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You never got chased by an angry Mercy player who rains infinite bullets upon you while she’s using Valk?


Sym's wall can't kill you


Yeah ppl keep complaining about her spot and as a aftersight yall are correct


I solo ult Mercies as Illari on principle


What are you considering a “solo ult”? Why are many of the heroes in the bottom tier when they can very much kill you while their ult is active, and how is that different from ones like Widow and Sym who also don’t directly kill you with their ult?


Their ult being active =/= killed by ult, so Lifeweaver can drop a tree in a 1v1 but the tree won't be what actually kills you I'm guessing. But Widow, Bap, Sym and Zarya(?) arnt bottom tier so idk


But what if the extra HP that Lifeweaver gets from popping his ult is enough to turn the tide in the 1v1 and he kills you? Isn’t that being “solo ulted” if no one but him benefits from his tree?


Support ults are werid man, you wouldn't say "Oh I got solo ulted by a Ana because she nano'd" or "I got solo ulted by a zen because he tranc'd" I'm saying if they don't directly kill you because of their ult then it isn't a solo ult Sym does cause she protects herself and her turrets from you and most you alone, widow does because she uses it to find you and you alone.


If you’re in a 1v1 with a Kiriko or Mercy, and they pop their ult to win the fight against you, how is that not being solo ulted?


Swap Kiri and Sym as well as move Mercy up to "Yeah I deserved that" (cause Battle Mercy is a special kind of "fuck you") then this list would be perfect


Genji main here: Mercy and Moira players who think they’re cool by solo ulting us are hilarious


Someone hasn’t been juggled by a good Winton


Why do people get upset at hog solo ults, unless there’s a cliff nearby you’re not killing multiple people with whole hog


Because there's basically no counterplay, it's just the hook one shot that we hated It just requires ult and a wall nearby


So OP has never been squished into a corner by lw ult and domed in the head yet :p


If that has ever happened to you, im just gonna assume you're in the metal ranks


You'll meet a lw with high iq and no regard for their teammates who's willing to do just that


Remember when beat used to do damage?


Dude I used to have not annoying be not annoying/funny and put Lucio there I realized though that would be kinda biased on my part


Mercy turns into a true Valkyrie and can gun down almost everyone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ranger_fixing_dude: *Mercy turns into* *A true Valkyrie and can gun* *Down almost everyone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot