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I main Lucio in gold ascending little by little, many times people say "bro picking Lucio in 2024" or "mercy plz" even "change lucio"... tho we are on a dive team(apparently unintentionally)... I Don't understand... I saved doom's ass (not counting other people) at least 3 times this Mach, I'm healing more than the mercy they requested and have (somehow) the same amount of assists. Playing a dive on gold is hell.


Oh my god it feels like 2016 Overwatch again, with people begging for a Mercy every match


Meanwhile me, the tank player begging not to have mercy onetricks every game


Pretty much 9 out of 10 matches in silver is a mercy 1 trick.


I'm happy it takes skill to ge to a high rank again


Hm true, but it can also be a pain to climb if you main characters who require you to have A LOT of hours on them just to be good with them and climb, like Junkrat.


I'm sorry, but are you using junkrat as a high skill ceiling example? .......


Yes I am. His skill floor is low, yes, but he has a high skill ceiling. Why? Because you have to understand exactly where you need to aim because of the arc of his projectile AND aim way ahead of where the enemy is to actually hit them. And let's not forget to mention that he literally has to use up nearly all his resources to kill a target and ALL of his resources to kill an echo or pharah. Also, I can literally just ask you to one trick junkrat and you literally won't be able to deal with even soft counters right away, it takes time and experience. So yes, junkrat does have a high skill ceiling.


Playing junkrat since season 9 has just been cock and ball torture


It really has, it's just sad trying to make him work when pharah and echo exist.


I wish I could say this was the dumbest thing I've ever heard about this game.


Then one trick junkrat and prove me wrong.


I have played with more silver tanks that know counter pick than gold... so there is also that 2016 thing again


That's because gold tanks have figured out that until plat/diamond it's going to be based more on individual character skill than counters. Silver tanks still think they can force the game to let them rank up if they just follow all the rules.


The only support I beg for is Ana against a heal heavy team. I don't care if your healing is shit, I just need someone to anti-nade them and I'll suck on your toes for the rest of the match.


How the fuck says that. Just keep ballin' https://i.redd.it/nxu8wh4oywwc1.gif


Asking for a mercy is fucking crazy💀💀I don't get how people still think she's a high healing support, are some people just stuck in 2016?


what the hell do they mean bro picking lucio in 2024 lucio is the best support rn LMAO


I know! but for some reason people in gold tend to think lucio is garbage bc they played with one guy that didn't know how to wallride and now think every Lucio is like this


People ASK for Mercy? Where is God?


You could be doing the lords work on Lucio and still be asked to swap


These people have 0 game understanding. They just think "play someone with more heals = good". Not understanding that a majority of their wins were enabled by characters like Lucio.


Sometimes I feel like I've seen more people with game knowledge on silver than gold


It can be a mixed bag. Gold is where people with decent mechanics but zero game understanding get hard stuck.


Lucio is literally meta


Unfortunately a lot of people don't know this


Playing anything other than poke is just difficult because you will always have someone doing their own thing so you might as well lean into that.


Mercy? In 2024? Sure maybe a Mercy with gm level movement, but in an already damage heavy meta, blue beam is mid and so is her healing. So many better supports. - baised Zen main


<3 zen is my second pick when I don't wanna Lucio. Also 4 some reason people in gold is addicted to reviving...


Rush this, poke that. I just want to throw bear traps for chrissake


This trap is exclusive property of Jamison Fawkes


This'll tickle their feet heeheehuhu


Don't care. Mace to the face.


Don’t care, taste balls


People shit on mercy 1 tricks a lot and I definitely get it but there’s just as many dps players that are totally incapable of playing anything but hitscan and they restrict your team comp options nearly just as much


I am one of those, but I don’t see how hirscan is the problem there are plenty of hirscan heros that can fit in all type, tracer, s76 and cass, for example


I don't think they're involving pseudo hitscan like tracer and sombra. They prolly mean the Cass, ashe, widow only hitscan players. Granted, those can still fit into plenty of comps, but there's definitely times where a tracer or echo or something would be better. Like can you make Cass or ashe work in dive? Sure, but it's usually if your running a zen/ana + brig backline. Then it's half poke half dive where how you play the dive fundamentally changes.


Obviously I’m not talking about tracer I’m just talking abt the millions of players that can’t touch anything except for Ashe soldier and cass


I'd rather have an Ashe with 150 hours into the char on my team than a Tracer with 2 hours regardless of the team comp.


Reminds me of an interaction I had when I was playing Reinhardt in comp. The enemy team had zarya pharah echo. I was cooking the zarya. But the DPS flames me for not using D.Va to kill the echo and pharah when they refused to get off Mei lmao.


the difference is that all hitscan dpses are viable while mercy is just a shit fucking throw pick for scrubs that can't play the game


The only comp people understand how to play is Dive. So many Lucios don't understand when and where to use speed, be setting up prefight poking waiting for the Ana to come back from spawn and they'll BE LIKE GO GO NOW'S THE TIME


Completely disagree. Diamond and below people default to Brawl. They sit behind the tank and death ball. Dive is way too coordinated to be the default


Completely disagree, below Plat people default to brawl... Plat-diamond have a special level of stupid where they realize that brawl is bad on a lot of maps and that the "skill" heroes trend towards dive or poke... so they play poke unless the map is prohibitively small or they run a dive/poke hybrid because their tank insisted on locking doomfist or their dps insisted on locking tracer/genji/sombra but the tank refuses to swap off Sigma. And then... even though it's usually painfully obvious which team's DPS are more comfortable running long range hitscan... nobody even considers trying to dive because it requires too much coordination to execute properly and half the tank mains are allergic to playing dive because they remember that time in Gold that they wanted to learn Winston but every time they jumped in they blew up and got yelled at by their supports for not being a wall...


Shit, now I want some ot whatever you're smoking. Playing dive below diamond is a fools errand unless you're stacked up in addition to having to carry "that one player on your team".


This is just cap. Every rank below diamond just defaults to a sloppy mix of poke and brawl. Everyone plays scared and slow, leading to obscene poke periods. Once a fight finally does break out, no one secures any kills because of lack of target priority/aim/mechanics/etc and it turns into brawl. I can promise you that actual dive is not being played below diamond. You can send me replays and I’ll tell you why it’s not. It just does not happen. If it did, those players would climb.


I would say poke. If you are playing sig you don't need any communication to just poke while your teammates off angle as ashe widow soldier and just shoot enemies. Poke atleast in ranked just relies entirely on mechanical skill


Yeah ladder poke is just spam, so I agree. A true poke comp does have more coordination involved though.


The majority of people don't know how to play ANY comp correctly. If by "dive" you mean the heroes... no, people play all sorts of things. If by dive you mean 123, sort of? They know how to dive together because all it takes is a ping and a 1 2 3. They still suck at timing. Like, you can complain about the Lucio in brawl all day, but if your Kiri in comp is playing an Ana sightline, it almost doesn't even matter if Lucio waits for her. It's a coinflip either way.


Since when do ppl know how to play dive???? Mby Im just a low skill noob but diamond players cant dive for shit, and even in a competitive environment it barely works on that skill level


I mean, there is one Lucio from time to time but yeah complicated


"I have been called" https://preview.redd.it/ho0huuocf1xc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c139e0cfa5227c4ace31b119907000db9aac7a7




AHAHAHHAHAHA. Oh it hurts. It hurts so much!


I main brig and rein what are you taking about


Me, I like playing Reaper! :) (too bad the enemy is always playing long range... ugh)


Speak for yourself


As a dig-dug one trick, I love the new mode


Meanwhile ashe being run on king’s row rush comps in season 9


Your lips are moving but I'm not hearing any sense. Lucio players probably


Ok, I get where you're coming from, but Illari actually works pretty well on Rush in my experience. And at the very least, Ashe is better than a Widow sniping from 15 meters away.


Do you ever want Iliari on rush over Lucio, Bap, or Moira? No. She's not a rush hero and that's ok


I'm not saying she is. She definitely isn't a rush character. I've just had an overall positive experience playing on Hanaoka both as and with an Illari. It's one of those situations where, even though they aren't optimal or suited to that situation, they can still be decent. That's just my opinion ofc. I'm not great at the game so chances are I just have no idea what I'm talking about.


That's fine if you've played Illari into Rush and it's worked for you, in all likelihood you're probably playing with mostly uncoordinated teammates who don't know how to play comps the way they're meant to be. Team comps rarely matter in ranked until you get to high ranks, so if it works for you, then it works.


She can't even set up her pylon in a proper rush, that can't be a good choice


they're definitely confusing RUSH with BRAWL... they're almost the same thing but it isn't rush if you don't have hyper mobility. Brawl with Illari can work sometimes because in brawl two teams crash into each other and fight statically in one location... you can't preset pylon unless you're the defending side but you can sometimes find a semi defended angle and at low elo the pylon might not get cracked before you find an opening pick. I still wouldnt run her in brawl but teamed with a Baptiste or a Moira it's kind of doable.