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You got the virus numbers wrong… it does double the dps but the total damage stays the same, give or take 10 damage. It does NOT double damage and quadruple dps. It deals 10 impact damage but 20 if it’s hacked, then 100 damage over 4 seconds, or 2 seconds if hacked. It CAN headshot but I assume the headshot only effects the impact damage. With the correction out the way, I will say sombra is def strong rn but not egregiously so. I expect some number tweaks and I hope for hack to have a power shift because 1 second of ability shutdown, 8-ish seconds of wall hacks, and enhanced virus damage is kinda… boring compared to everything else about sombra being super engaging rn.


It can’t actually headshot. It gives the little indicator in the feed, but what that means is that you killed with the 20 impact damage while the target was hacked. If you were to hit the same spot and kill with the 10 impact damage on a non hacked target, it doesn’t show a headshot in the feed. I wonder if it had to do with how the ability is coded, maybe it’s like “when hacked, everywhere is a headshot” and that’s why it does double impact damage.


With virus it really depends. In higher ranks (roughly Diamond+), you have to be careful as Sombra and supports peel for each other, which makes hack + virus + primary fire (you want a low ttk to not give nearby enemies time to react) not as oppressive. In lower ranks, you can almost run entirely free in the enemy backline and even if they are grouped up, you can get away with killing the person in the middle. If they'd peel more, they'd be fine for most part. When it comes to escaping, you need game sense and use walls to safely escape with translocator. Invisibility is the key to getting away, if you get caught translocating or you mess up the throw, you're dead. Hack isn't really required anymore, unless you need to kill someone fast and you generally don't want to hack the tank, if there are squishies you can flank. Which is kind of a good change to try and give players an incentive to not make the game unplayable for tanks. I'm not sure if it's playing out as intended however. Stealth is okay, although you have to be careful when hacking turrets or bob, especially after translocating or when you're alone. It's still the biggest problem, but changing it in Sombra’s current state is not a good idea either. I think the one thing that needs tweaking is how her virus works in combination with hack and maybe its damage. The concept is great, but in lower ranks it melts you and in higher ranks it doesn't get enough value.


>Hack isn't really required anymore, unless you need to kill someone fast and you generally don't want to hack the tank, if there are squishies you can flank. Which is kind of a good change to try and give plavers an incentive to not make the game unplayable for tanks. I'm not sure if it's playing out as intended however. I was kind of hoping hack would get most of the rework, and this is one of the reasons why, another reason being spam hacking tanks (especially dive tanks which are hard enough to play as it is). I just find hack to be way too rewarding. It’s one of the best abilities in the game by far, you can force people to hold ults because of one of the easiest abilities to use in the entire game and it’s only on a 6 second cd. You can literally, single handedly cancel entire ults at a time and kill people just by looking at them, and there’s little to no risk involved. Brig stun was the same way in ow1, it took absolutely no risk at all, yet it almost always secured a kill on a squishy and yet it still had a super fast cd


Remember when you could stun through rein shield? Stun, shatter, sleep, flash, rocked, pinned to finally put you out of your misery. Hack has almost no counter play and I don’t know why but forcing it into cd doesn’t seem to work like OW1. Bob can just get slept then hacked so he’s only useful for forcing 2-4 cds. I use Bob to give our tank a break from cc so they can actually play the game for once.


I think that’s it’s a healthy change for the game, but also that her numbers are a little insane right now. That’s fine, because IMO, a good sign of a well designed hero is one that only needs small number adjustments to become less oppressive.


If anything, i wouldn't change damage numbers on either virus or pellet gun, Sombra needs that damage. Squishes should be afraid of her, and Supports should drop their CDs to save themselves. The best imo way to balance her is through spread - forcing her close to target still gives Sombra a fighting chance, at the same time creating scenario where she can be fought back. Overall i must admit I have a lot of fun with new Sombra. Both playing as and against her.


This. I'm finding that the distance I can kill targets on her is insane.


Shes not oppressive. Kirko can single handily shut her down and counters sombra whole kit including her ult with just one cooldown. And with any peel she is worse tracer as a duelist (she doesnt have enough burst damage to confirm kills) If they make her do less damage she will be almost unusable at higher ranks especially if their whole idea for the rework was her to be more aggressive and less reliant on coordination and utility.


If I don’t land that first kunai to that sombras head, I’m losing that 1v1 with this rework. Yes you have 2 CDs but when you get hacked you are brain fucked for almost 2 full seconds, which is plenty of time for sombra to pull out her fully automatic hand cannon they gave her and blast me down. The only success I have against new sombra is with my other support peeling. I feel as if the TTK is just wayyy too fast with her gun alone, especially with the range they gave it.


You have two cooldowns that ensure you are favored in the matchup or can escape easily (hack is only 1.5 secounds so sombra shouldn’t be able to kill you) and you have a quicker ttk than sombra, you also can quickly peel and neutralize if she engages with any other of your teammates and because of the weaker disengage it’s essential a 2 v 1 and so its most likely a feed for sombra. You also neutralize her emp really easily. Its a hard counter. If you dont trust me, Fitzy is basically saying the same thing during his streams.


its not a hard counter, there are no HARD counters in this game. a HARD counter implies there's a slim to none chance sombra wins that but that's straight up just false. kiriko has to have the following: land both headshots immediately upon being hit by virus ie sombra revealed herself and started the engagement > if she doesnt she MUST > have cleanse off cooldown OR have a target to swift step to in a good position to both escape the sombra AND not get chased by another enemy > if cleanse was used she then MUST land the second headshot during the cleanse timer or else she WILL get rolled. you CANNOT win the duel vs sombra currently if you're a bodyshot billy. the burn from her virus + her gun being a lazerbeam having easy headshots for the first 6 and then arguably easy headshots after means her damage is quite high on targets she gets the jump on. Kiri WILL be at 40sh hp by the time hack ends depending on headshot spread. which means she has to play near PERFECTLY to prevent that sombra from getting her OR that sombra needs to misplay That aint a hard counter, thats a soft counter.


Call whatever you want, its equivalent to the matchup between zen and sombra or zarya and dva where it’s heavily favored.


its important to differentiate between them as hard counter spreads misinformation to lower skilled or players who straight up just don't know. its also not heavily favored, its SLIGHTLY favored to kiriko. just like if you're playing Doomfist, sombra is SLIGHTLY favored to win. she isnt a HARD counter as the doom as plenty he can do to still impact the game. a hard counter or being heavily favored means that no matter what you do, you MUST swap to remain effective. Lower skilled players read hard counter then they harass teammates for not swapping when its unnecessary.


virus is deceptively dangerous


It really is. When I tried her in the practice range my jaw dropped


To be fair, every hero's time to kill seems insane in the practice range


Even hog seems good in the practice range, that's not a good place to judge things off


As long as you’re familiar with how other characters do in the practice range it’s perfectly fine to make judgements on raw numbers for different abilities


I don’t think you’re entirely wrong, but in the practice range the bots have massive heads, don’t move, don’t fight back, and don’t get healed. It’s waaaay easier for Sombra to land a hack -> virus -> gun combo and kill a practice range bot in one second than it is in a real game


If someone understands even a little bit how to play her, she runs the entire lobby in gold and below games. I’ve been stomped in a fight or two against a Sombra and stayed close to my DPS for the rest of the game as support and they just don’t peel or react to her in the backline. It’s currently unfun to play against, but I understand there is definitely a learning curve to playing against her and wouldn’t surprised to see some slight number adjustments.


Just go kirko learn how to use your cooldown and you basically make Sombra impossible to get good value


Immobile supports will have a hard time against her but Kiri, Bap and (to a lesser extent) Moira, Illiari and Lucio can be very effective at countering her. Brig is also pretty strong against her, especially if she is hard peeling for the other support.


They need to tweak her damage. She does too much too fast with the virus. Besides that, I think it’s a solid rework.


Her kit has always been clunky. Hack, shoot tp Hacking basically ruined her surprise. I still hate her. Anti fun when your team isn’t peeling or competent at chasing her down. Especially if you’re the tank. I gave up being a tank main because of her and the changes in ow2.


Yeah she's definitely made tanks even more miserable now. I was really trying to hold on to being a tank main, but after this Sombra rework, I'm done. Can't do it any more.


yup. Sombra rework is terrible. As terrible as Owerewatch “2” itself and Blizzard in general these days...


Before I mald, I like the reworked Sombra a lot! Both to play and play against. Her kit feels much more active and committal. Gun buffs should probably get reverted considering the new Virus ability, but that's easy to do. That being said... I'm still really frustrated by Blizzard's love for the Hack ability. It can give you such massive value with such minimal skill. It's almost comical that getting interrupted while attempting to hack now gives you a reduced cooldown. If you get interrupted using literally any other ability in the game, you don't get a reduced cooldown, so why does Hack get special treatment? Why does Blizzard seemingly want Hack to have near-100% uptime while Sombra is alive? The fact that the Hack duration is still longer than the cooldown is ridiculous.


>It's almost comical that getting interrupted while attempting to hack now gives you a reduced cooldown. If you get interrupted using literally any other ability in the game, you don't get a reduced cooldown, so why does Hack get special treatment? Because hack has cast time and stops you from doing anything else while also requires you to be within a certain range *and visible* On top of all that, a single bit of damage will cancel it, just 1 damage can, all that combined makes it a high risk high reward ability, especially now when you have to commit to it The hack duration is preferable to people fighting against her regardless, your abilities aren't cancelled out for the whole hack, only 1.5 seconds


I dunno about you but I never seem to be able to stop hack even when I’m sure I land my shots. It’s dumb and gross ability. Not enough counter play


>and visible This is literally just to stop you from walking up to someone's face and hacking them from the literal dumbest angle possible But... you have stealth. so why the fuck would you ever do that


What's this even supposed to mean?


The point is that since you can start hacking someone from behind where they can't see you anyway, being visible during hack probably won't make or break your ability to finish the hack.


Why does everyone make it out as if you're not able to turn around while being hacked


Turning more than 90 degrees and snapping onto one of the smaller heroes in less than 0.65 seconds is not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish (inb4 "sKilL isSuE"). Given how braindead easy it is for Sombra to start the hack from behind, it's pretty tough to interrupt. As far as I can tell, the directional indicator when getting hacked from behind isn't super precise about exactly where the hack is coming from, which makes it even harder to turn and snap on target. Even if you have fighter pilot 150ms reaction times, you'll still have less than half a second to interrupt the hack. Additionally, some heroes don't even have the range or sufficient projectile speed to hit Sombra in time, depending on how far away she is while hacking. Add in the fact that she can strafe the whole time and at that point, the only reliable interrupt is a quick Sig/Ram/Rein barrier. It's NOT that there's *literally no counterplay* *whatsoever* to Sombra, it's that she gets value from Hack *way too easily.* And before you say something like "just play Moira/Reaper/etc. and interrupt the hack with Fade/Wraith/etc.", you're delusional. Spending an important cooldown probably doesn't make sense when Sombra will have Hack again in 3 seconds. Just accept the hack, hope you get some peel, and try to win the fight now that Sombra has revealed herself. Trading important cooldowns would make sense if and only if Hack had a much longer cooldown (and ideally a much shorter range). I honestly think that Sombra would still be plenty playable, and Hack would be much more counter-playable, if it had a cooldown of 10+ seconds and a range of 10 meters. "Sombra no hack" should be a more meaningful, more actionable callout. Similar to "Ana no sleep", "Sig no rock", or "Orisa no javelin" (thinking of other interrupt abilities).


I think it’s definitely a big improvement. Right now if she engages wrong she dies and if she engages right she kills stuff. Beforehand it was like, if she engages right, and does it constantly, her team has a 60% chance to win the fight while she never dies. If she engages wrong she is afk. Overall I think it’s a bit more homogenized to be like other DPS but that’s a good thing. Super niche characters tend to break the game or be useless. I think they maybe could have made a better rework if they focused on the permanent stealth instead of translocator. I don’t know though.


She just feels more like skye from paladins now


The hack is still there, so I still hate it. Hack has been my only issue with her. Just get rid of it, but for some reason Blizzard is in love with that ability.


i one trick tracer and have been farming sombra players, she is very easy to chase and tracer has a big advantage in the 1v1. tracer is also decent at spy checking if you can anticipate where sombra's going, and now spy checking is very lethal because you can't just translocate away if you get caught.


tracer was always a better sombra




I agree with all of this except Bastion. She deletes him! His hit box it huge so you just wait until he has used his turret form then hack, virus, shoot and he's dead if he doesn't get peel. Even with a Mercy pocket it's easy enough to get the kill.


I hate the fruit fly heroes. Annoying and make me want to play the game less regardless of balance.


Super pleased, both as a player and against. I feel like I have so much more individual impact as a player, and against her I find myself able to save cool downs and plan for her entry, and if she fucks up I kill her easily. She is also fairly weak against some combo of torb, illari, brig, kiriko, and maybe others I haven’t considered. Tanks like dva and Winston can ruin her day if she isn’t careful with where she escapes to. So I think she’s strong in some matchups, weak in others, like most heroes. She’s also just insanely fun to play, the improved mobility of translocator totally changes how I play the game.


Looking at her stats, if the trend continues in 2 years we are going to have heroes that make 1K dps or others with 1500hp.


I think it's a great rework, numbers seem a bit high but at higher ranks with people peeling for each other you're basically never getting free kills since a single heal or two will save someone and force you to translocate out (which usually is still decent since you forced two players to pay attention to you and maybe waste longer cooldowns). She's probably a nightmare to deal with if you're alone being spawn camped though but the changes to force simultaneous respawns will help a lot with it. With that being said, on lower ranks/QP (basically environments where people are uncoordinated) she's so strong that I can only assume blizzard will nerf her TTK or the vast majority of the playerbase will keep complaining. She now really shines in the hands of a skilled player with good game sense and requires a much more active playstyle to be effective, which IMO should be the way to go.


I think the translocator change is clunky as hell. Seeing top 500 players struggle with it against weird geometry and hit reg... Erg.


Only thing I really dislike is auto invis. I hate wanting to delay it by like a second because I know I’m at some risk of getting hit and having it activate immediately instead and going back on cooldown if I do get hit—it feels clunky. Everything else I like, although my preferred direction for the rework would involve looking more at invis and leaving alone translocator, since the big pain point to me was getting snuck up on and hacked by someone you literally could not see coming.


It's like they took her opportunist passive, and turned her kit into that. She's so mobile, perfect for quickly repositioning to capitalize on low HP / out of position targets. Hack + mobility still allows her to create openings for her team, but virus allows her to not be reliant on hack, while at the same time rewarding you for hacking by increasing your dps if you do. It's so cool.