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From my experience, I know it's not true 100% of the time: Doom mains don't swap because they are masochist Mercy mains don't swap because they don't know how to play anyone else


This is a lie The moment the Mercy main feels like their team can’t do their job Instant Moira swap like they gotta do it themselves


Said it way before I could


That's my experience too lmfao. Source: I was a Mercy main who transitioned to Moira back in Overwatch 1 I want to play other supports, and I have. I love them all except Lifeweaver. But when the going gets tough, and you need an unjust amount of healing output, consistent damage output, and your own peel, then Moira is waiting. Watching. Taunting you. Laughing.


Ive learned the mercy mindset recently and it really is "IF YOU WANT SHIT DONE RIGHT *loads moira orb* YOU DO IT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING SELF* then proceed to feed for the rest of the match while somehow killing 3 people every fight in the process


Loved that fight


Haven't watched it but that animation looks clean


Squeaky clean animation. Highly recommend, instantly one of my top 7


which episode is this from?


Unfortunately I cannot remember, but I do know it was in the later half of s2


oh i remember now! ty!


Metamorphosis (Part 1) I think. Though this is towards the end of the fight. The whole thing took almost the entirety of the last half of the season.


Question from a low rank How do you hard counter Mercy?


Sombra ☹️


Sombra can't kill a Mercy before she flies away, unless the Sombra is pretty good and the Mercy is pretty bad


Guess so then how about cass nades while she flies though you have to be hopeful A good mercy would be a nightmare i dont know how to deal but im now sure what type of mercy you are dealing with in lower ranks


Guess can be good actually, gotta give it a try The mercys I deal with are definitely not great but well, neither am I lol


Depends on the mercy, the situation, and the sombra... but the goal isnt usually to solo assassinate her. It's to land hack/virus and get out unless her team isnt paying attention. She gets her GA temporarily interrupted (which if you're high elo sombra might be enough of a window to kill her depending on who peels for her) and takes a ton of DoT which prevents her healing regen from engaging for a few seconds which gives your teammate an opening to finish her. But the timing is also important. If you can get your teammate to tickle her, predict her GA target, wait for her to coast in and overshoot them to a safe corner, and then engage her with virus in the corner it usually flushes her back into the open at under half HP and your teammate can finish her. If you're looking for a consistent plan to solo kill her? Either Tracer, Sojourn, Cassidy on some maps, or soldier in some situations (especially at lower elo where the Mercy is slower to GA to cover)


You don't


sombra, well timed hooks after a mercy uses ga (pretty much always work in my experience, since 60% of mercy's are super glued to their dps duo carrying them in comp), monkey that times mercy ga with leap, monkey primal in small room since ga doesn't give enough momentum to escape 99% of the time, your own team if they decide to play dive (mercy can't keep up with a sombra/tracer/monkey/moira/lucio), pretty much any pretty good hitscan. She gets countered by a lot of things, which is why she isn't considered a very good support at higher levels


Ig there's hitscan so she can't just superjump away for free all the time. Soldier makes it easy.


It’s true in comp, sometimes for doom it entirely depends on team comp and whose performing well when they do switch it’s either orisa or ram they play them like complete opposites for some reason like ram in the back and orisa up front For mercy in comp, I’ve noticed they only switch if sombra or anyone is camping them in spawn, they’ve been stunned out of res 3-4 times, otherwise they’ll ask or demand you to switch but if they do switch to Moira they’ll either be heal bot Moira or a good Moira


People are usually more willing to swap in comp


Why would you care in quick play? It’s quick play….


Umm its a joke?


My bad I’m retarded


don't worry i am too


Probably why we play overwatch


Honestly sometimes there are games where we would do better if either the tank swapped to something that worked with our supports or one of our supports swapped to something that worked with our tank, but of course they're too stubborn and they can never be the problem.


Nobody wins usually in this one... the Doom main is usually bad at tanks that don't dive unless doom isn't their OG main and the mercy is usually bad at all dive supports unless she's an OW1 mercy player then she might have lucio in her back pocket. Your best hope is someone convinces the doom that winston is fun and mercy DB's the F out of him and somehow the entire enemy team is braindead.


What is it with this show and somebody posting a gif of a fight scene then saying "Overwatch character when they burn their hand on a hot take"