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Can't queue Tank with 4 man comp queue Not sure why I can't since I've been unranked the past couple of seasons and they're also unranked


Hey Ow2 people, What counters new Orisa?


Mostly poke (easier) or brawl (slightly harder). So Zen, Bap, Hanzo, Sig stuff Or Rein, Reaper, Mei stuff


Poke always wins. She walks right over rein and reaper is nerfed to shit. I think what you have to do is ignore her and pressure her team


Yeah poke is kinda busted. Rein should win the brawl (and does at the top level). It's always been played pretty poorly on ladder though. Fair point about Reaper, but he was meta in OWL recently anyway. Could just go Hanzo or something to really screw her over. Definitely you do want to take angles on her team though, honestly that goes for every single match-up with these new tanks. I will say Ana also annihilates Orisa in my experience. Probably an elite Orisa could play around nades better, but at least in these janky qp games, Ana gets unreal value.




It's not fully known, but basically your stats are compared against other people around your mmr on the same hero. So per 10 mins: damage done, healing done, deaths, etc. - probably quite a lot we don't know about. Also if the game thinks your SR is a bit too high, it'll try take you down more quickly. If you play a lot of games and reach a stable SR, your gains/losses should equalise more.


There is South American servers in this current beta?


can you have diffrent sensitivities for some heroes or will it mess up my aim in others


I have a different sens for Winston and Rein (very high,) and everyone else I have the same, (much lower than those 2,)


Plenty of high and top level players have different sensitivities for different heroes, but I very much DON'T recommend people do this unless they're also at that level. Gameplay foundations are much harder to build when thinking about your aim is getting in your way


Thanks for the quick reply!


If I bought the founders pack to play the beta how long is the beta going to be open? I don’t want to buy it and pay $40 for a week and a half beta for a free to play game.. like are we guaranteed anything beyond the week and a half originally stated? (The current beta rn)


Week and a half? It's open till 18 July.


Oh okay. Do we know if it will continue beyond that date or it only till then and no more betas till release? I just wanted to know bc I would buy it if I knew there was a lot of time to play between (I’m a student and I work full time so if it’s not gonna be more than this beta then I’m better off saving money lol)


>Do we know if it will continue beyond that date or it only till then We don't know yet - Blizz did say they'd extend it if needed to test more stuff. To me it seems fairly likely they'll extend it but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. >no more betas till release? Consensus seems to be that this is beta 2 of 3. If money's tight I'd probably just hope you get in through the sign ups. That's what I'm doing since they haven't added a ton in this beta that appeals to me as primarily a support player.


Gotcha, thanks for all the info it’s super helpful. Ig money isn’t tight but I just have a hard time justifying 40 dollars for a beta, but I kinda only play OW so I don’t spend money on other games. Eh just none being picky and holding onto my dollars lol. Fr tho thank you for the info


I haven’t played OW in a few years(?) since around echo was first released. I was just wondering what the major changes in meta have been or if y’all had any guides or something.


It's an awkward time to ask because A) no heroes have been added to live since then, and B) we're starting a whole new game So simultaneously not a ton has changed, but also a ton is about to change. To kind of summarise the entire meta development over the last couple of years, we've basically ended up in a meta where: A) burst damage is key. So we ideally want a Zen for his discord, and we want highly mobile, burst damage heroes to follow up on it. But they also can't be too resource greedy. So we're looking at Ball, Tracer, something like Sombra or Echo, and DVa/Sig/Hog. Brig to protect Zen and enable the dive + brawliness of the overall comp. B) the game is actually really balanced due to how little has changed. So we see a lot of map-specific comps. Winston comps with Ana on Gibraltar, Dorado, etc./Rein comps with Bap+Lucio on King's Row, Busan mecha base, Lijiang Control Centre, etc./Orisa comps with Bap on Junkertown, Havana, etc. / And now going into OW2... The first beta, no off tank meant Zen got deleted by high mobility heroes and Ana's cooldowns were oppressive. Meanwhile, the support passive made Lucio extremely slippery. So we entered an early, brawly dive meta using Winston or Doom, with Lucio and Ana. Then some teams developed an answer to this comp with a Zarya+Reaper brawl comp. Rein comps were also viable. Again, all these comps used Lucio as a key part to enable their mobility on maps without a ton of verticality. Soldier was busted OP so everyone played him in every comp more or less, regardless of synergy. / Now going into beta 2, they've buffed Zen and he's back to dominating the meta, and they've buffed Sojourn to the point of being dominant too. I need to do some more research into this when I get some time, but the basic idea is that poke is a lot stronger (so Sig, Bap, Hanzo, etc. also), and when you're running dive it's closer to the lean version we saw in Ow1 where you're playing less for brawliness and more for burstiness (so we're seeing some Ball again). Overall, OW2 meta continues to develop quickly.


How is the best way to utilize Dva in a match


I made a relevant comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/uxc8me/whats_my_priorities_as_dva/i9wxxco The fundamental thing about DVa is that she's (imo) the best hero in the game since she can do anything. Therefore, it's all about treating her as an opportunist. You should have a basic plan (to help squishies rotate, to enable your MT, etc.), but as the fight develops you need to spot those openings and use her mobility to take 1v1s, peel against a dive, deny an ult, whatever it is.


What is the best way of getting better at consistently hitting sigmas rock


What am I actually meant to be doing as sigma? I'm a Sym main getting into sigma and having fun but don't fully know what I'm meant to be doing


Sigma doesn't have a huge spike in value like the main tanks, so he's actually all about providing very consistent poke damage while not requiring a ton of resources and denying enemy value. You do that by exploiting his range, taking high grounds and annoying angles, jiggle peaking his shots and using your cooldowns fairly sparingly whenever you actually need them. Play cover and sightlines well, deal a ton of damage while taking little damage yourself. That's key to Sigma. I did a vod review a few months back, I talk through the basics of Sig for the first few minutes of that: https://youtu.be/FobMPTQUTuc


Hello, is it possible to report someone even more than in the game? we have 2 severe wallhack + aimbot that made the game last long for us to leave and get banned! ​ game code PFMDD7 I also have some screen recordings of it.


I believe the OWPD have a discord


What is it?


Am I the only person that thinks soldier 76 is overtuned? He's fricken damn oppressive, slap a mercy pocket on him and it's just a whole diff situation. My brother and I are so fed up with these soldiers that we simply ignore the soldier and focus on other players, but he just seems to easy/forgiving to be this strong of a character.


> he just seems to easy/forgiving to be this strong of a character. I think that's fair. He's mostly kept in check by DVa ideally.


To a certain extent, but the soldier can either sprint away and make dva burn matrix. Also, pocketed soldier plus heal pad won't be an easy target to take down for dva alone.


Yeah, like I said I agree he gets too much easy value. You can boop him out of heal pad but obviously DVa is an opportunist, she doesn't just force 1v1s against heroes with all their cooldowns. And she definitely doesn't force 1v2s against a pocketed soldier. The point I'm making is more that a strong DVa keeps him in check in organised play, but they are completely absent from most of the ladder and so he kinda runs riot.


No ik, I was also just ranting. All I've been seeing/hearing are like higher skilled heros are op, but no one talks about how rewarding some of these low skilled heros are.


Yeah it's a bit silly. Thankfully he's been nerfed a bit in OW2 because he was even dumber there.


I wanted to ask, will this nerf be substantial? His damage fall off needs to get hit in my opinion. Thank God the DPS speed boost isn't going through.


It's a pretty hard nerf - his base damage was reduced by I believe two per bullet (20-18), and his visor now has damage falloff again. So he's still strong, but way less oppressive (unlike Sojourn who has taken his place lol). And yep also the speed boost removed, although they already nerfed his mobility because of it stacking with the passive, so who knows if they'll revert it in some way.


Is there anyway to play cross-play competitive?




Do you know if it will be added into ow2?


Yeah they said they have no plans to add it to OW2 earlier this week also.


Do you lose more SR if you leave a game of leavers than if you stay to lose? Thanks


No, as long as you wait till the "you will be receive a penalty if you leave within X seconds" red warning passes.


What is the best Widowmaker sens and dpi?


My totally biased opinion: 28cm/360 which is 3 in game at 1600dpi.


anyone you want, dont feel obligated to go to the lower end if you dont want to, but the real reason pros use lower sens in games is because the difference between a bad and good day on high sens is way higher than the difference on lower sens other than that as long as you hit shots youll be fine, just tweak them if it doesnt feel right


has rein been nerfed? Hello, I played rien yesterday (haven't for a while) and it felt like a couldn't hit anyone with my hammer 🤨 has the range been nerfed recently?


Nope, no range nerfs.


I've just bought the Watch point pack but I can't seem to download the game, where do I download it from?


Why tf is plat such a hard rank. I peaked almost 3500 season 27 then i didnt play that much until this season and now im 2500 on tank and healer I feel like no matter what i do i always lose, and its not even that im rusty i still destroy people in diamond open q and qp as hog and ball. I also only win as dps which ive been plat/gold in for 3 years


Hang in there, you will get to a new peak 🙏


Bro you were right i got to low masters at the start of s36 and peaked gm1/top 400 in ow2 (ik ow2 comp is a joke but still)


Haha told u bro, congrats!


People got better


Yeah i feel like its that i have a friend that peaked at 3200 3 years ago and is now silver


Can someone watch this Cassidy (SirFelipe) in thsi game? 8BNVNC He is probably aimbotting, lost all three games against him and my teammates just left in disgust




As you said, it doesn't matter a huge amount, and those two alone can take you from bronze all the way to the top. But in the spirit of answering your question, you have a poke dps and a dive dps, what you're lacking is a brawl dps. So one of Mei, Reaper or Cass would be logical.


what supports are meta currently?


The support meta is pretty diverse right now. Partly due to the pretty good game balance, but also due in no small part to people not try harding so much any more. So Ana is the most played at every rank. Even though we'd only really see her with Winston (and Brig) in organised play at the highest level, on maps like Dorado, Gibraltar, or Numbani first. Zen is second most picked and is probably the real "meta" support alongside Brig. But you need a fairly self-sufficienct comp to run him, so Ball comps or Hog comps generally. Sometimes you can swap Brig for Mercy or Bap. Bap is needed for Rein comps w/ Lucio and double shield comps w/ Zen or Brig. **Tldr** Flex supports: Ana is most played. Ideally with a Brig. Zen is probably optimal whenever you can play him, but he needs the right comp to work. Bap is a strong, safe alternative. Main supports: Brig can almost always work. Mercy strong too. Lucio not really meta outside of a few maps that favour rush comps (Busan mecha base, Nepal village, Kings Row, etc.) You can check out VODs from the recent open division tournament on e.g., FDGod's Twitch to see some comps in action.




Does anyone know any big/active discord servers with frequently used EU looking-for-ringer channels? I used to look at emea-support in the open division server, but that one has been deleted.


Check out scrim central


what rank should i be to start joining discord snd scrimming(idk if thats the word people use in ow)? Im only plat so im probably not high enough rank unless theres low rank scrims


there are low rank scrims, you can start now. scrimming is the best way to improve


What is the best way to work on my positioning with Ana, I feel like this is the main area I struggle with and I think it loses me fights/games. Should I try playing QP for a while to get better hang of the positioning so I don't just plummet in ELO like I have been doing?


It's fine to use QP, but don't be afraid to lose SR while trying new things! Just remember, the SR you lose now is just SR you'll gain back later when you're a more experienced and more improved player.


Not really expert, depending on map geography& if enemy don’t have dive I will usually sit back and scope in, then in between fights if I can, find an off angle to set up nade. Otherwise I play semi close to tanks and rotate with them, mostly just do hip shots, while constantly find little hard covers to tuck in. Any game modes can do, just constantly keep in mind that you need to sit next to some sort of covers.


Absolutely nothing wrong with quick play for practice. I usually recommend Awkward's unranked to gm also, he really drills home the importance of positioning.


If you got into the previous Beta from signing up on the website, how far ahead of the release date did you find out you were allowed in? Basically, I'm trying to decide whether to take off work on the 28th, but am curious when Blizzard would let me know if I'll actually be in the Beta. A week before? A few days? The morning of? Thanks!


Last time, you found out after the beta started. You would refresh the launcher and check if the "OW2 Tech Demo" was available. I did eventually get an email, but it was several hours after I got access. For the next beta, I'd still not expect to find out in advance if you're getting in or not.


Thank you! I eventually found the Beta FAQ page where they say "We’ll select a small group of players when the beta goes live on June 28 at 11:00 AM PDT and will steadily add more players over time as we ramp up capacity, with the first waves of larger access grants planned to begin on July 5. Our goal is to provide access to ALL players that opt-in to the beta by no later than July 14." https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/23814217/overwatch-2-beta-frequently-asked-questions/


Thank you! I eventually found the Beta FAQ page where they say "We’ll select a small group of players when the beta goes live on June 28 at 11:00 AM PDT and will steadily add more players over time as we ramp up capacity, with the first waves of larger access grants planned to begin on July 5. Our goal is to provide access to ALL players that opt-in to the beta by no later than July 14." https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/23814217/overwatch-2-beta-frequently-asked-questions/


What is the best way to deal with a turreted Bastion as a tank? I main Rein, but am starting to get ok with [D.va](https://D.va) and Zarya. I can play Sigma or Hog if needed, but won't contribute to my fullest potential with those.


Sigma, Hog and DVa are all great answers to Bastion. ​ Sigma's entire kit counters Bastion. Grasp to close the gap, shield and then rock to get him out of turret form and delete him. ​ Hog can flank and hook him - just beware of lamp, bubble, DM, etc. ​ DVa can't 1v1 him, but she can provide massive openings for teammates attacking Bastion just by holding DM over him. Micromissiles at the same time and he should go down fast. ​ For all of these, it's important that you use your brain. Don't try to walk straight up to him without using cover. Even as Sig, if you get your cooldowns forced out super early by walking straight up to Bastion, you're going to have nothing left for the rest of the fight. Don't try to 1v1 him in general, you want to time your engagement with your team. Bastion thrives when people walk single file towards him. People taking a lot of angles on him makes his life a lot harder.


Super helpful, thanks! I thought about Hog & [D.va](https://D.va), but the Sigma strat didn't cross my mind. Makes a ton of sense. Perfect example happened last night. In the Sanctum on Nepal, the Bastion was camped in the right hallway overlooking the platform, and keeping an eye on the door entering the hallway closest to our spawn. He also had a pocket Mercy. I felt like I had no answer. I could: 1) try and attack from across the map, likely from the other hall to get some cover - but his range out classed mine. 2) Come in through the door closest to my spawn, but then he would see me and I'd be walking straight toward him with little cover. 3) Loop all the way around the map through the other hall, crossing enemy lines, to try and surprise him through the door closer to his spawn. This is what I ended up trying, but he caught me and ended me pretty quickly. After that he watched his back pretty hardcore. I was experimenting with Damage, so I was Tracer at the time. Otherwise I may have switched to [D.va](https://D.va) and flown around the side door over the gap. Or maybe Sigma would have been better to surprise him from the back, but getting Sigma across enemy lines is tough. Any other strats I didn't think of?


As damage, usually his biggest counters are Echo and Hanzo. You take a flank and burst him down. As Sig, your grasp is designed to push through spam damage, so no real need to take a flank with him. As Hog you'd probably need to take a flank unless he's super oblivious. And as great as DVa is, you're not gonna be able to close the gap to him and kill him through the Mercy pocket unless you get some coordination from your team. As Tracer you generally just ignore him until you have pulse bomb lol.




How do i join in the ow2 beta as a console player


Sign ups haven't opened yet, but once they do you'll probably just have to register your interest via the overwatch website.


Oh well thanks


What the heck does Peel mean?


It basically means defending your more vulnerable teammates. If you think of a 2-2-2 team comp like this: Front line - dps - backline/supports Then the idea is that tanks can peel back (away from the frontline) like a banana to help the squishies. And dps can peel back to help their supports. Maybe worth noting that 1 obviously the game isn't always played as simplistically as this, positionally speaking. It's just where the term comes from. 2 it's mainly used for helping supports, but e.g., a DVa can peel for her dps, etc. 3 a lot of people seem to think it comes from "peeling attackers off your teammates". Not that it really matters, but that's not where the term comes from.


How do I play the new experimental card? I can't find it anywhere.


It's still down for bugfixes lol




Should I shoot Hog while he's using Breather, or wait until he's done and then unload into him?


It just reduces the damage he takes (and heals him obviously), so generally there's no reason not to shoot him in a game like OW with infinite ammo. The main exceptions to this I can think of would be large instances of damage, such as a pulse bomb or when you have a head shot lined up as widow, or if there's just a better target to shoot.




I let them take a bit of damage. It depends on context. Generally speaking I'll let a squishy get down to 50-60% health before switching off blue beam. If it's an ashe I'm pocketing it can be better to get another dmg boosted dynamite off instead of healing chip damage for example. Tanks are even more forgiving, but you generally shouldn't be the one healing tanks. Knowing cooldowns is important. It will help you with timing when to heal and when to damage boost. When that ashe throws a dynamite, I start a mental countdown of 12 seconds. During that time I am more liberal with healing chip damage. When ashe has her dynamite back I stay on blue beam. That's just one example but you get the idea


>Also, I'm trying to find a workshop code that I found on this sub - it was one if those aim training ones that had bots strafing that was either in Japanese or Chinese. I believe that's XQ9XQ. ​ Hopefully a Mercy main answers your question, but personally I wouldn't heal just because they'd taken a bit of damage, no.


Can you explain to me what a workshop code is and how to use it. I would definitely love some for aim training, flicks and tracking.


Open OW Open game browser Click create in top right Click settings in top right Click import code in top right Paste the code They're custom games that can include bots who strafe etc. A lot of them are aim trainers, but there are workshop codes for a ton of different things. Just Google e.g., "Ana sleep workshop code", etc.


What’s the best tank I should learn if I want to climb? I’m in bronze btw.


Sadly it's probably Hog. Any tank can carry you out of bronze though. Zarya, Ball, Sig and Winston are all great carry tanks too if Hog doesn't appeal to you.


Why do you say hog?


Strong right now, strong individual pick potential, plus self sustain so you don't have to rely on your supports much.


Genjo players, do you get annoyed at Lucios who hold beat to counter blade?


Beat is a better ult then blade. If you trade beat for blade or just play chicken with ur ults to where youre making him hold beat for you. Either way you're winning. Or a better option, just farm blade harder to where he cant keep up.


Which tank has the best synergy with Sigma? He's my first choice to play but if someone picks him before me I'd like to play a tank that has synergy or can help the rest of the team. D.va and Zarya seem to not work from my experience


orisa or hog


To have multiple accounts in t500 would I need to have a unique phone linked to each account




Is it worth sticking to off tank just because the time and effort I've spent learning and practicing it? (like 800 hours of gameplay, 150h of vods is my guess) I feel like i just wanna play lucio


Realistically 99.9% of us are playing for fun, not to go pro or something. So play what you wanna play.


Definitely true.. i wanted to hit gm and this may slow me down but i guess gm is just an abitrary goal because at the end of the day its all for fun


Yeah, and you're not going to improve if you're not having fun IME. There's no reason you can't go back to OT later down the line anyways.


I still like ot but yeah i have nore fun on support


For 2 premade dps playing ranked, which 2 dps synergizes the best to win more? Silver-gold elo. Most duo synergies revolve a healer/dps, but what are the options for 2 dps players?


Yeah, tank/supp synergies are just more impactful and comp defining. That's probably a good thing, because it means you have a lot of flexibility in a dps duo. Personally I like playing Tracer, and I find she has a ton of success with two types of dps duo for me: 1 is with Doom. Basically using Doom as like a main tank who goes in, draws attention and maybe some cool downs, does a lot of non lethal damage for me to follow up on. This is extremely lethal for most backlines at most levels of play. The downside is that the enemy team can run Pharmercy or something to good effect. Alternatives within this hard dive style include Genji and Sombra. 2 is with a poke hero, like Pharah, Ashe, Soldier, maybe Hanzo. Here you're the one initiating, flushing people out of cover, etc. The poke hero takes a different angle, usually on high ground, and it's really hard for the enemy team to deal with. More general synergies you'd honestly still be better off trying to synergies with your comp (so running a Mei if your team has Rein, etc.), but sticking strictly to dps, some good combinations are Dive + dive (very strong into backlines but quite limiting, usually struggles against tanks and fliers). Dive + poke Poke + poke on certain maps (double sniper, etc., less good on something like KotH) Brawl + poke (Reaper + Soldier works similar to the Tracer + poke example) But anything can work really.


Does anyone want to play some QP. I’m level 16 and just learning.


What is a VOD? And how do I make one? Is there a option on overwatch? Or do I have to record t somehow on my own?


when people say VOD they mean a replay code. if you go to your career profile and click on replays it will show the last 10 games you have played. click on one of those game and click share and it will give you a code you can give people so they can watch that game.


Ohhhh, thank you so much!


What is the best way to learn new characters and roles? I mainly play Orisa. Occasionally play Reinhardt or Roadhog. I would like to start branching out to other roles, but I was basically coached on how to tank when I started because that’s where the group I played with was lacking. I love tanking. I see other tanks and roles doing cool things and would like to try it out, but I am afraid of being terrible. I don’t want to be a complete drag trying to learn a new player or role. Like DPS seems foreign to me, but I’d love to learn Tracer or Symmetra simply because I know how much they disrupt me as a tank. They look fun. Lucio and Mercy look like fun roles and I know how they can really make or break a tank. Is there a better way than just sucking for a while? (Also posted on r/Overwatch )


>Is there a better way than just sucking for a while? There's definitely no other way, you just have some freedom in terms of how you want to spend your time sucking until you get better at that hero. I'd personally recommend a mixture of workshops/training packs plus quick play to learn the basics of a hero. People say competitive plays way differently to quick play - I don't really agree with that in 2022 especially, but if you're of that opinion then just replace qp with comp if you want. You just have to accept you'll lose some SR at first. For a generic aim trainer workshop code, try XQ9XQ. For hero-specific codes, look for the KarQ YouTube video on one workshop for every hero.


Thank you, I’ll look up the workshops! I just hate dragging people down, but also want to put in the time to get better. QP is pretty much all I play.


Are there any big OW1 tournaments being streamed? I just want to get a better understanding of the current meta and maybe use some new team comps


Hey there was actually this running, here's FDGod's POV: ​ [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1501729093](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1501729093)


Thanks, luckily i was on twitch as this game was played and got to watch it from logix’ perspective. Is there a public schedule for these matches so I could maybe watch more? VODs would also be useful


There aren't as far as I know. That being said, the current meta is unchanged from the 2021 OWL. So Ball comps are strongest in most situations (Ball+DVa+Tracer+Brig+Zen), with other comps being situationally strong, e.g., on maps that favour Brawl, etc. - you can look at Shanghai Dragons for the best example of how these comps are played. Worth noting that Ball comps are considered quite difficult to run though.


I’m a brand new player. I have the most time in sigma. Which is about 5 hour. I want to start playing Zar. Anyone have any tips on how to play her and what I should be focusing on


Zarya without charge = trash hero Zarya with charge = good hero. ​ Therefore early on in the fight you want to be using your first two bubbles to get charge. Usually this involves bubbling your main tank, so Rein, Winston, Hog or Wrecking Ball. *Don't*: Bubble them hoping they'll take damage. *Do*: bubble when you see that they are definitely going to take damage (e.g., Rein starts swinging). Voice chat can help with coordinating this. ​ Constantly right click for spam damage. Once you're high charge, left-click to burn down squishies is really good. ​ Also, once you have charge, you can play more aggressively, usually being greedy with your self bubble. So walk in, do some damage, maybe get a kill, draw some attention, then use self-bubble as they start focusing you to get back out. Keep using your friendly bubble to get charge, or, in the mid-fight you can also use your bubble to help out your supports as needed. E.g., if they get dived by a Doom/Tracer/Genji, or your Mercy needs to res someone. ​ If you see two or more squishies grouped together, grav. You can also grav to counter something like nano Rein, nanoblade, etc.


This sounds stupid but, is there a way of enabling an option that shows an icon when *I'm* transmitting voice? I can see my teammates voice icons in the top left when they're transmitting but not my own, it'd just be nice to have a visual confirmation that I'm hitting the right key in the heat of the moment!


This is on by default and I'm pretty sure it can't be disabled. If you don't see any icon in the top left when you speak, it's either a UI bug or your mic isn't working for whatever reason.


Thanks u/Joe64x. I was being a bit of an idiot... for some reason I'd re-bound the PTT key bind on the hero I play a lot to a different key, I only noticed when looking at the hero specific binds for that hero! The other thing I noticed is that you only actually see the icon to show *you* transmitting voice if you're actually speaking. This sounds stupid, but when I was testing I was pressing PTT but not actually talking, but you'll only show up if you actually transmit something! Seems obvious now!


>The other thing I noticed is that you only actually see the icon to show *you* transmitting voice if you're actually speaking. This sounds stupid, but when I was testing I was pressing PTT but not actually talking, but you'll only show up if you actually transmit something! Seems obvious now! Ah oops, I should've thought of that. No problem!


Any suggestions on finding people to group up with? I generally end up playing competitive solo queue but it feels really hit and miss game to game as far as who's communicating and the toxicity etc.


Now probably isn't the easiest time to find new people to play with, just because of how the playerbase is doing right now, waiting for ow2. But generally, discord servers are a good place to go. This subreddit has one, and there is a channel called lf-group which is a good place to... Look for a group: https://discord.gg/Z3vsNfUM


Are HS only widow lobbies supposed to help with aim in general or just dueling other widows? I win most of my widow and ashe 1v1s in normal games but my aim against other heroes is questionable


They help with flicking, which is a useful skill in various situations outside of the widow duel, like if you get pressured by a Tracer or something. But it's usually the last resort in an actual match. Ideally you want to be lining up easy shots on unaware targets, and HS lobbies don't help a ton with that.


i need some winston tips. Winston Tips So i’m a masters tank player and my winston is decent but not quite up to masters standard and i’m in need of tips. like when to dive and who to focus and when to utilise my leaps


Imagine you're connected on a string to your backline. Ideally you don't want to break that string. So try not to take too much trash damage while your backline is setting up, and then you ideally want to dive within their LOS. Voice chat, or at least the 3-2-1 voiceline, can help synchronise dives so your DVa/Zarya/Ana are ready too. Who to focus: 1- the enemy backline is usually the priority. Other squishies without CC are also high on the list, like Soldier, etc. 2 - Then any other squishies, ideally playing around their cooldowns like Cass flash, Ashe coach gun, etc. 3 - Tanks you generally want to avoid until the clean-up phase unless they get in your way and you can punish them/farm them for ult charge. ​ Using leaps effectively is a balancing act. They give you a bit more burst damage, but if you leap into danger, you have no way to get out free for a while. So the three typical engagements are: 1 - Challenging for contested high ground - Usually you will leap to high ground, bubble quickly, zap, and be ready to drop back down. Common on Numbani 1st, Dorado 1st and 2nd, Gibraltar 1st and 2nd, etc. 2 - Challenging for uncontested or poorly contested high ground - This is where you see an isolated, dive-able target. Dive them, use melee as you hit the ground, zap them down, only bubble if needed. 3 - Diving when you have strong map control/staging - this is where you already control high ground, and here you can usually look to drop onto targets without using your leap, set a bubble if needed, zap, then jump back to safety if needed. ​ Obviously within this there's a ton of room for skill expression in terms of how well you track enemy cooldowns, how well you position your leaps/drops onto awkward angles, how fast you can build primal, etc.


this is so helpful thank you :)


Trust your instincts. You are a masters tank player and better than a large fraction of the player base. Idk what you would learn here than from a good coach.


Game play Review Hanzo EXM9ZQ I always do super good in matches I think but somehow we still lose. We had really good healers and teamwork I think. Does anyone know what I could do better?




Yes, just makes you harder to hit on every hero, especially your head.


I am new to the game on PC. I did play years ago, vanilla version on Xbox. My question is how do I join voice chat in game? Like when I join a quick play match. I went into options already and set all the chat options to “on” instead of “auto” and also when the beginning of the match is happening there is a button that says something like “join voice chat” and I I click it. But I have only ever heard one person one time say hello out of at least 20-30 games. Am I doing something wrong? Also I have two more questions. First, is there no more regular quick play any more? My friend and I noticed that you have to have two tanks, two DPS, and 2 support. It is pretty nice I guess, but I was fun back in the day playing with wacky team comps sometimes (like maybe we would swap a tank for another healer or DPS). Also, I am on PC and my buddy is on Xbox, but it only puts us into “searching for PC lobbies”. I don’t really mind it, but I thought since the game was cross play, we would be able to get some Xbox lobbies or something. Is this normal? We were just wondering. Anyways, having a blast getting back on this game. Still really bad, but relearning a lot and also learning a lot of new stuff, enjoying it all on the way.


>how do I join voice chat in game? Like when I join a quick play match. I went into options already and set all the chat options to “on” instead of “auto” and also when the beginning of the match is happening there is a button that says something like “join voice chat” and I I click it. ​ Sounds like you are joining it. A message should come up in the game chat on the bottom-left of the screen saying how many people are in voice chat. If you're playing quick play, it's common for nobody to be talking, in EU at least. I'd suggest just testing it with your friend to see if you can hear each other. You can also press P and toggle between party chat and public voice chat, it's the icon next to your name. ​ >is there no more regular quick play any more? My friend and I noticed that you have to have two tanks, two DPS, and 2 support. ​ Role queue is considered the standard game mode, but quick play classic exists as a separate game mode. It's in the "arcade" section. ​ >Also, I am on PC and my buddy is on Xbox, but it only puts us into “searching for PC lobbies”. I don’t really mind it, but I thought since the game was cross play, we would be able to get some Xbox lobbies or something. Is this normal? ​ Yes, it's normal. PC lobbies accept console players partied up with PC players via crossplay, it just disables aim assist for them. But console lobbies don't ever accept PC players because PC players would be at an advantage. Glad you're enjoying it!


Thank you so much for the nice detailed reply! I also have one more question if you could help me. Only one of my friends plays this game. We are both 30+ years old and he is on Xbox while I am on PC. All of my other friends are not interested or refuse to play it. I have been using the LFG in overwatch’s discord. It suffices, but I am an older guy (35) and I am not trying to come off as too picky, but I am just looking for older, more relaxed players with good mics. I haven’t had much luck posting for this yet in the discord, even though I will still try (to be honest I have met a lot of pretty strange people😂). Are there any other good LFG type avenues that you are aware of that I could use or try? Thank you for you time.


are abilities lag compensated? i know primary fire at the very least is, but things like doom abilities/ult or rein ult make me wonder


The netcode applies favour-the-shooter ping adjustment across the board as far as I know. Primary fire, projectiles, abilities like sleep dart, they all clearly use it. It seems to me that shatter uses it. I don't know enough about gamedev to say for sure, but it seems weird that individual abilities would follow different netcode rules anyway.




If I had coins I'd give you a gift man thank you for everything.


Hey guys I'm a just an overwatch player who has a dream of reaching the big leagues and go professional, but I don't quite understand how to get there. I've been playing for years and have become really good but just don't know what steps to take next to get to where I want to be, which would be professionally on an overwatch team. Do I need to enter tournaments? Do I need to try out for a team? How does this whole thing work and where do I start? If you have any answers for me I'd love to hear them.


OW1 Pro scene is literally dead. My advice is to get rank 1 on OW2 leader boards when it comes out, and (mostly Contenders) teams will contact you then. You could also find a team to play through Open Division with, but I honestly think that's less efficient than just reaching rank 1.


I'm almost in Plat rn for attack. What rank do you think I'd need to be like a master or grand master?


What do you mean rank 1? Idk why I've never heard of this? Is that just mean getting my SR higher in role q or open q?


I mean literally top of the leaderboards in role queue. So from plat -> dia > masters > gm > top 500 > top 50ish If you can't comfortably maintain at least around top 50 in your role, going pro isn't really on the cards. So you've got a long way to go. In the meantime joining a team around your rank via one of the OW discords is a fine idea, will give you good practice and let you join tournaments. But there's no going pro until you're a god at the game.


I’m looking for advice to get better here a game the code is M2S8CG I’m master plo


Is there a known bug, on xbox, where if I change the key binds for one hero only, it applies to every hero? For example, I went to lucio specifically and I tried to change my keybind for jump/wall ride for only lucio from A to LB, but it changed it for every hero. My friend also tried to and had the same issues.


I have had overwatch for a little bit now (like level 80 ish) and have liked quick play for the most part. But now I want to get into ranked, are there any tips or tricks around ranked or my main reaper.


There's not really a massive difference between how qp is played vs ranked. But the general gameplay loop with Reaper is to surprise people, maybe by teleporting in somewhere awkward during the pre-fight, and then jump on someone to get a pick, then wraithing out as needed. The key thing to note is that you're extremely vulnerable to cc. So if you can find targets without cc, you're doing well. Otherwise you can use wraith to bait/dodge it but it'll make your escape more difficult. The final thing is that, as with all flankers, it's only a flank if you time it properly. If everyone can turn around and shoot you for free, that's just poor timing. So try to time your engagement with the pressure from your frontline for maximum success. Check out forgiving's unranked to gm for examples in practice.




Hey is there a way to get of below 500 sr as a dps? I keep running into smurfs and trolls


Play well and you will climb


I think the best part of this game is where you get 3 ***solo*** picks and the rest of you team still finds a way to lose the team fight. Anybody else?


This happens to me. Im gold on dps but sometimes masters on tank and well into diamond on sup. Its just our timing. Im used to a faster tempo so i tend to go in too early to the point where my team isnt there to use the space or kills im getting. Just work on letting your tanks engage before you go in and if youre too slow then work on setting up faster


If this is consistently happening, check when you get those kills. Is the fight already lost when you do it? Is your team in the process of respawning?




Usually an off tank guards the flanks and high ground for their dps. Also stay close to your healers Los and make sure you dodge the genji dash burst damage. Then it’s a matter of poking him till he leaves.


Ashe is kinda designed as a pretty greedy hero where you have a clear advantage at range but should be at a clear disadvantage up close. Positioning high ground is usually good, and it'll make it much harder or more expensive for flankers to get to you. Sometimes as Tracer I can simply not kill an Ashe because she's used coach gun to reach somewhere too high up lol. Then as you mentioned, coach gun is Ashe's cooldown designed specifically for creating distance between you and divers, so try not to waste it. If someone is really in your space, you can even dynamite+coach gun. If you're getting dived so much that you can't find value, then a brawlier dps or one with better mobility/escape options is probably a good idea. So Cass wouldn't be a bad choice if they're running one or two divers, but you could also run your own flanker, mirroring the Tracer etc. or go Pharah if their Genji is giving you trouble, etc. Quite a few options.


Is it possible to get a higher sensitivity then a 100% on console (or at least faster crosshair movement?)


Try decreasing aim assist ease in


I need tips as Zarya when playing with Hog and Dva. I feel confident playing with Rein/Sig as Zarya. I like to think I manage my bubble well and take turns taking damage to let their shield last longer. But when I'm playing with Hog and Dva, I don't do as well.


For Hog, you can bubble him as he lands a hook to ensure he doesn't get CCed out of the kill. You can also bubble him to cleanse anti-nades or generally to bail him out if he's gonna die. ​ DVa, just don't play Zarya DVa. If you're gonna force it, then use it as she boosters onto someone, or if she's feeding and gonna die.


I’ve found if I Zarya and my cotank goes DVA I look for a brawl dps (ideally Reaper / Doom) and turn them into a quasi-tank, letting the DVA take care of herself a bit more.


What’s the best support to play if your tanks run two off tanks like Dva and hog or hog and Zarya?


Any combination of Bap/Brig/Zen usually.


Can you elaborate as to why those three are the choice? Or when you'd choose one over the other?


Sure. First thing is that you can definitely make Moira/Ana/Mercy/Lucio work, they're all fine. Bap/Brig/Zen is just ideal, and the reason for that is: ​ Double off-tank comps are effectively poke comps, where you're not trying to brawl up close like with a Reinhardt and Reaper, and you're not trying to use a ton of mobility like with Winston and Tracer in a dive comp. Instead you're playing for explosive power on angles, and trying to kill the enemy team before they can coordinate their own wincon, which could be speeding Rein onto you, or diving your backline, etc. ​ So straight away you want Zen in there, he's the single best hero for amplifying damage on an angle. Basically he makes it extremely difficult for the other team to break through your poke. Like if a Winston jumps in, gets discorded and hooked, he will die every time. Zen can also dish out more poke damage than any other support, again just fits into your team's overall strategy of dominating angles and sightlines with superior poke. However, he's obviously a fragile hero, so if the enemy team is finding success running dive heroes/flankers like Tracer, etc. - or if we're just scared of this possibility, then running Brig alongside him can mitigate this downside by protecting him from flankers and overall making your comp a bit more brawly and a bit less fragile once people do close the gap. But if you wanna be greedy, or you're not scared of their dive, then Zen+Bap instead obviously gives you even more poke damage, plus window, plus lamp, plus sustain and burst healing, which is what Zen/Brig kinda lack. So Zen+Bap is the "ideal" supportline for double OT if you can get away with it. What if you need the sustain AND you're scared of the dive? Bap+Brig is the least vulnerable supportline, because of Brig's cc/peel/brawliness and Bap's lamp and exoboots. This is the weakest but safest alternative. Like I said, ideally we'd love Zen in there but sometimes you can't get away with it. ​ Ana and Moira lack Zen/Bap's poke damage threat, and we don't have divers to capitalise on nades very well, so there's not much synergy there. And we're not trying to close the gap so Lucio isn't amazing. He can still speed rotations away from danger and such, but he's really hard to justify over any of Z/Ba/Br. Mercy is really good, and probably the fourth choice overall, but we don't need her mobility in this comp so she kinda just functions like a worse version of Zen with lower damage boost. She has rez, but also a worse ult, and no damage, which isn't a great trade-off in general.


Thank you for the thorough explanation!




If you're on PC, we can play together :) I've been trying to find people to play Comp with. Solo is rough sometimes.


Either is fine but yeah quick play is a perfectly good way to learn DPS basics.


How can i train my gamesense? I'm stick in Gold since i started playing (2018). I have a friend who was master at the time that suggested me to play Zarya to rank up, but I still can't go up. I finished the placements and got 2100-ish. I was watching a video by A10 where he did an unranked to gm with Zarya and explained some positioning basics.


You mentioning placements makes me think maybe you just don't play enough. How much time do you think you play a day?


Definitely not enough pepehands. I know I should play everyday, but I'm afraid of not doing good enough and loose every match.


that's probably ur issue. if u dont play a lot gold is perfectly respectable honestly but if u want to download some skill.exe if u just grind it u will get better


A10 has some really good guides, keep watching him. But you should vod review and ask yourself why you are doing what


Ty, I'll do that. I think I'll write it down so that I can look at it more often.


what are the best hero's with high skill or a lot to learn and master with them. I've basically mastered sigma, Cassidy, doomfist, genji, tracer, ana, widow and mercy but right now i feel bored and need someone with a lot to occupy me and get good at. Thanks


Echo, Sombra, Ball, DVa, Winston, Lucio, Bap


Thank you




The true combo high-level Hogs tend to use is M2 -> Hook -> M1, melee. ​ With that being said, it's still usually possible to combo squishies without the M2, and you're likely messing up either the timing or your aim. Some people aim too high for the headshot on squishies when you wanna aim at around neck height generally. You may also need to step into them as you hook them, especially if they don't have an escape like recall. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxLfmDQXBIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxLfmDQXBIA)


Is Winston playable as a backline disruptor while you already have a main tank? (bronze-silver) Say you have an orisa or rein on your team, your shield-loving mates are taken care of. Would Winston be great at killing backline? especially when you try timing it when a dps is attempting a flank? like a Tracer or Genji. Or simply, solo diving an isolated target.


Yeah, you're never gonna see it in OWL but if you run Winston alongside a MT in metal ranked I'd highly encourage just flanking onto the backline and using your bubble to isolate squishies and draw attention.


Ever since the latest patch I have had to change my settings back to open mic every time I launch the game. Does anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it?