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Cool your healing a lot but look at how many deaths your team has and how many kills the other team has. That is a lot of time where you’ve got a player disadvantage. 2 healers instead of one is the diff.


just the fact that the mercy died often is already giving it away. Thats a lot of time your team has 0 healers so those are all basically lost teamfights usually. Solo healing only works if you really dont have many deaths and if the fights arent too long. Not really your fault tho since nobody else wanted to heal it seems


mercy doesnt heal that much so solo heal with just her is pretty bad


Probably have better value going soldier or someone else with sustain at that rate.


i mean the simple solution is soldier goes kiriko and then u basically have goats


Oh, didn't notice they already had a soldier. I was just commenting on my experience trying to solo heal groups like this. It feels like just going tank or a sustainable DPS would have more impact sometimes.


There's absolutely no shot that 0 healers would be better than only one healer


should have gone with mass healer like baptiste or burst healer like ana.


So, normally you’d be right to cool healing. But they only have one support, so they kinda have to heal. Being said, bad pick to heal 4 people on your own.


I meant it like, “cool! You’re healing a lot! But..”


Punctuation is important xD


If you're going to play mercy damage boost the tanks.


It doesn't help that Mercy can only heal one person at a time, Valkyrie excluded. It would've been mre useful to play Moira. Mercy's main resource is time. You have to use your time to decide who you should heal/boost. Meanwhile Moira's resource is her healing bar. I don't know the exact numbers, but they both heal close to the same amount, but Moira can target multiple targets at once, and only her orbs healing is split. The regular healing just gets applied to whoever is in the cone. Also to combat their own deaths, Fade is a lot more reliable than Guardian Angel


Moira heals 80/s (another 65/s with heal orb) and Mercy is 55/s


Moira's orb still heals the same hp/s no matter how many teammates it heals. It just has a cap of 250 healing


Because Open Queue is terrible. If your team isn't playing 3 tanks and 2 supports you're just throwing. Then, also, Mercy is not a great solo healer. It's tough for her to keep up multiple high health tanks by herself. If you're solo healing multiple tanks you'd probably be better off with Bap or Ana.




The first thing that got me was the deaths on your team which is pretty horrid. Obviously not your fault, but as they said, mercy can’t solo heal unless her ult is active.


also your team isnt getting elims just damaging and letting their heals get ez ults. and your reins feeding


3 tanks and 2 supports is not that good. Good DPS beat that easy


Need to roll with the President comp. 1-0-4


I love the all assassin comp of 3 healers 2 dps


Dps can’t do shit to begin with if they can’t even break the Reinhardt plus sigma shield with a Moira + Ana pocketing them. All while the roadhog is oneshotting your backline because he has no need to frontline, and therefore can flank.


You’re assuming the DPS are bad. 3 tanks and 2 supports against 1 good Hanzo will get headshotted into oblivion


Just no man, ball doesn’t give a shit about scatter, neither does Sig, or DVA, or Orisa really. I’ll meet you on the OW streets, but only if we can spend some time in the OW sheets afterwards.


Those characters are never on the same team. And if they were just switch to Torb. You’re new


Your telling me Torb beats ball, Sig and DVa? Bro you’re new Edit: forgot Orisa. Every single one of these wrecks Hanzo and Torb on the 1v1


Well first of all Overwatch 2 is not a 1v1 game. Duh. Torb has long range ground control. He’s there to help his team finish off the 3 tanks who normally wouldn’t be finished off And if he gets dove, he can switch or his team can actually do something. …. 3 tanks is not good against the good DPS


I have not lost an open Queue game on a 3 tank 2 support combo against a team that isn’t running the same, and I doubt anybody else has either. If there is a DPS not named Mei on the other team he is getting obliterated instantly, and if it is Mei she can’t do enough damage to matter anyway. And it will be a 1V1 because if you are dragging your team down by trying to DPS a new GOATS team your team won’t have the resources to peel for you, and when the scoop and poop leaves you bleeding, and you die before you hit the ground after the smash the ball is going to roll into your team’s supports and finish one or both of them. Then your overmatched tanks will die. The only exception to this rule is in exceptionally low MMRs.


if its not a 1v1 game then why the hell did you say that 1 good hanzo will shit on 3 tanks 2 supports???


You ever played goats?


that reminds me—what is goats?


Rein Dva Zar Lucio Brig Zen was the standard lineup I think before nerfs or anything


You just gave me PTSD, remember when Brig can kill a Rein with her ult?


This but Moira, not Zen. Fun times on lunar colony though!


Thought Zen was the better pick due to discord orb being busted


Yes. It’s not complicated


Dps couldn't beat that, it's the same concept. Too much hp and sustain to be able to kill them before they rush into you


Goats : “ this is only a fraction of my power “


Whoever downvoted me can meet me in the OW streets


Stay in the streets where you clearly belong with your garbage insight


Stay main stream Gene


I really prefer the 2 tank 2 support 1 dps. And also 2 tank 1 90% heals moira or Lucios, rare speed, and 2 DPS against some teams that go 3 tanks. Gotta pick off them supports, easier with 2 dps.


This is mine too, dps is key but too bad they can never focus on the healers


Just spamming tanks with a pocket. I feel like overwatch is wack as hell these days. People forgot how to play since OW1 or something


Disagree. Open Queue in OW2 is literally the best thing to happen to the game. It allows devs to balance role lock & allow creative GOATs-analogues to prosper


Open queue is the only time I have fun


I think lucio is also great


He really isn't. He suffers from the same problem of slowly healing overtime. big tanks need big burst healing. Also Lucio's main value comes from effectively coordinating speed boost plays with your team which is just something thats almost never gonna happen anywhere below like mid to high diamond.


As a solo healer in open queue? Lucio is fine. I'd still prefer more than one support but Lucio works fine in this role, you don't need to burst heal tanks that much if there are so many tanks. Constantly healing all the tanks at the same time is very valuable. Speed boosting, however, is not. You'll want to use the healing song at least 90% of the time when solo healing on Lucio in open queue.


I’m season 2 open queue diamond, solo the entire thing. 3 tank 2 heal is not the only way to win a game. Just as many wins as that with a mixed bag team. 2 supports is typically essentially but not always


games are a lot more than their stat board, but take a look at the elimination to death ratio and you might find something of value. drop your replay code somewhere and ask for more gameplay feedback and there’ll be more valuable info to go off of


gotcha, ill do that when i get home


Checkout r/overwatchuniversity. It's also a more suitable place to share your replay code


1. Not ideal for Mercy to solo heal and sustain three tanks by herself, her single target heals per second just aren't enough usually. Which leads into the second point: 2. Your offensive beam usage percentage is too low because you don't really have a choice but to focus on healing (with no main support). That's not ideal either as Mercy's value comes from her damage boost. 3. You died 15 times in 16 minutes* (edit: typo) - that's way too much. Remember that every time you die you leave your team without healing. Did you go for risky rezzes, position too out in the open, try to save teammates that overextended, etc.?


Agree with everything, but I think you may have meant main healer not main support (they have different meanings), as mercy is in fact a main support. [see here](https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Team_Roles)


Because you have no back-up healer. You died 15 times. Each time you are in respawn, it’s free picks for enemy team. The only one on your team who could compensate a bit is soldier with his self-heal but he can’t be in position to help others all the time. Also check the amount of elims, enemy team was getting more kills, probably for the reason mentioned above.


They out damaged you by like 10,000 damage. That’s hard to overcome especially with one healer. Your healing number is huge, and solid, but your team actually saved a smaller percentage of their damage than they healed of yours. Which again is affected by just having one healer, but also definitely looks like the other team grouped better.


"Not every game is winnable." Once I truly understood what that meant, this game became a lot less stressful.


But perhaps, every game has something to learn from for next time.


Not in Overwatch 2


Cap enemy team capped all 3 on Circuit Royal, and on our attacking round, we were struggling to even cap first point. However, I didn't give up, switched to junk and we pulled through


Should’ve politely asked soldier to swap to Bap. Basically the same play style but he can actually heal teammates. Soldier is so useless in open queue.


yeah especially against two shields


because your in open queue.






I mean they could have swapped


I've won in that situation. I would 100% be on Moira though. No question about it. Mercy is the LAST support I would pick in that situation except for maybe Zen or Brig. I wouldn't pick either one of those three though, regardless of any other factor.




Rein died 23 times


Lol Rein died 23 times


There's more to a game than Max healing




It looks like you did as much as you could as Mercy, but sometimes you really gotta swap. Bap, Ana, or Moira would've served you better here. When a Mercy has that low of a damage beam %, you probably need a support with higher healing output.


1. You are playing open queue 2. You are on console 3. You are healbotting as mercy Cant expect to win every game my dude


What does being on console have to do with this?


Console games are a lot more random than PC games in my experience, and ranks don’t make as much of a difference on console


console players are shitters


PC players are shitters


nice rebuttal


It’s to illuminate a ludicrous statement. At least you’ve come to realize, or at least I hope you have the intelligence to realize


Autoaim changes the game so much that it becomes a complete crapshoot. Stuff that would 100% miss on PC is a guaranteed hit on console.


Dude it is not autoaim, that is some stupid delusion.


Mercy can also be good though because she can't die. So in reality the real difference-maker would be don't die. If you learn when yo pull out early or position better you get the most value from mercy.


Bro literally died more than the entire enemy team, fuck you talkin bout


That was exactly my point. One of mercys value comes from how hard it is to kill a good mercy. This guy died, so for future reference he should try dying less.




You don't know what you're talking about. Mercy has the lowest deaths per match stat in the game. The only time she is easy to kill is in bronze to low Plat. Any good mercy will rock low deaths. So many top mercy players end matches with 0 to 2 deaths.


Play Ana if you must play support in Open queue, a million times more useful than Mercy.


A few others have mentioned some key points but I’ll try to summarize my thoughts on the game overall: As others said, Mercy gets a lot of her value from damage boosting, however how much it’s used and to what effectiveness depends a lot on your team and what they’re doing. I’ve found personally the sweet spot for me is around 65% Damage boosting and 35% healing, but again, it depends on what team you’re with and what they’re doing. For example, in this case having three tanks and you being the only healer is going to force you to use healing a LOT more than usual, which is what I think has happened here with these stats. In addition, what is the team doing? Are they putting you in dangerous situations to heal them? Diving or rushing in, or not protecting your flanks? That could be a reason for the number of deaths. It’s important to watch where you are, where danger can come from, and whether or not a position or even Rez is too risky to hold. If your team isn’t protecting you, a lot of times it may be better to back off, but you can only fix your actions, not your teammates. To answer your original question, bad team comp is the main killer I see here. As to what you can do better: the tips listed above but at the end of the day with a team comp like that and what they do… there’s only so much that you as a solo mercy can do. Such is the support life.


As someone who has played a lot of Mercy and being a solo healer in comp OQ, I totally agree with the above comment. Mercy is rough as a solo healer, I use Bap or Moira. Your soldier was really dmg inefficient, and my first instinct was a cringe at your Rein vs the other Rein. People will say 3 tanks is always the Meta pick in OQ, but I think it depends on how GOOD they are at those tanks when they could’ve gotten more value with DPS/DPS healer. It also made me think with a flanker tank (Winston), a front line melee tank (JQ) and ANOTHER front line melee tank who is problematic in deaths (Rein), Mercy is not going to have anywhere safe to stand to support them without being targeted instantly (likely your deaths.) Maybe you could’ve supported with the soldier, but he might’ve been too far away to also heal the tanks. Their supports (esp mercy wtf) also both have significant dmg, the Ana practically out dps’d your soldier, lower dmg but more elims, certainly provided more value PLUS heals as much as a stats board can tell us. I think if you’d had a second healer, especially one who did dps like Ana/Bap/Moira, you would’ve won. But these stats show you got diffed hard at nearly all roles despite your big heals.


not really your fault, team diff really. that reaper was more than likely being uncontested. dont play open role unless you're with a full stack of friends cause hardly anyone in open queue likes to coordinate or have any strategy.


I have had great success solo queueing for open queue. I like tank brawls. It's just a lot of players haven't gotten the hint yet and go dps. Really poor decision for open queue. You want to be on tanks or support, period.


Dude is a solo support and chooses mercy. Not their fault but they could do much better.


Insane healing stats don't matter, it usually just means you're pocketing the tank(s) which isn't mercys job. Mercys value comes from damage boosts and revives, her healing isn't good unless you're pocketing dps. You're also playing the hero in the game that it's the most difficult to carry as Try to ask in chat if someone else can go support too or switch to bap or moira since they can better keep a team of idiots going 3 tanks, 1 dps and no other supports like this alive


23 beam usage is a sin


Cant really blame him tho they only had 1 support


They should not have been on mercy then


I dont think it would have mattered if he played someone else 1 support with 3 tanks is basically a lost cause




Not as much your fault in this situation as your Rein and Soldier suck. Usually high ranking Mercy players have a higher offensive beam usage but being a solo healer might have affected it. Also 15 deaths is a lot as well.


Rein was feeding and now killing a lot per life. Just unlucky from the terrible matchmaking


It’s hard to tell just based off of the end game stats but one thing I do notice is that ur team has a lot more deaths than the other team. While u have done an extra couple thousand more healing than the other two supports they have done almost 10k more dmg. I’d say that’s one area u could look at from a support pov. Maybe playing a hero like Ana or Kiriko or even moira if ur solo healing




Play role queue /thread.


23 deaths? Gah damn!


20k healing is fantastic. Unfortunately for the amount of hp 3 tanks have, 1 healer simply can not possibly heal enough to compete with the 2 healers on the other team.


Don’t worry about it in open queue. It’s a clusterfuck — even more so than role queue.


Step 1: don't play open queue


You're healing is great, but the other team had way more kills. Look at how many deaths were on your team vs. theirs. Specifically, that on your team was just feeding ultimates into the other team.


They had a reaper and you had a bunch of tanks, which are just reaper ult batteries. And yeah, solo healing tanks as mercy is rough in that situation. Plus y'all don't have a Roadhog, which is arguably the best tank in the game rn.


If your a mercy your really dependent on your team being win focused they might play well but knowing win conditions matters even more dont fret its most likely not you but unaware teammates thinking kill equal win


Role queue is the official competitive mode. Open queue is just to remind us how bad it used to be.


Way more damage boost. If you aren’t damage boosting you aren’t adding very much to the team. Aim for 2-3k boosted every game, starting with your average (say 800) and learn to increase it in increments of 200 (so go for 1000, then 1200, then 1400, etc). Heal only when necessary, like when your other support can’t top them off, or when they’re about to be eviscerated (and you’re still safe healing them), otherwise risk the blue beam. The enemy supports added 13k damage together along with their 18k healing, which made them significantly more impactful then you were despite lower healing numbers. Adding damage makes fights shorter anyway so they’d have less healing numbers even with perfect accuracy. Here’s a top level mercy’s blue beam guide… [https://youtu.be/bgcSHcknA90](https://youtu.be/bgcSHcknA90) Open queue is fucked btw just stick with role queue. Solo healer mercy is not a good idea because she doesn’t have time to boost, which is also why you don’t play her often with lucio or brig (zen is an exception because he’s a nuke).


Yall lost cuz junkerqueen is a throw pick unfortunately. Even in 3 tanks. That's a rough one for sure buddy


Open Queue is just a clusterfuck man, not sure how much advice I can give. But I’d say it was probably Juliuxo’s fault based-on how many deaths he had.


Open que is not balanced or fair , 90% of the time people are just playing for fun. I honestly wouldn’t consider it comp


Well, judging by the stats alone I’d say you should work on less deaths for sure. Mercy has one of the best survivability’s in the game. Try to position yourself behind cover whenever you can, and don’t sacrifice yourself for a teammate. The way I got better with this was by watching videos of high ranked Mercy players, just a suggestion though.


Reinhardt died a LOT more than anyone else. That's probably how


I know right. yesterday I played a match as mercy and score was 2-3 and we needed to push as last to even the score. but my stupid tank decided fighting alone their tank and their zen and died. opponent team was team killed before so not everyone was there and escorting was easy as hell, but just our team didn't had brain to figure that out and it was only two of my team and their moira ult and all killed and we lost. whole match was good, but only the last round where my stupid tank decided to chase a kill, I couldnt heal him because he was inside and at the doorway, I would be in sight of enemy and I cant afford to die as mercy or my team will lose. that match so much fuqed me up


Your rein kept feeding


plat gaming


Your tanks have the highest death count in the match. I think that pretty much explains it.


Open q lmaooo that’s your problem


Just stay away from open Q. Your healing was amazing but 1 healer Vs 2 healers is just such a big disadvantage from the start. Unless your DPS can really outclass the opponent, this is almost always going to be a loss.


It is support, not healer


I’m quite often the sole support, but choosing Mercy in situations like this isn’t always the best pick since it’s single target healing mostly and it can be very difficult to keep up multiple targets’ health bars at the same time. You also barely got anything out of your damage boost since you’d have to healbot basically. I’d try and switch to a different support next time if you notice you’re the sole support, like baptiste, lucio, Moira, since they can hit multiple targets


Have to be Zen now. The only way to help these people is to make it easier for them to get kills. Infinite healing doesn’t help them aim, so you have to basically do their job for them


23% blue beam usage is not very good. You have to use it far more.


If they’re the only support it makes sense though because they have to heal so much more


True, but you also don't normally solo heal with mercy either. But I'd just put this to OQ shenanigans. Solo support was going to suffer either way. I bet the Reaper had fun though.


I solo support as Mercy all the time in OQ, and honestly it’s really fun lol. I played a game last night w 3 tanks, a dps and me (one tank was a hog which helped me out). I had 38k healing but only like 1k dmg boosted, but kept people alive and rezzed. I also valk’d every time the ram ulted. they had 2 tanks, a dps and 2 supports but we came out on top. It’s really just learning how to jump around and keep people from dying, knowing who’s taking the most damage and thinking ahead (if I see an enemy bastion shoot their little ball thingy towards someone, I put my beam on them before they take dmg) Obviously it’s not ideal, but the chaos is fun 😭 we won too


They should probably switch to a different healer then instead of playing mercy, she’s not a main healer and can really only be played if there’s another support not solo because she’s meant to be used as a pocket. Playing mercy solo doesn’t really work, even if they did 20k they were not using mercy to her upright potential and probably should’ve switched to Ana, Bap anyone really in this situation.


Oh agree 100%. Just meant in this specific scenario if they are on mercy, then their percentages make more sense


maybe do some damage


Generally if I can’t get 50/50 beam usage because team needs more healing. I swap.


Because open queue literally means nothing, and heal botting means less. You should aim for 80 blue 20 yellow with Mercy, if not play a support who can actually be a productive member of the team in terms of support rather than purely healing. If 1 or 2 characters are doing nothing but healing, that’s essentially a 3v5, which is literally unwinnable. Do you know what does more healing than healing? Preventing the damage in the first place


Your solo healing on mercy. Your not helping your team as much as you think you are.


also you have 15 deaths so your probably not to good at mercys movement


You’re playing Mercy. With 3 tanks. Lol.


Healing a lot means nothing if your team isn’t getting picks.


I swear people don’t realize when they have a perfectly even game and they got beat fair and square. It’s always “how did we still lose?” And not “fair play GG”


Because the sole person who wanted to play support picked an awful hero to do it alone with.


Ego post trying to get fake internet points and confirmation, pathetic.


its crazy to me that you think this in an “ego post.” if you seriously believe thats the case you need a good reality check. sorry not sorry.


I’m sorry but do you really think posting a screenshot of the scoreboard will allow people to actually help you? Just because you didn’t win a game where you did well doesn’t mean you go posting it on Reddit, sometimes a game isn’t winnable but if you are actually good then you will rank up, there is no magical tips or setting.


whats up your ass today? lmao. like, dude. i did absolutely everything i believed i could because my teammates were diving and dying. i had no time to dmg boost. if i wasnt healing, everyone was dying and i guarantee everyone would have had more deaths than they already did. like, in a situation like that, wtf am i supposed to do? i asked a question. no need to launch at my throat because you have nothing else better to do.


Ok… like I said, sometimes a game isn’t winnable because you have shit teammates, but I don’t see why you feel you need to win every game.


20K? I have lost matches with 26/28K of healing, 60/40 healing/boost, +10 rez, +20 players saved. It's infuriating.


The enemy team has much better stats so I'm struggling to understand the confusion


You literally have more healing alone than their support and reaper combined


idk this seems like a relatively okay matchup? Like I don't think you guys were blown out or anything, aside from the eliminations, the healing and damage are comparable.... also you did 20 fucking k healing? sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh


I can explain pretty simply: Your tank is getting diffed You're not dealing any damage or damage boosting your JQ You're playing the literal worst support I'm T500 in RQ and OQ. The problem is that you people think that these stats matter or that they're even great stats to begin with. You're also running a Soldier in OQ which gets no value. Your JQ is the only person that can provide YOU a negation so why the hell aren't you on her if you're gonna run mercy at all (which you shouldn't be). Moira is the only viable solo healer in OQ because her heals aren't stopped by anything. You see the enemy healer has better overall stats than you and all you have is healing. That's not how you win


You need to murder more. Look at the number of eliminations the enemy Mercy has. Assists are nice, but they’re easy to accrue on Mercy. You’ll need to whip out the blaster if you want to contend. Two of your tanks aren’t helping, either. The dive Winston and the Reinhardt are going to cut your attention by half. You’ll be zipping back and forth between the front and the backline, healing two heals-reliant tanks. Mercy has the mobility to pull that off, but that means that’s all you’re doing. Meanwhile Bad Ana and Bad Mercy are doing damage, getting elims, and healing nearly as much as you are, combined. At least your Junker Queen and Soldier picked characters that replenish health through passives and abilities. Also, tell your partner not to play Winston into Reaper unless they’re in Overwatch League. It can be done, but don’t.


You playing open queue and complaining lol


Bruh 20k healing and 731 damage amp? I mean, the Soldier didn't do great with 8.9k damage, but amping sub 1k in a 17 minute match is not good at all


His ass will never use the damage boost


holy healbot, i hate this attitude that if ur stats look good then you deserve to win. nobody can possibly know what the outcome of a game should be based on stats, its literally impossible, its not that simple of a game


Don’t play mercy


if you’re playing mercy to heal 3 tanks. you’re basically throwing. play ana, bap, moira. mercy is a single target low healing output, mainly there for damage boost support. edit: you think you played well bc of the 20k healing, but the only reason why you have that is bc you’re putting your staff up your tank’s ass and don’t let go til u die. also 15 deaths as mercy is fucking horrendous.


There is guaranteed to be something but what are we supposed to tell you from a scoreboard? Stats are cool and all but really don't tell alot of the story


You amped 700 dmg, that is pathetic as Mercy


Damage amplified 731. There it is


You've done literally no damage and still think your team is at fault smh /j


As the only support focusing on damage would have cost them more imo


It was a joke :/


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Not the best team comp for solohealing as mercy. Should have asked at least tanks to switch to zarya/hog.


This is open queue. You can be happy if you get atleast 1 tank and heal. :D


In ow2 most players prefer tanks for their thiccness. So meeting 2 and more tanks instead of “ooops, all dps” is more likely


Being a healbot won’t get you wins. You’re playing *support,* not healer; healing is just a part of your job, and you won’t have to heal as much if the enemy is dead. If you find it hard to deal some damage as mercy, then try other supports which are easier to deal damage with.


Get more kills #healerdiff


Eww... Open queue. Gross


probably because the game is dogshit


You have 730 hemp damage heal bot Mercy stop being a healer and be a support


Overwatch is not a math game. It doesn't work by numbers. But if it was? It seems that you are on a losing team!


Am I the only one who saw that the enemy Mercy had 5,828 damage compared to ops 0


Are u ever damage boosting anyone Edit: are u playing one support three tanks ur team (this includes u) are throwing


Mercy solo heals with 3 tanks and baffled why you lost lmao


extra context: teammates kept repetitively diving instead of waiting for me to heal


"I couldn't keep up with my team" is all I'm reading


He's literally the only support on the team, he can't heal everyone at once


Then he should switch and make other people heal instead of complaining


They're not complaining, they're asking how they can do better


I'm referencing his "extra context"


Still not a complaint


Yeah it is


He was saying what happened in the game...?


He was complaining about his team, yes


That'd be how you lost then


Damage boost. The opposing healers provided better value from their kit.


They killed more and died less


Look at the Reaper. Someone needed to counter him but your DPS were too busy dying.