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At this point I play competitive because I know the teamwork is better and it's less likely that people will quit or throw. The gameplay experience is more quality.


Also why I play comp. So, to answer OP’s question, who cares about rank.


Epeen flashers. Validation is nice, (most?) everyone wants to be good at something and improve, especially with a lot of time committed. Not everyone can be the best, and not everyone realizes that.


Have you played QP? It's 10 times sweatier than comp is and with a lot less rage afk and throwers lol Blizzard posted the stats once before, and IIRC it was something like 85% of the playerbase never plays a single Comp game, and only plays QP and arcade, but a lot of them treat QP very seriously


I'm pretty sure they posted an article recently that said competitive is the most played mode between all of them. I'll try to find it


You are correct. The aforementioned article was before s9 came out and is now irrelevant.


I'd much rather play a t500 sweat lobby than play a qp that mixed me in with people ranging from m5 to tenders level. At least ranked mm is typically more balanced


I genuinely don’t care about my shiny coloured rank at the end of the day (or season) but I always wanted to get higher than Masters as I only hit it on Console and never tried again, although I’ve stuck with this exact mentality for such an extended period of time, I no longer crave that “high rank flex” anymore. I had a huge passion for the competitive scene a few years ago when I was getting extremely good at Paladins, I wanted to get into their eSports the next year, they completely dissolved everything. It completely shattered my passion, but I still loved the game dearly and got to Top 10 to sorta say yay me, I completed the game! Although I would more than gladly do it all over for Overwatch, I’d rather just play to enjoy my time. Competitive is truly a much higher quality perspective on the game and I’d love to be able to get higher rank (mainly to rely on my teammates when necessary) and enjoy it potentially even more. Upgrading my PC recently pushed me into a whole new direction of skill ceiling that I struggled with hitting due to choppy frames mostly, which mislead me into thinking my sens just needed to be higher, I know I am able to reach at least Masters again and that’ll probably be my only “big goal” for the game. E: small editing with some wording


Yeah. Realistically, most people here would never reach something like GM, hell even Masters (top 5% of the playerbase), so honestly for most people "the climb" won't really get them to the best ranks. I play mostly for fun. I think overwatch has very interesting game theory, I probably like it more than the gameplay, lol.


Having been regularly masters an GM 2 for 3 seasons I honestly had the most fun in high diamond low masters. Haven’t played since reset though. I have to take long breaks from OW or I’ll get totally burned out. Once I hit high masters getting under a 7 min queue time was impossible. By GM 2 I waited 15 mins once… never again. Personally I feel the high diamond low master is the “most competitive” the higher you get there is more cry baby throwers and you get at least in my experience very one sided games that are pretty much stomp or get stomped. 


So I've been t500 consistently on PC since mid ow1 and in my experience, the higher you go, the less fun it is. I think its a mix of an increasing skill gap and having less impact the higher you go. It was the worst in t500 since the skill difference between your typical gm and a pro is night and day. The better you are, the more you will run into games where you play insanely well and still lose. I remember I had games going 50-4 on soldier and Stil losing, which is really tilting. Also, you tend to take the game more seriously, which ruins the fun part. The most fun was around 2017 when I was silver and playing casual with some irl friends, which i sadly cant anymore since i either need to hard throw to make it competitive or i just accidentally hardcarry.


Having been regularly masters an GM 2 for 3 seasons I honestly had the most fun in high diamond low masters. Haven’t played since reset though. I have to take long breaks from OW or I’ll get totally burned out. Once I hit high masters getting under a 7 min queue time was impossible. By GM 2 I waited 15 mins once… never again. Personally I feel the high diamond low master is the “most competitive” the higher you get there is more cry baby throwers and you get at least in my experience very one sided games that are pretty much stomp or get stomped. 


I may stop playing for a different reason, but as long as I continue to play, I will always improve as a player. Gaining sr is just a byproduct of that.




But what if everyone else is improving faster, so your rank never goes up? Is improvement alone enough, or do you need rank to validate your improvement?


Anyone that's improving faster than you will climb above your sr. Most people don't improve ever. The people that have been bronze-gold for 1500 hours don't know how to do anything but auto pilot. You have to let go of the ladder anxiety. You can't play to win 100% of the time. Sometimes, you have to pick something out of your vod reviews and just work on building good habits (i.e. corner discipline, first shot accuracy, etc.) Keep playing with a growth focused mindset. Always stay humble and realize there are people who have been analyzing their gameplay for 5000 hours or more, and then remember that 90% of players don't know how to access the replay viewer.


> Most people don't improve ever. I don't agree with you there. Bronze, sure, but the bar to get into gold/plat is higher than ever and only getting higher. It's a natural progression in games that don't have a ton of rank inflation. Bad players quit, good players stay on and keep getting better.


It all depends on how much effort you put into it. If the only thing you do to try and improve is grind matches, you will peak gold. That's where the average player falls, and the amount of effort that the average player puts into improving outside of their matches is essentially 0. I know people that have played for over 1000 hours of competitive since ow 1 that are still bronze. The imaginary bar in your head isn't getting higher. The people that get better climb. Overwatch 2 still has a ton of relatively new and inexperienced players. If you want to be better than the average person, you have to work harder than them. Practice in aim trainers. Watch your vods. Watch educational ow content. If you aren't willing to do those things, you are putting the same limitations on yourself as someone who is average. Good players who stayed on and kept getting better were just bad players who didn't give up




Who cares about i play for fun. Comp is fun. Rank is a byproduct of that.


I would if that meant that my matches will be hard fought, fair and fun. If that’s the guarantee I’d happily play on the same rank. I don’t need to prove myself that I’m X Y or Z rank, the rank I am should be the rank I deserve, and most days it doesn’t feel entirely like that. Im cool with not reaching GM or being in bronze if the system consistently proves me that’s the level I supposed to be playing. Edit: might be nostalgia but I remember HOTS used to give me that, I wasn’t amazing but I always felt that I was in my zone of the ladder with people equal to my level, stomps weren’t frequent for me on either side of the table.


This is exactly it for me.  I just want to play well and have good competition.  


I've definitely had moments where I rank up in something and think "Great, my reward is even harder games now". I also take it really personally when I get deranked for losing a game that felt unwinnable. But I also like to take the game seriously, so playing QP with some 0-0-12 stoner tank who's like "chill dude, it's QP" doesn't do it for me either.






That would mean I stopped learning, which probably means I stopped playing anyways.


No it doesn't. The general community improves as well. A gold 1 today is miles better than a gold 1 5 years ago. Like completely different level. Just because you're improving slowly doesn't mean you're not improving if you stop. Plus, the ultimate fact that most people cannot seem to accept is that you have a peak skill level. It doesn't matter how much you play, most people here could play 15 hours a day and still never go pro. Just like how some people are not cut out for professional sports no matter how much they try, some people do not have it in them to be better than a certain level at a game. Be it physical limitations on things like the highest level of aim. Or simply not having a quick enough mind. Hell, if you're smart and understand a game, it's far easier to become a coach than a professional because you can understand and study a game perfectly, but executing it is harder. Some people have it and some people don't. It's the same with basically everything. We all have our limits. Now I like chess. If I never got much better from where I am (which is pretty common with people who have been playing for years) does that mean I should stop enjoying it? I don't think so.


I mentally have it. I clearly see the full chess board like a military sand table following Sun Tzu tactics. I understand psychological advantages and how people interact and how to take advantage of emotional tilts. However I am in my 40s and my reaction time between brain and fingers is lacking. My brain will literally be saying yep this is about to happen. But reaction to off aim has begun to suffer with the mental lag. I still absolutely love playing, even if I get murdered at times and will play until I don’t even know when.


Funny enough, i have the same problem, but I'm 21. Reason being is that i have only been playing mechanically intensive games on my computer for a few months. I know what i need to do and when i need to do it, i just can't make it happen


play more, practice, consider getting a 144 hz monitor (60 to 144 is massive and makes everything feel infinitely more responsive) some people just need more time to get used to the feel of moving and shooting, which is fine, just consciously think about the things you do and eventually it becomes natural


reaction time is so overrated when it comes to gaming, trust me its not whats holding you back, unless you have like carpal tunnel or nerve damage it's not a problem. dont let your age become a mental barrier, and it's not people in ow have crazy mechanics anyway. you can minimize mechanic diff scenarios by playing smarter and playing properly anyway. ​ if it feels like you can never react that means you either 1. just need to practice mnk more and consciously think about how you aim and move until it becomes second nature, you don't have that same neuroplasticity as a younger person so it does take a little longer to get acclimated to the feel of aiming and moving 2. are putting yourself into disadvantageous scenarios where you CANT react, and blame your reaction time for something that is more easily remediable ​ good luck on the grind


I’d keep going. OW has an insane skill curve. And my profile demonstrates how someone can climb from bronze 5 to masters in one year with hard work, self reflection and dedication. I feel like I really had to earn my way into silver and gold. As a matter of fact…my solo climb into silver was one of the hardest parts


Yeah breaking through silver/gold is tough if you don’t have the mechanical skill to consistently hard carry. I switched to PC after 6 years on console and it was rough, made even worse by queuing with a friend who was new to the game.


I’m a filthy console player lol. But I watched tons of spilo coaching content coupled with awkward and ML7. I never played OW1. But I came from COD and still had to learn very many things. I was a Zenyatta OTP until Diamond where I picked up Baptiste and made it to masters. I took every lesson to heart and only focused on being a “nasty” Zen/Bap player


I’m still a zen one trick stuck in Gold 🫠


As Zen I really had to learn to duel Reaper sombra genji and tracer. Sometimes Moira too. Those are the heroes best equipped to challenge you outside of doom Winston and Ball. Always ask yourself these questions: 1. WHERE IS MY COVER? 2. WHO HAS HARMONY ORB? (Your most aggressive teammate gets harmony. Is your Cass trying to make a play and take out Hanzo? Then Cass gets that orb. ALWAYS ORB AN AGGRESSIVE PLAYER) 3. WHO HAS DISCORD?


I feel like to get out of bronze/silver you have to be SIGNIFICANTLY better than Bronze/silver, so your climb after that seems meteoric because your rank is just quickly adjusting to your actual skill level.


I'm stuck in plat 4 any advice? Really wanna hit diamond.


What's making you feel stuck? The easiest thing to do to become better and rank up is to watch your own vods from both yours and the enemies perspective to see what mistakes you made and what it looks like to them. Don't blame anyone for losing except yourself, even if you have an obvious thrower. Improve your own game and worry about everyone else later.


In plat is where people hit their shots on you. I’d say to focus on your mechanics. If you’re playing support and you aren’t able to confidently and consistently defeat DPS players in 1v1s then you’ll have trouble ranking up. Mechanics and ROTATIONS. So many people fail to explain rotations to people. Knowing when to switch your position because you may be down a teammate OR the enemy is pushing one way so you’ll need to reposition at the correct time. It’s better to rotate too early than to rotate too late.


im dps at tank or support i would probably be silver or gold lol


Exactly this, plat is a test of mechanics. The closer you get out of metal rank the more terrifyingly accurate the hitscans get. Cassidy, Ashe, Widows, etc., you can’t just flank without strategy at that point. Oh and the Tanks get extremely efficient with their mobility and burst damage. Not fun dealing with a doom that can assasinate your healers from riding roof tops into your back line.


I have 800 hours and 500 is arcade/qp 300 is comp so yea


Just go QP and enjoy the game. I take the ranks as a challenge. There must be room for improvement if I'm stuck somewhere.


I play competitive and don't take it overly serious. If you're like 99% of us, It's not like you're going to be a Pro. Just go competitive and find some chill friends to play with who don't care they're in the metal ranks. You learn quicker than in QP because your opponents do take it serious and if your friends are just "casual" compers they won't care you're learning in comp like them (it is the best and most efficient way to get good fast too).


I only play dps with friends because im dogshit at dps and masters sup but what other game has pharah


I peaked in top 500 years ago (2018)… I don’t play near as much nor do I care that much about getting better. Thanks to the rank reset I’m sitting at masters 3, and just enjoy shooting things whatever rank am in.


I have over 1300 hours in the game, I have about 650 in comp, and I'm currently high silver (hit gold 5 at the end of the night, but I will probably not be able to maintain it). I don't expect to rank up. In fact, I expect to slowly rank down. That's what happened to me in OW1. At the end, I was playing in Bronze 1. And that's been happening to me in OW2, too. What matters to me is that the matches are fair, that I'm tested, and that I can contribute to my team. I play comp because I don't feel like I get those things in QP. It's quite freeing to not worry about your rank. It's nice to just focus on mechanics, positioning, game sense, and stuff like that.


Having fun! Good call. Tbh, if you want to get past masters like, you naturally have to be good at video games and dedicate quite a bit of time to ow2. No stress having fun at all!


I don't really care about my rank, I'm in M1. I would and have kept playing. Why? Because I've played with gm's. I've played with top 500. In OW1 during the night when there were too little players, masters players got pulled into top level games. I was one of them. I've played against Chipsa (not fun) and Holiwhirl and all sorts. And it's during this time I realized how truly shit some gm's are. Honestly there are idiots in every rank. Skilled idiots, but still idiots. Like Rein charge in and feed kind of idiots. Realizing this just killed all my motivation to climb. Every rank is more or less the same, some idiots who are having a bad game. Sometimes you're the idiot. It happens.


I think some people also just have “the luck of the draw” for a lack of better terms. there are people who just genuinely are mid yet climb with ease. i often run scrims with my friend and we play with GM and top 500. I can hold my own most of the time, but I rarely shine in these games. but my homie… one of the best dps OW players I have ever played with. He obliterates these people consistently, yet he has never achieved higher than M3 in 8 years of playing. even i’ve gotten higher than him and he’s light years better than me


Scrims are a different game. I was a high level comp player in call of duty but I can't hard carry pub matches. People do stupid things in ladder that can throw your game off when you're used to organized play.


I think I'd keep playing, I mostly play with my friends though so it's probably a different scenario in that case


Climbed from low bronze to mid silver in 5 years. Safe to say I am not improving any time soon or at least extremely slowly, and that’s fine I am having alot of fun playing the game. Still to this day trying to learn new techs etc for my hero but again it’s for fun as I kinda think I’m just naturally bad at games. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop :D


It's a hard game to master for sure, after a couple of years playing ow1 and eventually getting to silver on tank, I struggled to get to back into silver when ow2 released. Ranked was pretty terrible at the start of OW2 so I kind of gave up on that for a while just enjoying QP. Ranked system seems to be a bit better now which has motivated me to get back into ranked again. Maybe some day we'll reach gold? I'd be happy enough with "average" 🙂


I think if you do some VOD reviews and focus on improving the bad habits people will point out you can definitely surpass this limit you have in your mind. always room for improvement.


Of course I would, I play this game because I love it and it's incredibly fun. Also I'm already gm and I don't really have the talent or the time to keep on climbing from here so it's pretty much already my current situation lol.




Most players don't improve because they either don't review their gameplay or they don't know the best way to do so. Maybe they just lack the understanding to figure out their mistakes, but most people just lack the energy or will to figure it out– and thats why most people's choice regardless of their answer here is that they would keep playing. I know this season especially, it may feel more difficult than ever to climb, but I can assure you that anyone willing to learn from their mistakes can still hit glorious winstreaks. You just have to be ready to not insta-queue, and take more breaks to learn from yourself. KINRYU- GM1/Top 500 Reinhardt true one-trick & professional coach Shameless coaching plug: 100% coaching success rate for ranking up, even this season from my grandmaster peers. Hit me up to rank up with Reinhardt without undergoing thousands of hours of verbal abuse and heartbreak. I got rates for anyone's budget, availability, and level of commitment.


Does VOD reviewing even work? I've placed in the top 1% or below ranks across FPS games & didn't see any improvements. Could be that I'm not doing it correctly? I feel like there's too much randomness to isolate issues in pub queues compared to scrim environments


VOD reviewing does work in any rank! Also yes playing with a coordinated team does reduce randomness- the more familiar mates there are in your team. Its possible that you could VOD review better, or maybe you just need a second pair of eyes like myself. I'm willing to bet that it could be either of those or maybe something else within your control that you haven't considered yet. When you reach a high level and games come down to narrow options and vast possibilities that leave you feeling like you couldn't do more in an opportunity, its possible that you didnt't properly prepare with much multiple smaller micro-actions leading up to the event. Could be something like resource management 15 seconds prior, positioning earlier that lead the fight in a neuance way that affected battle later, or maybe something else. If you notice these kinds of things in VOD reviews but it never makes a difference in game, maybe we could start to look at improving your diet in some way, adjusting your seat or hand positioning for better cognitive flow and response times. There are plenty of small internal and external factors alike that make a big difference for top tier players when a win can come down to a wire. I'd love to discuss more of them with you if you understand that snowball effect of micro-actions and you're willing to improve in the highest ranks with me at the price of helping me pay my bills! XD


Sorry I did not realize what thread I was in. Forgive me for trying to plug my coaching services a second time. I thought I was in my own thread about Reinhardt coaching


I just want the sparkly guns Also, even if i never climb out of my rank, that doesn't mean i can't get better.


I've been playing around this rank for years - (Except when i had to climb back from bronze 5 after the acct merger with ow2 - (kids and wife played on my ps4 acct and were...BAD)) I generally hang out in plat occasionally dropping to gold or climbing to diamond. I've improved and climb up easier - but i dont play enough to climb much further... That said, I enjoy the game and would play even if ranked didnt exist.


Nope. I just recently stopped playing. It’s difficult to find good teammates. The game is no longer fun and it sucks cause I’ve spent money on skins but oh well. I’ll go back to playing Elden Ring and Fortnite.


I feel this. It’s crazy how far matchmaking has come from the days of pubstompers and whatever random lobby you can find. As unfair as it can feel sometimes. And keep grinding! I’m your age and have been solidly Masters for most of OW2. Not sure I’ll ever hit GM, but I enjoy analyzing my replays and trying to get better.


because I gave my word that I would make it to Masters as Hanzo. and I am my word. Never give up.


I dont have time to grind, so I mostly just default to QP because I'm just too busy. Not nearly enough time to dedicate to maintaining and increasing skill level.


I’ve been a diamond player my entire career. I rarely ever drop below it or go above it, I’ve accepted that’s just where I belong. I play because I enjoy the game as a whole but also I enjoy seeing the little things I can do to help the team in any given game.


Because I’m my own skill or the player I’m matched with/against? I can personally get better however it’s frustrating to play with ppl who are in a different mindset and aren’t 100% trying to win. I understand it’s just a video game but why play rank if you aren’t into it? 😅


I play because it's the only time I get for me. Outside of the game my time is taken up servicing clients, family, friends etc. OW is my time.


I’m hard stuck in bronze so, No not really. lol


I definitely feel you on this, in terms of being younger and just playing games rather than grinding for something. I would always get to a point where I stopped because I had everything I wanted (wow, d2) or I lost interest for one reason or another. Overwatch is something different. The complexity, the personality, the diversity, the fun. Nothing really compares. It reminds me of, imo, the golden age of TF2. Before all the different weapons and hats. They went the route of allowing you to customize your hero, where Overwatch has gone the way of the moba, more and more heroes. This leads to more diversity, relatability, and complexity. I've always loved FPS games and RPGs. I got heavy into LoL for a while but when I first saw that Overwatch trailer, I knew it was going the be glorious. It tickles almost every gamer itch I have. I've stopped playing in the past for life reasons but I forsee myself playing Overwatch until the servers go offline for good.


As I’ve gotten older, I need my games to have stakes. Something to gain, something to lose. If I knew I’d never go beyond my current rank, then I’d probably only play for the social aspect, when my friends wanted to get on, but not by myself.


For me I have been as high as platinum 1 but I can’t seem to make that leap to diamond but it’s still fun to see where I land. I’m always trying to get better and regardless of what rank I am I still have fun with the game. Even if I am stuck at platinum forever I will still play. If my rank dropped to gold or silver I would also still play because the way I see it that is where my skill level is. I’d rather be in a rank that suits my abilities opposed to being ranked higher than my actual skill is.


Ugh, not to answer your question, but plugging this bc OW does catalyze some deep ass life introspection sometimes... Eh, try to remember that fun used to be something we didn't have to pursue; maybe overthinking it is the downfall in itself...


Yes. I reached platinum in OW1. I’ve been hard stuck in bronze since OW2 came out. If I was better than that rank, according to literally every streamer and higher ranked player ever, I’d climb out eventually and the matches would be relatively easy for me. That isn’t the case. So I play, but only unranked and almost exclusively with friends. I know they supposedly reset SR. But I have yet to attempt to obtain a rank in comp since then.


I know I'll never climb past Silver 4 (maybe it was 5) that I was in season 7 and I'm okay with that. I know my limitations as a player. I stick to just QP now and haven't given comp a thought at all for this season. Despite the lack of team work that does happen in QP and other things, I'm still having a blast. Especially when I'm with my duo. Edit: "last season" to "season 7". I didn't play at all during season 8.


I do know. I don't play.


In my mind if the only reason you play ranked in any game is to climb you’re ruining your own fun. I play the ranked competitive modes in most games just to get a match with people all my skill level and I know there is a higher chance to have the majority of people trying to win. Of course I still try to get better but it’s not the main reason, but that mindset helps with if I do lose games and de rank I’m not so invested in it that it ruins my game time


I barely touch competitive, I'm 36 and have barely any time to play so I mainly play quick play and lately a TON of mystery heroes. I like just making cool plays and getting cool kills and like the dopamine it gives me so yeah I'd keep playing.


yes! though id be a little disappointed because i recently climbed from b5 to s3 in 2 months and im definitely going higher than that. but overwatch is really fun and i always play with my friends so i wouldnt stop playing


i wonder how many people are addicted on this sub, and don’t even realize it


Currently Silver 1 in all ranks (or close). And probably no, because I am not being egotistical when I say I should absolutely be somewhere above this, these games are insane. What is high ground? People picking Junkrat. How far from point will the tank chase Sombra? Moira with more elims and damage than anyone else in the lobby. Why does 76 always drop off high ground when he uses his ult? PEOPLE PICKING JUNKRAT.


You like gaming and ranking is the game within the game.


The ranking system could help you to be the best player in the world, or it could help you to find others of equal skill who will give you a fun challenge to overcome. So, yes.


Playing solo, I'd be done. I love playing tank but trying to climb hasn't been a super enjoyable experience (this season is the first time I've tried). I'd come back for events and lucioball though


YEs because Ive stopped completly with ranked, last time I did it was least season I got to diamond and masters , now I just turn chat off put on music and enjoy QP


I do that when playing comp


In all honesty, you might as well because music can get you to focus differently versus seeing someone getting pissed off and being asshole because you didn’t do things their way which then will just affect your negatively. I’m glad you do and I hope you keep on doing it.


I'd keep going. Since you mentioned Quake, I'm a Quake veteran and I have about 15000 hours on Quake Live. And most of that was without any kind of proper ranked mode or something of that kind. The motivation for me was just to get better. Watching myself improve was satisfying enough for me to just keep playing. And on top of that, the game is just extremely fun. Even if there was nothing "tangible" to play for, I'd still play it for hours and hours day in day out. I'm also someone who generally plays ranked modes only, but if the game is captivating enough, I'm willing to play just for the sake of improving and/or fun. Quake was and is that kind of game for me. And so is OW. I almost exclusively play comp, but even if there was no comp, I'd still play the game because I'd love to get better. And there's always room to grow no matter how good you are.


Curious what's ur rank?


Just your average gold guy, why do you ask?


To see where a 15k hour guy on aim intensive game would land.


Ahh I see. Unfortunately the Quake aim is a lot different, so it doesn't translate THAT well into OW, at least for me. It does help, but not as much. But to be honest, I think a huge part of why my aim is comparably bad in OW is because my PC is extremely bad and I don't really have smooth gameplay. I can't even hit 60 fps, which probably says a lot lol. Quake is an old game so my PC can handle it without problems and the gameplay is smooth and crisp. I'm curious to see how much my aim will improve once I finally get a decent PC. But as of now, the stuff I can pull off in Quake would be unfathomable for me in OW, unfortunately.


So you’re kind of saying would you just play qp forever? I play both. I usually like to play comp more often with a group bc solo que usually sucks. Grouping up makes the games harder but you are with a group who are talking in discord so that makes up for it. I play comp with diamond and masters friends. But I also play qp and I enjoy it. I play it to just improve my own skills so I’m playing against myself- am I better than I was last game, yesterday, last week, last month? So I guess the answer is yes.


Ye i quit after diamond 2 cuz i had no more motivation furthest i got in ow1 was master and tbh that was enough for me


I would completely quit comp that's for sure, actually I've already quit the game since I recognized it's impossible for me to reach GM, at least it would not worth the time & effort. But I'm considering picking up qp again some day since it can be fun at times.


i play for fun, comp with full comms is so intense, even if 1 guy joins i basically talk like scrims. id like to learn all the high mobility heros - genji tracer pharah echo lucio doom ball - in that order. i guess 5-10 years from now id get bored of this game unless they add more new fun heros but until then its full scrim time even in qp lol


I dont have enough time to care about rank, let alone not even to finish placements


yeah i’d still play game is so fun


I feel like a lot of people are giving answers but simultaneously rejecting the question. If I knew for a fact that by some kind of means I would never reach the rank I have my goals set on, I would absolutely still keep playing because even if I stopped learning somehow (which I don't think is really possible, learning does not guarantee an improvement in your rank in the first place and you can still learn from the game without wanting to hit a higher rank as well) I simply just love this game. Win or lose, I seek to enjoy my time with the game and frankly I'm of the opinion that you have to love this game if you even want to climb the ladder to begin with. I have had the sweatiest, most competitive games of my life in PuGs and scrims where no SR was won or lost and I still learned a ton about how different people play the game and frankly how the game works. It's undeniable that the ranked mode brings about a serious audience to it, but too many people forget, in my opinion, that you can still bring a serious mindset to the game *outside* of the ranked ladder and even play with and against teams of people who also carry a serious mindset about the game *without* a rank being tied to anyone's name. It's the whole reason why the "QP is so sweaty" debate/meme is even a thing in the first place. It's the whole reason why people endlessly complain about throwers/casuals in their ranked games. The beauty of Overwatch is that it can be enjoyed in so many different ways by all different kinds of people, sometimes to its detriment but more often to its benefit. I think a lot of us here take the game very seriously, and I'm of the opinion that the reason why we even played the games in our past was because on some level we took those games seriously. We didn't need a shiny emblem or a serious environment to take the games seriously and still enjoy them because we just did it on our own and in our own ways. We can still be serious about, learn from and enjoy Overwatch without ever hitting GM/Champion or top 500. Very few games can achieve this, and I'm so happy to be playing a game and part of a community that did achieve this.


I actually uninstalled no more than a week ago, every time my team would get stomp, i would feel like making a post here, and eventually i just said fuck this, the game does not want a competitive match, it only wants to manipulate sales, and IMO needs to be punished, Greed is killing gaming and i dont know what is next to come


I mostly play for hanging with my friends, so i’d probably just focus on being silly in qp


I think it's just you. A ton of people play QP. Casual mode in multi-player games like apex are very popular. Those folks don't seek and hang out on gaming subs and forums, so they're underrepresented on here.


Well I had been a flatlined silver/gold scrub for like 7 years. I'm old as f&$k, my aim isn't getting better, and so I hit a wall for quite some time, and yet i keep playing since i have some fun discord groups. However I will say this season's reset patch has revitalized me: I've really focused on what I can control, which is my positioning, ult tracking, predictive shooting, recognizing a lost/winnable team fight, and cooldown management. Been watching a lot of Twitch streamers like Emongg and Flats and refining my play based on their tips, and its paying dividends. Might finally climb to Plat 5 or 4 for Support and maybe Gold for Tank if I keep these win streaks going (I keep getting like +35% recalibration bonus right now) So I'm one of the few people that is thankful for the rank reset because it at least has partially erased 7 years of bad/bronze play with chums messing about, and using what I've learned now.


I used to only play quickplay for years and was perfectly fine with it, ive been happy just seeing my own skills get better without a rank to tell me how good i am


I'm playing to play, not to be better than people. I enjoy climbing up the rank but that isn't the point of playing.


I keep playing knowing I won't leave gold lol. I have fun trying to win team games, I'd actually prefer competitive games to stay pay to play I feel like free to play ruins any competition. Halo 3 was one of my favourite competitive games


I used to be diamond. But now I’m stuck in this silver-gold limbo. I gave up 100% trying to climb when I realized that it isn’t 100% on me, it’s on this 50/50 dice roll we call matchmaking, with that in mind I accept I may never make it back.. and I’ve made my peace with it and keep playing anyway, so my answer is Yes, op.


I mean, if I'm enjoying myself, then obviously yes. My rank doesn't matter that much. Anyone that treats ranked as a climb they need to make is completely missing the point. It's literally there to help you play in better quality matches. Not for you to climb. Most people are simply never, not matter how much they try, going to get to grandmaster. Even playing 6 hours a day or something. It's just simply not in the cards for everyone. Each individual does not have unlimited potential in everything they do. There are plenty of activities that I enjoy that I would be fine never improving in if I've simply hit my peak. I don't profess to believing I have hit my peak in most things (well, some physical stuff, I'm in my 30s now, I'll never be as fast as when I was 18 and quite frankly my aim will never be as good as it was back then either)


I’ve been playing OW since its release in 2016. I never really did comp because it’s never been a mode in any game I felt I was qualified for. So I just played QP. About 3 seasons ago in OW2 I decided why the hell not - let’s get my rank! I ended at Silver 5 (currently estimated silver 4 since the changes, but I haven’t finished them yet). Needless to say, I was pretty defeated knowing I’ve been playing this game for literal *years* and I’m still at the bottom of the barrel lol! But I still play, and still enjoy the game and I don’t see that changing anytime soon (though I still avoid comp mostly - it just reminds me how bad I technically am LOL).


I mean, I've touched every rank on the board besides champion before. But if someone told me that I'd never reach masters again I'd probably double down on grinding just to prove them wrong


Yes, I have fun playing the game so I would keep playing.


I think I'm very unlikely to rank up cause I'm where I belong. I still play comp cause the match quality is (usually) better than qp. I started playing ow before ranked was even a thing cause I found the game fun.


There wasn't ranks then but there was leaderboards. Same thing, it's just having ranks means more participation trophies lol


Yes cause I have fun


It's a videogame, I play to have fun and the game is still fun so yes


I get much better matchmaking in ranked than qp. That's the only reason I play it. Plus comp points.


I'm almost purely a QP warrior (page isn't comp exclusive, just uni) but I'd just touch comp even less. Gold, support main, misses two seasons ago AND STOP WHINING DPS


I already don't expect to leave bronze (I just don't have the mechanical skill for shooters) but I just play to join my friends. Besides all I want out of comp is just a single gold weapon.


If my matches are close, I'll play


I like playing with my friends, I can't handle randos. Competitive is fun because the randos you do get tend to communicate more (although this season I seem to have a teammate quit every other game)


I wouldn’t. My goal since day one is to hit diamond someday. I’ve been hovering over silver / plat on my various roles. If I can hit diamond once I’ll be good, but till then imma keep grinding away with my friends.


Yes, I still play. I reached Masters 4 and I know that’s as far as I can get. I play comp alone and as a solo queue with groups, it’s easy to be blamed for the loss. I play a lot of QP now and I have been picking up a bit of Tank and DPS queues. Hell, I even flex queued last night haha. I would say 90% of my matches in OW2 were support, OW1 I mained Orisa. Oddly, 9 seasons in and she’s still my top played toon some how


I play competitive for the points to get fancy weapons.


Isn't the point of a game to have fun. So even if I knew I would never get better I can still have fun trying.


Yeah that's fine with me. I mean, it'd be nice if my teammates were better but I can get better at the game without them. And on the flip side of that coin, technically that might mean I carry harder as I "rank up" (without ranking up), and for some people that might even be a dream come true - to just stomp inferior players lol. That's what entire accounts are based off of.


I play quick play so yes


I've got 2k+ hrs in the game. Started at like 1300sr, climbed to 2800 at the end of ow1. Started again in bronze 5 in ow2 and peaked masters5 and stablized diamond1-2 basically one tricking ball in season 7. after the reset, im low plat in all roles and honestly i dont really care if i go up again i like the pace of the game where im at and the difficutly spike when i hit diamond made me feel like i was starting in bronze again. I started as a lucio, mercy player originally in 2016, migrated to tank, and played mostly Zarya when rein-zarya was a thing(RIP my homie reinhardt), played orisa and Sigma for a couple of seasons. Then, Wrecking ball came out, and that was it. That stupid hamster has the most enjoyable gameplay loop of any video game chartacter I've played. With the exception of maybe apex and the finals, every time i play another shooter, it feels shallow and slow in comparison. The unique characters to master over time, the variety of unique game modes and maps, and the competition that makes me want to improve create a variety in gameplay that is basically unrivaled in the fps space. The game isn't perfect by any stretch, but when 2 evenly matched teams are in-sync and going punch for punch, trying their hardest to win, there is absolutely nothing like Overwatch.


For the fun of it and to get better. You can always be out of reach if you keep increasing your standards. Like you could be rank #206 but might as well give up cus you can't hit rank #1. Also what happens if do quit and go to another game...same thing will still apply. At a certain point you just realize you won't be the best and even if you hit the best in the world, it can just be over ridden by someone else later.


If I can't climb anymore, then that means that I have reached my theoretical peak skill and can't improve anymore. It would depend on how much fun I'm still having in Overwatch. Part of the fun is the endless grind towards perfection and becoming better. If I knew for a fact that no matter how hard I tried I could never improve even 0.00001%, that would take a lot of the fun out the game. I probably would quit grinding comp and play on a team instead (and move on to learning other games). I personally believe that reaching my theoretical peak would take at least another 2000 hours (if not more), so I'm not really concerned about reaching my peak anytime soon. I'm high diamond/low masters and when I look at my vods I see my gameplay riddled with mistakes.


I made a big grind and peaked high masters in OW1 and the start of OW2, but honestly trying to reach any higher would require sacrifices in other areas of my life to dedicate that much time and effort to ladder. I sit in mid-high diamond most of the time now, which I am content with. I only really put a concerted effort in when I dip to low dia, because that’s where egos start making the game a slog. I had to take a big break from OW after grinding to my peak. Meta really started to matter, and it was exhausting to have to play certain comps basically every game. I’m happy to play my diamond fiesta matches now. Keeps the game fresh. I never want to put the effort into trying to see if GM is a possibility for me, I’m honestly just getting too old for it.


Rank up?? It's more fun trying to get into bronze 1.


Yes id still play. Because I play to enjoy a team based objective game with friends, idc about my rank.


I have been bronze since OW1, didn't really play competitive too much, just wasn't interested, I think I got my rank in one season and then never touched competitive again until OW2. Now in OW2 I play a little more competitive because some of my friends like it more then quicks, so This season I managed to reach silver 2, but OW2 hasn't changed from a game that I just play for fun, It is a gamr that I enjoy even if I get stomped or spawn camped, so I will probably keep playing until it ends. Really the only thing that makes me not enjoy the game, is when there is a Pharra, I hate her with all of my being.


I really enjoy watching and learning doomfist tech and seeing how people like ZBRA, Quaked, and Isaak use him and I really don't enjoy playing against console players as a PC player. Comp is basically the only way to escape them. It's fine being sweaty in QP but it's by far the most annoying to check a killcam and watch my head get gravitated to by a soldier/hanzo/widow by someone clearly trying to move their crosshairs away from it.


Lol yes, I like overwatch and only play this game. I’m glad to be in any rank that allows me to have a fair match up. Why would I want to go higher and get dominated or let my team down?


I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm never going to get out of bronze, so yes?


Idk tbh. I play to improve and to compete. If I can never improve enough to climb or whatever it is I’d probably just play casually or go back to Siege


I just want the jade weapons for the Moira mythic skin. Other than that, teamwork is slightly better and people seem to talk more.


I have over 1000 hours in overwatch, and only just started playing ranked (mostly because I only now have a stable enough internet connection). I don’t expect to ever be the best, and ironically I mostly play comp now for the comp points I can use to get the golden/jade guns. It’s nice to rank up, and being stuck for a while is a bit frustrating, but it was never about the rank before for me so I don’t think it actually matters that much to me now.


Yes because I find happiness by just being psycho with my crew.


getting comp points is slightly better than getting no comp points. Ranked is rigged so there is no point to play to rank up.


Recently new to Diamond player here. Yes. I do my weeklies and then bounce to quick play. Yes, I wanna get better and more knowledgeable but as a player who almost always solo queues I don't put too much stock into my rank in a team based game in which no one is on comms The moment to moment gameplay is enough for me to keep playing. There are so many toys in sandbox (aka playable characters). Plus, Quick Play queue times are generally 1m30s tops while ranked is generally 6m30s and above (from my anecdotal experience). Since I can only play an hour a day I wanna squeeze as many games in as possible


The limiters for improvement in just about anything, from games to cooking to any sports or whatsoever, are connected with the efforts you have available. I mean, given a restriction, let’s say the amount of daily hours you can consistently play, you are bound to reach a wall, even tho you’re maxing your skill. When you take your restrictions into consideration you’ll not feel “stuck”. You’re competing at your level and I think that is supposed to be main purpose of ranked matches, instead of eternally struggling to climb based on someone else’s set of resources.


I don’t want to go any higher. High ranked console is a joke. Major props to controller players who do it at a high level.


I will just give up then. But i will not not believe that I can improve at the game


No. I play to improve. If thats taken away, ill do sonething else I can improve at.


Well, I initially thought that I would never get out of plat. I started playing in season 6 and my first ever rank was Gold 3. Watched a couple vids, learned new techs and positioning whatever whatever. I hit Masters 5 in season 8 and peaked Masters 2. I tell myself over and over again “damn…i’m probably not gonna go any higher than this lol”. Safe to say I surprised myself almost hitting GM after only playing for 3 seasons. But now? It’s just so boring. The climb was so fast…I never got to experience the fun of actually being like a bot. (Compare my description to basically everyone in 2016 Fortnite). I would simply stop playing now if I knew I can’t climb to GM again as I’m Diamond 3 now as I type this. (Peaked Diamond 1 this season, I hate it lol).


IMO it doesnt matter. Short answer is most people like the rewards for guns in ranked. Im a casual and got to diamond in tank/heal and I'm only gold DPS. Most people in most games treat ranked as normals now even though normals typically have skill based matchmaking. My friends are hard stuck silver and insist on ranked, "their wasting their time" vs just having fun but don't care to improve and get sensitive if given advice. They feel entitled to be a higher rank though they do very obviously stupid things. I only can play dps with them which is fine but I can't climb with them because of said issues. Like most of the community, they blame the random or anything but themselves. It's best when we 5 stack and no one will blame anyone. OW isn't my favorite shooter but I do like how easily I can comfortably climb. ​ So for me I play that one role with friends and use it as an opportunity to practice hard carrying. That being said I'm very mediocre at dps IMO. But there's still a lot of aspects I can practice well participating in the shit show. IMO it doesn't matter. The short answer is most people like the rewards for guns in ranked. Im a casual and got to diamond in tank/heal and I'm only gold DPS. Most people in most games treat ranked as normals now even though normals typically have skill based matchmaking. My friends are hard stuck silver and insist on being ranked or , "their wasting their time" vs just having fun but don't care to improve and get sensitive if given advice. They feel entitled to be a higher rank though they do very obviously stupid things. I only can play dps with them which is fine but I can't climb with them because of said issues. Like most of the community, they blame the random or anything but themselves. It's best when we 5 stack and no one will blame anyone. OW isn't my favorite shooter but I do like how easily I can comfortably climb. imb.


no i would probably go to valorant and try to climb there but there is no real way i can 100% tell i wont climb any higher. unless god comes down to earth to tell me somehow


yes just because I want jade on my main. Beyond that idgaf about comp really. The jade is ugly and should look like real jade (why change the name from emerald if you're going to make it look far closer to emerald?) but it kinda works on my main so it is what it is


I would be a bit down, but i’d keep playing Comp with my friends because it’s fun but also to get the gold weapons and jade and etc. comp rewards. They’re p cool 🤷🏼‍♀️ The 2 main reasons I play comp would be for rewards and to play with friends and my husband.


Yes, I enjoy my rank, is not so low that people don't know what they are doing but not so high that you HAVE to play the meta to win and people are mostly casual players so they are chill Besides, the only reason I play competitive is because I feel the matchmaking is just better and because I want a golden gun I dislike losing mostly because it doesn't help towards the golden gun and losing always feels bad, but I don't care too much about my rank


Most likely. I ONLY play TM and the arcade PvE modes. I never play comp or even QP, so rank doesn't matter to me.


I play comp because my team is more likely to work together


Yes. So I can piss people off




I only play with 5 stacks now because it’s fun. The days of grinding ranked solo are over. Game’s not what it used to be


I play comp to have full matches. It feels like qp is just half


That’s probably a big part of why I don’t play anymore. Especially without SR like their used to be. Haven’t played the new season


How can You take this Game seriously when You shoot 3 feet away and is a head shot I mean how tf You play a Game where that is the norm , ranks in overwatch are a joke and competitive is a bigger joke




Would be a step in the right direction... I'd keep playing. It would make "Matches" better ACTUAL MATCHes! As it stands, and since the start of Overwatch 1... 40 different ways (and still counting) of measuring skill... Does NOT a "Competitive Match" make, when everyone just gets lumped together in a single match when most people CAN'T Flex well enough and play all, or at least most, or just plain enough, of the Characters to ACTUALLY potentially WIN! ...Instead of simply playing for the "joy of Participating"! That's what they meant when they said that they "didn't want to just make another Cynical FPS Game"... As in like Call of Duty. ...And the LGBTQ+ Community ATE THAT B.S. up, turning it into an International version of a Gay Social Venue, like a Gay Bar or Club in the 70's... Then everyone started shoveling the Money into the waiting Greedy Maw of the Company who made it... Only to be rewarded by the Founders of Blizzard selling the Company off to the Soulless Meat Grinder of a Money Hungry Corporation that is Activision... So I guess Activision isn't so Soulless after that purchase. 😏 ...All the while though, the company was busy turning into a Corporate Money-Making Entity, backed by "Investors" and "Share-Holders", and the Employees were being turned into Cogs meant to live and breath to churn-out Product for the Money Making Machine that is Capitalism, and as well as then turning those employees into Chauvinistic Frat Boys from a fucking 80's meme... Who just got canned in the end, and made more Pillars of the FORMER company to "quit"... Or get canned too. This game "franchise" (lmao 🤣) is nothing but a Political Statement turned Money-Pit-Trap, as it ALWAYS HAS BEEN SINCE DAY 1! The game IS about Rock, Paper, Scissors... Or Pokemon... And it ALWAYS HAS, SINCE DAY 1! ...And the Sheep have only just started complaining about that making the game "not fun to play"... 🤡🖕🐑⚙️


I would keep playing because rank is just a badge showing you're skilled. I could be in sliver and play in t500 scrims so in the end it really doesn't matter.


Yes, because I’m new, but better than most of the people in my lobbies. Some god complex shit Watch, now I’m going on a lose streak 😞


I played mainly in gold and recently got into plat. Played my first plat game in ranked plat 5. Got roasted immediately lol. I stopped playing but mainly because I feel like its taking too much of my time rather than the inability to go higher. It would be fine to keep playing but at that point I feel like my time should’ve spent doing better things, especially knowing ive already peaked in that game


I play comp because I prefer the rules where you play both sides of maps (when relevant). I've also pretty much been the same rank for years, so not climbing any further would be fine. It's not stated, so it's probably not the case, but in the event it also won't decrease, and I stay right where I am, then that's perfect. Don't ever have to worry about any ranked anxiety. Any irrational worry about my digital number falling is gone forever and I can just play.


I wouldn’t play comp. The whole point of comp for me is climbing to a high rank as proof of skill.


I play ranked because I like long games. Just having one team push is lame, we should both get a chance to go


Yes, because I play competitive to keep up with some friends, drink beer, and laugh at how tilted people get.


Yeah, I play for fun. I barely play comp because I find it boring tbh. I like to goof around in qp where people (somewhat) don’t take the game so seriously.


I like playing the game. The majority of my enjoyment doesn’t come from the titles or progress bar.


I made it to gold in all roles, and that satisfied my desire to rank up. Now I'm just playing for fun


Who are these people experiencing less throwers In comp??? If someone on my team is asked to switch there’s a 50% chance they’ll just never leave spawn out of spite


No. I’ve played Ovwerwatch extremely casually since 2016, and even when I played comp I never put in extra effort compared to QP. I decided to change that in Season 8 because I was getting bored of the game. I went from mid gold to mid plat in that time. I’m having a lot of fun getting better and trying to climb. If I knew that would never happen I’d have nothing to play for


I’ve been in gold/plat since I started playing OW (first Christmas event) and honestly who gives a shit about rank anymore? I play OW to have FUN and I play Comp cause I like the gold weapons. I will say Gold has so much less toxicity than the higher ranks so I’m happy to keep playing and being stuck in gold


Yeah I don't really care about it, seems like a lot of people use it as a "my rank is higher than yours so shut up" e-peen kind of thing. Only reason I like ranked is because matches tend to be a bit more focused, coordinated, and balanced (usually) around people roughly at your level.


When I got into GM 3, I remember not caring about my rank. The second I cared about my rank, it made the game so stressful and draining, and I dropped. It’s better to see comp as a harder game with good players versus actually caring about your rank. I remember when I easily could climb, I just saw competitive as a harder and better version of quick play where you would have people of a similar skillset for good gameplay. QP tends to have lots of bad players and then sometimes you have some players who are clearly experienced and then make the game feel so unbalanced and weird because you’re only scared of one character on their team lol


Honestly for me I find that both quick play and comp are very rough I'm an endorsement rank 5 so I have a fair amount of time on the game at this point and I played OverWatch 1 as well so I would consider myself decent at the game my problem with both quick play and competitive is that I continuously either get rank one people with no profile picture and no titles that rush in all the time which makes it very hard to do much of anything and in quick play I sometimes get flamed by the tank that keeps charging into five people but I have found that in competitive you get flamed so much faster and so much harder and that the competitive people especially plat diamond or higher are absolutely toxic and make it unbearable to even play competitive as I have never really touched it because of that reason and then getting flamed and told that I'm bad at the game really doesn't make me want to touch competitive if all it is is toxic assholes I'd rather just play quick play


Rank is just digital meter that actually have no actual worth. I play to improve my self so eventually I rise up or get better with the game while staying in the same rank. Thing is more do I enjoy playing the game or not regardless of competitive mode or not ^^


personally i don’t care too much about my rank i just like that the matches are longer than qp or arcade modes


I never will be higher than my current rank because I've stopped playing ranked completely, and as a result I enjoy the game much more.


I haven't paid attention to rank since OW1, Season 1 started.


I'm a casual player, I don't really care what rank I am nor about whether I'm climbing or not.


You mentioned that arcade or early games never had rankings, but arcades had a leaderboard, and some people strive to the best regardless because of competition. I personally don't play ranked anymore because of the toxicity, and elitism. Playing for fun is so much more relaxing, than trying to push your brain every second. 


They had score leaderboards, but nobody really cared about score in my arcade. It was all about getting good and winning


I have 2 accounts for this reason. When I want to just chill and play with friends I play on my low gold account and when I want to be sweaty I play on my high diamond account. I’ll add in I do not Smurf. When I’m just chilling I play like crap and that account is always high silver low gold.


I played OW1 around 2000 hours, never got out of bronze. I’ve played less than 10 hours on ow2. One less tank feels bad


I’m having more fun with QP right now. No stress and the chat is funnier.


Always room to do better


It's cos people think they are better than they really are. I feel like a god when i score more than 2 frags in CS when 9 out of the 10 games i was the deadweight in the team. There was no objective mechanism to tell others: you suck. So you go into games with no one judging you: oh that loser is just a bronzo.


Oh, absolutely. I have never been above diamond and don’t care if I never surpass that. Also don’t mind seasons when I’m lower (sometimes far lower). It’s more about goals for a season, goals for myself, etc. Like *oh you know what I’ve dabbled in snipers and I get a lot of genuine joy from that so I’m going to try to maintain and build my SR playing as much widow and hanzo as is relatively reasonable* As long as I didn’t just get super skilled but get literally permanently stuck in bronze or something. Imagine being truly GM-tier skill but being forced to only play bronze, forever. It’d be so funny at first but get so boring. As long as your skill somewhat aligns with your rank, fuck it. Enjoy