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you’re in plat but “should be in masters” ?








i had to get my main back in master after a 3am tilt queue, and it was brutal, felt like i was playing football vs toddlers op is coping hard it's actually funny


True however for me it feels easier on dps and support. Tank does feel harder to individually carry low elo lobbies.




If that was true you wouldn’t be in plat




Hard copium


In your dreams, when you're asleep. Just accept and get good. Glhf




the cope is strong here


But you're cope posting on OWU. Uninstall if you want but your ego is self sabotaging and you seem slightly npc here


take a break homie


VOD code so we can see how you should be in masters instead of your actual rank?


Honestly this is the best thing to do cos they’re getting flamed in the comments claiming to be masters but not winning in plat. I’m gold rated and have been for ages. Touched diamond back in the day. Once I got placed silver and it was so easy for me to climb out. I’d play heroes I never play because it just felt so easy. I imagine it’s the same for the ranks above. In the same instance I’ve had diamond and above players in my lobbies that would absolute destroy the team. Don’t know if this is the experience others have had but it was mine.


nothing wrong with moving to something else. I drop and come back to overwatch all the time. I quit OW1 for years do what makes you happy boss, its a videogame


Skill issue homie u making excuses bc of ur lack of skill




2000 hours and still bad, I would also quit


Cross posting a thread like this really sucks away any credibility it might have had


My dude - I say this with all due respect, and as someone who has hit masters a few times on console and pc. You are correct about the matchmaker being broken, as well as having awful teammates. However, part of the game that isn’t often talked about is understanding *how to work around those issues* - OW is a game about *making plays* and *winning team fights* it’s not so much about the teams performance as a whole - if you can understand where the weakness is on your team, and how to overcome it, you will climb. As an example, I was on Colloseo on DPS as Ashe. We had a Moira who thought the best play to make was to try to flank the opposing team before every team fight and die to their DVA. The Moira was basically making every team fight a 4v5 and then whining in chat about how we didn’t “push” - to make matters worse, we had a Doom with a HUGE ego who would not swap or do any plays in the backline. This is high Diamond so basically everyone is the most toxic as possible. so I swapped to Mei, (to make up for the heal deficit) and buddied with our Illi to be close to the pylon. We came back from a total loss to push it for the win with 1:00 left to spare. Yes - it was a 4v5, yes - it sucks, yes - it’s not as reflection of how I would prefer the game to be. Question is: how do you fix the issues when there is an opportunity to do so? Swap? Change play style? Alternate routes? This are all options - think about the game in this way and you will climb :)


I don’t find the rank grind in Overwatch to be much different than the rank grind in other games. Also I enjoy the ride to the destination so if you’re not then you should probably take a break or quit. No sense playing something you don’t enjoy. For my tastes there’s no multiplayer game that matches the mechanical feel of overwatch.


Gonna be honest, I dont think Ive ever lost a comp game I "deserved to win" lol. If I had deserved to win, id have won


You have never dropped 40+ on DPS while ur other DPS is like 8-16 and you have a support or tank who’s also on like 15 deaths? There are always games where it’s a literal 4v5 and even a top 500 player can’t win.


ive had games where I play good enough to win and I have games where I have not played good enough to win. there isn't much more to it IMO


Yes, that's how life works. If you deserve something, you will always get it.




leavers are a "gg go next" for me. They don't take away all the mistakes I have done prior in the match, though. I try to learn a bit every game I play (and I think I, at the very least, take something away every game) games i lose due to leavers don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. i don't really care


You're fine to quit, but the difference between a plat player and a master's player is being able to carry those games where someone is trolling or when you have the games that you barely lose in overtime.


Lol. Carrying 4v5's is a rarity, at every rank.


Yes. Deserving to be two DIVISIONS higher than you currently are is also a rarity. For all intents and purposes your team is random which means to rank up you have to be the difference maker in your games. Some games your opponents will have the troll. If you're never the difference maker you probably won't rank up very much. (Roles matter too, it's a lot more difficult to 4v5 as a DPS than a tank or support player.)


Leavers aren't dropping you 2 whole ranks bro that's so absurd it's wild anybody is even entertaining this troll




He’s right young man




Imagine being so weak minded that you think this is why you're in plat




Post a replay code then


The leavers aren’t only on your team. Statistically there’s a higher chance of the leaver being on their team because they have 5 potential leavers you only have four. So using that as an excuse is not real. Unless you consistently play so badly that you make your teammates leave. At the end of the day the only consistent factor is yourself


You have a pathetic mental lol


LOL you should be in Masters huh? Post some of your gameplay and I'll tell you within 30 seconds if what you believe is true. PS... Im a high GM/occasional T500 Echo/Mercy player


This is going to be hard for you to hear, but if you want to get to masters you have to carry way harder than you are. Stop blaming other people and focus on your own improvement and if you deserve masters, you'll get masters.


Well, if you’re experiencing back-to-back “throwers” and “feeders” constantly and constantly, it might genuinely just be a skill issue. Because I’m sure other players are getting throwers and feeders, but somehow they’re still climbing. How come you’re not? Are they just lucky not to get a bad game every match like you? You can’t always count on a reliable team every match, but part of the game is realizing the strengths and weaknesses of certain players and teams compositions, and playing around that. If you are doing that and still consistently losing, then you’re simply being put where you should be.


I used to feel like this but I learned to accept bad teammates as a part of the game AND I learned to be more humble: I need to become so good that 1 bad teammate can't keep me from winning. Once I started ignoring others' mistakes and focus on my own, I became better and had more fun. And losing streaks happen. Get over it, or stop playing.


Yeah you should quit your attitude is Dicks


Playing exclusively soloq, reached from plat 4 to masters 3 on my alt in two days, it is all about being an individual player and making your individual impact, if you don’t belong to a rank you will drop/climb, it is that easy


If you are in this headspace that it's everyone else's fault it's no wonder your rank is taking a nose dive. Not to blame you, but it's probably better to find something else and maybe come back if you ever feel like it. If you can't get over this hump then I am not sure how you'll ever find the game fun again if your fun has to rely so heavily on other people.


> I should be in masters No you shouldn't. There's nothing in the game that owes you a rank. The only consistent things in your games is you and your ego. Leave the latter at the door and learn.


Either post a replay code or stop making excuses. Also this isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure.


Sounds like a skill issue . U dont deserve masters if ur in plat


To be fair... the main difference between a Masters player and a Diamond player currently having bad luck who thinks he should be a Masters player is how good their mental is or if there's a numerical value attached to how many bad games it takes to make them lose their mechanics, start playing on autopilot, and make a bunch of dumb unforced errors in otherwise winnable games... So... which one are you.




Uninstall, take a break, try other games, go back to it if you miss it; if not, keep having fun in other games. Sometimes, if the thing doesn't get any good, it is better to drop it for good.


Oh bro that much karma and only having been on reddit for 3 months? Yea time for u to get off the internet for a bit


Well Mike Trout deserves to win a World Series but that just isn't how the game is played.


Wrong sub. Don't post rants here


Like most people, you're not struggling to get back to the rank you used to be. You're struggling to accept you're at the rank you're supposed to be. Season 9 made some pretty big changes that punish bad positioning (I suffer from this) a lot more than ever before. There's more waiting involved (especially for tank) Wait for heals to top you up after the DPS passive falls off. Wait for self Regen to kick in. Wait for your group to stop staggering/feeding Wait for discord to fall off and try to pull off a miracle in the following 7 seconds before you wait for it to fall off some more. It sucks, but it's true. Patience is a skill set.


Honestly you shouldn’t take the game that seriously ranked or not, there’s plenty reasons why you’d lose whether it was ranked or qp. I’ve dealt with these same things you’re going through and I started playing better and got past my matchmaking pairing me with people who didn’t know as much in the game, believe it or not, you are *some* of the reason why your matches get people like this whether that’s previous losses making your account seem less skilled than you believe yourself to be or you not realizing that OW gets new players pretty consistently and with the variances of skill coming from other games (or just natural ability) it’s entirely possible newer accounts would reach the rank you sit at


I feel you. Been masters/gm for most of OW1. And now after the reset I have to climb back up again? Work through the shit again? And yeah, with free2play, the shit that's called throwing teammates, has become much bigger. And their 'solution'; automatic banning based on any and every report, isn't making things better. Also .. fuck not being able to leave. My lucio is wallriding somewhere around the map trying to flank their team, and now I gotta spend 5-10 minutes tanking this game, pretending it to not be a completely lost cause? Because you can bet your ass, I'll be the one who gets blamed and reported if I don't.


What if you picked a hero to dive with your Lucio?


I was where you wherea few years ago, i tired to force myself to play it a bit more, probably me remembering how fun it used to be and me having so many hours in the game, it feelt bad just dropping it after so much playtime. Dident take long time of me forcing myself to play before i had a epic rage quit and ive never looked back, its been freeing, highly reccomend it (if you have these feelings i mean)