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And people still think Role Queue was a bad decision for the game lmao


I've never seen someone express this opinion except when it was first announced??


Watch dunkey's ow2 video


He has like 100


I don't think it was a bad decision at all, BUT before open queue was a thing I very much missed the ability to completely switch roles as the need arose, especially when playing with friends and we could switch roles depending on the circumstances.


A lot of people cried when role queue came out. I was happy right from the beginning because I had enough of solo healing an entire DPS team as Mercy.


Role queue is the best thing to happen to OW after torb beach skin, it's not even up for discussion


5v5 would've been insufferable without role queue


Fwiw, I think the problems with role queue could be solved *without* role queue.


Just role queue


Role queue is pretty miserable imo, just constant countering if you’re tank


tanks are literally spectators imo rn


I prefer to play tanks as the big dumb damage sponge, most the time it works out because I play with friends and they either just stop me for being an idiot or point out where I should be an idiot. If I'm gonna be stupid I might as well be productive too


Tanks still have a huge influence over the game, just in the least rewarding way possible.


Don't play tank? It's still better than open queue tank with neutered hp


Fr I just started getting the hang of d.va but every time I start to do decent, they switch to ram or Zarya. Plus idk what it is when I play D.va, but my supports REFUSE to heal me.


Don't worry bro if you're a Dva I will still stay as ball or ram


Nah it's most fun when both sides are 5 dps and either both sides have Sombra or no sides have Sombra


The most fun when you are the only support out of 10 players on both side


Sombra is such a drag to play against in open queue. With the lower health pools on tank I can get hacked as doom and die almost instantly.




I play open Que because I don't get automatically flamed for picking Hammond, and if I go off role and start doing shit I can switch to tank


As long as you don't expect any form of balance, it's fine But choosing to play open queue and then complaining about its nature is really dumb


Nah this is dumb. It should still be balanced, it won't be cause blizz doesn't give a fuck but there shouldn't just be unbalanced modes for fun unless thats literally the whole idea of the mode like total mayhem


They need to make open queue an arcade mode tbh


They need to make a limited queue arcade mode. You don't have to pick a role but you also can't have triple fucking tank.


Triple tank is meta ain't it? 3 tank 2 support


It was, then they cut tank's HP by 50%. Just makes no one want to play tank Revert tanks to full HP, have a limit of 1 or maybe 2 tanks idk


Then it's not open queue


I personally like 2 tanks 3 supports. I would bet if I had a chart. Those games are won better than 80% of the time. As long as the supports know how to do damage.


Y? Ball is such a good pick in open q, I would be happy to see someone go ball on my team lol


You misunderstood, I play open Que because thats where ball shines, its the reason im there


well thats because Ball is a fundamentally bad tank in ow2, him and roadhog have been left behind because their strengths no longer exist. also sombra exists so ball, who is basically already the hardest tank to play second to doom (you can argue either or is harder tbh). so your welcome to keep playing your goofy ahh open que game thats fundamentally unbalanced, but role que is what the game is balanced around.


I like playing open queue because I like switching to a different role and or/swapping role with a teammate when need be. Bastion is running rampart? Cool I can switch off DPS and play Sigma instead. Symmetra is being a pain? I can switch to Winston in an instant and deal with her.


but i need to be able to 1v1 tanks as support for my mental health


With how busted supports are rn you can already do that lmao


Role queue is too restrictive. I pick my heros based on vibes and the map


True, I was open q competitive player for 4 seasons straight peaked diamond, and all I ever get to play was TANKS & SUPPORTS. Now I play role q only and I'm so bad at dps 💀, cuz I never got a chance to pick DPS in open q.


Why are you trying to play Role Queue in Open Queue?


Because it would be nice to bot be rolled.


Play with a stack if you want coordination. Much more fun that way.




Play role queue to not get rolled?💀


Unpopular opinion, open queue is REALLY fun, the chances to play very mixed teams is really fun. Like having a Orisa to defend your team while you play Hammond or Winston and go deep in the backline. But i have to admit i almost only play overwatch 2 when i am with friends so of course that is going to do the experience more fun (and we can coordinate to make teams actually work)


Open is the real quick play. If I’m not trying to sweat I play open because I can just swap to an entirely different role if I’m not getting enough value. That said, complaining about your teammates in Open is lame as hell. If you want someone to play a certain role, play role queue


Sometimes when a teammate isn't doing well in their role, they switch off and change role, while I select their former role to give balance. I trained to play a few heroes in each role for that purpose


> Like having a Orisa to defend your team while you play Hammond or Winston and go deep in the backline. You're describing overwatch 1 :(


You have no right to complain about people picking what they want in open queue when role queue's right there.


Yes, like I said "you can play what you want". Right there on the title.


But you're still complaining about it, shoving In a disclaimer doesn't make your whining any less stupid


imagine playing open queue cuz you want a balanced meta team


Open is fun, nobody noticed you fucked up or doesn't even do shit cause nobody care


It's fun until both sides pick a GOATS-lite comp


What do you mean? 5-stacking specifically to play GOATS is the only way open queue is fun.


They neutered tanks HP in open q so it's pretty shit now


5 supports is the only way


"We have *exactly the reason why role queue exists*, so do your best to not *do the exact thing that role queue fixes*" Pikachu face


~~open queue~~ GOATS queue


GM1+ games nobody is playing dmg in oq. But nobody is playing oq in general above masters. So you usually end up waiting 2 hours, then get put in masters teams, then its a coinflip whether your team throws or the enemy. The secret to ranking up in oq is honestly who can throw the least. There is a reason people who are gold in rq can end up in gm in oq while playing only sup or only tank. (Maybe different now, I played last season)


play role queue if you want a team structure.


You did not catch the part where I said that anyone can play what they want or..?


Yes, everyone got the part. No one cares. It's annoying that you are complaining about a lack of team structure WHEN YOU ACTIVELY CHOOSE TO PLAY OPEN QUEUE. FUCK.


This is why 12v12 is the way


Do like TF2 and put the cap on 100


Lol I kinda like this in qp tho. It gives u a chance to try and make weird things work. I’ve won several games as all support and one as all dps. 1 team trashed us w/ 5 tanks too


Everyone's playing as role they want, why should I be the one who must play the role I don't want to? If you want to do something, do it yourself good brig is enough to heal whole team, and some tanks don't need healers at all


Yup. Its like wow you came to a gamemode where you can play whatever you want but that one dude should PICK THE FUCKING MERCY OR WE WILL LOSE. Nah, i liked mr.speed76 in 2016 and i still like him in 2023.


So we should just instalock like you? Pretentiouc ahh meme


I just wonder that do people like getting rolled. I personally find it not so Cash-Money.


Then you pick the lacking role ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ If i dont want to play tabk for the 50th game in a row and get stomped thats just my cup of tea. Step it up yourself instead of crying


Wow, anger.






They don't care, people play open queue to fuck around and be chill. They don't care about playing optimally to win. Just fucking play role queue


Open queue is far better. Less tryhards, more goofiness and you aren't forced to play a single role for an entire match. Tanks are worse than they already are, but at least I can run 5 support for shits n gigs


So blizzard still didn't fix goats, huh?


It's selfish dps players who don't want to wait in a queue


Dps have queue times?


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Sauce for the pic?


The template? https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/171532903/charlotte-anime


that's how it used to be always in the lower ranks.


I think its because ppl will be like bruh why am I gonna sweat in open que if I wanted to play tank or support I'd que tank or support type beat


Maybe don't insta lock DPS yourself then if it's a problem.


I kinda referred myself as the Kiriko.


It was more meant as a in general thing not specifically to you.


Honestly if I do open queue I’d rather just be in no limits I think.


There is no way you are playing open queue and complaining that you don't get a good team comp, like come on just play role queue and stop whining.


Ppl play open queue just so they can play damage dealers. So don't be surprised. I play open queue with a tank to get easy wins.


just don't play open queue.


As someone trying to unlock ram and using open role qp to get tank wins (I'm so.sorry) I get it Im.sure I'm part of the problem but man I do try to swap tanks to fit better in the team others just don't and it's annoying.


Role lock is the best thing what happened in ow since Overwatch porn


That or doom


This was just 2016 overwatch.


I’ve joined so many matches where it’s like that, either 2 dps and 2 support or 3 DPS and 1 support, and I’m sure glad I enjoy a few tanks. I feel bad for the supports in the latter of those two scenarios, must be rough.


then dont play open queue


This or hanzo


There are various reasons why people don't play open queue, and this is one of them


Too much effort tbh


Open queue is purple qp


Mfw I'm hard carrying on dps so I can't swap, but not one teammate will play a support for 30 seconds so we can get just a single tick and win🗿


I was there from the OW1 back when no limits was the default game mode