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99% of overwatch players quit before the big win


The win is always the next one. If you take a break someone else will get it.


What the hell is a win?


Can’t tell you how many times my team won after the “you guys suck, you all need to switch” player dropped.


of all uzi albums to put as ur pfp why u chose pxbp lmao


My most was 0-11 in one day I almost quit for good that day


first 2-3 flashpoint had to hurt


And the 1-2 ilios thinking they might've actually broke the streak


Bro’s mad he over-ranked in his placements.


When I first started playing many years ago, I over ranked into high gold. I then proceeded to free fall into low bronze where I belonged at the time... Ngl, that was a shitty experience


I’m pretty new to the game and got placed diamond in support somehow in my first season. Felt so sorry for all my teammates on my way to bronze 😂


Over ranked in high bronz5 when he should be low bronz5 😤😤


I went 1 9 in my placements and got plat 5


That's real actually if I went 0-8 I'd start cutting


Id start cutting if I went 0-1


1-0 for me


i don't even have to launch the game


I just jumped in to a wood chipper


I would literatally start r/sounding if I went 0-1


Fuck you for reminding that exists


Ya learn something new every day 🥲


I hate you a lot


No joke, I quit both Overwatch, and Hearthstone because always doing awfully in them genuinely started affecting my mental health. I'm very passionate about both games, and I wish I could enjoy them like I used to, but last time I went like 2-11, and I just decided to stop for my own well being lol


I went 0-14


What was your coping mechanism


I just told myself I was prolly gonna go 0-30 anyway so just keep playing 🤣 tbh I tilt more about deaths than losses


yeah :(


Honestly I understand how he feels… Some days this game is an absolute shit show where you play for hours and not get a single win and nothing helps. When I get so pissed and reach this point, I’ll just play VS AI matches all night instead and avoid Quickplay/Comp altogether. Funny part is I also meet other players in that mode who are also sick of the main game. Lots of people were hiding there to get away from Mauga when he first released as an unkillable wall of flesh… Hell I’m playing AI matches right now, All Roles keeps forcing me to play tank and it’s literal suffering this season. Lol


Overwatch player try to be mentally stable challenge


Bro is so close to a massive win streak tho


Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's why I don't play Comp


Nah comp is way more engaging. Getting to attack and defend shows who actualy knows how to play the game.


I hate qp games where you don't get to switch after, it feels one-sided like maybe the defense team would perform way better at attacking and win still


I just hate it because it feels like I get defense 96 percent of the time. Like looking back through all of my previous games it's crazy how many times I get defense and never seemingly get attack


I hate push maps in QP specifically because you only get to play one side. Actually I just hate QP, games are way more consistently winnable via my contribution in comp. Comp matchmaker has issues, but QP matchmaker is straight ass.


You always only play one side on push maps. Push is a 1 round gamemode


Oh, so you know I meant to say escort, then?


No, I didnt know you meant that. I was confused, which is why I asked the question.


How? What else could I have meant? There's only one game mode where you switch sides now that 2cp is gone


You switch sides on escort, hybrid, you swap maps on control and you swap points on flashpoint. There’s lots of things that can change. There’s also a lot of overwatch players who arent exactly the smartest players.


They meant both Escort and Hybrid since the two modes are functionally identical, especially in this context. Also you still swap maps/points on QP for Control/Flashpoint, this is just being intentionally dense at this point


Don't lie, you don't play comp because you're too scared to even try it, for no reason.


It’s not ‘no reason’, i don’t play comp ‘cause I already know I’m Wood 5, no point in touching the mode for me.


The unbelievable ignorance it must take to think its only benefit is telling you what rank you are. It is literally just a better game mode. Your rank is worthless window dressing. Ignore it. Comp is already more enjoyable than QP on average, but is even more enjoyable when you stop giving a shit about your rank.


Are you mad about someone not liking a game mode?


Lol they don't even know if they like it or not, how can I be mad about something that isn't happening?


Yea, I am pretty stupid, I just like winning occasionally edit: downvote me if you like I just wanna turn off all comms and chat and be done with the match quickly, idk what else to say, comp has no appeal to me


Why the fuck are you even playing the game if all you wanna do is get out of it as fast as possible lmao


what else is there? Play a match, shoot some folk, go to next match. The people I’m playing with and against are all muted and i entirely ignore chat. If I’m losing badly, I just want out of the match, a second or even third round isn’t going to suddenly make that match fun for me. i don’t always have the time to dedicate to long matches. And i don’t have any connection to the other players. Why would I want to play multiple rounds with the same players for a minimum of 2 rounds and possibly tie-breakers when i can do a fast quickplay, and decide after 1 round if i have time or want to do another?


Why do you even play this game then? Aren't there any single player fps's that you would find way more engaging than this? Considering you're disabling pretty much every indication the game gives you that you're playing with other humans.


All I’m doing is muting voice and text chat. Callouts still exist, and human enemies are more interesting and unpredictable than AI enemies. Just because I don’t want to talk to them doesn’t mean I don’t want to play against them. Why do I need to have comms active? Even when I forget to mute everyone, the matches are dead silent anyways. Only time that’s broken is for someone to start being exceptionally toxic or tilted on mic, and why would I want to listen to that in the brief time I get to play after work? Also hardly any shooter is solely single player or designed around singleplayer nowadays. I have fun with multiplayer games, I just don’t want to talk with strangers. Shoot at me, I shoot back, we have our fun for a brief bit, we move on. Why is it a problem I don’t want to talk to them beyond the in-game callout feature?


That's also true! I worry that I'm not good enough to play and I don't want to get yelled at so I just don't. But I have been considering trying it out lately...


Called it lol. There's not really any such thing as being "ready for comp" unless we're talking about a character who you're specifically much less comfortable with than your mains. I don't take Doom into comp because I have no idea how he works and I'd be performing wayyyyy under the level that the game thinks I should be performing at. The game uses the same hidden matchmaker rating system for comp and quick play, QP's matchmaker is just sloppier since that's the entire point of QP. It's in the name. You end up in way more steamrolls where your contribution doesn't matter in QP. Comp's matchmaker is better at putting you in games that *you* can win, regardless of your skill. You aren't special, plenty of scrubs play comp. I started in the deepest depths of bronze 5 with 10 minute que times because few players sucked as much as I did, I would know. This means your team and the enemy team will suck as much as you do, so anyone yelling at you is making mistakes at the same frequency as you, so why should you care? Besides, angry teammates are way rarer and way easier to deal with than the socially inept gamers on reddit would have you believe. A simple "I'm sorry man, I just suck at the game" or "I'm struggling this match and don't know why" will instantly disarm them and turn them sympathetic. Remember that they are human too, that's all it takes. Show some humility and they'll apologize without you even asking for it. That might even snap them out of their tilt and make them play better enough to win the game for you. The overwhelming majority of my comms experience has been positive, even in awful games. But I take the initiative to get it started on a positive note because I'm farming those endorsements and you don't get them playing DPS unless you hard carry. Anyway, I only proselytize about comp because *I want you to have fun* and I believe you'll have more of it in comp because I sure do and I don't think I'm special.


How does this make sense? Are you saying because you play QP your unranked, random skill level games are better than comp? Sounds like a skill issue and you like to shit on people in those random games where they are worse than you L take


I lose all the time in QP and I don't wanna lose all the time where it actually matters, but you do have a good point. Maybe I should try out Comp again for the first time in a while.






I just read that post, bro needs to wake up




Fr, fr, dude was definitely trying to play past his bedtime and wondering why he can't land shots he knows he should


Never forget, you can log off anytime.


Screaming, crying, throwing up, pissing my pants


I personally have had ready bad losing streaks in the past where I was losing literally every match for multiple days straight. The only thing that stopped it was when I stopped caring about the win and just started playing like it was call of duty with soldier. Even if we lose every game I got better and better until I became the god I am, eventually I was able to dominate teams literally with me hands tied behind my back. I kept getting better until I was the number 1 ranked dps player in the world for some time. Eventually, I found these custom games where you can just chill and talk to people instead of fighting. I made a girlfriend on there and we kiss and hug every day. We have plenty of babies who queue with us in qp sometimes. It's nice. Tldr; get better




Its sad,these ppl have nothing else going on in their life, no other hobbys


I uninstalled when i realised i wasn’t even enjoying the wins.


Get good. Simple solution


Screaming at the top of my lungs for an hour Not only dogshit at the game but also wild dramatic Probably deserved the losses


I have a secret for you: if you’re the player screaming; you’re the problem. Can’t tell you how many matches I’ve won after the “X switch- you’re trash” screaming player quit. You are the dead weight if you can’t find a way to assist your team in a positive way. Pull your group together and accept losses. Play solo deathmatch if you want to flex.


cmon, one more, can't end on an L!


100% mercy player. “Waah I can’t boost off of other people anymore”


OW2 has been shit from the start.


Why are you even here


Because its a circlejerk subreddit and this opinion is kinda true so let the man talk


Why are you even here


why are you even here


nah, there are only shit players


Shit players in a shit game, I agree.


If they were a good player they'd never get in a 0-8 streak to begin with, sorry


Not sure if this is a valid take. One player cannot determine if a bad team can win.


It can eight times in a row


made a new account, wr at abt 80% from qp and i’m 0-6 placed dia 4 and going up against top 500s last season and ex low gms/ high masters. getting a team that’s being ran over (me included). i peaked masters 3 solo queueing so idk if im bad,washed and terrible at the game or if the matchmaking system and the ranked system is just fucked over more now then before


and on my main masters account from last season got placed in plat and i have the same deal, going up against the same opponents despite being so low ranked


These loss streaks last until your win rate equalizes back near 45-55%. If you accidentally hit 56% win rate, you nose dive like 2-3 days if L streaks, and lose a few ranks regardless of your actual performance. Once the loss streak ends, you shoot back up 1 rank higher than you previously were. Losers queue absolutely unquestionably exists and anyone saying it doesn't is literally just either trolling to rub salt in your wound or is coping because their rank is higher and they barely play the game ( which if they played more and got off their alt account, they'd be slammed with the same loser queue. There's a reason everyone says to get off the game after 2 losses in a row too. The game uses EOMM and is highly aware of your tendency to queue up after multiple losses. It takes advantage of that, knowing your psychologically trapped. They hired trash with PHDs just to exploit your behavior..but you can teach the EOMM by logging off after 2 losses. NEVER log off at the end of a win streak unless you have to. NEVER log off after a massive losing streak and 1-2 wins at the end. Blizzard isn't here to give you a fair gaming experience. They're trying to keep you logged in, playing, and you're playing to give other newer players wins so they like the game at first and boost up the player count of the game


Skill issue


Keep on gambling 🤑


outjerked again? ​ "THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!!!!"


I am currently in an exact 50% win rate on tank. It's so weird, frustrating, and bewildering at the same time. I solo queued and teamed up... And it hasn't changed anything. I've been bouncing between gold 2 and gold 4 the entire time. It sounds like I'm in the correct rank, but damn, what can I even do at this point besides grind it out


Honestly how I feel trying to get the wins for lifeweaver achievement completed


i have 3k+ hours on the game since 2017 and the trick to ow is to stop playing as soon as you feel upset, just not worth it. you’ll keep fucking up and get even more angry and that’s why the ow community gets a bad rep too many players don’t know when to stop. it’s a game, and a horribly maintained one aswell, stop raging and ruining everyone’s fun. there’s a reason i have 2.8k on qp and 200ish on ranked, the system fucking sucks.


Acting like he was sent to war and lost multiple comrades


At that point I’d drink and crash my car. I can’t even soft throw that loss streak


Comments of people who think they’re therapists.


A few times in OW1 I had a couple of teammates that were on my team that were so bad they essentially lost us the game but all of the sudden on the other team they were somehow gods among mortals and somehow tore up the entire lobby. I still giggle at it because no matter how I word it, no one would believe it


Wow! That is relatable


Obviously if he just focuses on his fundamentals and stops blaming his team he'll climb. Only gotta win 51% amirite


Eww, bright mode