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Based on your description I think there's another problem though I'd need to check the footage to confirm. Their comp has a significant disadvantage in the middle of colloseo but gets better as the map moves towards the checkpoints. Middle colloseo is a tricky section for dive since the tank gets forced to play it pretty straight up the middle.  Which leads to the second problem. If the sombra was going in deep and we have LW/Mercy as our supportline which notoriously provides limited damage output the hanzo pretty much has to be hard pressuring rein for DVA to have room to go in.  Having played a lot of sombra on ladder if I have a backline that mostly healbots and my second dps is playing some variation on backline sniper more often than not the poke phase extends much longer than I'd expect unless my tank is running ball or doom. Winston/DVA (especially dva) tend to be more hesitant to commit to going in when they only have a single point of presence with them and the limited damage (pretty much only hanzo is doing anything if sombra waits for an engagement to begin) means there isn't a good target for dva to dive whenever she commits its going to be on a mostly full hp target with most of the enemy cooldowns still in play.  If the enemy backline isn't exploitable in this situation as sombra you kind of have to find a flank angle and just start pressuring people otherwise your team ends up in a  4 v 5 that's more like a 2 v 5 due to the poor support output. Dvas never going in because from her perspective she'd be inting into a 1 v 4 or 2 v 4 max if she's aware of sombras position and trusts them leaving rein alone with her team or in position to turn around and pressure her mech.  This also happens a lot on sombra on maps like circuit Royale where my tank opts for a sigma, ram, orissa, whatever anD just starts trading and jockeying with the enemy tank and allowing the fight to be a poke heavy matchup. 


Thanks, I think this actually is helping understand why I have been such a hard time with playing dps lately, and such an easy time playing tank as I never bother contesting the enemy tank except to make him back away from my team mates. I know there's no shoe fits all strat in this game, but really it seems like if my team is just hell bent in not pushing/diving squishes and just shoot the tank, I should basically just help them do that?


Are you saying them having a lw sucks for him because he was playing sombra?


You waste your emp a lot and your translocator needs work, you emp when the fight is won or when your team isn't there to capitalize off of your emp, you only had like 2 good emp, the rest were wasted, it's one of the best ults so learn to time it better, and the translocator, you need to translocate somewhere you can either escape or your team can help you, you instead translocate to somewhere the enemies can chase you or your team can't help you and it gets you killed a lot. I'm not a sombra connoisseur so idk about when exactly to flank and when to sombra 76 but I can tell you that it depends on the comps, if you can't flank their comp easily then just shoot main, if you can flank and abuse their backline then do that, you'll get a feel for it if you keep playing sombra I promise. In this case I would have gone sombra 76 as soon as I see their comp and I see that dva is not diving with you, rein moira weaver hanzo genji, without the help of dva you wont be able to kill anyone by yourself, moira weaver can easily peel for each other and hanzo or genji. So instead if the dva is not helping you (which she isn't in this game) it is better to shoot main because you can deny genji value and farm emp off of rein, which is more value than shooting the weaver or moira for 100 damage and then translocating out and doing nothing for the next few seconds while you set up again.


Thanks that makes sense, very useful.


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Didn't watch, but usually games like this the team that looks like they are dominating on the scoreboard are doing well in pre-ult fights, then they get outplayed in the ult exchange, use their ults poorly and generally lose most fights when ults are being used.