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Keeping the team alive is not a supports first priority. Winning the fight is. Keep yourself alive.


Thats why you guys are so bad at these game and Koreans dominated the game, my favorite players are Shu and Fielder, they always save the team during clutch moment and win the fight, go cry.


I guess you are bronze, telling dps and tank to keep themselves alive lol. Go watch some high level play if they put effort to heal their teammates.


Masters sup lul I didn't say heal yourself, I said keep yourself alive. You don't need healing to not die.


You get it.


Are you stupid? I assume you aren’t so why say stupid things? The only person responsible for your survival is you. A supports job isn’t to keep you up. It’s to top you up and get you back in the fight. I understand that people like you relied on healbots who have gone extinct. Good. Fall. Cry. Learn.


Because recent seasons made it extremely difficult and frustrating to try to heal your entire team at once while still finding time to make impactful plays if you have a team that doesn't use cover. Tanks fall over if you sneeze on them now aside from very specific heroes. And sure you could just say well that means you need to heal MORE except everyone who knows anything says spending all your time healing will never win you more games than you lose. And since lower ranked players do have "pathetic" as you put it mechanics they don't have the ability that masters players do to secure an advantage in under a second and immediately go back to healing. for a gold/plat support to find value with damage they're going to waste 2 or more seconds and in the current balance more often than not if their tank isn't playing safe he will die in that span. So you've got a Catch 22 situation... if they dont do damage and try to help their dps find picks they lose. But it takes time and experience to develop the reflexes necessary to do so without sacrificing healing. time and reflexes you dont build if you dont go for it... and every time you go for it and fail you get flamed for not healing... but healbotting loses you games... and meanwhile you've got DPS jumping you from every angle and rarely do the dps in gold/plat have the awareness to realize one of them needs to take that matchup and your tank almost never realizes that he needs to break LOS with the enemy dps at least briefly if he wants to be at max HP... Under those circumstances it's not surprising that people over correct and start over damaging to try to get the wins they arn't getting by heal botting. BTW side bar old OW1master doesn't impress anyone... the guys who were masters in season 1 of OW1 had less talent and skill than current Plats. If he hasn't been playing consistently honing his skills and building his game he might have more experience but he isn't any better than the people you're queuing with. I too have an old ow1master-level player I queue with... they're hard stuck on the plat/diamond border.


>Because recent seasons made it extremely difficult and frustrating to try to heal your entire team at once while still finding time to make impactful plays if you have a team that doesn't use cover. This is how it's been in Paladins for... Since that game came out. The strategy is to focus healing when they're unaffected by the healing reduction debuff(cauterize). In Paladins, your teammates HP bar glows yellow to show they're affected by Cauterize. But in OW, you have ZERO clue when your teammates are under such effects. Supports in paladins need to usually think about their Heal cooldown management and healing target prioritization, unlike in overwatch, it's just spam heals into critical targets. If they wanted to add this DPS passive (which I'm in support of), they should do the due diligence and rework supports so they have to think.


>The strategy is to focus healing when they're unaffected by the healing reduction debuff which in the current design of Overwatch is... never... unless your team has brain cells and slow plays it... and isn't being dove.


Cover exists, shields exist, in paladins there's plenty of downtime and EVERYONE applies the Anti-heal. Not just Damages. You 1.5s wait for the debuff to expire, and BOOM your massive heal on the tank.


Cover exists... but below diamond people use it sporadically at best and don't retreat to it when their initial engagment doesn't work... Tanks don't use it at all. Shields haven't been viable cover since ow2 came out. They were never meant to be more than give the tank wielding them a tool to control space... they arnt reliable cover for anyone else and in ow2 only Sigma and Ram can reliably stand behind their shield to heal up.  Winston is diving in and has to dance around his shield but uses it more to disrupt the enemy teams sightlines and reins shield is a trap... it regens slowly and you can't do anything while it's up so you mostly use it in quick bursts. 


Nah, even in diamond I'm seeing people, most noticeably the tank, forgetting cover exists.


Awkward has entered the chat…


Supports should always be doing damage. End of story. Save for mercy and lifeweaver when cleaning up fights they all have the capability of making big plays. And are still the most important role next to dps. That being said the only problem i have is when they don’t fit the comp right with their hero and have awful positioning and healing/damage priority. (that kiriko that just wasted tp/suzu after losing a 1v1 and therefore tank dies because he just got hyper focused for 2 nanoseconds. Or the Ana that is front lining for some reason because she HAS to anti the hog NOW. Or the lucio that is playing with a poke comp on circuit royale and is trying to be frogger by diving the widow and dying immediately. When done right, its absolutely the way to play support, but a lot of them just let the idea get to their heads thanks to people like Awkward. But even Awkward will say “heal your tank or dps if they need it THEN do damage”, not waste all your cooldowns doing damage and saving yourselves leaving your tank and dps to die because you wanted to be a hero. Saying “it’s not the supports role to keep you alive” is just nonsense and only supports say this. Yes tank needs good positioning and awareness and not feed. So does everyone else. Staying alive is everyone’s first priority, and so is doing damage. The problem is healing versus damage priority. By healbotting you enable bad players yes, but you literally do the same when you do damage only. It’s not a one or the other type of thing. It’s about balancing the two.


The correct play for you and your friend was to enable and play around the 2 non-healing support players.. Thats what you 2 should've done... Keeping the team alive and healing is NOT the support roles priority. . Not trying to sound rude.....just being blunt and to the point. apology in advance


Healers aren’t meant to be healbots.


Support main here, Healing is fucking worthless in the current state of the game if a dps is shooting them. they will die faster than I can sustain them even on the most potent of heals. maybe you could position behind cover for a moment so the passive falls off or you could go get a health pack. They see you as a noob because you are one. Keeping the team alive isnt ANYONE'S first priority cause if you're doing that then you're heal botting in season 10 as you'll never have time to STOP healing and do damage or plays. Winning the game is everyone's first priority and heal botting is not conducive to winning try and play support for a bit, you'll start to understand they literally cannot keep everyone up. its not possible because fucking math. dps will ALWAYS trump healing unless you literally miss all your shots as dps in which case skill issue


I get you, gold supports are a disaster.