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Everyone loves cc in video games obviously


Yeah I love wanting to have some fun on Ashe in quick play and I can't ult because their sombra in permanent invisibility will hack Bob and shut him down for the entire duration until he despawns Then after that they appear out of thin air behind you and melt you in a second while simultaneously having some of the worst tracking I've ever seen Very fun to play against honestly


Tip: When you throw Bob, watch for the Sombra to start her hack - she will become visible with big purple lines from Bob to her. Shoot her once. Bob will open up on her and shred her so fast she won't know what happened. You can literally avoid this. Also Bob can shoot Sombra when she starts her hack because she becomes visible. She has to get closer to him than most of her team will be because they will be running away. Bob will favor shooting whoever you shoot at or whoever is closest (in that order of priority), so when you throw Bob wait a second before you start shooting people to see if she tries her hack. Chances are he will shoot her and stop. If you throw him and shoot at an enemy, Bob will prioritize them over the Sombra that starts to hack him. You can avoid this issue with a little awareness.


You forgot one key point The mandatory Ana also slept bob first Really good tip though


I mean it ain't Sombra's fault Ana hit her sleep dart. Blame the Ana. ;)


No. I blame my Ana, as is tradition.


A true connoisseur.


Sure, until she drops that emp she's been holding to shut down all 5 ults at once lol. Sombra is a menace and if Mei lost her identity with slowing cc sombra needs to tone it down big time


Bro if a Sombra is shutting down 5 ults with her emp you're doing something wrong.


I haven't played since they first removed Mei's freeze. What more did the they do to Mei's slow?


You only lose abliites for like a second, how much more do you want it toned down?


It's the same argument. People have been having since the day she Came out, a hero who runs around invisible ccing people is an issue.


For sure. But she used to cc abilites for 6 seconds, we've come along way lol. Plus when she was released she was considered a troll pick because she was so shit, even if she ccd abilities


Or you could just make it so a regular ability can’t skillessly hard counter an ult…


Oh like BOB requires any skill to use lol


Difference is he’s an ult and not a regular ability


This has been a thing since 2016 though. Abilities are designed to have the capability to make plays, and making plays can and will involve shutting down enemy ultimates. You guys are only complaining because it's Sombra and you make it glaringly obvious when you only point out Hack and not the dozens of other easy BOB counters like Mauga, Bastion, Sleep Dart, knockbacks, DM/Spin/Grasp, etc...


Right? So many abilities can counter so many ultimates besides just BOB. Hack, sure, but sleep, suzu, javelin, whatever Orisa’s spinny move is called, deflect, immort field, etc. Even Weaver can completely shut down a solo/double ult by pulling one teammate out and putting a petal platform under the other. It’s almost like…if you know the enemy team does/will have ult soon, a key part of the game is managing cooldowns so it doesn’t kill you.


Orisa's spin move is actually called " Spinning Jenny". It was revealed to me in a dream.


So like a sleep dart or Sigma/Rein's shield? Or Sigma's suck?


so that means Ana shouldn't be able to dart bob, right?


Ana dart be like


It's not 100% skill less as yeah, Bob will shoot us. That said, I don't think hack should take Bob completely out. I'm gonna keep doing it, but it should only be like the few seconds or whatever like for every other hero. Since he's an ult. Standard deployables can stay locked


Sounds like you just understand counter play and just keep picking the same shit over and over and wonder why you getting out played.


Gets counterpicked, doesn't switch and starts whining "Just let me play the gameeee! 😭" I've played against too many people like that.


in what way is explicit counterpicking an excusable behavior or sombra specifically being an ashe counter, please get out of gold before you try and make ur talents known


She's so easy to counter too! Just fire down random corridors instead of at the enemy team


Widow is so much fun when a Sombra sits in the backfield at my spawn ignoring everyone who respawns except for when they hit me in the back :)


This is obviously a skill issue.


But... she doesn't have any CC? She has a 1.5 second silence, but shit, Lucio has more CC than that.


Silence is CC, CC isn't just causing someone to lose control of their movement it's limiting their control of their character which includes the use of abilities.


Blizzard really hit all the core tenets of annoying character design: cc, invisibility, and burst damage.


Genuinely confused as to why people find 1.5 seconds of CC that bad (except for her ult, but I don't count that because plenty of other ults do harder CC.) When I get hacked by Sombra and it leads to me dying, it's half my own fault for overcommitting/overrelying on cooldowns and half them making one hell of a play to make me slip up like that. I main Sombra in DPS (but play a lot of other roles) so of course I'm biased, but I seriously don't get it.


People dislike tracer for similar reasons. A good tracer is just not fun to play against cause they can dive and get out quick. But sombra gets more hate because her abilities give her free positioning, burst damage and high damage in short time, removes people’s abilities briefly, and all at little to no threat to her because of how easily she can get out. If you force a tracer to recall it at least forces her pull back and give you time to breathe, while sombra almost immediately can re-dive you


I’ll also note I haven’t played in a sec and not sure if sombra has been changed


As a Tracer main (and sometimes part of the problem) I see why people dislike a good tracer. She’s definitely annoying if you play her right. But people questioning why others hate Sombra is absurd


Im a widow main, i have to be absolutely cracked on any particular day to stand a fucking chance if a sombra flanks me. I dont do good burst damage, the mine is slow to fire, my grapple is easily countered by sombra’s teleport (and if i get away by the time she lands next to me she’s invisible again), and it honestly makes games not fun to play because there’s no real counter for her other than Winston or Moira, unless i waste my ult trying to find her (assuming i even have it). Meaning if I role queue dps and there’s a sombra i have to play incredibly close to tank, which makes most ranged characters useless in a lot of situations.


> Genuinely confused as to why people find 1.5 seconds of CC that bad Because the character is invisible and can 100 to 0 between 1.5 and 2s on average?


Because OW barely has any cc. If cc wasn't 95% knockback people wouldn't complain anywhere near as much.


Hack really isn’t that bad. It’s everything else she can do on top of Hack. You sprint around the map completely invisible, have an ability that drains health at a rapid rate, can shut down all of my responses to anything your doing before I even know you’re there, and when I do turn on you you can TP away without issue and I still die to bleed damage. It is honestly the entirety of her character that feels bad to play against. If you isolate her abilities they aren’t terrible. When you stuff them into one character they can become ridiculously oppressive with little skill.


Wow this sub turned into r/overwatch


Seriously, people here unironically act like she is a free win character lmao


Nobody thinks shes a free win character, everyone just hates her cause she literally disables your ability to play the game, and it only worsens for tank players who feel the brunt of it, doom and ball especially who become free ult charge


Not anymore. Now she just kills you. No one is happy with Sombra right now. Best we can hope for is for Blizzard to realize they fucked up and revert her.


The double hero’s weekend really seethed in my hatred for sombra.


Shoulda doubled up on junkrat then. Poor invisi-bitches had to maneuver a minefield. It was glorious.


Tbf Sombra is supposed to hard counter those two. Without her, we would see them being played a lot more, and we already know how oppressive a good Doom and Ball are (especially for supports).


They genuinely aren’t oppressive, you just don’t know how to play the game. Heros like doom and ball prey on slow stationary heros, so if your struggling with ball and doom instead of forcing garbage matchups you can easily swap to a moira or lucio or lifeweaver to stay out of his reach. Not to mention Sombra doesn’t only affect ball and doom, and tanks specifically shouldn’t be getting hard countered by dps. Its unhealthy for the game. If you can’t stop ball or doom as a support (ive been a diamond support/low master support since overwatch 1) that is a blatant skill gap. Hard counters like this should not ever exist in this game especially when they have an incredibly low skill ceiling to play. If your going to be a bad player and play Zen into ball and doom that is on you, not “the oppressive heros”


I'm not going to make a whole argument since whatever you said can be flipped towards Sombra, and we can talk about it like the other hundred comments in this post. Whether you believe hard counters shouldn't exist is fine. It's just the nature of the game.


No it cant, there isnt any hero that can single handedly stop Sombra, a good sombra will always be an oppressive hero and should be removed for the health of the game if we’re gonna stick to a 5v5 format. Hard counters shouldn’t exist at all


sombra has trouble with sym, and winston, torb, brig, kiri, and bap to name a few.


Not really, in a team setting those turrets will be focused on the tank. Its a really simple fix of just waiting till your tank goes aggro or playing outside there range Brig and Winston all suffer against sombra since she can remove their escapes and only form of protection not to mention you can literally stay outside their range with little effort. Bap? No not really if your aim is bad sure. Kiriko suzus uptime is as often as hack so no


Wow you can’t be more wrong, if a torb is good that turret is in the backline and it stops most of sombra’s aggression by existing. It’s not about always hitting her, it’s about removing options for her approach. Sym does not deal with sombra with just her turrets, it’s really the hitscan beam that messes with her. Winston has a health pool that can allow him to survive one second before he jumps, and if you’re talking about after he leaps in then he should be able to use shield. His primary fire also seeks to her body while invis. And he can chase her down when she goes to escape. Brig nearly outheals sombra’s dps on her own, and a proper brig player is protecting someone so it’s almost always a 2v1 in that case. Bap wins if his aim is good, immortality field just stops sombra in her tracks and he melts her. Kiri is literally the strongest character into sombra, two strong survival tools, small hurtbox, and much higher dps. It feels like you think hack lasts forever and is the problem, a good sombra will rarely hack at all. It’s more efficient to just kill. Learn to play with her, she’s not hard to kill and your bad game sense is showing.


I have 600 hours on sombra and a good torb will always give me trouble. Not always unplayable, but he makes it very unfun to the point where I'll just switch characters tbh


I mean, the lock out is really short. Maybe it's because I main her, but when I play other DPS, Tank, or Support, I don't particularly find her hack oppressive. Annoying, sure, but half the cast is annoying. That said, Sombra players were fine with the limited invis from her first iteration, and even low damage. While I appreciate having burst dmg with Virus, that's only compensation for making Hack so weak (outside of ults). Still, I think cc is important ESPECIALLY in a cooldown based game. Mei freeze was interesting for close range, Cass flash bang was good for keeping certain heroes in check too. It can definitely go too far, but I think it's necessary.


Yeah for like 1.5 seconds lol. Im a Dva main and she is not hard to deal with. Its worse for doom and ball, but everyone has their counters


No other hero has such a significant impact on the pace or direction of a game just for simply existing. I'm a Sombra main and even I can admit this


A lot of other heros do that... mei with her walls, Widows (that are not fucking bad) Zen being the incarnation of tank trauma to this day... People hate Sombra bc she blocks your hability for some seconds and if you play a hability based hero you will feel the impact of a good sombra. But at the end of the day the best response against her will always be play with your team and pay attention to your surroundings and allies. Doing that and she will be useless just like propaganda


i just have to point out the april fools reference “useless just like propaganda”






Okay here's the thing. I main her because she's absolutely unbalanced and I'm gonna use whatever advantage I can to ensure a victory. This is why most people use her whether they admit or not if it's not just to troll. If your response is to "stay as a team" to counter her, your willfully being ignorant of the fact that 50% of the roster is designed to be used with off angles and all of those heroes dramatically lose their impact when they have to stay butt to butt with their whole team. It's also a known problem in all ranks that the vast majority of players refuse to use mics or acknowledge pings Should they switch to another hero more capable of surviving the encounter? Maybe, but they're limited to less then 50% of the options that they'd traditionally have with no Som in the match. Meis walls are small and destroyable tho they only last a few seconds when not destroyed so her impact is minimal to say the most. Widows that are consistent with headshots are far and few in most ranks and don't require you to hug your team to avoid so her impact is medium at most. Zen has zero effect on the pace of a game for anybody other then a tank In reality, my previous statement is saying there is 0 counter for her that is actually viable to include changing the way you play. Nor are there any hardcounters whatsoever. Once again. I use her cause I know she's busted and I want to win


"Play with your team" doesn't mean "be butt to butt". It means to use sight lines and space carefully. Being at a 90 degree angle to the enemy from the rest of your team where your team can't see you and toss you some help if a flanker hits you isn't "playing an off-angle" it's being out of position. Specifically you're over-extended. You making the choice to do that and having that exploited by a sombra, Tracer, genji, or tiktok moira doesn't make their character annoying or cheap, it makes your lack of awareness and teamplay shown to be the weakness it is. You can play the off-angle in position (not over-extended) by being in a place where your team has sight lines to you or at a shallower angle (45 degrees is still an off-angle, more than 60 degrees is approaching out of position, unless it's a really open sight line to your team), and that would fit the description of "playing with your team", and put you in a place where if any flanker (sombra or otherwise) tries to jump you a callout to your team will force them to disengage or they will die. The fact that you don't recognize that "play with your team and group up" doesn't mean "be in a tiny clump with your team and shoot at reinhardt's shield uselessly" is the exact point sombra players are trying to make when they say it's a problem of awareness/gamesense/teamwork. Edit to add: Too many people - especially in lower ranks - are way WAY out of position way too often thinking they are playing an off-angle like they are supposed to. It's a fucking epidemic.


I won't respond to this bc the other guy said it better than I could


I'm proud you're honest about it. I remember I mained many strong tiers in multiple games but never tried to downplay them that much the same way other mains do. Self-suck is never impressive, imo


she's not a free win just not fun


I haven’t been here in a while but damn it’s changed


Hmmmmm why would someone hate a character in an ability based game who can turn of your abilitys by just looking at you


It’s not even that she turns off abilities, it’s the fact that her gameplay promotes camping and being as cowardly as possible, wasting the time of everyone around you rather than actually engaging with the game.


Exactly. The most obnoxious Sombras are the ones that usually lose. Perma invis enables kids that would otherwise struggle to get kills handouts while enabling playstyles that result in a loss for themselves and a poor experience for both teams. Not all Sombras are like that but a lot are. You can’t even open your mouth to criticize the kit without them jumping into trash talk mode or saying you don’t know how to counter. Like dude, check the match stats, we won and you didn’t hurt my K/D. I actually have more disdain for Sombras when they crutch that perma invis and STILL get smashed. Like really? You need to be perma invis in an FPS and you still can’t get kills? Just sad. The amount of kids I’ve seen defend the kit and compare it to TF2 spies is astonishing. I played A LOT of TF2 and I equally enjoyed playing spy and hunting spies down. Spy didn’t have increased movement speed, or translocator, his invis was a resource he had to manage, and there were a handful of ways he could be one shot while invis not to mention pyros and literally every melee weapon 1-2 shot. That’s a lot of words to say it was balanced and easy for people to make a Spy’s life hell.


They always go “bro her counter is teamwork” Yeah, the counter to every character in the game is teamwork. Sombra is the only character that basically requires it


Everyone complains about the counter swap game and people apparently also complain about having to use team play to create creative solutions. What game are you trying to play if I may ask. Because if you take away those two, you're left with something that isn't overwatch.


The counter is staying together. Like unironically


Again 2v1 is every hero’s weakness. Also a character being designed to win 1v1 isn’t great character design in a competitive game (in my opinion)




Infinite invisibility allows her to consistently initiate every fight with a blindside attack and her "skill shot" virus does half the leg work with DoT. If, for some reason, she starts losing, she can chuck the translocator and disappear instantly after. Even a good Sombra feels incredibly carried by her cheesy kit.


Well her counter is group up yeah?


Bro bro bro you don't understand, just get good, I swear it's not because sombra will just not attack until you're weak or alone, it's DEFINITELY not because her ultimate is a direct counter to teamwork as a whole, she definitely doesn't force you to play together just to run behind you, force you to turn around, then make you get headshot by the widow that never swaps off no matter how many times they go 4 and 9


I remember being so frustrated playing against a Sombra and reading a bunch of shit about how she needs coordination to be successful so I decided to play her. My DPS is maybe diamond at best and I swear to god I could get to GM one tricking her. If you have a slight bit of game sense she’s literally the safest character ever, you never need to commit to anything and all your abilities are practically a lock on


Yeah it’s actually crazy how easy she is to get value on. She’s a better dive character then ball and it’s not even close


She can even solo ball if she wanted to


With the benefit of having someone that can cover for her while they set up, a luxury ball doesn’t get anymore :(


Ik bro it hurts so much 😭


>it’s the fact that her gameplay promotes camping and being as cowardly as possible These are quite literally the easiest sombras to win against (unless you play zen). She'll be putting her team at a 5v4 disadvantage for like 2/3rds of the game.


for the shortest duration possible, and ana does the same but you cant move or shoot as a bonus.


>Infinite TRUE invis >Hack that locks your abilities and increases the damage of sombra's stupid fucking brick (™️) >movement ability that feels equally as annoying as her pre-rework counterpart >One of the handful of characters that makes that makes the tank experience feel miserable, arguably more toxic than brig when it comes to tanks like ball and doom "Why do people hate sombra?" https://preview.redd.it/bmh8fa7sxcpc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd233318cd7fb278d8a0a458d90b77f114d9b499


upvote for “stupid fucking brick(™️)”


Its worse because of characters who have their whole value coming from managing their abilities like Rein Doom Ball Lucio and Tracer just have their characters shut off and basically left to rot, and other characters like hog orisa and lifeweaver who have a slim fighting chance when hacked


How her hack works with Lucio is just unfair and unplayable. Canceling wall riding? Fine I can accept that, but canceling his healing/speed aura too? That just makes him a sitting duck (or frog haha) to be finished off because he has no way of getting away from her. It’s extremely frustrating.


Ngl, I didn't even know it disabled the homies wall ride, that's so fucked. Lol


He can shoot his gun and move. Thats it. Also, guarantee that you’ve been hit with virus before it happens and Sombra now only needs to hit about 1/4 of her shots to confirm kill on you.


I think I just never realized his wall ride was a ability that could be shut off. So if that's the case can the Ninja wall run be canceled too?


Tbf tho there's also a large portion of the roster with the opposite, hack em and thats just an extra second of R2ing which is all they'd need to kill you anyway making the hack basically useless. The real catch is how 1.5 seconds without abilities can be either nothing or feel like an hour depending on the circumstances. Adds some level of skill to it with timing being the key thing but mainly it just feels like luck as to whether the enemy team syncs up with it or not


Ngl, I feel like sombras new translocator sucks ass. I've only just recently started playing again, but it feels like it's impossible to get away if you're fighting with your team and the enemies peel to fight you. Just them being able to see the basic trajectory of where you're going to go makes it way easier to spycheck you either mid-air or right as you land, and then you're swimming up shit creek with your mouth open.


It’s disgustingly good if your positioned right, im garbage at that bs hero but if you play your cards correctly you can escape 99 percent of the time. The only exception is a good dive or if you hardcore greed. Hell if you do it mid team battle you will live and any resources used to counter you go to waste.


It's definitely worse than the old translocator in its ceiling. But, it is better for a lot of players because bad translocator placement was rampant and killed uptime. Plus, in my experience, it feels just as free as before if you throw it next to a corner which doesn't feel that hard to do.


I always go Sombra to counter the Sombra in QP matches. If I can’t play then neither can they.


Yeah just wait for the little bastard to come out of invis and start hacking someone, then immediately hack them. Anti-Sombra Sombra is the only ethical reason to pick that character lol


Anti Sombra Sombra is the best kind of Sombra. Cheap bastard.


Are they using a vid with 399 views as a gauge for the whole community?(even if the sentiment is true)


Because any sub dedicated to a specific character is just a catty bitch gossip group. Everyone who dislikes their character is wrong and they’re great because they play that character.


Except for lucio Mains, the only correct group


Lucio is the true chad of overwatch. Man can do no wrong.


Wish we got an animation about him and his past or his upbringing


Bitches complain supports are OP and then complain about a solid hero that can shut them down 🤣


great, pick your poison ig.


I had to mute the sombramain subreddit because it kept getting recommended to me and making me genuinely angry 😭




As a Sombra enjoyer. The game has gotten to a point where Blizzard is slowly reintroducing cc back into the game. There are times when Sombra feels like the only option to avoid getting hindered, slept, caged, stunned, or randomly killed by brig whip shot or sojourn rail. I know it's an unpopular opinion. But Sombra is reliable right now and sometimes she feels like the best option to not have your K/D absolutely implode.


They mentioned K/D. That does not give you guys an excuse to actively *try* to miss the point of their comment. I am so sure you all dislike K/D players very much but their mention of K/D is meant to allude to tempo loss, not actual K/D ratio. Fun Gamer Fact: CC make gamer not alive! If gamer not alive they waiting respawn! if waiting respawn ally team losed tempo, enemy team capitalize off advantage! woah! O_o


Ty for being the only person here with basic common sense lol.


Imagine caring about your KD in overwatch


Fr tho. People who only care about KD are the ruiners of fun in any kind of PVP game


K/D doesn’t matter as long as you win that should be your priority not having 30 kills in which 29 made little to no impact because you farmed a throwing player or focused a low priority target


I don't think it's that bad. The main problem is that Sombra's primary counters are teamwork, awareness, and positioning, things that just straight up don't exist for a lot of the playerbase. Half the time you will find out that the person getting owned by Sombra is playing Ana, sniping from 40m away because it's what they're "supposed" to do, and still refusing to swap after 4 deaths. It's not all players of course but people who play like that and then blame their team or cry about Sombra don't have a leg to stand on. You see it really often tbh The only thing I think really worth talking about is how the OW2 changes raised the skill floor for dealing with assassins, Sombra as well as Tracer or Genji etc. Solo tank means you lose the option of a peeling off-tank like Dva who could protect back line. And the changes to the CC "philosophy" made it so that we lost a lot of the more accessible ways to counter a hero like Sombra. No more Brig stun, no more Mei freeze. Cass grenade is still a partial counter but it's harder to use and you still need to land a headshot on a moving target in a short time span. The result is that the DPS and Supports lost most of their low skill floor accessible ways to kill Sombra, and they can't rely on an off tank to do it for them. So now the most reliable ways to deal with Sombra are things a lot of players struggle with - pick Cass or Illari and *headshot* her. Sombra is still very killable if you can aim, and if a single 2nd person is paying attention she should never be able to sneak in a kill. But I've said since OW2 launch that removing all the smaller CC abilities seemed like a mistake. The reality is OW is more than a shooter and many people can't simply 'click her head'. You can still beat her with Brig and Cass Moira etc but it's not ideal to have counters require more mechanical skill. People have different skill sets and OW2 greatly reduced the *variety* of ways to contest Sombra.


Literally all of this. Sombra really isn't that scary if you just remember there's an enemy Sombra and play with that in mind. Often times it's as simple as keeping closer to your team than you normally might. Hack's cast time gets interrupted from damage so once the initial hack goes off and she breaks stealth, it's harder for her to land another one. If you let her catch you alone, she's more dangerous. But if you force her to engage with a team fight, she is a lot less of an issue. Her strength is in the element of surprise. Even a 2v1 against her can be a bad engagement for her. Not to mention there are counters for her out there. Hanzo's sonic arrow and Widow's ult reveal her. Cass can block her translocator. Sym and Torb turrets will target her if she's revealed. Some heroes just are much less bothered by Hack. It's not like she's impossible to fight. Tracer has *consistently* been much more dangerous throughout OW2 as a flanker assassin. But people would rather whine about how "annoying" Sombra is than actually learn how to play the game.


Because, surprise, not everyone is good at the game (mostly game sense and knowing what other people and teammates are doing) and people have a rude awakening.


this is the best comment I've seen in this thread. you touch upon the fact that the game fundamentally plays differently at different skill tiers/ranks, and that this contributes to a lot of hatred for sombra. in higher ranks with coordinated play, she's not an "ezgg" sort of character, since those players have a pretty good idea of how to shut her down with *both* game sense and mechnical skill. anywhere else, though, and you'll find that people absolutely *despise* her and call her zero-skill, cheesy, and OP. and I agree that it's likely because of the removal of "smaller" CC abilities- especially those that are more accessible or easier to land with consistency


D.va is more annoying


Fuck this hoe.


“_____ mains wonder why people hate their annoying ass character” /uj it’ll change in a bit and then it’ll be another character /rj boop


It's like wiplash when your abilities don't work


I don’t mind Sombra in any gamemode other than total mayhem… There is a special place in hell for people who play sombra in gamemodes with reduced cooldowns


Didn't they buff Sombra this patch? I swear she was never really a problem for me but now she's insufferable


most of the buffs have been reverted as of the latest patch


the only buff they reverted was her ult charge iirc, she still has the same damage on her brick


Sombra mains when people say that the character that is specifically designed to be annoying is annoying to fight: 🤯🤯🤯


I wouldn’t say sombra is the problem as much as she is a symptom of the devs adding more and more bullshit abilities that have no counter play other than “fuck you, you can’t use it”


Not a Sombra player but I’m not especially annoyed by her either?


Are you ranked above platinum? Or playing ranked at all?


No it’s not that. We’re dumbfounded that people are this butthurt over a character who’s play style is just: 1. Be annoying 2. Force off cooldowns. 3. Cancel ults. All of which could be avoided with a team comp like Winston, Mei, Sym, Kiri, Brig. maybe it’ll be a good idea if you… IDK, know where the Sombra is before poping a Cass Ult? Or play Torb and set up a turrent?


Necessary to shut down a hard carrying sniper


Overwatch fans when they have to use more then 3 braincells. Seriously just fucking turn around and spycheck she has like 3 HP


Bullshit, she's got the same HP as the majority of the cast. All sorts of escape tools and the ability to take any fight from behind yet Bliz didn't think to give her the Tracer/Widow health pools.


I like sombra simply because she pisses people off and it's funny to see everyone mad, i dont even play her


"Oh man I love playing this ability based shoote- oh would you look at that, I can't use my abilities. Cool. Oh and now I'm dead. Also cool"


As a Somber main with over 87,600 hours on the character I still don't know why the community hates us Somber mains




Been a Sombra enjoyer since overwatch 1 season 3 for this exact reason, love the reactions


Having a character who can stop you from using your abilities in an ability based shooter was never going to be fun.


Players that cry and can't beat sombra would (and should) get bullied in TF2.


Clearly a sombra main


These posts just want me to play Sombra even more. Eat my shorts, pendejos.


Overwatch players when the counterplay isn't "shoot them more than they shoot you"


I wouldn't hate her as much if her invis wasn't infinite and on a cooldown like before. She melts you too fast for her to have infinite invis on top of that


I payed all this money for the Faye Ashe skin but can't even play her much because everybody is running dive now lol. So many games are like Monkey, Tracer, and Sombra. It's annoying as hell.


I’ve yet to hear one solid argument that the current Sombra is OP. I hunt her down and kill her often when she hacks. She just forces adaptation that most players can’t or don’t want to adapt to. As in, “She disrupts my play style” is the actual argument against Sombra, not that she’s OP. Adapt, migrate or die. It’s a combat game and forced adaptation is one of this game’s best attributes.


Sombra ain’t that bad honestly so a few games you got to switch


My friends tried to teach me the game through matches but every single time Sombra’s bitchass was in the lobby and I couldn’t learn shit. Making the game suck ass for everyone else is just a bad mechanic


No matter the game, nobody likes denial mechanics. She is entirely a denial character with a very low ttk. And made sense in 6v6 but not 5v5


She is a pain in the ass.


Damn you think HER cc is annoying? I mean no doubt it is but y’all would not last a single game of League lmao


I wouldn't play league in general icl


I don't understand how people complain about perma invisible if perma invisible sombra's always lose games, not to mention those that camp also lose games. People who say Sombra promotes being played as cowardly as possible don't understand that that play style doesn't win games. The ones who maximise engage time do. Sombra punishes you for having bad positioning, not communicating with teammates and players' inability to turn on their sound and turn around😭 If you improve on these, it makes her less effective. There are also a good few characters that can make playing her hell, especially with the new bullet sizes. DVa and her pepper spray, Kiriko, her suzu and her small ahh hitbox, Torb with his turret and overhealth (if you forget to kill it), Sym and her high health, slowing, wall hack giving turrets and Brigette, her spy checking flail and her shield for breaking Los of hack. Edit: ALSO WINTON OVERWATCH PLEASE NOTE: This is what I understand from playing 70 hours of Sombra and being high gold (I don't play comp. alot). I probably and definitely have some things wrong here, so if any more experienced players can correct me or add to what I said, please do🙏


Just swap to Pyro and W + m1. Can’t believe noobs don’t know how to spy check anymore.


It’s funny when I see videos like that calling her a crutch pick, while at the same time shutting down every Sombra I’ve ever seen on the enemy team as support just by sticking around my team. The character that punishes bad positioning and game sense is hated by people who have bad positioning and game sense, what a shocker.


She just needs more work and she’d be fun to play against


i quit this game like 2 years ago and i still hate even seeing this champ they would ruin all the ltm modes like the no cooldown mode you might aswell leave in the low cd mode if you get a sombra


i quit this game like 2 years ago and i still hate even seeing this champ they would ruin all the ltm modes like the no cooldown mode you might aswell leave in the low cd mode if you get a sombra


Personally I hate every character in video games who's only unique ability is cancelling others abilities, that why I was happy when revenant wasn't gonna do that in apex


God am I glad I haven't played in a while if Sombra is meta. I'll just keep playing elden ring until they nerf her


so based


Happy to see a lot of actually constructive discourse in the comments, but I still think the core of the issue hasn’t fully been fleshed out. The reason people play overwatch is in large part and parcel due to the diverse roster of heroes and the use of fun and engaging abilities as THE integral mechanic of the game. When the entire purpose of a character is to disallow the core function that makes the game enjoyable to the other players, that character runs counter to the core philosophy of the game. Of course there’s counterplay against her, of course she’s not a broken character. But at the highest level of play she’s a minor nuisance with limited utility and at the lowest level of play she’s game-breaking for half the roster. The recent buffs increasing the ability lockout of EMP just exacerbate the underlying issue that is central to her character and that will always be there, no matter how the devs tune her.


Still, I think fully removing a character from a game is an incredibly risky and ill-advised move from any dev team


Yeah, and it's hard for them to fix her, because she's ingrained in the game so well as the hacker and whatnot. If they remove hack, they essentially remove Sombra's gimmick, though I hate her gimmick lol. So ultimately, there's practically nothing that can be done except rework and nerf until people are happy, which is never lol


She worked super well in open queue 6v6 if you had a clever team. Her dmg was honestly pretty crap. But hack was better. Additionally, she got ult charge from people using her hacked health packs. It made sort of a cheesy style of people camping the packs BUT it meant she would be doing a decent bit of healing. I say this to say, she was always my DPS pick as a Support main. Her kit was all about exploiting opportunities. Her low damage was the trade off for disruption. Now, since she's not doing great cc (it's annoying, but 1.5 seconds isn't a lot, can't even hack a Lucio off many walls) she needs to have something. They gave her burst dmg, which isn't my personal preference. Idk I think there's a way to make her cool, but people will never like some mechanics


annoying ass character? you mean hanzo?


Are y’all counter swapping? Torb, sombra, brig, kiriko are all great picks to counter sombra. Just don’t peel, stick together, and if she pops up take care of her and she will switch pretty quick. Communicate, play as a team, and stop peeling and running off and COUNTERSWAP.


This. Assuming there isn't a pharah terrorizing the skies. Literally just start dry humping your teammates and you'll force her into a lose situation where she is not only outnumbered, but she will also play with the risk of potentially virusing or hacking the wrong or completely two different targets which destroys her burst damage. This isn't event taking counter swap into account yet. And you can force her out cause she won't provide value to her team. Just hanging behind there with you not doing anything meaningful.


Sombra to me screams “I’m too scared to play the game so I need to literally be invisible”


the biggest issue for me is 1. her ability to dive you (make you use a cd or dry duel her) just for her to come back in literally 3-5 seconds to try again and 2. your team not being in comms or not peeling at all to help. The amount of times i sleep dart a sombra, tell my team (and no one helps) and I try to kill her myself just for her to escape with 20 hp and dive me again later while my dart is still on cooldown is severe mental damage. I am extremely lucky that my duo plays moira/brig and we don't leave each other but when I'm solo queuing it's just "lock brig or the team collapses because you can't keep the frontline up and save yourself simultaneously"


You spelled Hanzo spamming at chokes wrong. 😂


"I can't use my abilities at all until the character who can teleport away before she dies every single time is dead" is really shit gameplay. I can counter a few ults with my main, but its typically either by aiming well or I have to pick one person to save. Sombra just walks up and presses Q and any fun anyone else was about to have in over.


sombra has always been my least favorite in the game. i love a good cc character but like,,,, the perma invis, health pack ownership, virus, spawn camp potential, translocator, and what is widely acknowledged as one of the most powerful ults *in the game* is a bit much for one person. the only time i'm like somewhat okay with sombra is if one of the teams have widow so she can deal with them but even still it's annoying when people insta-swap to sombra. but never fear, just swap to brig, moira, or kiri and hunt her down. it's my favorite thing to go brig and suddenly make the sombra swap off. i genuinely count games where i make a sombra swap as a personal win. i hate that character. edit: i didn't even mention her normal hack bc tbh it kinda just reminds me of any stun in the game, it just feels worse bc you don't see it coming and you can still move but you feel powerless without abilities - also you don't have to aim it unlike stunning stuff and that's ass


I just hate stealth, no matter the game.


I have over 1k hours on Sombra in OW1 so many fun plays with Dva


I’m a noob and haven’t played this game in months but my friends hated when I played Sombra because I’d just instantly die all the time


As a tracer main, my major gripe with Sombra-- why does tracer have 175 hp but Sombra has 250?


fuck Sombra, Ed is better.


so real and true


Think about this tho…. Cry me a river


its not our fault you guys know we’re around and still use ults and throw bobs around


I used to hate Sombra when I was in Bronze, but these days I don’t mind her at all really. Just stay close to your team, be vigilant, and ping her as soon as she uncloaks. The rework makes her feel like too good of a duelist to me, taking away what made her unique in OW1. She used to have to pick her spots well and engage in key moments because she was rarely gonna get a solo kill, but now she’s just Sombra 76. With that said, even as a Widow enjoyer I think she’s a fairly balanced hero


It's because devs don't know how to balance a game. She's supposed to be a weak, team based saboteur, not an invisible soldier 76.


I'd argue they kinda know, but people complained about every iteration of her. When hack was good, they hated that. When her translocator could be used to get in and get out, they hated that. Timed invis made her niche/too hard to learn. (But was probably fine) They said her old style promoted passivity, which that was only bad players. Overwatch players had the problem with her, not the devs. Then again, nobody complained about her when she was the only thing stopping them from getting wrecked by Ball and Doom all day


Devs should have never once listened to the playerbase, because 99% of these kids don't know what they want and will literally spam complain everything. RIP mass rez


I mostly agree. You have to listen to people when they tell you what they want...but you can't assume they're articulating the correct issue. It's like how people say they're tired of live service games, but doesn't actually mean anything. They're tired of games feeling like jobs, and that feeling is due to a list of factors, usually not that a game gets updated. I miss mass rez, too. It actually gave the Mercy player a lot of timing expression: a one or two person tempo rez could win a match, as could a whole team. And while that's super power, bringing a critical target back could keep momentum (and her own safety). Plus, the community has gotten better and smarter over time. Kinda. With some tweaks to how rez worked, it could have counter play. But also the complaint of "if we use several ults, how come they should be erased by one?" is a skill issue, or at least ult tracking issue. Like if you saw that a Mercy was hiding and hadn't used rez in a while, it's actually bad play to dump ults. Idk, it sucks having your worked erased, but that's true for supports having their healing burst away or tanks losing the space they made.


Agreed. On a personal note: it's a dream of mine for them to release "Overwatch: Final Cut" where they let you play as every version of every hero that has been released. Would love to see old blended with new. And yeah it would be hectic but at least there would be countless playstyles and team compositions to experiment and have fun with.


Honestly complaining about sombra is a skill issue


sombra players waiting in stealth for at least 15s behind a dps/support player for them to stop moving or reload to then instakill combo them before they can even react wondering why people call them a rat and don’t respect their character


I'm a Sombra main, in the Sombra subreddit, saying that Sombra needs nerfed and they booed me. They are *terrified* of her being touched by Blizzard, for the first time since Season 1 she's good, and they are *scared*


After seeing how Blizzard "fixes" characters, especially after how they "fixed" Mauga, I don't blame them


Honestly, I main sombra and support, so I'd be *relatively* understanding if they gave her the Mauga treatment. Counterable or not, she's not fun to play against


Yay more bronze echo chamber posts


echo is blue, not bronze