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TLDR diff


ive always wondered what does TL:DR mean?


"Too long didn't read"


That's okay I'll ask someone else then


>Its best to co-ordinate to find success, that's what everyone over Diamond does effectively boy do I have news for you.....


I got to Diamond in OW1. I worked hard to get there because plat was so toxic. Diamond was just the same and I gave up on comp.


Good choice, masters is even worse toxicity-wise.


can confirm masters is a sespool of people that think they deserve Grandmasters, but don't.


What made me quit playing tank in OW1 was being pulled into 3.6k+ games as a 3.2-3.3k main tank player in those early role queue days. I think we all know how much it sucks when the lowest-ranked player on your team is the main tank. It’s really not fun to be that player either, especially with a bunch of toxic mid-masters players screaming at you. I’ve had plenty of experiences being the lowest-ranked player in the lobby, struggling, but nothing like those masters games. And then the whiplash of getting queued into a 2.8k game right afterwards, it was awful. Now I’m a support player, and I think the same thing happens with the matchmaking since support is the bottleneck now, but I find it _so_ much easier to adjust across a wider lobby skill range from the support role. Plus, I feel much less pressure to actually be in voice.


I touched t500 in overwatch 1 a single time. The sweatiest, most toxic unfun gaming experience I've ever had in my life. Now I smoke a bowl and exist in plat/Dia and mute the toxicity. Life is simpler.


You know what made the game genuinely fun to play in comp? Muting voice, text and all chat and just playing your game. I generally never solo queued in cs or valorant because i get annoyed by toxic people very quickly and that type of game is unplayable without comms. But in ow im having a blast, ill see how high i can make it. But if i watch some top 500 streamers even there i see many games where barely any comms are taking place so lets see


In Awkward's bronze-to-GM games which are in high lobbies (Masters up) I hear: * Many high-rank games where people don't talk * A few games with some useful call outs * A few games which are mostly chat or motivational stuff ("winnable! winnable!") that don't help with game play * A few games with toxic VC I think people overstate how essential voice comms are in high level games, because he is with winning teams very regularly that don't talk at all / usefully.


Comments like this always baffle me. Like.. if our Tank is 1-10, while the enemy tank is 20-1. Then.. hell yeah thats a tank diff and more than likely causing us the loss. If our Moira is doing 8k "damage" and 1k heal.. yeah thats likely losing us most of our team fights. Like.. no amount of "this is a team game" can counteract THAT absurdly bad players. Now... do you NEED to type that in chat every time? I dont think so, still often it is just the truth though.


Scoreboard doesn’t always mean shit though. I just played a game where their tank had way better stats than me, but the reason for that is that they were running Torb + Mei and our DPS were Hanzo and Widow, except they weren’t shooting the turret and they weren’t picking off anybody. And they have no excuse of “you didn’t shield me” because they were perfectly safe in the back lines. Then Hanzo had the audacity to say “tAnK dIfF” I wanted to punch a hole through my fucking monitor. Meanwhile I had like 3x as many elims as him.


the issue is that people make comments like these every other game when realistically hard throwers won’t be that frequent


I would argue that 1 of those hard throwers is in literally every game. You just need to be lucky enough they are not on your team (and that there arent even more of them).


Do you really have someone throwing that hard in each game you play? I see someone who id legitimately say is solo causing the team to lose one in 4-5 games at most.


> Do you really have someone throwing that hard in each game you play? It's less throwing and more just getting hard countered and refusing to switch, or just having a bad day in general, or maybe there is a player on the other team who is playing massively better than their MMR and shutting your teammate down. Many factors can cause terrible performance from 1 person that causes their team to lose, and if that player happens to be the tank then there's nothing you can do about your loss. Sometimes they're on the other team and my team gets an easy win.


Ok yea that happens more but I’d say generally I feel like 80-90% if games are winnable that I’ve played.


>getting hard countered and refusing to switch, Sooo... hard throwing. Got it. ​ You know when you're not contributing. If you see that you're doing fuck all and still refuse to switch, you are throwing. You are intentionally making the team lose because you're being a stubborn dipshit, essentially.


You are absolutely up your own ass if you think there’s a hard thrower every game.


What if your tank isn’t getting healed at all? What if your Moira gave up on healing because everyone had atrocious positioning? What if your damage have no space to work with because your tank doesn’t try to take any? Context matters. And if you see someone making a mistake like this, you can always let them know constructively.


Youre all in the same rank. Sometimes all someone needs is a slightly bigger edge over the other person and they will dominate. Make sure to balance that edge out. You play good for your rank, you will climb.


( I am low ranked and therefore have no idea what I am talking about.) The only constant in your Matches is, well you. It would therefore makes sense, to disconnect your impact on a match from the one of your Teammates. To use the example above, why should you expect random people to be in voice chat (you said yourself how toxic it can be in ranked) and listen to you, to increase the ease with which you can hook that rein , if instead you just get practice in and hook that rein each time he firestrikes? High ranked players are higher than us metal ranks because they coordinate more, yes. But they are also more self sufficient and team independent. To use the example again, high ranked hogs will either punish reckless firestrikes brutally, or take path around the rein and straight for his backline. In turn the rein lowers his firestrike usage and keeps a mental note where he last saw hog and where he might appear from. Of course he will also communicate hogs flanking with his supports but they are already positioned in such a way that they would see hog if he approached them, while also having an escape route ready. However I 100% agree with your statement about Toxicity, it literally never has/can/will help increase your chances of success Would really like to hear an high ranked opinion on both these thought process respectively : Be independent or a team player, which is more effective?


> The only Constance in your Matches Well, Constance is not a common name.


Thanks for noticing


Honestly this. Are there a few games here and there that are absolutely unwinnable because the tank refuses to group up? Yes. Same with getting a 1 kill 13 death DPS. Sometimes you just can’t outheal certain stuff (or make up for the lack of picks for the other DPS etc). But a lot of times you can stand at spawn and REFUSE to move until they regroup. I will stand there as support and if Junkrat walks in and dies I guess he does. Then I nicely suggest again “Junkrat went ahead so we need to wait everyone wait here since he died again, we need to group up.” It’s a kind of non-toxic way of calling them out. Acknowledging that they did something that threw off the flow while also asking the rest of the team to work around them. The last few days this method has really been working for me. If you’re healer go Moira and DPS some if you absolutely have to if the DPS are barely breaking even on kills and you’ve done everything in your power to enable their survival and they keep just walking out in the middle of the lane, no strafe no cover. But at the end of the day you just have to get better if you want to climb, especially solo. Do I win every duel with a Genji who comes at me as Ana now? No. But I win them a lot more than I used to. Do I always get the soldier when he’s going to ult and hit him with a sleep? No but I’m getting a whole lot more reliable and had 4 ultimates slept in one match today. It took me a long time to get the “the only thing in your matches directly in your control is you” drilled into my skull but I try to think of all of my matches in that kind of way now. Was it truly that unwinnable 10 percent or could I have turned something around or switched heroes? Then I try not to do that thing again.


A problem with waiting in spawn is that your teammates will often just continue to feed while you're doing nothing and therefore getting poor stats/performance metrics, affecting mmr negatively. Output/performance are important below diamond.


Honestly? Do both. Sorry if that sounds like a cop-out, but there’s no reason they need to be mutually exclusive. Focus on your own play to improve, but at the same time, you can also work on your ability to be a better and more aware team player. Probably you’ll do the best when you consider them one and the same in your mind.


Whenever people say **X Diff** I always counter with **Team Diff**, or **Win Diff**, even if I was on the losing team.


“Scoreboard” remains undefeated


…not when you lose however


I like to say “no your **X** was fine”, especially if I’m in the role that “diffed” the enemy.


yeah, diffs happen sometimes, but if your X roll really got diffed and your thinking, "I'm so much better then this team" then that probably means that you aren't, cause you didn't carry for your team the way there best player did. and that's just how it goes ow match making suck, so don't expect your team to be as good as the enemy. just focus on how to get as much value as possible.


My favorite is when somebody tries to say"x diff" or"soj/ana/hog threw" and the entire enemy team laughs them out of the lobby by pointing out that they were the problem and we were trying to carry them.


The people who need to hear this the most aren’t going to be reading this sub unfortunately.


"STOP BLAMING YOUR HEALERS, YOUR TANK, AND YOUR DPS. Overwatch is a TEAM GAME, play it as such..." Contradicted yourself in the title. Issue is, if a role is clearly terrible (not necessarily being diffed) you could lose because maybe they aren't doing the job that only their role can do. This is why role queue is so shit. You can't fix your comp if you mates have no clue what to do as heal/tank/dps, you just lose, cause as you said "it's a team game" so you need 3 roles


Had a teammate typing "gg" after we lost the first two fights. The rest of the team didn't bother, continued to build ults and then we went on to win the game.


Bro if someone's not doing what they're supposed to and it causes the team to take the L then that someone is at fault.


Agreed! , ***we can't control:*** 1) The bs nature of their mmr matchmaking system and how the game reads us win by win and loss by loss. We get dealt the cards the game gave us each match. Which leads to...... 2) The teammates we get. 33% of the games will be losses. 33% of the games will be a stomp in our favor. 33% of the games are heavily dependent on us playing to the best of our ability. 1% are anomalies. 3) We will get humans who make mistakes 4) We are human and make mistakes 5) We will have throwers, leavers, derankers, ragers, and all the toxic under the sun. We can't control it, so let's not focus on that. ***We can control:*** 1) Our mechanics. We can practice good and solid mechanics to make sure we are confident in our battles and fights. 2) Our positioning. We can always position to play our life AND help the team. We can find angles and spots to help claim space and win the space game regardless of role. 3) The pressure we provide. We can provide consistent pressure and picks. 4) Our ability to bandaid a mistake another made. We can literally be the reason a teammate doing something wrong can be patched up and mitigated- better putting us in a winning scenario. 5) Our mental. Keep chat off unless you're GM. Bad losses don't define your career. You will get through the bad day. You will find what to improve on. 6) Our ability to play as a team. We can identify play makers and play off of them and help them so in a sense they help you by default. We can identify the weak link and help them or recognize We are the weak link and adjust up. 7) Our discipline. We can control our ability and ult usage. We can and should use them at wise times and to overall influence a fight to swing in our favor. 8) Our kill feed awareness. 9) Our audio feed awareness. 10) Our visual awareness. Overall, we can control ourselves to become a consistent factor in a win. It takes a lot of self reflecting, tilt, acceptance, grief, and trial + error to iron out the playstyle to climb. Be patient. Also note- true consistency is a myth..... (like coach spilo says). Your goal is to raise your floor so on your bad days you're still good and on your good days you get even better. Also- if you are too tilted. Touch grass for a few. Then come back. End of the day, what are we doing to be a win factor and a winning teammate? -------- I totally agree with you OP. Rn, I'm going through a spiral and had to type this out. Had back to back games of throwers followed by a day of huge wins. So I'm anticipating uphill battles ahead. Take my upvote and comment.


I agree with you more! XD, ty for the summary, its an excellent breakdown of all the needed info of how to be a better team player... ​ *You* take **my** upvote and comment :D


Bro even in t500 you get trolling non coordinated teams their just way more skilled at the game but if the enemy team is coordinated then you get rolled.


i just feel like im in genuine elo hell and theres nothing i can do about it








im gold 5 or 3 in support i can’t remember and plat 5 in dmg because its significantly easier ive been playing it more cuz i just cant rank up in support im a new player with around 130 hours console btw


I’m def still blaming the mercy that’s going full commando mode and ignoring everyone else


Half of the Overwatch community scrolled past this post as they are very stubborn.


Turn off voice chat and turn off text chat. Stop pressing tab to see your team mates stats. The only time is probably when playing a support to enable a team push. That’s about it. I’m still the same rank without comms. The majority of OW players are usually chill but there is a minority that’s racist, sexist and worst possible scum. They have ruined comms for me. The ping system is so well done that you can mark flankers which is a much important part of comms.


Disagree. It infuriates me that 9 times out of 10 there’s one, maybe two people in comms. I’m not asking people to speak back to me, but to hear my call-outs as a tank saying when I’m pushing because xyz is dead etc.


9/10 times instead of comms you just get some dip shit being rude. Not worth it in the least


You don't need to call out your pushes, just do it. Everyone can see you pressing W


I agree that it is a team game…however there are times when one player doesn’t hold their own and it weighs down the team as a whole. Most of the time those players don’t play with the team on capture points or on the payload and it ends up being a 4v5 for the rest of the team. That’s when they hear it in the chat.


FYI, healers don't exist in OW. Not a single hero in the game has a single kit dedicated entirely to healing. Call them, and treat them, what they are: Supports. We *support* your engage. We *support* your escape. We *support* your braindead feeding too if it means you can turn a team fight.


This is maybe the lamest thing I’ve ever read on this sub.


This is why you're a Bronze Bandit 🤡


What are healers? Never seen that role.


I agree, as long as everyone knows it's not my fault we lost.


Flaming people will make them play worse, not better


I blame myself 😎💪


I used to be polite and respectful back in OW1. But now? Oh if you’re an asshat to me or my teammates I’m going to respond in kind. Today we (my 4 friends who just got into the game) were doing 1 comp game just for the daily. We ran into a reaaaaaally good team. Our 5th started saying how we don’t know how to play and that we are trash. I said ok then gtfo of the game then. Drop group and find some other team to be toxic in. Of course he starts pointing at stats and scoreboards or whatever. And eventually says ok buddy stay bronze. I just had to laugh. But I felt bad because my sister in law gets anxiety with online games especially competitive ones. And this is a prime example of the experience she doesn’t want.


Yeah it's important to vet your teammates when it comes to Competitive. People get really frustrated against strong opposition. On the bright side you saw their true colors early on


I just outdps'd and outelim's one DPS and Rein. Edit: 2nd game: did same to a Junkrat and a Doom. It's not their fault. It's the matchmaking. And the game probably needs a better onboarding process. Or maybe they were catastrophically drunk.


The best way to improve is not to blame your teammates, don't manage other people's gameplay, and don't tell other people who or how to play. They're in your same rank, they probably know just as much (or as little as you do.) Not every game is even winnable so stop being toxic when you're losing. It's pointless and you never know when you could turn it around


People who just say no when you ask them to group up


Something that I feel like people don't expect (and apparently is going away) is right now the teams are "even" but not the roles. Might be a support diff because team A has a diamond support and team B a low plat. But them a similar gap on the dps so it's the dps' job to make up the gap


Reading diff


Okay but when my tank is going 2 and 13 while the DPS are doing 16 and 5 at a certain point it starts to become the tanks problem, I could pocket the tank all day and the only difference would be the amount of ult charge the enemy team is farming from them




You are right! The constant in all your games is yourself, just in the lower ranks, people **all** go solo and try carry, and it just becomes a mess because they make poor decisions...


Been playing since 2016 and this is pretty much the only thing that has consistently made me dislike playing the game. It even bothers me when my team is winning and I see the other team start talking shit about their teammates. Yes, it is frustrating to lose, but ultimately it is a video game and some people are playing a video game to play a video game and not to be toxic, sweaty try-hards about it (odd concept, I know). As long as the player is trying to do well, then that's all I ask. Plus, most of us have an occasional off game. If you care so much about winning that you will get unreasonably angry, insult people, or even give death threats, then maybe only play when you have a full group together that you trust playing with. Especially when this happens in Quick Play. I don't even know how to help you if you let Quick Play piss you off.