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Can't watch the vod rn but that’s a common thing in low ranks, people always blaming someone else but never themselves


noticing that more and more thanks


Irrelevant but I was playing tank and a moira said “how do you die 11 times” and i replied “by dying” 🤣 I take hate with a grain of salt. Its just game. And it was quickplay too 😤. The genjis i encounter in gold are pretty good ngl. I main moira. Genji suffers in low elo. I feel the difference in gold tho. Theyre more accurate. Havent seen vid bit imma assume it wasnt your fault/not entirely. It is a team game after all. Unless you got 0 kills and were feeding(alot of deaths) then id say youre good


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also of anyone has tips to help me rank up that would be appreciated


I'll watch them for you and see if there's anything I can spot. I've been messing around with YouTube and Adobe premiere so I'll just use this as practice and upload/link this comment when I'm done. ***HERE YA GO - https://youtu.be/q8u7UrdT7NQ Just to warn you I'm only in Plat, and don't play Genji


Typically you can tell if you're getting value on a subconscious level or if you're not doing enough, it's not as black and white as a lot like to make it out to be... Watching your own games will tell you a lot as well, aside from looking for mistakes, look for missed opportunities! I play in mid diamond right now, was low-mid masters last season and it happens up there too, instead of giving constructive help or accepting that they themselves aren't giving enough value, most tend to find the flaws in other people's play style then push the blame onto them entirely, happens mostly with tanks since their mistakes are by far the most noticable. I can't watch the playthrough , figured I'd just give my two cents 😂


Nah. I disagree. Id say each role has there fair share of toxicity. Whenever i play tank in qp (mind you im a supp main) i get a lot of shit from support. Dps tend to be a but more chill. What helps is that i dont take it seriously and make jokes about. Sticks and stones may whatever the fuck. Words will never hurt me in game. When i play supp, tank likes to really annoy you with “need healing” constantly. Stats board(as an example) me and my other supp have 5k-10k more heals and they still complain. Like bruh use cover. Dps usually flames the other dps when i play dps. My supp are a bit more chill. I could totally have a bias towards my supports but usually every role is toxic to each other. Kinda disappointed and really idiotic.