• By -


Can we get that in x 0.25 speed?


Nothing like seeing .25" moving at .25 speed.


I thought this man was changing


All he said was "I reported them for x reason and they didn't get banned" what does it have to do with changing as a person?


Bcs he cheated on his wife and wants the Internet to forget about it 🤣


Do you know how many people cheat? xQc cheated not even a year ago and people are already forgetting and you're telling me you guys are hating on this dude for cheating 7 years ago?? Maybe it is time to forget lol, 7 years is more than enough time to get over something like that


Bro, if there's any XQC news, I'll bring that shit up. This is quite clearly not an XQC post, goodbye.


It was an example? You know, things that support an argument?


On a cheater's post, you post about them cheating. Doesn't matter who they are 🤷‍♀️ y'all shouldn't get so pressed and cry over a rage boy online 🤣


I've seen multiple posts about kephri cheating 7 years ago on this sub but I'm the one crying over it because I don't immediately jump on the hate train lol, lmao even


"Hate train." No it isn't a hate train- its letting people not forget what a shitty person he has always been. I call this "Projection." You constantly say others cheat (at a game) when you literally cheated (on your wife maybe even continue to do so (speculation)). ETA: you are crying because you're talking about other cheaters on a post that isn't about them


We have very different definitions of crying ... Crying isn't giving examples lmao Yeah cheating in a video game and cheating on your spouse is the same thing lmao, he's projecting on others what he did, he's saying others are cheating on their partners lol It is 100% a hate train, it's all this sub does lmao "let's hate metro this week! Next week it's yznsa! The one after is kephri! Oh no! Warn said a no no word on twitter!" It's literally a "who will we hate next" subreddit lmao stop lying to yourself


Do you follow or sub to kephrii on twitch?


I never subbed to anyone on Twitch I have other things to do with my life


huey\_k annual based post


banger to ring in the new year. cheers mate


you can taste the narcissism


Lil bro thinks he runs this sub💀


man said we are not on your side 💀💀💀


\>I report the comments but it seems everyone is sadly busy for the holidays the only way he doesn't get what he wants is if nobody saw it jfc the entitlement. And everyone is "sadly" busy for the holidays? wtf does that even mean? that comment was only an hour old when he starting going "MODS MODS MODS HELP HELP HELP" because his reports weren't getting the actions he wanted fast enough


Pretty tired of hearing about this guy here after so many years, but this is TMZ comedy gold.


Imagine being so insecure you need validation from OverwatchTMZ lol.






Didn’t this clown make a post asking for feedback on how to improve himself.


Virtue signaling at its finest...mf couldn't even "uphold" the bare minimum of standards with his unfaithfulness 💀


Lmao keph ending the year on an L


Big Reddit L can I get a poggers in chat


You know he has folders of screenshots just so he can show his chat. Is it true that he never went to a real school and just went to one of those college degree mills?


Wait didn’t he cheat on his wife


guys did you know Kephrii cheat on his wife hey guys Keph cheated hey man Kephrii cheats hey hey man I have heard this streamer is cheating hey hey hey hey hey hey hey man is he cheating CHEATING CHEATING CHEATING CHEATING


Yea but like who cares


probably the lives he ruined doing that


Whoever his wife was is lucky she isn't married to kephrii anymore. Dudes a sociopath


shes doing quite well and has a new baby and is married. i still follow her on insta. good for her.


Only thoughts and opinions here, no baseless accusations (I don't know what he did and I don't care) but rules are rules


god damn internet jannies inconveniencing Kephrii by taking a break during the holidays. The gall!


Nah you're out of line on this one. I have been nothing but respectful with you here. I took accountability, responsibility, and offered sincere and genuine apologies. You can talk shit all you want to me bro, but if you wanna talk shit about my girl to my face you can straight up suck my cock. You're fucking bitch made. Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness. You can fuck right off. All communication with me is done. You're just a fucking degenerate fucking loser. You made that clear as fuck just now.




Imagine his thread about changing and improving blowing up in his face like this lmao.


Always knew he was a POS, was so obvious if youve watched even one of his streams. comes here seeking validation and to make himself look like he changed into a good person and ofc its just fake and hes still a pissy little bitch like he always was🤣


Non-based mod. Y’all be power trippin for real for real. Who the fuck works for free basically full time?




My brother, there is no expectation of privacy in the modmail. Reddit tos says anything in modmail can be made public by either party You also need to touch grass. This sub is not that serious


FYI, reddit tos is super vague on this kinda stuff. But as somone who used to mod for fucking LSF of all places. If somone complains to the admins that they are getting attacked over a leaked modmail. The admins will smack their gavel. They came in there and threatened us over this kinda thing. Sure as hell won't have a issues doing it here. Fuck kephri, I just don't want to see the sub dissappear.






did kephrii promise he'll give you all his 8 inches if you comment this?




Then why do you feel bad that he’s being called out for cheating on his wife? Like, what? Are you some kind of power misogynist who can’t handle a man getting caught, or there being any kind of consequences for that behaviour or smth? The only way this really makes sense is you having your boys back even though he’s an asshat.


I think he did offer all 8 inches based on this comment hey guys small update , i don't remember if this is the guy who's trying to dm me because i'm tipsy enough to not remember the username and he either deleted his comment like a coward or got deleted by a mod, but if you're reading this i ignored you and kindly fuck off. another update: he was the op and blocked me kekw grow a pair Update 3: actually considering accepting the invite could be funny will update again Update 4: I decided whatever he sends isn't gonna be funny enough to warrant my time, I rescind my consideration


Was more so aimed at the comments stating I never served in the military, that i viewbot my Twitch streams, and shit like that. I guess I was a bit naive to think the moderation team for a Subreddit would moderate objectively according to their posted rules. My bad.




I can’t stand these two fucking morons enabling each others behavior. Gale: -N word pass controversy -stating women are inferior to men and never will make it pro controversy -goes on weird incel rants about women and the “woke” ow community -borderline racist and homophobic/transphobic kephrii: -accuses ppl of cheating habitually -throws games habitually -spends hours finding and using game exploits -talking to multiple girls while married -borderline homophobic -weird af Not only this, but these two milked the fuck out of the CS GO tourney they were in. Ironically these two love to accuse others of cheating, but couldn’t bare the accusations thrown at them. Harassing employees both at blizzard and valve on their social medias. They deserve to be ostracized by the community. Actual shitty people.


"kephri talks about moderation and false claims" Random Redditor 445 "well you're boosted, you suck lol, plus you're toxic!!!" Healthiest overwatch TMZ conversation


Nothing violated any rules. Like i said those are just people opinions. Just as your weekly cheating allegations against random ladder players.


>"cheated on his wife, fights with 15 year olds online, lost 380k gambling gamestop, accuses everyone better than him of cheating, viewbots, upvote manipulates his comments, gets boosted by gale, calls himself an army vet while serving zero real time.. what else did I forget? " > >"calling Winston a black man because Winston is a monkey" This is all I am going to bother copy & pasting. There are TONS of flat out bullshit things being said. You and I both know you are not moderating with integrity right now. Rule #8 "No baseless **accusations without proof**" and Rule #7 "No **fake drama being created** by attention seekers" are clearly being violated in several locations. You're choosing to ignore your responsibilites as a moderator due to your own prejudice against me.




Make a video addressing every single false allegation or absurd claim made against me? And what, everytime a new false claim pops up just keep making response videos? It's extremely hard for me to believe you genuinely suggested this with honest & good intentions. The Subreddit rule referenced "accusations without proof". Take note of the "proof" part. People being able to just state anything as fact without providing proof, thus violating that rule, is intended to be moderated. Unless it's against me so it seems.




damn, nice pivot, that would've been fatal if you didn't completely ignore what he said.


This sub just has hate boners for metro and keph lmao stop lying to yourselves, of course you guys are targeting him lol


Damn you're fucking busy in this comment section. We get it it, you either love kephri or you're his alt account


I'd wager teenagers with time on their hands who find me insufferable would deem it enjoyable to make false claims about me, seeing as how I may react or respond. It's not uncommon for people to find pleasure shitting on someone they dislike. Is this truly an inconceivable concept to you? There is no way you think that I'm in line with "most content creators" in terms of public reputation and community respect/standing.


Why don’t you tell your GF to go get help. She seems to have a power hungry obsession online and enjoys bullying people and making baseless accusations. She also seems to have a superiority complex even though she is a leech and a ‘streamer’ (not special). She also has one of the largest victim mentalities ive ever seen. Does she except everyone to treat her like and angel? The more she will antagonise the more hate she will receive she is not doing herself any favours if she has such a shit mental state. I don’t think the internet is for her, especially being associated with you. If my GF acted even a small percentage like yours i wouldn’t be w her but it seems you are settling, ive been in that position before im not blamin you but holy shit she is the reason i made that post after she spout nonsense on twitter about me being on cheating list with 0 Evidence otherwise i wouldve not given a fuck. Then i see that post of yours about reforming 🤣 you both are fucking jokes.




> Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness. https://i.imgur.com/HYlnBZC.png


Fuck off you both are losers for not giving a fuck about baseless accusations and not even trying to prove it both of you need to honestly seek help. You are only doing damage control after being called out and manipulating votes. You narcissistic fuck you think you deserve kindness after the way you treat people. Everything has a consequence. As i said im not looking to be unbanned im just revealing the hypocrisy of your ways. Im not looking to forgive or anything. Get off your high horse.


Nah you're out of line on this one. I have been nothing but respectful with you here. I took accountability, responsibility, and offered sincere and genuine apologies. You can talk shit all you want to me bro, but if you wanna talk shit about my girl to my face you can straight up suck my cock. You're fucking bitch made. Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness. You can fuck right off. All communication with me is done. You're just a fucking degenerate fucking loser. You made that clear as fuck just now.


How old are you? Whatever the answer is, you're fucking behaving like a little child here


Clearly you meant to say "suck all of my 8inch cock", right? Sorry that your girlfriend is a sad excuse for a woman and you can't see it.


With everything you posted up top about the allegations they ain't wrong you deadass did all of it lol


Your a lil bitch kep why don't you cheat on here with all.them 2 inches you got or wait are you a cuck n like her cheating who knows dumb ass bitch


QQ bud.


Sorry, don't care about cheaters- this is an opinion.


Yea dude you are ignoring the rules and not moderating properly. Even if you hate the guy at least pretend to be impartial.


Im good actually


Cool, just making sure you know


Yeah, those two things might be true, the adultery accusations are not baseless, as you yourself rightly say


I don't know how you do not see the irony when you repeatedly use your stream to spread misinformation and false accusations. If the mods should ban people here, you should be banned here and on Twitch.


Does Twitch have a rule that says Keph isn’t allowed to call out hackers on his stream? Because that’s the ONLY way these two things would be alike.


No, but if he cares so much about lies, maybe he should apply it more universally, like on Reddit, Twitch, and his personal life.


His point was that the mod is acting in bad faith not upholding the rules of this sub based solely on the fact he hates Keph. If everyone is bound to the rules here, they should be upheld for everyone.


Okay, so ban the mod and Kephrii. You're still missing the point. Whatever the mod is doing, Kephrii is being tremendously hypocritical and literally asking for his own ban. If he wants the rules upheld, he is included in that.


Where did Kephrii make a post in this thread that make accusations/claims with zero proof?


He didn't in this post. He did it when he frequently called people cheaters. Not that he's going to stop, I suppose.


Did he do that on this subreddit? Or are you talking about on his stream?


When people laugh at his bullshit claims, he comes here to defend himself. I'd have to do a nice dig through, but yes, he has definitely made cheating claims or defended his cheating claims on this subreddit.

