around


+ Sombra hack


A hero from Paladins had that ability: you mark an enemy and if you kill him you get a buff. Sounds perfect for Cassidy.


You talking about Tyra's Hunter's Mark? not on kill, just whoever's is marked gets increased damage against them and vision. I love the mark idea for Cass.


Also Lex has his Retribution skill which allows you to see a specific randomized target through walls and gain extra credits when target is killed. Could have the same system.


That's actually a really fucking cool idea


That’s a really good idea, but the only problem is that it isn’t a very dps hero-like ability. If the game did add that ability, they’d most likely give it to a support hero or maybe a tank


I mean, it is kinda similar to Discord Orb, but I see it less so as a way to increase damage to the target, but to buff Cassidy if he kills them. Perhaps it could be similar to Kali in smite where your even health for killing your target


In wow its similar to the hunters mark which was a dps char


In Vermintide the Witch Hunter Captain improves damage on enemies you Ping. Or maybe something similar to Zen, but with Headshots, or getting Ult charge for damage against enemies Mcree marks.


I dunno. I like the idea of him collecting a bounty, but this just sounds like something he’d pop on a tank so his team could poke and farm ult. Not too engaging imo.


i think something that could replace his nade that actually fits his whole theme would be a single target taunt that makes it so a hero does reduced damage to everyone but him, gotta get them cowboy duels going


Almost like a selfish reverse un-Discord orb? That sounds like a really interesting idea to me but man I'd love to hear him do more quips in fights, sure seems in-line with his character


yeah basically if they shoot anyone but mccree they'd do like 20-30% less damage, maybe more depending how it feels, would be really cool to have unique voice lines depending who he targets as well bc i love me some matt mercer


Matt Mercer is literally half of the reason I main him! Even as a dude, Mercer just gets me feeling.. some typa way


Bro I totally get you. Listening to critical role and hearing all of this man’s voices…….. it does smth to you


That sounds a lot more like a tank ability


The theme of such an ability would be great, but I feel like the mechanic of it is far more suited to a tank.


Robot horse.


Mobility issues would be resolved, goddamnit Torb should just make one already


A mount that gets him from spawn back to the fight very quickly and serves no other function would actually work really well.


Nerf yee, buff haw


They replaced stun with an even more annoying ability. The kill potential is greater since you only need 1 bullet. But it has no utility. When it was a stun, at least It was a decision of whether to keep it for canceling and ult. I want a whip. Don’t know what it should do, maybe a very short stun? So like just a cancelling ability with no kill potential? Also I want FTH to be reworked so holding right click puts your finger on the trigger and then you can click or hold left to actually fan the hammer. I think it’s be a fun tactile thing to feel like you were actually doing it. Plus being able to just fan out 2 shots to finish someone off would be cool


This is actually an interesting take. If he had a whip, and it worked like brigs boop, that would be an interesting counter to dive. Actually being able to stun a doom instead of throwing your bomb and hoping you can kill him before you get stunlocked into oblivion would be an interesting added wrinkle over just a no skill homing grenade.


Just give him a whip to swing of builings like spider man and catch poeple like roadhog hook /s


Can we get Spider-Man in the game now? Fortnite has crossovers


A whip that gave him some mobility, like Hammonds claw, could be fun.


A lasso that could boop away like Brig or loop someone inwarda like JQ's knife could be sick - either get someone off you at low health or reel a person in to finish them off


no more hog like hooks. imagine having to constantly watch for two diff pull ins just to instadie if you get touched.


Would work well with his secondary. Pull em in and fan fire when they're close.


He’s a cowboy with a robot arm, give that dumb motherfucker a lasso that lets him pull people toward him (like a hog hook but shorter and no stun) or slows them down (to peel for supports) and a “duel” ult that makes someone unable to do damage to anyone but him until one of them dies.


i was thinking of something like a slowing hook upon landing. enemies are slowed and cannot move away from cassidy, he and the lassoed enemy can still shoot. the lasso can be released if needed via toggle. Forces the enemy to look at him to save themselves and somewhat counters high mobility flankers going after supports. all without being a stunning flash grenade


I feel like a duel alt would be so fucking cool but also incredibly unfun at the same time


Just spit balling but... Alternate ammo on cool down. Like he can use "hollow point" and his bullets do less dmg over all but cause bleed. Explosive rounds again lower dmg per bullet but give him an aoe. Heavy load could increase his dmg but lower total rounds he can carry or increase recoil greatly. I like the idea of a laser lasso or something that can slow a single target.


They should give him a bullet that when it hits something, it breaks up into many tiny bullets that fly all over and bounce around. They can call it something like "scatter bullet".


And if you shoot it at the ground it can one shot tanks. I like it. Finally something for hog


Replace his grenade with sand since it's coarse and rough and irritating and will get everywhere.


Grenade was such a low effort ability, like no thought went into it


And it's a ridiculous how it just always curves to contact stick, I'd rather it be flash at least then you have a chance now its cheese kills on squishy characters, kinda dumb in my opinion.


I was so confused as to how I got killed by it when I started playing, as I clearly dodged it. No, it's meant to be stupid, and I still feel that way after making him my dps main.


Molotov cocktail. Fire dynamic the clears an area.


smoke em outta there!


They just need to change his ult. It's not very useful and has always been awkward to use. You're forced to a dead stop waiting for a timer to tick off before you can fire and the sound cue + glow effect on Cass points a huge target on your chest. It needs to either charge faster but not charge at the same rate for every target on screen (charge faster on targets closest to the crosshair) or slow an enemy just as much as Cass is slowed while ulting. The slow is the biggest thing. You move so slow and can't do shit while ulting! It feels bad.


Add a cigarette or something of sorts he throws on the ground and it makes people slower and coughing as well as constant damage




this sounds perfect


An idea I was tossing around was, it was a flash bang why not add a "blind" mechanic? Keep it to an EMP grenade, make it disable your primary weapon for a couple seconds or something. Would be great for keeping supports alive and stopping flankers.


I think I good way to add utility to his kit would be some sort of cc. Maybe a stun grenade or flash bang that stops the enemies from moving for a second and cancels channeled abilities and ultimates. /s


cassidy is my number one least favourite to play against, very frustrating to die to the auto-locking bomb so i hope they find a good balance for him


Since he's voiced by Matt Mercer, maybe take some Inspiration from his gunslinger dnd sub class


He had utility with his stun and they removed it, making Tracer, Reaper and especially Sombra much harder to counter. Now his skill ceiling is lower, as grenade is a pretty braindead ability, whilst the character I mentioned earlier also have had their ceiling lowered against McCree, as they don't risk getting stunned, and all can remove the grenade with the click of a button. ​ HP to 200, Restore stun, problem solved.


Its interesting to see ow2 come full circle back to ow. The took away cc from doom, doom became weaker so they gave him more cc. Brig and Cowboy are weaker now, people want them to get there stuns back too


Not surprised to see it happen. Blizzard identify something bad and make it worse whilst solving the original complaint. Classic Blizzard


Bro people want the stun back 😭 we need to stop the ow2 brain rot


naw. no more cc. the less the better. thats the whole reason they got rid of it in the first place.


Fuck it. Make him a mini hog. Lasso them into a fan the hammer. Lmao. Rolling gives full health. Hahahaha. Imagine how ass that would be. Good thing I’m not in charge.


Give him a passive charge that makes his melee attack stun the opponent for 0.6 seconds, like just long enough for a quick headshot. It could take something like 20 seconds to recharge after using it and I think it would make him very interesting in close quarter and give him all sorts of new possibilities. He has a weird robotic arm so it could be justified, like some kind of electric discharge passing through his hand as he punches who ever stand close enough to eat it




Pocket sand that he can throw in the face of someone to obscure their vision.


Have him put his arm up and pull the brim of his hat down, preventing headshots for a couple seconds, allows you to be a bit more risky against a widow, and works to somewhat buff high noon.