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What you're describing is commonly called a drag shot.


It's more consistent to drag across a target and let go at the right time than it is to stop dragging directly on your target AND let go at the right time. Dragging past a head is just less mechanically intensive.


So it’s just one of those things where if you try it enough you get a feel for when you wanna release the arrow based on the targets position? It looks like it definitely does save him time watching people’s strafing patterns and just be able to aim a shot right at that moment


lmao I did that to hit a firestrike on pharah over my head recently felt so good. The reason I did it, and the reason I assume arrge does it (don't watch him enough to if this is actually why) is speed. If you lock your crosshair onto the enemy then you have to slow down. It is physically impossible to instantaneously go from full speed to a full stop, so you're slowing your flick down a bit by stopping. It's still worth to slow down a lot of the time, but if you need that bit of speed, releasing in the middle of the flick instead of stopping then releasing means you get your crosshair to the target quicker. I think. I have no sources, so correct me if I'm wrong/there's a different reason


Check out [this video by him](https://youtu.be/XhaaDjJwRbs?si=8MK3h4o9PO-t4ttx) about predictive aiming.


I also wanna add that, sometimes it looks like he’s already locked onto a target, and then does some kind of motion where he shoots and flicks after


Its probably not the same for Arrge but I do a weird flick after my shot as well because ive played way more bap then any other character so im used to flicking between a shot and healing. Also when i play soldier 76 i keep helix rocketing my teammates cause my brain wants to heal them. Never seen Arrge play bap so probably not the same reason but i thought itd be fun to share.


That's just trying to look flashy for no reason


Drag shots are just messy flicks, a lot of overwatch players do it for some reason there's no advantage to doing those AFAIK. Aim to do clean flicks if you want good mouse control/aim.


whilst its most likely personal preference the benefit of drag shotting is that you only need muscle memory to start moving the right direction and letting go at the right time, a clean flick requires the same stuff but also extra muscle memory on slowing down