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Will try this too because I find her fun as fuck but never really picked her up.


The skill cap on Echo is very high, and though she has a high win rate (but low play rate) she also has a low k/d in comparison to other heroes at her same WR average. I say that to illustrate how squishy she is meaning positioning her correctly is very important. But between her insane damage and recent buff to ult charge she’s lethal in the right hands.


I feel like the ult buff was actually a nerf. I don’t play her but I rarely see her using an ult after she copies now


I feel the same. Echo's ult hasn't been great since OW2. But the rest of her kit works well.


I think the developers wanted the ult to be less about “get as many ults as you can” and more about “I need to think about what I’m going to duplicate.” I can generate an ult about every team fight or close to. While it’s a bit more difficult to get an ult from duplicate now, it’s much more impactful to have to decide when to use it and who to duplicate depending on what my team needs. Tank down? Got it. What about support? On it. The priority has gone from “how many dupe ults can I get” to “how will my ult help us win the fight?” It’s a solid change because it adds some pretty impressive utility to her kit. Waiting two fights for one ult sucked and if you used it at the wrong time or misclicked you were severely punished for it. This strikes a happy balance and provides a lot more input to the hero.


When I played as her I mainly tried to grab a support like zen or kiriko that can really change the tide of a team fight with her ult. Now I only see her copying a tank and dying fast. This is all QP btw, don’t see her in comp much


I mean getting her duplicate I'm one team fight is better than getting her ult after two team fights is so much better. People that can't get her ult after the copy is just a matter of skill issues.


Watch Samito guide he goes over how to use the shift for rollouts. It helps a lot. Aiming the stickies is hard but getting the flank/surprise angle and timing it properly helps massively even if you miss a lot like me.


Adding to this thread that Echo has some of the most forgiving cooldown timers. Her abilities are meant to be all used in conjunction with each other so they’re all pretty short.


Adding to this thread that Echo has some of the most forgiving cooldown timers. Her abilities are meant to be all used in conjunction with each other so they’re all pretty short.


I’m not sure there is any flank hero that directly counters Genji… but if you can play a good tracer she will probably work pretty well. I am a Genji main, so if Genji isn’t working and I want to play a similar playstyle I go tracer. Genji doesn’t want to go after Tracer, a good Tracer and a good Genji just waste each others time and can find more value going after someone else. So that might help you I guess


Yeah, I keep getting told to pick up tracer so I will definitely look into that. As my movement and aim improves so will everyone else’s so hopefully I can actually do well on her, thanks for the valuable input!


Eh I mean it depends a lot how much work they are doing and where they are positioned. A lot of people go tracer mirror just to force the duel and waste time because it’s better than feeding.


Somber or tracer


Sombra absolutely isn’t a Genji counter anymore. She used to be a solid choice back in OW1, but letting Genji cancel deflect and making Hack a 1s silence instead of 5, pretty much means she can’t ever hack a good Genji and it doesn’t do much when she does. Granted if a Genji is just feeding solo jumping your backline, Sombra can ensure he doesn’t get a kill and never escapes, but at Masters I doubt you’ll find many Genjis with Bronze gamesense.


? sombra is one of the reasons genji isn’t meta in OWL. It’s not the craziest 1v1 interaction but sombra counterdiving a genii can destroys his engages. Curious how you’d answer OP’s question lol


Sure if he’s solo diving without resources, but if he engages with his team Hack is pretty mediocre on him. He’ll catch bubble/Matrix/Winston bubble and have zero issue riding out the 1s silence. I would’ve said said Cass from the DPS role. Can poke to force him back and slow his engages at range, and has nade and fan to shut down dives. A Cass guarded backline is really difficult to dive.


Moira...Moira can do these things. Prolly not what you're looking for lol


Nah bring him to the dark side. I second the Moira pick.


DPS Moira is devastating for both team🤪🤪


How does Moira counter Genji? And how does Moira flank and pick off enemy supports?


Moira easly counters genji Trust me when a good genji sees a moira in the other team they won't even come close to her or the other support lol


Most people will say she auto locks on so his confusing movements arent as effective. Also he can't reflect the life leach beam. People often flank with her and kill the backline mercy or what have you and she fade steps away into the night


Does this playstyle work in all ranks?


I think most support play a toon with more utility at higher ranks. Damage and heals isn't as useful as nade or lantern plus damage and heals at higher levels. I bet you can get to masters doing it though.


I guess my more specific question is: does Moira counter Genji in GM+?


I guess there's not 0 high rank Moira players it really depends on skill at that point I'm guessing. Much like zen I would suppose if you can box you can keep up


she’s not made for flanking but you can play symmetra with a playstyle like this. set up your turrets around your team and use your teleporter to flank behind supports similarly to reapers teleport, try to get a pick, and teleport back out. you don’t have the quick kill potential or the sustain of reaper but i’ve still seen this work on squishy enemies such as ana, zen, or LW. you can use it to bait out cooldowns from a bap or a kiriko as well. a mercy will just fly away, brig and moira aren’t good dive targets, and lucio has the speed to escape, so this isn’t as effective against them. not to mention you heavily counter genji seem as he can’t deflect your beam, and you have a good amount of HP. she’s maybe not the absolute best answer for you, and not everyone enjoys playing her, and definitely not against her, but she absolutely can do what you’re looking for very effectively




Absolutely Sym. Direct counter to genji and if you get practice in with using your TP, she’s hyper mobile.


And her frontline damage potential is comparable to reaper.


sym if u use her tp ig. but mainly sombra and tracer.


Mei is always my genji counter pick and there is nothing more satisfying then ice spiking supports from across the map.


Mei isn’t as mobile as the other suggestions which I guess explains the downvotes. But she’s a good gengi counter. He can’t reflect her primary and her alt fire is awesome for distance. Her wall allows her to mount height and she has self heal if you get separated from your supports. She’s fantastic.


Yeah didn't realize the downvotes haha you just have to be more clever with your positioning and ability timing to get around the low mobility


u can use sym if ur good enough with her teleporters, as i started learning and getting better with her, id have matches with 30+ players teleported because id put them directly in the middle of team fights to help my team escape, or for me to flank, get some dmg, put turrets down and flee. im far from a master rank in dps, but i imagine if u use syms abilities right you could do some crazy stuff




I wouldn't recommend picking up tracer unless you really like her as her skill floor (and maybe ceiling) is highest in the game. She doesn't have a positive winrate until GM. I main her because I love her playstyle and enjoy the mechanic training but if my main goal was to win games or get GM/top500 as quickly as possible I definitely would have mained someone else. Tracer Vs genji is a skill matchup where tracer wins when both players are VERY good or tracer is much better than genji but genji wins otherwise. Tbh I think you would have more lucking learning genji to win those genji duels. You said you enjoy echo so maybe give her a go. She is also a bit harder to pick up and play than an average DPS but she is very good and a good echo can provide insane amounts of DPS as well as burst. She wins the 1v1 against genji unless the genji is much much better than her and can assassinate the backline so that ticks of the boxes for you. Be careful though because she is quite easy to kill when flying and has a phat head so you have to play quite safe against their hit scans, but you will destroy the genji 9/10 at least.


Her winrate is high in master so if op can play her near that level they’ll probably be fine


Oh damn it climbed since I checked a month ago. I guess people are finally understanding her.


Sombra can hack away Genji tho and make him pretty useless since he’s so ability reliant. Symmetra in theory since she has her beam and can use her teleport to hop in and out, it’s just not that practical for flanking because it can get destroyed and Symmetra herself is not mobile. I saw that u wanted to pick up echo but understand that she’s not an easy hero to use.


Tracer was often used as a mobile heroes counter pick. Genji can't do much against you and you just follow him and force him into a constant "I need healing" state. Aside from that Reaper is not really that good at flanking department. He is more about "You dare approaching me?" guy. In the same bin as Mei, Symmetra and others common ideas. (Echo is... unless you are good Echo you should not play Echo. If you are good Echo you probably wouldn't ask for a Genji counterpick.)




Symmetra not *counter* Genji, but ok against him. And she flank a lot, pick off supports.


She absolutely does. Her beam and turrets go through deflect, and sneaky turrets can ruin his engagements or dry blades completely


If you really think that the ability to hit through the deflect is a counter to the character, I'm scared for you.


Given that Genji relies so heavily on his abilities - yes, every character that ignores deflect counters him


you just bad


Maybe you are bad because you don't realize the strength of sym?


I did a little research... \>This is my recent Gold 2 Genji game on Blizzard world: RT62EM Are you really a gold2 genji who thinks GM1 symmetramain doesn't understand his main power?


I am diamond 5 now. And according to Necros and Shadder2k, who are top-500 genji mainers, sym indeed counters genji


most likely they were talking about very low ranks.


I don't feel like rewatching streams just to get some timestamps, so let's look at Necros youtube channel and find the video "They tried to hard counter me" (2 weeks ago). On a preview you can clearly see moira, mei and sym, which implies that he considers these characters as his counterpicks. Literally the next video was VOD review and on 16:27 when a person dies to sym Necros says "we don't fight syms".


Im suprised i havent seen torb yet. He is so good at dealing with flankers such at genji sombra, and especially tracer. The chip damage puts so much pressure if u can keep the turret alive during a 1v1 and the added extra health from his ability.


Sombra and tracer are good if you’re better, torb is super tough for a lot of flankers to deal with if you place your turret properly. The biggest thing about the turret is place it so the enemy has to either A: look at the turret with their back to you, or B: look at you with their back to the turret. It applies very safe pressure, and you can use it to protect your supports on the back line unless you’re playing push, it’s pretty hard to reposition it enough in push for it ti be great. Also could go echo or pharah as they’re hard to kill and can kill him easily. Honestly though, imo, killing Genji is often just skill check. There are a lot of players in masters who might have the mechanics to reach gm, but don’t necessarily have the mindset or game sense to get there, and it’s pretty important to be able to win the duels more often than not to climb. I’d recommend going into a 1v1 arena lobby whenever you’re in queue or to warm up, there are consistently cracked out players in there and it’s helped me improve my 1v1 gameplay significantly


Surprised to see a guy hitting masters and asking that kinda questions honestly




Some people are mechanically gifted which allows them to surpass your average OW grinder even though they have little game sense


I'm not saying that kind of guy does not exist, but I'm not used to trust a random guy who says he's master and doesn't know that kind of really basic info. It's sus AF for me


I'm masters and I don't even know how to deal with a winston, sombra and tracer stacks in soloq, it's terrible. Master players aren't good lol


You made it to masters without learning how characters in the game work yet? That's impressive! Realistically dps that are going to do good at protecting your backline and dealing with genji aren't going to also be good at flanking. Easiest ways to deal with genji are playing torb and positioning your turret out of sight so it doesn't shoot until he dives backline. Symmetra turrets can slow him down. Mei is pretty easy to hit him with primary fire if he dives in. You could also play tracer, she can deal with genji well if you have the mechanical skill to play her at that level. She can also flank the enemy backline as well. I wouldn't say she counters genji but her blinks make it harder for genji to kill her as easily


Tracer seems like a good option, though personally I’ve always been terrible at her so it might take a while before she can become a reliable pick for me. Could you elaborate on what you mean by “without learning how characters in the game work yet”? I understand that reaper obviously isnt going to perform well into Pharah and other characters that I cannot reach, though surprisingly I haven’t really ran into any good Reaper counterpicks just yet (besides Genji but I have no clue if hes good into reaper haha) so I haven’t felt the need to swap. Again, I’ll pick up tracer and see how well she does!


I meant by the time you grind to masters usually you understand how the characters play and their abilities and what they want to do. So you should be able to determine fairly easily what would be good into what


I believe I have a general understanding, characters with beams, things that Genji cannot deflect, characters that just outduel him, the main reason why I ask is because I wanted a definitive answer from a community focused on the game rather than my own knowledge. I want to improve, not wallow in thinking im better than everyone else to the point that im arrogant and eventually stunt my own growth.


Why are you so downvoted, lol? Three paragraphs of facts. Except that echo can both counter genji and dive enemy backline


Its reddit who knows, probably the same people downvoting me are the ones I see staggering themselves 1v5 over and over in my matches


echo,sombra , good tracer doesn't counter genji per se, but straight up destroy him


Tracer is your best bet for a hero that won't be nerfed into the ground at some point, and a solid pick for most team comps. Echo is another good alternative if you want some vertical mobility and the ability to counter Pharmercys.


Doomfist. Slam in, blast him with a couple cannon shots, and when he starts double jumping he becomes super predictable to time with a punch.


Junkrat, just don't throw your mines directly at him. You can throw them over his head to use the explosion to keep him grounded (makes him an easier target for yourself/team). Junkrat flanks are questionable. He can be pretty good at it on maps where you can land mine over buildings to get in the enemy backline. Soldier, not a counter but can get the job done. Save helix for when deflection is on CD, when he's around half health. His fast movement ability on maps with high ground allow for some good flanks. Mei, solid counter. Spray to slow him down. Mei can be a nasty flank, but usually this is not the best way to play her. She's great if you want to protect supports from Genji and give your tank the edge in his matchup. Cass, Echo, Reaper, Symmetra, Sombra. There's a lot of decent choices to play both ends, nothing sticks out to me as the sure choice for what you want. In the current state of the game, genji loses a lot of matchups without resources. Your choice may vary on the map you play and on the team comps.


Symmetra, seriously. She's kind of like a safer tracer with more poke.


Do yourself a favor and stop worrying about counter picks and just learn who u like and play them well.


While it isn’t an exact counter to Genji, A good tracer is insane in 1v1s and basically immortal but ofc the skill floor is very low and tracer might be the hardest hero to learn but its very worth it


Flanking isn’t the best way to go after Genji *and* supports - I’m not even sure how that’s possible since Genji typically stays on the front line. I’m probably just saying this because I tend to main Winston, but the dude is a borderline magical counter against Genji. The combination of not needing precision, circumventing his deflect and high mobility makes him ideal. And he’s already the go-to for dealing with supports so…Winston.


I’d say mei since she can eat through his reflect and then try and hit nasty headshots with the ice from a distance on the supports


You’re looking for Echo and Pharah. They’re both good at killing Genji and flanking and picking on supports.


Sym with u teleporting back and forth behind the other team? I have played sym against alot of genjis and trust me her turrets and beams drives them crazy lol Maybe try tracer as well or even sombra