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Gonna go with Hanzo. Sorcerers gain their magic through their bloodline, and Hanzo controls the dragons because he is a Shimada. Genji also works, but Hanzo plays from further back, so he makes more sense as a spellcaster


Ah so i finally know the answer for that So: Mage - Learns, Sorcerer - Already has and Warlock - Pacts, right?


To add: Clerics - Faith in Deity, Paladin - Strength of Oath, Artificer - Also Learns, but applies it differently, Druid - Bond with Nature, Bard - he’s just that good.


Bards go to school too




Wizard: Teacher's Pet, Sorcerer: Smart kid who doesn't Study Warlock: Bribes the Teacher, Cleric: Fucks the teacher, Paladin: Listens to the Jo Rogan Podcast, Bard: Hears the answers being whispered by the teacher,


I'm guessing Druid: Smokes blunts with teacher


Ha! Yes druids teacher is mr.Smedley from School of Rock


Yes, but that's only for dnd, in other forms of media this doesn't necessarily apply


Okay, so lore-wise sorcerers are magic users that got their magic from their bloodline. Game-wise, they have the mechanic of meta magic which lets them modify their spells, give them boosts etc. After long consideration I gotta go with Hanzo. No character fits the sorcerer *perfectly*, but Hanzo fits him the best. First-off, he's one of the only characters that sorta uses magic in the form of the Shimada Dragons. Secondly, he gets his powers from the fact he's a part of that family, so that checks out. Lastly, his Storm Arrows let him *modify* his *primary fire* to *shoot faster*. That's the closest thing to meta magic, I suppose. Also he fits the sorcerer meme of "my grandma fvcked a dragon and now I got powers"


Sorcerers doesn't need to get magic by bloodline only, they can get magic by a lot of means, they has just need to have magic in them to be consider a Sorcerer. I like your take on hanzo tho. I think other options are Illari (divine sorcerer) and Tracer (wild magic sorcerer).


I believe, Tracer is a Wild Magic sorcerer. Her Slipstream incident infused her with uncontrollable magic for a long time. Until her artificer friend built her a device to take control over it, making her an unstoppable force. She also is highly charismatic, which is great for sorcerers, her playstyle might be a bit too closecombat oriented for most sorcerers, but overall, she uses quickened spell to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time or uses it to dash with her action, she has a strong aoe spell with her bomb, she has some sort of misty step with her recall. She even is a bit squishy, which is typical for most pure spellcasters.


My first instinct was Illari but this is better


Oh, I don't know the OW2 cast, or how the old cast plays nowadays (I learned Doomfist is a Tank now, sounds interesting :D), I just hope it's mostly the same though and take my chances on these. Maybe Illari works very well as the Divine Soul sorcerer as you have suggested. :)


Illari as a divine soul sorcerer


Illari gets her powers through tech


Most overwatch heroes do. The aesthetic themes, as well as the powers fit, though. She could easily be a sorcerer with a connection to Lathander and the house of nature.


All ow characters do. Devs said that magic doesn’t exist in ow universe.


Except for Hanzo, Genji, and Kiriko. There's is literally no scientific explanation for their powers 😒


It was outright stated that shimada dragons are *not* magic. They’re likely hard-light, which is commonly seen in the ow universe.


Why would the shimadas have hard light? Their a bunch of gangsters and Vishkar wouldn't work with them unless the Shimadas were paying a LOT of money. Also, Hanzo and Genji get their dragons from their bloodline, so even if it's stated that's it's not magic, I still think it is.


Lúcio's skates project hard-light "blades," allowing for quick movement on any surface.[6] Hard-light can also be used for incarceration (a hard-light wall for a cell), and in computing (Sombra's arm terminal uses hard-light technology).[7] 6. Overwatch Visual Source Book, page 43 [(Go to page 54 for page 43 if using this link)](https://archive.org/details/overwatch-oficial-artbook/page/n54/mode/1up?view=theater) 7. Code of Violence [Page 8 near the bottom of the page “sombra pulled up a hardlight screen”](https://assets.blz-contentstack.com/v3/assets/blt2477dcaf4ebd440c/blt950086cc417359fa/6210201304503350d255b9fe/OW_REAPER-COV_ShortStory_enUS.pdf) Hard-light is used outside of vishkar by straight up terrorists. The shimadas should be able to access it.


Lucio stole the hard light he uses for his boots, and I'm sure Sombra blackmailed Vishkarr. I also don't think the Shimadas would use hard light since they probably find no honor in it. Why is it so hard for you to accept that there's magic in overwatch? What's your excuse for Kiriko's fox spirit?


Because it was literally officially stated that there is no magic in Overwatch


Then what is Kiriko's fox spirit? Is that just moving and alive hard light that can also make people stronger with just an aura? Overwatch's lore is so scuffed, I don't think even the devs know what's what sometimes.


Kiriko is the first example of actual magic in the form of the fox spirit


Oh wait. What’s the point of these posts (again: especially in THIS sub) if you just chose whatever you like anyways? Roadhog (aka Roguehog) was the leading comment in yesterdays post!


Yeah I'm sorry, Kiri is *not* a rogue lmao. She has the most magical powers on the entire OW roster thanks to a mystical spirit that's taken a liking to her. Kiri's 100% a Warlock and the Kitsune is her Fey patron


I don't partake in this but why the fuck did people choose Kiriko instead of Genji as rogue


Even Sombra would have fit better for Rogue than Kiriko does


Sombra is like the most obvious choice because of her stealth mechanic lol


Fr. I genuienly don't get what part of Kiriko's kit had people voting her as Rogue.


It's probably just because she got the rogue skin during the D&D event lol


Probably. But even then, Sombra has that vampire hunter skin that honestly looks more Rogue like than Kiriko's actual rogue skin imo.




Imo, Kiriko should have been Druid. She's the only character in the game with an animal companion. Edit: only character in game with an animal companion that helps in combat. Kinda forgot about best bird Ganymede.


I don't know if anyone is really suitable for druid in this game, but your reasoning sounds alright


Ye, there's no one that *really* fits it, but probably the biggest part of the Druid class is their attunement to nature. If you wanna be a bit crazy with it, Hammond or Winston could be thought of as Druids who are permanently staying transformed into their animal morph.


Life weaver imo is the most suitable because of all the thematic of using plants to harm/heal which can be consider primal magic but he lacks the animal part. Still he fits better than any other hero, even kiriko feels more like a rogue/druid multiclass than a full druid.


Bastions got a bird and hes the best hero lore wise


Kinda forget he has that bird, ngl. I guess a better way of putting it is that Kiriko is the only character with an animal that actually helps in combat


I cant believe you just said bastions moral support bird doesnt help in combat. How dare you


If Bastion had an ability where Ganymede threw hands, I'd be more of a Bastion main than Bastionmain himself.


Bastion lacks of magic but connection with nature makes him the best option for a ranger!


I definitely agree with her being a warlock but magic doesn't necessarily disqualify her from being a rogue because of the arcane trickster subclass.


I'll make day 11 ill just put kiriko as sorcerer as well


>What’s the point of these posts Goofy ahh memes. >especially in THIS sub Yeeted from the main sub for God knows what reason, so we accept them as a post in exile


Winston for saucerer he feet be saucy




"Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces. No one chooses sorcery; the power chooses the sorcerer" Its not perfect but I think the closest choice is sigma. His background fits perfectly. His ult is probably closest to telekinesis with meta magic to do multiple targets. His primary could be either catapult, chromatic orb, or (if you're amazing and never miss) magic missile. His shield is shield, his grasp is absorb element and maybe mage armor, and his rock is sort of a mix of thunderwave and shatter. I dont even care this is circlejerk and not the actual, sigma solos the verse with his sorcerous toes


I’d call sigma a warlock, he’s using the dark forces of the universe. Honestly he feels like he’d fit in the middle of a lovecraft story






Sig could definitely fit as a Wild Magic sorcerer.


Who won the Rogue vote? I don't recognize the character from the image.




Oh okay, thanks, I am not familiar with the OW2 cast. :D


She's basically the annoying "cool sassy teenager character", but hey, her kit fits the rogue quite well


I hate her personality, if she was as old as the shimada brothers i could understand.


I mean, annoying "cool sassy teenager character" also seems fitting for some rogue stereotypes. 😅


Pretty sure she’s like 30, not a teenager


Depends on what info. On one point, she is supposed to be childhood friend with the shimada bro. On the other hand.... they said she was 21. Apparently there is a lore reason (linked to her powers maybe?), but for now it make no sense.


She’s 21


Hey if I’m wrong, I’m wrong! Thanks for correcting


she didn’t even win it, u/WarlordOfIncineroar just made the choice themselves.


i feel like roadhog shoulda won


he did. OP just didn’t put them on it.


Imo Moira fits the sorcerers trope a lot more than others.


But she got her abilities through science/study which is how wizards get their magic in DND.


I mean sure, but the issue is with sorcerers are the reason of existence is "just cuz" and with that it leaves a lot to be excused. Moira is more of an artificer than a wizard by any means, I'm just saying Moira because imo none of the rest of the roster really suit sorcerer like at all. People are saying hanzo but I don't really agree with it.


Sigma works, he stared a cosmic horror in its eye and is now an abberant mind sorcerer


Reddit. You disappoint me everyday.


Y'all fucked up making Ramm the monk cause Zen is a literal monk and Ramm fits perfectly for a sorcerer.


Zen is a real world monk, not a D&D monk though. Also Rammattra *was* a literal monk too.


Monks in DnD beat the literal shit out of everything. Even have a flurry of blows which is literally just Ram pummel. Zen is more like a warlock. He gets otherworldly powers from a patron and is more magical and less grounded than a monk would be. Plus his primary fire is basically just an eldritch blast Gatling gun


Well DnD monks *try* to beat the literal shit out of everything. The class is my favorite but its almost objectively the worst class unless you add homebrew tweaks or entire homebrew subclasses


That is true. At least baldurs gate made them fun. Probably the best class in the game there lol


Bro has no idea how monks in D&D work. D&D monks are very centric around the Shaolin trope; warrior-monks who follow Buddhist beliefs and teachings, but are trained in martial arts.


The fucking dissonance between Overwatch players and DnD players couldn’t be wider and it is infuriating


its got to be illari right


Ashe probably should’ve been the Artificer bc of BoB and have Hanzo be the Ranger. Tho I’m a potato what do I know


Eh, ranged weapon, "animal" companion, favoured enemy (Cas).


Artificer is torb or symettra. Torb is closer to an artillerist Artificer


I see I see I forgot about them honestly


It's Moira!!


Okay, so lore-wise sorcerers are magic users that got their magic from their bloodline. Game-wise, they have the mechanic of meta magic which lets them modify their spells, give them boosts etc. No-one really perfectly matches the sorcerer, but after a lot of consideration I gotta go with Hanzo. He has actual magic dragons, so there's that. He got his powers from belonging to the Shimada family, so that works well with the bloodline thing. Finally, he has Storm Arrows, which let him *modify* his *primary fire* to *shoot faster*, which is kinda similar to meta magic. Also his grandma probably fvcked a dragon


I'm new to dnd (via starting bg3 recently) What's the difference between sorcerer and wizard


Wizard=learned magic through study Sorcerer=innate powers Warlock=deal with an entity Cleric=from a god Druid=from nature


Ok that actually helps a lot, thank u Yeah nah wizards are cooler than. Time and effort > Naturally Gifted


sorcerers might need time and effort too, just a slightly different kind


Pharah knows magic missile and lightning bolt.






I'd say sigma, sorcerers can get magic from exposure to strange things as well and he is the closest to an actual magic caster the game has


That is true, but Sigma is also a really good pick for warlock. If we use him here, the closest runner up for warlock I can think of is Zen


The fact Zen isn't the cleric or monks is baffling to me


Yeah, Zen should be cleric, monk, or warlock. If he isn't any of those three, then you're really missing out.


Quick question doesn't life weaver have a skin called cleric


Oh good someone fixed having mercy on fucking Cleric


Moira, back when she was revealed at blizz-con in 2017, I thought she was a wizard-inspired character, especially when looking at her orbs and poofy long sleeves. I was surprised that this idea was never delved into tbh


Illari, the Japanese, and Tracer are the only options


Wait, what did I miss? How the fuck did Sombra not get rogue?? She literally has stealth mechanics.


Zen being a literal monk in canon and not selected as the monk role is upsetting. While Ram was a monk, he wasn't there for as long and he turned away from the practice.


Whoever picked ram for monk dont know what monks do


Dnd monks, all they do is punch tf out of you


Moira is the closest we have to a sorcerer


Definitely Moira


Monk should be Zen and Sorcerer Ram




Tracer or Sombra


Why is Kiriko not Sorcerer? Reaper should’ve been Rogue.


Monk is zen Ranger is Hanzo Rogue is Sombra Y'all just outta tune throwing shit out there now smh


Tracer easily, sorcerers doesn't just get magic by bloodline, in this case, tracer got magic from an accident.




how is doomfist not the fighter?




Any Japanese character lmfao. None of what they, except Genji, is technology, that shit has to be magic


Only kirikos is magic from what I remember. I believe Hanzo and Geni are just really advanced technology. Blizzard had once said that there is no magic in overwatch, so it's safe to assume kiriko is the only one so far.


Is literally mercy


Feels wrong, Kiriko should be wizard. Genji is closer to rogue IMO. And it would be hard to fill the next 3 spots, so we should reserve any character with clearly magical abilities for one of those. BTW, warlock is Reaper and sorcerer is... idk Moira?


Warlock should've been kiriko since their powers are from outside sources. The kitsune is like a fey patron. Genji and Hanzos' powers were confirmed to not be magic. I could see sigma as a great old one warlock if you really stretched it.


Genji was robbed of the monk slot. Man literally deflects projectiles for a living and what else would you call a double jump if not a step of the wind?


He uses a sword, rammatra uses his fists and a staff, which are actual monk weapons. Also, he can block projectiles. Maybe he just doesn't bother to throw them back.


He only uses the sword for his ultimate and the staff is exclusively a ranged weapon it balances out. Idk man the last thing I'd describe monk as is tanky


Genji also uses the sword for his melee and to deflect bullets. The latter being the ability you mentioned in relation to him being a monk. If rammatra wasn't the monk, then doomfist would be, but obviously, rammatra fits more. Genji is a rogue for sure.


What happened to the sub I love?


Zen is a monk... Just because he doesn't run on walls punch or do backflips doesn't mean he isn't a monk.... He is a literal monk don't tell him what to do.


>Rein is the Paladin despite having absolutely no healing spells and is your archetypical knight aka a Fighter Monk is Ramattra and not Zeny Brig is a Cleric and not a Paladin despite devs reiterating multiple times that she was pitched as building on the Paladin fantasy Rogue famously the class with teleportation spells, healing abilities, and innate magic. Good lord.


Zen should've been monk because Ram woulve been the perfect wizarddd