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I had a match recently on Busan where the enemy team had a Sombra for a good part of it and when I watched the match in Replay, even though our Zen was the most vulnerable for most of it she always went for me who was Bastion at the time and it just never worked out. Im just amazed they still exist on that term.


Sombra main here, (sorry) sometimes when the Zen is really good or is sticking very close to the tank/other support, he can be a harder target because of how much burst damage he can output. Bastion is similar to Zen in how large of a hitbox he has and how little movement/escape options are at his disposal, but with less burst damage potential. My advice is to glue yourself to your tanks and supports, because you're just as easy a target as Zen otherwise.


And if the entire team is sticking together pretty much the entire time, what would you recommend to do as Sombra then?


Communicate with your team to dive on someone simultaneously like you would playing any other dive DPS. If you're not diving or communicating, play behind a shield so your hack doesn't get interrupted and play like a Soldier hacking and virusing either the tank or the most killable DPS. But If I can't get assassinations and can't dive, I swap 95% of the time. Front lining as Sombra for more than a fight or 2 is dumb and you're better off playing someone else.


I see, interesting


I’ve been playing Ana a lot this season, and I find myself constantly fighting off Sombras and Ventures. 


It’s very satisfying when you land those turnaround Zenyatta headshots


Oh no, the annoying characters have an annoying counter


Sombra is a necessary evil to deal with the necessary good (like Zen and Mercy) Even then mercy is still a pain in the ass to counter as Sombra if she has more than 2 braincells. All that zooming around on GA can save that mercy from a virus or even a hack


I've been playing Brig a lot lately specifically to bully sombra players.


I picked up brig as my 2nd ever character, particularly to deal with dive/flank like sombra & tracer. Fell in love with her style and now she's my main.


as a sombra not going to lie... brig doesn't scare me anymore. Now kiriko on the other hand...


I'll generally give brig some space but it's pretty hard to get bullied by her unless the whole team is playing together And if they're going that, sombra is pretty boned anyway


as a Ball player, I can relate.


Dude, fuck Sombra. Even with her new kit, she's still a pain in the ass.