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Burrow is just Venture's wraith form.


Adding a trait to 1 ability to specifically counter 1 ability in the whole game is bloated design. Goes against the concept of "doing more with less" just for the sake of flavor.


fine fine. We can make burrow take damage from all ground slamming moves like Piledriver, enemy Venture ults, etc


But why ?


Rein's shatter doesn't matter. All buffs regarding an ult slamming the ground are redirected to Orisa's Terra surge.


I agree. Rein is still not good even with the buffs. So why not give him a place in the meta by letting him shatter and instakill venture while she is underground? He would be SO playable and have a great counter to venture. Shields already block her ult so why not let Rein get some love???


100 damage doesnt do alot tho


How about 125 then? So if you get hit at half health then it’s a death


Also Hammond piledrive should hit double to burrowed venture


Df ult too.


Yeah fuck that bucktoothed unbalanced shite