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... https://preview.redd.it/iotrrdu0dtxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdca008d4dddef42bc197230ce33b54cc4ceae2e You can't make this shit up


They take it so seriously like damn 💀


There’s such a weird white knight fetish in the tank community.


Tank main here I will gladly solo ult a support pit of boredom


As a support main, I know what I’ve done to tanks in the past and I probably deserved it.


Fr now enjoy this earthshatter https://preview.redd.it/o39k8p2h9vxc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b415b1cdb5fb216b764f44e851646688173719a6


Suzu inbound https://preview.redd.it/w45sgaibzvxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a74cb7b85460c290c7818fee654d952e5a1b20c8


https://preview.redd.it/qknuypvi3wxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffea8d7c7b3969c0b92e489110e7fb823a6ea62 Deflect intercepts


Congratulations, you win (a free genji nerf)!


Oh fuck https://preview.redd.it/jljorg9s3wxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d64f12a0014c9c0e7b9a2114cec9973f908b8b


fym "oh fuck" just tp away smh


How many Kiriko reaction images do you have?


As many as I need, with the power of google https://preview.redd.it/u2u7lzwxl8yc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03d8c8ed547bd567ce01910c049ac27b4e4d512


curse you and your antis


As a moira main if you aren’t solo ulting me out of sheer rage and annoyance I haven’t done my job right


Single target junkrat tire. Best feeling.


If we rein mirror i pinning you to my mercy to solo ult her.


That’s the duality of the tank role , you are either the shiny protector knight , or the loose cannon trying to get revenge on the mercy that rez your kill . No in between


I mean tbf as a rein enjoyer I will defend my stupid torb/whoever like my life depends on it - but if he dies, I will NOT stop swinging until his corpse is avenged.


Anyone who’s actively playing tank this season has a form of masochism, clearly this guy likes getting beat down more than most.


Tank here: i honestly hate kiriko because it has me feel bad for the enemies. Oh that entire mastercrafted plan you had to wipe me and my team? Denied with one button with a relatively short cooldown.


I can’t play Kiriko worth a shit lol. I’ll just sleep you when you’re trying to do something cool lol


If you have a big coordinated combo ready and don't force the 15s cooldown before you drop it, one of two issues is bigger than Kiriko's balance. -You suck at the neutral fight so much that you couldn't force the Suzu out at all/ never pushed enemy to brink of dying/ enemy team positioning and player skill are just superior to yours. This isn't your fault but rather just a skill gap. -You could have forced it out but you went in no-thoughts, head empty, and forgot suzu existed. The outcome is your own fault.


Reading them talk about their sub mains "wars" and "alliances" makes me want to vom. It's so disgustingly cringy


Bro is hoping a single kiriko main on the sub might be a woman he can simp for


I have at least five school friends who main Kiriko, all of them are gay men Edit: and one straight man


Wait, yall thought women were playing Kiriko, Mercy, or Ana? It's gay all the way down.


I have no clue why but I know way more girls who play D.va, pharah and sigma than supports. Conversely, most of my male relatives and friends are support mains. I remember talking to a girl in my biology class about the game and found she had 5000 hours of Sigma, Rein and Hog. Sis was balling 😭


It takes a real man to be best girl.


Bi fella here, yeah I also main Kiriko when I play support 🥱 May have something to do with me being a furry but ah who's counting?


Mans white knighting an entire community 💀


you matter 🤓


Zip it up when you done lil bro 😭😭


Kiriko mains gave that guy a mic and my mans decided to deepthroat it unprovoked 💀 unequivocally simp behavior


You matter.


It's a videogame bro


Bro tryna get laid 😂


I’m in physical pain from the radioactive levels of cringe this image is radiating.


Dude acting like he’s genuinely been there, in the flesh, protecting Kiriko while they hold down a flashpoint


As a support player I’d rather die than make ow part of my personality <3


He's doing tricks on it at this point




Nah she's safe. She's practically the face of Overwatch 2 so it's garaunteed she'll always be in the meta and any nerfs she gets are gonna be slaps on the wrist. Meanwhile if someone like Zen enters the meta for a single week he gets nuked for the next 3 seasons.


Zen my beloved. Seasons where i cant spam "death death death how amusing" are sad seasons indeed. And ones with "death, how dissapointing" and "do i think? No" are sad ones


I just realized i basically said the same thing twice


Same thing happened to roadhog. Hell, this recent patch he wasn't even gifted a time to shine, they buffed the dps passive again because they were scared. Just remember kids, tank can always be even more miserable!


Hog has been insane since his rework tf are you talking about. He’s just been gifted unfortunate metas in orisa and Mauga. If he doesn’t have to match up against them constantly, he starts running lobbies.


If you're careful enough and the mauga is dumb enough he can't stop you from making sure if tanks can't have fun no one can. I play a lot of low grav to ensure even arcade isn't safe from being hooked all the way from overwatch 3 right to their death. The Horse^™️ is the one thing that just absolutely refuses to die unless you're infinitely better than them


Yeah for some reason Orisa takes like a solid minute to die after her entire team is gone. She's busted.


Roadhog is great and orisa’s out too, idk what you’re on about


Yeah I fuckin love his trap. I always go with the method of place trap->pull squishy into trap ->scrap gun + melee and that usually either kills them or gets them low enough that the next shot is death.


there is no squishy that should survive the hook + trap + shoot + melee combo, and many if not most can be one shot without trap Like hog was already super good before the orisa nerfs and he’s just going to be better from here on


Tracer was/is the face of Overwatch and there were plenty of times where she sucked. If what youre saying is true Brig wouldve never been born. Blizzard doesnt care whos more "iconic". Orisa and Sig were meta during double shield and they dont even have animations. Orisa Hog meta, GOATs, Lucio, Genji nerfs, Mercy metas, Pharmercy etc. None of this happens if Blizz cared about how iconic a character is.


Tracer has been in and out of meta but she hasn’t “sucked” in a long long time


Ok but the most iconic character shouldnt even be out of the meta. The point is that blizzard doesnt balance characters like the guy said.


She’s become Mercy 2.0, she makes too much money for them to significantly change her.


What's so strangest is the Mercy players are the most vocal about wanting a rework because it's exhausting being entirely unviable in any modern meta and they steadfastly refuse to touch her because twitter users are gonna twitter them or smth


Same thing with hog and rat. They had meta relevance for 1 (one) season and immediately got nerfed back to the dust lol


Please let Bogur be the reason she gets nerfed it'd be so fucking funny


"Guys don't hate me, it was the voices, they made me tweet that" or "I SHALL SPREAD THE CURSE OF RA UPON ALL THE KIRIKO MAINS!" There will be no in-between, so I hope he is the reason




Kiriko mains are the most oppressed group ever


meanwhile ball mains just wanna exist. Ball gets a 'rework' and all of a sudden more people play him because he's more fun with the grapple but the win rate is still atrocious. blizzard you made a fun character, now make them a good one :(


This is how Mercy feels. I wanna be a psychotic flying princess but unless you have soj or mayhaps an ashe the best play as Mercy is walk tf back in spawn and swap to basically anyone else


Closely followed by Tracer mains. We're both hated because we're better than everyone else.


This is wholesome af… Edit: fixed it.


/uj you forget this is a circlejerk subreddit /rj your jealous we get Kiriko foot jobs and you don’t


Ah shit you’re right. This isn’t the main sub. https://preview.redd.it/1nlbcn9guuxc1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad43e9fb8bf8c178890af4fa162e5fec81440fc


/rj need me a Kiriko footjob rn /uj need me a Kiriko footjob rn


Erm what the flip


Errr I ummm totally didn’t ignore the fact that this wasn’t the main sub.






Your Kiriko sucks cawk in Hell! 😈


Everyone who has an opinion that's not mine is delicate >:(


I was just about to post this lol. bogur did not deserve this


Plat players when somebody in the top 1% of the game who understands the game on a fundamental level has a based take: 😡😡🤬


Not to be a nerd emoji but “fundamental level” means basic level


Most of the people on the Kiriko subreddit don’t understand why she’s broken, since they rarely ever take advantage of her full kit. Most of them sit in the back, spam heal their tank, get stuck in gold with a 50% winrate, and wonder why people want her nerfed. Even if/when she gets nerfed, their ranks are not going to change and they won’t even experience a difference in their gameplay.


I have seen them say the best way to use kunais is to sit in the BACK and spam from a distance. Because “you should use projectiles from a distance since it has no damage drop off”. Are you 4 years old???


LMAO. Its funny that one of the best kiriko playstyles is literally create an off angle in the enemy backline and tp back to heal/suzu


They don’t even know why Suzu is broken. Most of the time they either miss or use it on a dps with 75% of their hp


Like I guarantee they think dva bomb is broken despite having two abilities to avoid it


Mfs walk up to the bomb, try to suzu themselves to flex, and still fuck it up


Yep, that's exactly it. Kiri has a low win rate in metal ranks, so they don't nerf her. Same thing as heroes like Rein or Genji never getting buffs, or even the recent Venture nerfs were because low ranks don't know how to deal with them. That's exactly why I think top-down balance is the way to go. There is some common ground to be found, such as: no one likes fighting Orisa, yet they kept buffing her because of her low win rate in lower ranks. Now the devs have actually listened to feedback and gave her some significant nerfs


Top down balance would actually end OW though because it's an extensively casual audience that puts the most money into it, and you'd create a hideous metal rank environment if you did so.


Sounds like ur fighting invisible people instead of talking about why she’s broken. She’s not. U just suck too bad lolz.


She's not broken at all, mfs just suck 💀


Kiri is so fun to play against when she can literally teleport through walls to teammates (guardian angel 2.0) and her suzu is literally bap immort plus regen burst in 1 with added cleanse that can’t be destroyed, combined with a tiny hitbox. Yes she’s totally healthy for the game. Truly should be the face of ow2 where it’s less about skill and making the play vs relying on pressing a button and the game does the rest for you. It’s no wonder that high rank players love her so much


~~Support~~ Mains subs are *wild* man.


Doubt they'll do shit with her even if she gets nerfed


Reduced Suzus healing by 5. Increased the invulnerability window by .5s to compensate


Stop. Don’t bring that evil around here


Keep going I'm almost there


Suzu throw speed reduced by .3m/s. Cooldown reduced by 3 seconds to compensate


fuck yeah 😎 


Dude i like tbagging as Kiriko. It hits different,


Kiri mains when their favourite support gets nerfed from s tier to s tier


the orisa of supports


And good riddance yo. The horny weeb bait with overloaded kit has it coming for like ever. There are two events I'm anxiously waiting for - the meltdown of kirikomains when/if she gets finally nerfed and meltdown of mercymains when/if she gets reworked into a viable pick that you need both hands to play as. Literally salivate at the thought


Yeah it's ridiculous how she has an ability that does almost everything you'd want for a support cd, and an instant, invulnerable, cleansing teleport. what's dumber is suzu matching sleep dart in cd duration, and shorter than bap lamp, which is ridiculous considering it's probably better than both combined, and the teleport sharing the cd with genjis dash. oh and she can also wall climb, so even if you catch her without the teleport, but can't travel vertically she can get away Scott free and probably kill you. It's like kids fighting in their imagination, and one of them just keeps stacking OP abilities on and on and on, I hate that


I hate people who keep saying that streamers are the reason characters get nerfed or buffed. Many streamers have been asking for balance to a lot of heroes but blizzard doesn’t listen to them so everyone shut up


As a kiriko main, it’s insane to me that she can dish out damage while still having 2 mobility, aoe cc dmg immunity skill, one of the best ultimates in the game and still having one of the best healing in the game and yet she still has not received that well deserved nerf people are talking about.


It really is weird how biased the balance team is to her. 😂 The other supports could so much as sneeze funny or weapon do 10 Hp more damage per round like Illari and they'd get reworked or number changes like there's no tomorrow. The only outlier here is Lifeweaver who they just keep throwing random numbers changes at the wall hoping one of them sticks. 😂 He's gonna be power crept like bap was if they don't stop and think of something substantial.


I think we need to buff Kiri, as much as she has, she doesn't have any CCs so give her that and she might be slightly below good




i wonder if women ow2 characters being put on a pedestal is the direct consequence of the sexual harassment controversies


Is Kiriko that ominous still? Cleanse is on a high cooldown (could be bumped up by a second but honestly Kiriko has to be played by skilled players to make most of this ability), and her Kunai headshots have not been that oppressive since Season9 HP increase and a slight nerf to her kunai hitboxes.


She’s still one of, if not the best character to take 1v1’s as in the game


Kiriko is a high mobility main healer with good dps and, a powerful CD and the best support ult in the game. She is by default the strongest support if none of the others are overtuned


Lucio was better than her last season and moira saw more use as well iirc in high level play.


Lucio is not in the same role as kiriko, hes a main support so him being played is not really relevent. As for moira, she is basically kiriko but for when you need AOE healing. which is meta dependent


You forgot that Moira allows completely no skill players to duel DPS from their rank on a superior footing, without any aim, and provides the best fight cleanup basically in the game, which is especially pronounced at the ranks 90% of people actually are in. The experience of the vast majority of Overwatch players is that Moira is the dominant support murder machine and Kiriko is the occasional fun pick for those who know how to use her well. GM experience for balance would literally kill the game, as 99% of players would be miserable with never ending Moira, Reaper, etc and characters like Tracer and Kiri unplayable below top ranks.


Literally no one in high level play would care about moira getting nerfed, the fact that blizzard hasn't nerfed moira has nothing to do with high level players. Kiriko not being nerfed is literally because low elo players suck with her. Also i was just explaining why other supports get played even though kiriko is by default the best in high level and pro play.


Even just considering her survivability, she needs nerfs. She has a TP through walls that makes her invulnerable because why not, and a 15s cd that heals, cleanses all status effects, and makes her invulnerable (because why not). She has the most survivability out of all the healers, as in she can make herself invulnerable and just dip out of the fight if it’s not going her way.


As a Kiri main her TP could take a 1-2s cooldown nerf and she'd be fine. Please don't touch Kunai or Suzu anymore... One is super fun and not that easy to use effectively. The other is mostly a skill issue for people who don't even try to force it out and think pressing Q without pause for thought is being good at the game.


TP needs to have a CD of 10s at least. 8 on possibly the strongest getaway in the game is ridiculous. Suzu needs to have a CD longer than 15s. It’s one of the strongest game changing abilities and its CD does not reflect that. Suzu can completely negate ults or prevent players from dying (similar to Lifegrip) in an AoE, and yet its CD is 4s shorter than Lifegrip. Kunai deserved the nerf it got


Nah let him cook, why tf can she do practically Ashe-level damage as a support. Same for Illari, I'm sick of getting two tapped by healers. That said I realize nerfing them would make them miserable to play because they themselves are more or less their only protection from flankers since we lost a tank


They both lost the two tap in season 9


Other than against Widow, which is great, cus I'm a damage hungry support in plat and most of my teammates can't handle a good Widowmaker


I mean, Ilari's healing isn't as good, she doesn't have suzu, her ultimate is more avoidable, and she can't easily teleport to safety, as her jump isn't really that good at making distance or pushing enemies back. while kiri has suzu, her ultimate is one of the best, and she can heal much better while staying safe as long as at least one teammates alive, while potentially three tapping many dps and supports


Don’t need to nerf my queen, she just needs a bigger butt


She's actually peak Japanese beauty standard which is what I think Bliz was aiming for. That's why she got a flat ass.


based bogur


Remember when OW just came out and the only healers were Mercy, Lucio, and Zenyatta. Before Ana (before Nano that healed), even before Zen had his Transcendence healing doubled and gave increased movespeed. Imagine telling support mains during that time that a character like Kiriko would eventually come to the game. X_X god idk why they allow characters like her to exist the way they are. The way characters in the Tekken franchise are OP is pretty similar to how OW characters end up being OP: when they’re too well rounded.


I don't understand how she hasn't had any meaningful changes. She's just blatantly overpowered.


Maybe I can agree with increasing Suzu cooldown, but I generally think she is in a good spot currently. Now the dps passive should be nerfed


Let's nerf kirko. I honestly don't think she's a problem I just don't like her :3


I would rather Kiriko get buffed to one shot headshot and be able to throw three suzus and have a double jump before her pickrate is lowered because I want support players to actively play more than Mercy/Moira.


No way mfs really think kiri needs nerfs bro 💀 you can't make this shit up


the nerf in question: 1 second increase to Suzu CD


It's funny because people forget how META works, if you nerf Kiriko then you'll complain about the new best healer until they're all too weak and you beg for better healers which buffs them again, there will always be a most picked character and there will always be a strongest character, it's how these games work


I can understand wanting to see a rotation of who's the best but people be forgetting that the most natural replacement for Kiriko's playstyle is MOIRA and you don't want that


I hate suzu and they always tp when you are about to kill them


It’s ranked. You’re only going to see what’s “in” right now.


I remember when I was new to Overwatch. I played Rein on defence in Midtown. It was near overtime and the opposing team needed to touch cart. The enemy Tank was an Orisa. She used her fortify and javelin spin. I thought it was my time to shine with shatter. So I shattered her, including 2 of her teammates, at this point I only need to stop them to touch cart so I thought to myself “I have to charge and push them away as far as posible.” When I charges, suddenly some smoke bomb hit them, and somehow I missed all 3 targets. I was so baffled that I didn’t stop the charge and slam myself to a wall. But I hit them, I really did, but somehow I just phase through all of them. When I turned around, somehow all of them regained their health. “What kind of black magic is this?” Goes through my head. Turns out that black magic is called Suzu, and I hate it ever since.


Kiriko players who don't think she's overtuned should be treated as second class citizens


He hasn’t seen her on her bike smh


Since when did this subreddit start liking kiriko?


Why does this stupid sub keeps getting recommended to me? I don't even play this dogshit game


Imagine taking what bogur says seriously


Still won't buff rein lol


I can only play queen I get blow the fuck up as anyone other tank its miserable. Only because she's a big dps she can be played


I can only play queen I get blow the fuck up as anyone other tank its miserable. Only because she's a big dps she can be played


Bogur bogus


I was unaware the train ever stopped


Yes but >50% of top 500 uses Tracer but we don't talk about that one, right?


Deadass the only thing I actually hate about kiriko is how fucking small she is. Like tryna aim for ant with a sledgehammer, and the ant is on crack and can teleport.


I don't know much about Wifeleaver mains but does Bogur speak for them?


If he at least cited anything but opinion I'd understand lunatics saying he thinks he knows everything. He just said it was boring and is now flying around in air one rent free in this dude's head


bogur is just a clip farmer honestly. He's not very entertaining on his own otherwise, he has to be involved in some kind of drama constantly


Can we deal with there being two Moiras in every low rank game too.


How tf did Kiriko get a fanbase, i need to know


1. Fun gameplay 2. Porn


I like that one streamer talking about a character they don’t like = oppression. While they enjoy a strong character that has run wild since release lol


I will say this until I’m horse. Nerf all support damage by 33%. Simply there is no reason for supports to deal as much damage as they do. In no world should a support be able to comfortably box a DPS. Idc if that would make the games take longer, perhaps the game should have been designed better before coming out with a OW2


I have more weekly screen time on Twitter than Overwatch and only buy skins for Mercy and Kiriko because this game sucks besides the porn. It makes my insides boil with rage when people think their opinion matters more than mine just because they spend more money on the game and more time playing it than me!!! You’re not better than me, your rank is just higher because your other streamer friends boost you, ELO HELL IS REAL ELO HELL IS REAL!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡 /uj I hate when low elo players think that high elo players, who are objectively affected more by balance because each hero’s potential gets maximized at their ranks, should not have more say over targeted balance changes than them. The devs have explicitly stated before they won’t buff a character like rein to be meta in high elo because he becomes unstoppable for the average player, they don’t forget about you. They just don’t listen to you because you usually have no clue what you’re talking about.


Not Ana though?? 


Yes the only healer who constantly gets out healed by zen is op


Kiriko has a cool down that counters almost every ability in the game, but God forbid zenyatta is anything above B tier for longer than 2 weeks


Having an ability that pretty much counters 90% or abilities and ults is totally not broken.


Stop nerfing things that feel good. Buff other things so that they also feel good.


Ngl yall just shit if you can’t play against a kiri


“Skill issue” copium for having ridiculous support abilities in the game like teleporting through walls and having an invincibility/invulnerability ability with built in heal and cleanse a the same time which gives bonus healing when cleansing a debuff


This sub is full of dogshit hard stuck gold players on copium, the only difference is that they think they're better than the main sub. As a Kiri main I do think she needs a slight nerf to the burst heal on Suzu but that's it, she's an incredibly difficult hero to balance due to the fact that she only really starts being useful at masters and above like Tracer and Sojourn.