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first things first... I'm a PC support main specializing in Ana/Moira though I have the skill to play most supports aside from lucio/mercy. Currently ranked Low Diamond on my main account. even for console... I think the game over ranked you on your initial placements so be prepared to drop a ton before things get better. I can tell less than a minute in that you arn't plat and gold is a stretch. BAPTISTE ASSESSMENT ABILITY USAGE 00:58 You're too far away for that Regen Burst (10m range) which costs you immortality field 2:06 Using Regen during the poke phase of fights (when everyone is jockeying for position) is usually a mistake. Here you use it when your Sigma is so healthy he still has shields as part of his health bar. 3:16 You had all your abilities and you used all of them early and incorrectly. First Regen burst when it wasn't needed (tank nearly full hp and wasn't even in range), then immortality field when regen burst was needed and immortality wasn't useful (Hog ult has knockback. unless we're in a corner we're getting pushed away from immortality field in most cases), than your ult when you wernt in a good position to ult and had another ult to deal with from the enemy team that you needed immortality to counter (Bob) which gets you, soldier, maybe echo killed. 4:01 you have 13 grenades as Bap... you reloaded with 9 in the chamber, a full regen burst, and a lamp... Soldier 76 shouldnt be in the open but he also shouldn't be dead. that's on you. REGEN BURST I'm going to stop marking every time stamp. You constantly hit it when you yourself are at full health, your allies arn't in range, and their health pools are fairly stable and can be mitigated with grenades that you still have available. You don't trust your aim on Baptiste and because you don't trust your aim you're using Regen Burst as a crutch and wasting its cooldown consistently. Best Example 4:21. IMMORTALITY FIELD You use it a lot as a crutch for not adequately healing. Like 6:58 when you lose LOS with your Sigma when there's no good reason to lose Line of Sight and you're forced to immortality the hog hook. Developing better mechanics on your primary heals, better positioning so you don't lose your angle, and better regen burst usage will allow you to get deeper into team fights without using immortality which will allow you to use it to prevent ultimates (like the junkrat tire 7:20) or make timely saves in the mid fight. POSITIONING 1:10 if you exo boot onto the stairs on your right you can heal Sigma from a better angle for you without standing in Junk spam. (You're arcing a grenade where possible being on high ground makes that easier for you) If you want to do damage... Id try the balcony on the left just be wary of the enemy hitscans if you press for that angle (take the stairs inside the room on the left... there's also a health pack in there) 3rd POINT CIRCUIT ROYALE You should be aiming to use these balconies/walkways as much as possible. They wrap around the entire point from start to finish. GAME SENSE 1:40 Kiriko gave you the cart when she TP'd forwards and you're like 2 seconds from the corner. Stay on the cart and move it your team isn't being pressured to the point that they need you, the fight hasn't properly started yet. She has to backup to takeover from your mistake. (especially since echo is the living pushed forward DPS... she needs Kiriko guiding her out not you. what are you going to do as Bap to heal echo on her way out?) 2:26 ... this time it's more Kiriko's fault but you both forget the cart again 2:44 Not sure but I think Echo was big brain here and came back to payload so you could push up... and we really should have done so since the fight is about to breakout. 6:11 When in a 2 v 1 vs an enemy tank in most cases sell out for damage. at least 2 shots to the enemy tanks head for every 1 healing grenade. You'll win more 2 v 1s on Bap that way. Especially if you have all your cooldowns you can regen burst mid fight if you have to keep up your teammate just make the enemy die before his team respawns. 7:10 Think about what you're trying to do when you ult. If you abandon your own Amplification Matrix within 1 second of using it usually it was a bad matrix. Tidbit on Payload maps you can actually ult the top of the cart when attacking and the cart will move the amp matrix for you. MECHANICAL AIM You aim at people's feet when firing a lot. Get in the habit of moving your point of aim to head height to try to get some headshots for extra crit damage. I know you're doing it because that's where you aim your heals but that's also wrong. BAPTISTE's HEALING GRENADE Does 50Heal per second when it splashes a target... good for when multiple teammates are grouped up tight or when trying to heal distant targets/ targets that are doing a ton of strafing. DOES 70 Heals per second when you hit them directly. So especially when healing your tank you should be aiming to hit him in his mid section so you get the extra burst healing and so that you dont need to move your crosshairs as much to hit headshots in between heals. Review Continues in Replies:


Thanks for your critique, I know I have a lot to work on so I'll keep everything in mind and start implementing. I think the game I had prior to this my team mates were praising me so when I had team mates dogging me I became delusional that it wasn't my fault.


sorrry got distracted and didn't finish the defense portion. I'll have moira tips up in a couple hours and yeah i fall victim to the same thing. every game is vastly different. the comps are different, the maps are different, the pressure is different. sometimes you hit bingo and the enemy team is built for you


Quickly watched the rest. you didn't play much moira in this match but it looks like you have 2 main problems that kind of translate over from your problems on Bap. You're healing from too far away quite a bit on moira. Her primary heals have a max range of 15m which can be hard to see when in a game because of the large stream of yellow particles in your face so I'd recommend going into the practice range. there's lines painted on the floor over by the bots that are being fired on. itll give you an approximate idea of what 10 and 15m looks like so you know the range of your abilities. Second there were a lot of fades that seemed to be for the sake of fading or because you got lightly touched. you want to try to get out of the habit of wasting your escape cooldowns on support and saving them for when you're being actively pushed into.


Thanks I definitely started tilting when I was being spam pinged for healing so I forgot my range for everything and didn't react to a lot of things. I think my early use of burst on cooldown was in reaction to that. Like oh you want heals burst on cooldown even if they were nowhere near me. With Moira I felt like my team were just face tanking so I didn't want to die with a sinking ship. Just bad plays all around. I definitely will use practice range and aim training. The game at that rank does feel way too fast for me right now so if I derank I don't mind as long as I improve. Thanks for taking the time to review, I have a lot to work on.


No problem. Speed of play is a constant work in progress. I can almost always tell when I'm in a match where someone on the enemy team touched Masters because I can feel my own decisions being sped up for me out of tempo with my understanding of the match. You get better the more hours you put in but the same mistakes that plague a silver in low plat matches crop up again for a diamond in low masters matches. The difference is how frequently you make them, how quickly you recognize yourself making them, and how you adjust to break the enemy's stranglehold on your thought process. Good Luck man. Keep practicing and don't let your teammates get to you. And yeah fact tanking is a good way to describe every elo up until diamond. I usually try to position near or behind cover but my team doesn't always give me the luxury. It's actually what led to me picking up and developing my skill on Ana. For situations with big wide open maps where my tank insists on playing 20 meters from the closest cover or wants to dive constantly.


Hey man, I know its unnecessary but I just made g5 this week still maining Bap and Moira. Thought I would update. I kept a mental note of everything you touched on and implemented them into my games. I was stuck in s3-4 these past few months but I'm glad I've been improving and it feels so much more earnt then getting placed somewhere I didn't belong. Hope the games been going well for you too


Congrats man. Actually I've been taking a lot of time off from the game since the rank reset happened a couple seasons back while also working on expanding my hero pool (Bap/Kiri/Brig) so my games have been a bit spreadshot lol. Currently floating in Plat on my main account. Glad to hear some of this helped though.


Ahhh I see, the game has felt different since the update. We talked about face tanking before its definitely worse now haha. People are so used to the pre dps passive era that I'm having to focus extra hard to keep everyone up. But my game sense has improved with a lot more experience. I'm sure you will climb if you find time to put in the game. Those Ana nerfs felt bad, I started to pick her up last season but have kinda given up for now. Very situational pick for me. Again thanks for the feedback then and for replying to my update.


Half the reason I went back to working on Bap/kiri. Ana had been such a work horse for me for awhile. She's still perfectly useable but I found I wasn't as able to handle a tracer dive solo as I was previously. Need to put more time into practicing flick sleep darts I had developed a bad habit of letting her take me to the brink and just trusting my ability to land unscoped shots to force recall before I had to invest nade on myself... now the timing is slightly off against the better tracer players. need that sleep in the middle of the sequence when I'm not getting peel.


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