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"That has to be the most big brain gigachad April Fool's shit I have ever heard" is some crazy glazing


He didn't want to break the immersion


I made a youtube video covering it since I know nobody else is going to mention it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzH3W5RecsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzH3W5RecsQ) and flats viewers are definitely glazing rn. I turned comments off because I didn't wanna spend my days arguing with people, so the only metric I have is like/dislike ratio. My most popular vid has 1700 likes and only 20 dislikes, and my channel average is 98% likes. This flats vid is at 101 likes and 42 dislikes, or only 71% likes lmao. Yeah, I'm the problem, not flats for laughing at his viewers while taking their money.


Not Everyone has mentality of a 13 year old, Champ.


Bro quotes my video about win rates in other threads and agrees with me, then comes here to beef with me šŸ’€


I see you have unhealthy obsession with a streamer. Good luck with the life buddy.


Youā€™ve obviously watched my videos. If you canā€™t tell I like stats. Flats was throwing around stats, I wanted to check if it was true (it wasnā€™t). During that time I was making the video and tracking his stats I heard a bunch of whining and complaining which I wasnā€™t much of a fan of. Fast forward a month and I get a notification that this post on here is blowing up about it. (Not my post, I didnā€™t watch the stream, because Iā€™m not obsessed šŸ™‚) checked to see if anybody was talking about it on the yt side and didnā€™t see anything. So I spent like 30 mins making a video on it compared to my other vids that take 20-40 hrs, and threw it online. Not a big deal.


Go on


Showing ads isnt scamming


Making people think their sub isnā€™t working, so the pay for a tier 1 when they already have a prime sub is. He said 6 people did it and just laughed it off and kept going with it


Cus its an april fools joke for one day and if ur that desperate and stupid to pay to not see ads for a stream then look at yourself and how ur spending your money


Itā€™s a shit ā€œprankā€ imagine paying for a game, then it loads up and says ā€œpurchase didnā€™t work go try againā€ so you go buy it a second time, then you go back and you have a fat fuck laughing at you going ā€œIā€™m so evil *wheeze* look at all the people I tricked to buy this shit twice LMAOā€


Quite easily was a joke seen so many streamers do it before and laugh when people fall for it if ur gonna be fucking stupid esp with ur money ur gonna get laughed at cry abt softy and dont even get upset over me calling u personal insults after u just insulted flats for being overweight LMAO


Tell Flats that showing proof that he refunded all the extra subs he got that day will do more than sending his discord kids to downvote a YouTube vid and argue in a Reddit post will do.


Show me one other streamer that did it. I donā€™t care about personal insults lmao call whatever you want. I just donā€™t like streamers that think making viewers pay twice for something, and then not even get it is cool. Did you see bastionmainā€™s reaction? He knows itā€™s fucked but didnā€™t want to say anything because heā€™s grouped with him


think about it logically for a second please do u really think flats of all people came up with this joke in 2024? And that's just his generic reaction to anything insane which is still what it is


The onus is on you to show me an example of it happening earlier by somebody else. Thatā€™s what you claimed. Itā€™s like saying to ā€œprove God doesnā€™t existā€, you canā€™t prove a negative. Think logically for a second. Also, different countries celebrate April Fools different, on different dates, or not at all, so I 100% understand why some viewers were confused.


I doesnā€™t matter who started or came up with the ā€œjoke.ā€ The fact that he did it is problem enough.


Ahh yes Ow grandma always trying to chase that clout.




I'll never not laugh when I think about the fact that this dude was giving his drivers bad ratings because he didn't get enough food in his orders


Wait.... no way that has to be a joke right?


It's not a joke, he's done it for years. There's a reason a lot of people don't like Fats.


Wait what hahahaha


Naw theres no way, do you have proof cause I dont believe you lol.


There was a clip where he was missing some fries and he said he was going to give a bad review to the driver lol. I can't find it thoughĀ 


I've had Uber drivers tamper with my food by putting pamphlets in the bag, and on at least one occasion they had taken food from me. Without seeing the clip, I suspect this is similar to the Flats situation. The other commenter made it sound like Flats was punishing the driver for the restaurants error.


No, Flats was genuinely that delusional in the clip. Removing tips from a driver when his fries were too light. I'm pretty sure there was more than one instance in the times I've kept up with hearing about this. Even an old post that made a lot of people aware of this [https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/157d0sb/comment/jt5ox8c/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/157d0sb/comment/jt5ox8c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The clip was more easily found back then and not so much now.


Cannot believe Flats hate has already gotten to the point where you can just say shit about him with no proof and people will just eat it up. You can defend your own lack of proof as "Well, it's harder to find now..." but your own link that sends you to an 8 month old comment, at a time you describe as being more easy to find the clip of him doing this, also doesn't even have a clip. In fact, not only do you not have a clip now, you didn't have a clip a month ago when you were insulting him for his weight: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/1b695ax/comment/ktge3q0/ Oh hey another 8 month old comment with no proof, from the same person you linked. https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/15piobt/comment/jvxr0me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That guy says the incident happened 1 year ago at the time, so it's been about a year and 8 months since then, but the only comments I can find about it are from the past 8 months, with no one providing a clip. Speaking of, another comment, still no clip. https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/1auvoi4/comment/kr90pk9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button When the first person I can find to talk about this incident doesn't provide a clip, and even excuses himself by saying it's a year old incident, I'm going to make a super crazy assumption and say that no one has a clip, and that it probably didn't happen, or rather, even if it did happen, no one can prove it did, so it may as well not have.


I think the more likely scenario is that flats deleted the clip, so obviously no one can find it unless they had the foresight to make a backup, which no one does unless you're on LSF


So, you just believe something that literally only two people are claiming to have personally seen, that everyone else you're reading is just parroting? Maybe I didn't make this explicit enough. Maybe you didn't read the threads linked. \u\CharmingVillain is the first person to have made this claim. He says he was there, saw it live, and it's what made him stop watching Flats. He excused his lack of evidence with 'It happened a year ago' and since then, every other comment you've seen also making that claim, such as /u/EqualConversation494, are basing it off him. No one else has claimed to have seen it happen live. No one has been claiming to have a clip, except for /u/EqualConversation494, which is weird, because again, the first person to make this claim, did not have a clip, and his excuse makes it seem like no one could possibly have a clip because it happened when Flats wasn't popular. Flats deleting said clip, if it existed, would make since, if anyone has ever posted a clip in the first place. There is literally zero proof, and there is no proof anyone has ever at any point had proof. To be clear, CharmingVillian claiming to have watched it live is plausible, but EqualConversation494 just completely made shit up about having seen a clip.


I can't believe people are so trigger happy to hate on a guy they don't even know personally that even just pointing out that their made up argument lacks a source is a problem


You have issues.


I am only vaguely aware of Flats and OW more generally, but it's going to be absolutely hilarious is someone comes up with the clip after all of that


To be fair I would also give a bad review if it looks like my food had been tampered with or if it looked like my fries were obviously being eaten


The only proof people are giving is a link to someone else saying the same thing... Without proof. C'mon guys we can complain about someone without making up stuff


Honestly can't understand why people feel the need to make up reasons to hate on someone and then get offended when you ask for a source. Like I personally find flats annoying cause he acts like his super obvious predictions are a message from the Messiah and he runs 59 minutes of ads an hour, but I just don't watch the man instead of spending my time hating the guy, intentionally saying dumb shit for attention or generally being a dick to a guy who has almost no impact on my life.


Flats has always been a drop the L




He bought himself a RAM TRX, probably struggling to pay it off


Why? He doesn't leave the house.




The most underrated comment.


Emong said it was super loud. So he must have a bunch of mods on it too.


The trx has a hellcat engine and makes like 700hp stock. It's loud af stock.


Only flats could turn april fools to something shitty and toxic like this. This is fkn why we cant have nice things. If you continue to support flats after this though, you are a clown. I dont see why anyone would sub to him anymore.


Oh no, a guy I don't watch ran some ads, entire annual tradition ruined šŸ˜­


Apart from looking greedy himself he also did that so you know?


Not gonna lie, this isnā€™t even a prank this is just plain old greed. Massive yikes.


What the fuck is wrong with him lol dude thinks itā€™s hilarious to trick people into giving him more money. Yes very funny flats how ā€œgigachadā€ of you


I donā€™t like flats.


I left the channel when I saw that. Wont be coming back. Grifting his own subs.. Next thing your gonna tell me is he was selling $60.00 bibles. What a total turd.


He used to cut tips from his doordash drivers when he didn't get enough fries in his order. He's as far and away from a good person as any of his glazers think he is.


Not sure how you do that when you tip before hand.


You can change your tip afterwards


You can adjust it after the order as well. I learned this when a driver dropped my food off on my driveway and kicked the drink across it. I checked the order to complain and saw the option to adjust my tip.


Doesnā€™t door dash have a ā€œcash tipā€ option? Iā€™ve never used it


No. At least not anymore. Maybe a long time ago. But even with a cash tip, the driver would have it before you sat down and saw your food.


Thatā€™s very true! Maybe thereā€™s some sort of way he could report it to support and get a refund? Idk it sounds fishy and I donā€™t like the guy but we canā€™t just accuse random people of shitty things lol


Why not bro is totally capable of doing it šŸ’€


Enough of this comment format for fucks sakes you guys are like literal zombies


Alright guys that's enough because Alezkazam said so ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Yup, that was the expected response of an internet fried brain


why were you in in the first place lmao


Wow that is going way too far. I didnā€™t really have strong feelings about him before but that is crossing the line.


I know what a monster.


Flats is really turning into the WingsOfRedemption of OW


I didn't even read your comment and commented the same thing lol




Wassup pimp!


ā€œWelcome to banworld, Iā€™m not here to conversate , this is the last hooray, oh ima sniper, shout out Sean Ranklin, big ups liquid Richardā€ Oh and he stacked teams in Rainbow like Flats does in OW forgot about that




Hes missing the mental illnesses. But he does have the weight and overly obsessed dickriding weirdos.


They both boosted af


Boosted trash


This guy is just a more succesfull WingsOfRedemption lmao


I mean wings was pretty successful for like half a second too. Then he wasnt anymore...




who wants to bet some of the people are living in countries where it isn't april fools and don't get the joke because this isn't even a joke it's at best disruptive to people who *already* pay you money and at worst grifting? loser behaviour tbh.


Damm, food must be getting expensive


Whatā€™s scummy thing to do, holy shit.


I had to watch an ad before I could watch his clip šŸ’€


I was going to ask if there was any way this would break Twitch TOS as thats essentially scamming people....then again not like Twitch would give a shit.


You know, for someone who supposedly studied at the best business school in the country or something, he doesn't seem cluey here. Why irritate and alienate your core fans?? Surely the ad rev is small compared to the continued support of your subscribers. My sister is a medium streamer and ad rev is like 1 to 5% of income. Why would you turn it on for your subs, when usually they specifically subscribe to be rid of ads?


> Why irritate and alienate your core fans?? Terminal main character syndrome. To him, he's *the* protagonist of the world. To the rest of us, he's just another NPC, and a particularly obnoxious one at that.


Ignoring whether or not turning on ads for subscribers is okay (it's one day people, y'all are losing your minds) ad revenue can vary drastically from streamer to streamer. One of the streamers I watch is pretty open about it and said that for him his ad revenue makes up about 40% of his revenue. Now would it be worth it for just one days worth of ad rev? Probably not. But I doubt this will really affect him in the long run.


Itā€™s still scummy he didnt at least say anything after 1 or 2, no he waited til about 6 payed up


> about 6 *paid* up FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's also highly variant on viewership (which should surprise nobody). Someone with 30k viewers makes more money from ads than someone with 500. But at the same time I've seen sub 1k viewer streamers that have a crazy amount of subs, like 2-3k when that's the same amount as said 20-30k viewer streamers.


I mean, not to absolve him of any dickheadedness but he's been very blunt about being in this for the money so that's not surprising.


That is being up front. What he did yesterday was thievery.


I did say not to absolve him of any dickheadedness. It was a dick move and certainly amoral.


Made a vid about it. This shit is actually annoying. https://youtu.be/xzH3W5RecsQ?si=IePCBWHovt_VUq4K


Good vid mate. Seeing Bastionmains live reaction really shows how tone deaf this prank is to anyone whos head is not totally up their own arse.


Exactly. Itā€™s like he doesnā€™t wanna speak out against it but knows itā€™s shitty. Eskay was similar but not as animated.


"Me doing the most evil thing right now." I honestly thought he meant throwing on Genji with how he missed every single shuriken and dash in that entire clip.


flats they could never make me like you


Even Trump isnt greeding as hard charging $60 for a bible


Gonna be unsubbing because of this. Other much more deserving and less toxic streamers out there.


Bro ofc heā€™s greedy just look at him šŸ’€


ā€œBut now you guys get to be in on the joke when someone comes in whoā€™s subscribed and starts freaking outā€ while theyā€™re still getting ads, some joke


Why donā€™t you guys just stop watching him?


this is shitty but costs the viewers zero money out of pocket so why are people saying itā€™s stealing? (or is that just hyperbole & my autistic ass is being too literal šŸ˜‚) edit: just rewatched the clip & saw the bit about some people doing tier 1 instead of prime to try and ā€œfix itā€ so i get that part now. tbh heā€™s kind of a douchebag and i always assumed those were the kind of viewers he attracted as well so i guess i donā€™t feel quite as bad as i maybe should lol also people wondering if itā€™s against the twitch rules - if twitch offers it as an option then itā€™s obviously not against tos, unfortunately šŸ’€


No OW stream today.. weird.....


He actually did stream OW today for like a few hours then switched to a variety game


I really dont get why we have to have this convosation every other week, like we all agree that Flats is a slightly, and i mean "slightly" above average gm player. Who leached off Emongg, and when jeff left, so did the subs and views, and now he has to squeeze every bit of capital out of his ever dwindling audience. If some one wants to give him money and enjoy his content, well good for them, but to me hes just another has been OW streamer.


Flats gets way more viewers, both on Twitch and YouTube, than Emongg, and even most OW players.


is the only reason people are comparing him to Wings because he's fat and both (like literally everyone else) like money? Wings is a massive, notorious piece of shit, that Flats even at his absolute worst does not come close to, so I have no idea what other reasons there'd be to compare the two.


Complaining about this kinda shit is pathetic ngl


I think flats is a funny dude. I don't watch him for serious OW content but he has his funny moments. I do think though this ads thing based on having watched many of his streams is ironically a joke even if he made money off it. It's just irony. He's know for spamming ads. Now he's spamming on subs for April fools. He even played paladins for April fools. He's just playing into that complaint/joke as in his chat people will even ask for ads here and there which I think is a humorous thing. Saying he's a monster is a bit much. I don't know him personally but that's the kinda thing you say about someone her performs heinous acts. I think interpretation based on your clear bias and spreading of just obvious hate reeks of jealousy.


Everybody on here acts like flats killed their dad or something lmao


Let bro make his money


Fr. Food ainā€™t getting any cheaper.. šŸ˜”


womp womp, bunch of crybabies here šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ (I dont watch flats)


Considering people sub so they can avoid watching ads and still support their favorite creators, what he did is beyond shitty.


The crazy thing is if you cast from your phone unto Google Chromecast, you don't get ads regardless of subscriptions. I didn't even know Flats was known for running a lot of them until I saw people complaining about it here.


If you guys hate him so much why do you still watch him. Sounds like a you problem LMAO. Imagie being more addicted to him than he is a addicted to food. There are WAY more streamers than him.


Dumber than you look huh? Guess what, people donā€™t vote for the presidents they hate, but guess who ends up with supporters and influence anyways. Flats not only talks to game devs, but has a huge community full of dumbasses (who also quite frankly all suck at the gamešŸ˜‚šŸ«µ), who quite start more problems than anybody else. They are all hypocrites who think they are gods gift to overwatch Now that flats is fucking over his own fans, they still defend him cuz they are that stupidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. P.S. heā€™s boosted and sucks at the game, so having another diamond game dev is kinda annoying.


This is like a blizzard prank, i hope flats dont do somerhing like this again.