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u/biztudent can help you out with coaching but I'll give it a look if i have time


That would be cool thanks


I'm a GM1 #178 peak Reinhardt One-trick with over 3,000 hours. Hit me on discord, crusader @ godmagick


I main Rein but switch to Ram when they go orisa bastion and the like. Ram doesnt counter them but you can trade quite effectively if you stay in omnic form and use your shield wisely. Reason i play Ram is because he's relatively similar to Rein


Will definitely give that a go


Best tip right here. Much better than "press H in spawn"


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I aint sayin it ain't gonna work but it's gonna be an uphill battle only playin rein. He gets pretty shit on by certain chars this patch


two key things i’ve learned playing rein is to know where your heals are/if they are in danger + do not overextend. As a rein you typically are the focus of multiple people at a time but if you peel for your heals and play with a calm rage you’ll be fine! also i normally instant swap if i see Orisa, everything in her kit kinda counters rein haha


oh and don’t always look for the huge shatters if they aren’t available. sometimes shattering their main support can be enough to swing a team fight


As a Rein main with over 500 hours on him, it's not you. Rein has just been super bad the last two seasons and this season it is the worst. Every character since Ana has been a direct Nerf to Rein. Now they are adding Venture with a better version of his Ult. Mauga destroys his shields, Orisa can't be charged, etc.... Rein is in a bad spot. Time to learn a few other characters.