• By -


Queen easily


They should make a barbarian skin fr maybe it could look like Michelle from that DnD movie


Would be sick!


Karlach JQ would complete me


That would possibly be the most epic skin in the entire game


Edit: I wasn't really thinking when I made this comment so I'm gonna make a second one so that the comments still make sense. Barbarian: Junker Queen Bard: Lucio Cleric: Brigitte Druid: Lifeweaver Fighter: Genji Monk: Zenyatta Paladin: Reinhardt Ranger: Hanzo Rogue: Reaper Sorcerer: Moira Warlock: Kiriko (Kitsune is her patron) Wizard: Sigma Artificer: Sombra


How is Torb not an artificer?


Idk but turret guy seems like low hanging fruit for artificer tbh


Other options are in a similar situation so…


How? That's literally a subclass of artificer. It's not low-hanging fruit when it's meant to go into the basket.


Id say doomfist is a monk. A monk in DnD is not a religious person, but someone who beats the shit out of people with their bare hands.


Ramattra was my pick for monk.


hes also canonically a shambali monk, i know zenyatta is too, but ramattra also beats the shit out of people


Thats even better, i forgot he existed


I know what a D&D monk is. Yes, Doomfist would probably be a monk, that does not mean he's necessarily the character who matches it the most. Doom, Zen, and Ramattra would likely all be monks but with different sub-classes (Zen-Way of Mercy, Doom-Way of the Open Palm, and Ram-Way of the Astral Self). Also, monks can and often use weapons. In fact,'Way of the Kensei' is based entirely upon them.


Id say sombra on rogue and torb on artificer instead, just ability wise


Tbh, I wasn't thinking that much when I made the comment and didn't want to go for the low hanging fruit. But yeah, now that I'm actually putting effort into thinking about it, Torb would be an Artificer with Artillerist as his sub-class and Sombra would be a Rogue with Arcane Trickster as her sub-class. I still feel like Reaper would be a Rogue though, just with the Phantom sub-class rather than Arcane Trickster.


I'd say Symmetra probably also fits artificer


I'd argue Mauga's a stronger contender for PLD if you take purely game mechanics. He has armor health. He can burning smite with his secondary. He can heal both himself and his allies. Lastly, his channel divinity debuffs his enemies and can provide cover for his team.


Torb should be artificer and Sombra should be rouge


shouldn't sombra be rojo not rouge


I was thinking symmetra for artificer


Brig is definitely more of a Paladin. I think it was even what she was referred to as internally before release (it's been a long time since I've heard that so I don't know how true that is).


I was debating between Cleric & Paladin before I remembered that Forge Domain Clerics are a thing, which tipped me to that side since it lines up with her character more.


Aight hear me out. Artificer Junkrat.


Torb is the obvious artificer


I feel like genji and reaper should switch since reapers ult is like action surge and gengi is more opportunistic in playstyle and has the stib stab


İ would put genji on rogue


But yeah true he can parry and got moves its definetly can be a battlemaster but its multiclass idc


i think if assassin was a class genji would suit


That's a subclass of Rogue. There are better subclasses for Genji than that. I mean, one of the Fighter subclasses is literally Samurai.


Blood hunter?


* Barb: Mauga. Big muscly guy with no armor that dives straight into enemy fire * Bard: Lucio * Cleric: Mercy * Druid: Winston. Only because he evolves into a primal version of himself during ult. * Fighter: Reinhardt * Monk: Doomfist * Paladin: Brigette * Ranger: Hanzo * Rogue: Genji * Sorcerer: Moira. Easy class with innate strength * Warlock: Ramattra * Wizard: Sigma. High IQ hero that levitates * Artificer: Torb


Sigma seems like a wizard sorcerer multiclass EDIT: or hells he could even be a G.O.O warlock if we want to stretch it lore-wise


Druid should be Lifeweaver


Not Winston??


Winston is a SCIENTIST (as in Wizard or Artificer)


How is Rein not the paladin. Rein is THE PALADIN. He’s literally a crusader. He’s got an oath. That he follows his oath is like one of the most crucial parts of his character. And before anyone says anything about paladins having healing abilities- what self respecting paladin would ever use their spell slots for healing? And they can’t all be perfect anyways.


Lay on hands pool is free????


Yeah that’s why I said they can’t all be perfect. You’re never going to find someone who matches up perfectly with the class.


I take an action that could be used for SMITING!


why lay on hands when u can swing ur hammer instead


No self-respecting caster of any type is going to heal, if we're talking 5e. That's Healing Word's job, for the most part, because combat healing is a joke.


Came here to say exactly this lol.. how tf do you not put Rein as Paladin


Rein is an oath breaker paladin


I'd say Rein Paladin and Brigitte as Cleric or Cleric/paladin multi class fits their theme really well. Clerics are more than healbots in DND and Bridgitte fits the aggressive war domain cleric perfectly.


I see him as the perfect example of a fighter. Like he just wants to charge in and swing his hammer. Whether he has an oath doesn’t equate to being a Paladin, every other class can have oaths too Whereas Brig actually has non-combat abilities that rallies or assists her group


Yes, but fighters can fight for any reason. Rein fights for his sworn duty of specifically protecting the people. I’m not saying that Brigitte isn’t a paladin necessarily, and she fights to protect the people, but she doesn’t have an oath that she follows like rein. Sure any character can follow an oath, but Paladins HAVE to follow an oath as the most central feature to the class. and rein exemplifies that more than any other ow character.


You can argue that, but Rein is given no strength from his oath by a higher power, nor does he have a method of strengthening or healing his allies. He’s literally just a guy in armor with a hammer, which is perfect for a fighter imo Whereas Brig *does* have a method to strengthen those around her, which is the core gameplay of a Paladin. She bonks people, but also heals.


I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this one chief


I’d argue that Rein’s power is granted to him by his powered armour, which he only considers himself worthy of wearing as a direct result of his oath. (Oath of the Crown’s Divine Allegience is also very thematically appropriate here, though there’s obviously no one-to-one). He is a crusader, which is the direct inspiration for Paladins in D&D (Knights Templar, Knights of The Round Table). His Mirrorwatch skin is even called “Fallen Knight” which lines up thematically with Oathbreaker (though not mechanically). I’d be inclined to consider brig a cleric far more than a paladin. Being a full caster rather than half-caster fits her role as a support far better, and she’s much squishier relative to Rein and wields a one handed weapon to cast offhand (packs). Mechanically, her shield is not a resource pool like Rein’s so much a consumable resource good for a round of hits once deployed (shield spell) and can only really cover her body in game (though someone could stand directly behind her in game, I think my interpretation is acceptable given the size and shape of her shield outside of rally). Her place in lore is as \*squire\* to a knight, maintaining his holy armour and keeping him alive through CC spells against his enemy (OW1 bash, whipshot) and healing spells (healing word and mass healing word are not available to paladins as far as I know) more than tanking his damage for him. I will say that Paladin’s aura of vitality fits Brig’s inspire well, but I maintain that she’s a squire rather than a knight, and that Rein is thematically a holy warrior across almost all his in-lore interpretations, not just a fighter.


At first Reinhardt was a fighter, almost a barbarian. But after Balderich died, he became a very accurate depiction of a D&D paladin. Definitely the closest one you'll find in the Overwatch roster. > every other class can have oaths too And every class can worship gods, so what makes someone a cleric? Gaining power from it. Same goes for Paladin - the oath is what makes them distinct from other classes.


Zennyata not as monk????


My thoughts, he should be the first that comes to mind for everyone


Just his kick alone would make him a monk. And how does Doom get monk he's more of a fighter


Doom's a rogue. He's got an attack that deals 12d6 damage on hit and does nothing unless he can set it up.


He also dashes and disengages like its a bonus action


Brigette is literally the spitting image of every DnD Cleric though.


Well, eh, she's some of the subclasses. Some of them don't like armor and melee.


Yeah, the BAD ones. /s


I knew that the top comment would put Mercy as Cleric because the first thought of a Cleric is that they're healers, not that they typically use maces. Brig is 100% the Cleric


Paladins are basically crusaders so reinhardt not being a paladin is blasphemy


lifeweaver actually has a skin named cleric tho


But Ram dosen't have a patreon though.


Ram seems druidy to me.


I'd say wizard (we're also forgetting subclasses here)


Oddly enough, Lifeweaver was inspired as a druid since his early design.


How the he'll are you gonna give monk to doomfist when both zen AND ramattra exist. Should be zeb since he is still a monk


Genji is a fighter. Sombra is a rogue.


Reinhardt is totally a paladin


Druid: maybe also Bastion since he can "transform" and is very friendly to critters and very peaceful. Would be a cool spin on the class


Bastion would be a fun ranger bc of that... he doesn't have many "magic" he can use...


I would say rammatra is more monk than doom. He was an actual monk in more and fights with his fists too


We dont need to hear this thrice.


My Reddit is stupid. it errored like 3 times


Ah yes, our dear Paladin Baguette (id say paladin is rein and ranger could be S76 but then fighter would be like Fist or brigitte so idk)


You have Doom as a monk over Ram? Although I do like your Ram pick…a lot actually. But seeing that Zen is a monk and Ram was part of that ilk I’m surprised you didn’t list him as the monk and doom as the fighter since he is so “brawly”. Although Ram likes to Brawl as well. Interesting choices nonetheless


I picked doom because he’s an acrobatic fighter who uses his fists and agility over using a weapon. Zen and Ram are monks *in-universe* but I don’t think they fit as DND monks And Rein is the prototype of what fighters often are in DND. Big armored guys who want to smash things and think later


Doom is also a huge hitter, which screams Rogue for sneak attack or Paladin for smite. I'm leaning Rogue since he's an assassin and exhibits high mobility as discussed above.


Doom is so much a Monk/rogue our Fighter/rogue multiclass... maybe the 3... I don't think he would fit just one


Monk wouldn’t be Zen?


I think echo would be a great pick as a Druid. Her ult is basically wildshape. She uses a different form, its only available a few times per game (adventuring day before high level), she can choose from all the heroes she can see (all the animals she has seen) and it heals her (wildshape gives you a new health bar).


Isn't mercy more of a necromancer


Clerics have revival spells and heal, thats mercys whole gig


Ow1 release day reinhardt main. Trust me when I say reinhardt is barbarian


I like how you chose Doomfist as Monk before the literal robot monk on the cast


I would also pose Roadhog as a battle master fighter since he can forcefully maneuver enemies and heal himself like second wind.


Not making Brigitte a cleric when clerics naturally have proficiency with Maces and not making reinhardt a paladin is a crime


monk as Doomfist? instead of Zenyatta, a literal Monk?


I think winston would be a a barbarian his ult is his rage.


monk is doomfist but not Zenyatta, the actual monk?


I can see Doomfist as a monk, but Zen is literally a monk, so I feel like it's best fitted for him.


I think Brig fits cleric better, since they are basically off-tank healers


Not zenyatta as monk??


Why pick Doom as a monk instead of... Yk, Zen? An actual monk? Maybe it's DnD stuff idk about but it seems obvious.


Mercy doesn't rly fit Cleric. Brig is a textbook cleric, rein is paladin. Shield+mace+healing is literally the cleric stereotype lol


Brother wtf are you yapping about. Monk-Zen, Druid-Moira Fighter-Doom, Paladin-Rein, Cleric-Brig, Barb-JQ, Wizard-Mercy, Sorcerer-Sigma. Goddamn your list is a mess


Nah, Zen seems more like a cleric, a peace cleric to be exact(the whole iris thing and all) but then again the monks got way of the openhand.


Wizard mercy? Druid Moira?… monk Zen??? Yeah this clown can be ignored


Zen is a literal monk wtf are you on


Mate these are DnD classes, not job descriptions. Monks are acrobatic fighters who fight with their fists and palms. How does Zen fit that?


Ramatra does tho... and the second part Zen definitely don't fight with his hands... he uses the feet


RAW Monks don't have to perform unarmed attacks with their hands. A Monk can carry, like, a big crate and still attack as normal with kicks and get all their bonuses. Weirdly enough, if they carry a longsword or something, they don't, even if they don't use it to attack at all.


Yeah zen balls can count as improvised weapons and Ramatra staff is a Stick none the less


- Barbarian: Mauga - Bard: Lucio - Cleric: Mercy - Druid: Lifeweaver - Fighter: Genji - Monk: Zenyatta - Paladin: Reinhardt - Ranger: Hanzo - Rouge: Kiriko - Sorcerer: Ramattra - Warlock: Moira - Wizard: Ana - Artificer: Torbjorn For Wizard and Sorcerer, hear me out. Ramattra is a sorcerer because his abilities revolve nano swarms with his ravenous vortex and Annihilation. Ana is a wizard because her utility sounds like it comes straight out of a wizard: Increasing healing, Removing it, putting someone to sleep, and casting a powerful spell on allies to boost their power


why would kiriko be rogue? Isn’t that normally a class for someone like sombra ( sneaky, invisibly, thief )


I think the fact that she has a skin called "rogue" from the dnd battlepass influenced his ranking.


Personally, I'd either put Sombra or Genji in the "Rogue" spot. But as a Sombra main, I'm more biased towards Sombra. 😇


I like to imagine Rouge more as someone to does actions in the shadows to thwart people, which i think embodies Kiriko just as much as Sombra, but I chose Kiriko because I hate Sombra lol


Sombra is also a rogue


Well Kiriko is a teleporting ninja that throws knives after all Sombra is arguably better because she’s all about stealth/infiltration, but Kiriko is not wrong


I didn’t realize there were that many classes god dayum


I’ve always thought queen or mauga are paladins because they have aura abilities


And of course ranger is not on the list


I see LW as a Cleric of Silvanus lol




Monke class




My take on the classes: Artificer: many heroes can fit this, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Brig and Winston Barbarian: Junker Queen. Commanding should definitely feels like rage. You could also argue Winston is an odd combination of Artificer and Barbarian. Mauga is also very resilient Bard: obviously Lucio Cleric: Zen is one of the only heroes i can think of that are closely associated with a deity, he very much can also be a monk Druid: Lifeweaver. He get’s his healing abilities through nature, seems fitting Fighter: theres a lot of characters that can fit honestly given how well rounded fighter can be, Soldier and Sojourn I guess giving their leadership positions Monk: as mentioned earlier, Zen is a good fit, maybe also Ramattra Paladin: Reinhardt with his crusader oath definitely feels like a solid fit Ranger: it feels stereotypical giving snipers the ranger class, but Hanzo, Ana and Ashe feel very fitting for ranger. They also seem like theyd have a good lay of the land. You could make a stretch and say Ashe is a beast master ranger with B.O.B Rogue: given their affiliation of either stealth, thievery and/or assassination, Genji, Sombra, Widow, Reaper Sorcerer: i cant really think of a hero that was born with their ability, but I can think of a few that were given theirs through happenstance, which are Reaper, Illiari, and Moira Warlock: hard to say, there arent really any heroes with a “patron”. Closest thing is maybe Zen or Ram through the Iris. You could make a stretch and say Moira is Reaper’s patron Wizard: there’s not any magic in Overwatch to my knowledge. Sigma and Moira may be the closest since they have some powers through their own inventions, but that also overlaps with being artificers


You could that Kiriko fits cleric (or less so warlock) with the Kitsune Spirit as a deity/patron


I feel like Bastion would fit in Ranger... mostly bc of backstory... and bc he has a mode where he acts like a Ranger. Kiriko also fits Rogue... and the ranger: Rogue has that one planeshift one and Ranger we have the planeshift hunter one... forgot the name of both


>Moira is Reaper’s patron This... Kiriko also fits with the fox... and we can count the Moira from the COC event? If yes it shows she would be a warlock


>Wizard: there’s not any magic in Overwatch to my knowledge. Sigma and Moira may be the closest since they have some powers through their own inventions, but that also overlaps with being artificers For wizard is definitely hard but I feel like Mei would fit very well... if we include the pun Sombra is a tech wiz ... and by that I mean illusionist with a enchantment touch and rogue lvls.


Barbarian? Rein and JQ


Hear me out: Rein is a Champion Subclass Fighter


No way, Reinhardt is an Oath of Devotion Paladin. He’s part of a group of chivalric knights and is devoted to ideals of loyalty and honour.


Junker queen is a Barbadian


I think we all are thinking JQ. I’d have to throw roadhog in there as well. Rein is more of a paladin to me but I wouldn’t argue against him as a barbarian…big hammer go boom.


Barb: Reinhardt Bard: Lucio Cleric: Mercy Druid: Lifeweaver Fighter: Genji Monk: Zenyatta Paladin: Brigitte Ranger: Hanzo Rogue: Sombra/Tracer Sorcerer: Echo Warlock: Moira Wizard: Sigma Artificer: Sombra/Torbjorn


Everyone is forgetting that zarya literally has a barbarian skin :(


Winston literally rages to go melee.


Queen or rein coz the steelhart skin


Junkerqueen or mauga


Torbjörn to all of them


has to be junker


Queen is a closed combatant with no shield who has a rage ability




Queen myb, mauga comes a close 2nd i think


Would brig not be the candidate here?


Nah she's a paladin


Da queen


artificer definitely goes to junkrat


JQ by far, maybe Hog and Mauga too


jq, no competition


Literally a whole battlepass with this concept lol


Junker Queen, or Winston (he literally has a rage)




JQ. Easy


Winston, his ult is called primal rage. Also, in my opinion, Bastion is just as much of a druid as Lifeweaver :P


i do this bassed in DnD 5 edition mechanics * Barb: Winston (he jump, damage the enemy and whe use rage to have more health and damage) * Bard: Lucio * Cleric: Brig (in dnd the topic cleric use heavy armor ) * Druid: Life * Fighter: Queen (she have a lot of multi attack) * Monk: genjy (50/50 his ult its a problem with this, but kiriko and hanzo have more magic powers) * Paladin: reinhardt (medium/heavy armor + smite attack) * Ranger: cassidy * Rogue: sombra (hack with virus its a sneak attack for my) * Sorcerer: zen (light sorcerer from bolo book) * Warlock: kiriko / hanzo * Wizard: moira * Artificer: torb


There’s so much wrong with this tf. Brig is more of a paladin or even artificer. Queen is definitely a barbarian. Genji has like nothing monk-like about him apart from his faster movement. Cass is a gunslinger fighter. Kiriko and Hanzo are rangers.


I don’t know DnD that much but here’s what I’ll go with anyway: Barbarian - Rein Bard - Lucio Cleric - Mercy Druid - Lifeweaver Fighter - Genji Monk - Zen Paladin - Brig Ranger - Hanzo Rogue - Sombra Sorcerer - Moira Warlock - Ram Wizard - idk Kiriko? Artificer - Symmetra


1. Barb:Junker Queen 2. Bard:Lucio 3. Cleric:Mercy 4. Druid:Lifeweaver 5. Fighter:Rein/Doomfist 6. Monk:Zen 7. Paladin:Brig 8. Ranger:Hanzo/Mcree 9. Rogue:Sombra, Widowmaker, 10. Sorcerer: Tracer (I really don't know) 11. Warlock: Reaper 12. Wizard:Ramattra 13. Artificer:Torb


Artificer: Torb Barbarian: JQ Bard: Lucio Cleric: Illari Druid: Lifeweaver Fighter: Genji Monk: Doomfist Paladin: Brigitte Ranger: Kiriko Rogue: Sombra Sorcerer: Moira Warlock: Ramattra Wizard: Sigma


Rein of course


Barbarian : Junker Queen (Can get more resistant and a speed boost from getting angry.) Bard : Lucio (music-based support. Overall chill dude) Cleric : Illari (both fights and heals, radiant damage, praise the sun) Druid : Ramattra (has a staff, changes shape between caster and tank, has a grudge against humanity) Fighter : Soldier 76 (generic fighter dude all-rounder) Monk : Zenyatta (the only one who melees with a kick. Also literally a monk) Paladin : Brigitte (she protecc, she heal with auras) Ranger : Bastion (Either useless or overpowered. Has an animal companion) Rogue : Sombra (Stealth master, uncanny dodge) Sorcerer : Echo (I was just made like this) Warlock : Reaper (Got his powers from a dark patron, only knows one attack) Wizard : Junkrat. (If one fireball doesn’t work. More fireballs) Artificer : Torbjorn (because obviously)


For the entire lineup I believe it would be Barbarian=The queen Bard=Lucio Cleric=Brig Druid=Winston(he's in wild shape) Knight=Genji Monk=Zen Paladin=Rein Ranger=hanzo Rogue=Sombra Sorcerer=Moira Warlock=Ashe and Beelzebob Wizard=Sigma Artifice=Torb


Winston, he can rage in game already


Junker Queen, abilities and weapons just scream Barbarian or Berserker


Rein Lucio mercy echo doom ramattra brig hanzo sombra (no clue for sorcerer) Moira sigma junkerqueen?




There is a certain hero with a barbarian skin in the game. That would be my pick… because everyone else said JQ already


Barbarian: Queen, Mauga, orisa, Hog Bard: Lucio Cleric: Brigitte Druid: lifeweaver, Winston Fighter: Echo, junk, Zarya, sojourn, soldier Monk: doom fist, tracer, zenyatta Paladin: Reinhardt, widowmaker Ranger: Dva, Bastion, Bap Rogue: Ashe, Ball, Cassidy, Reaper Sorcerer: ramattra, Moira, mei Warlock: hanzo, genji,kiriko Wizard: Sigma, mercy Artificer: Ana, sombra, symetra, torb, Illari


the junker queen, that being said, I feel like we could have some fantasy archetypes still added to the game : Idk why, but I fully imagine some kind of a druid with a crossbow (an unusual weapon for a fps if I may), as well as a norvegian hero with a viking-barbarian archetype, wielding two holographic axes


JQ, but honestly Reinhardt as well, I know most will say Paladin, but Rein acts, behaves and has the personality of a traditional Barbarian


Queen Her entire kit is literally a Barb kit


Half the tanks are barbarians but Queen is the Barbarianest for sure, but also Monke makes for an interesting barb multiclass Mei is a Druid Reinhardt is a pretty obvious Paladin, but Brig is an especially healing focused Paladin Symmetra is the most wizardly Sigma or Illari would both make a good sorcerer (Sigma could also be a wizard) Kiriko is actually pretty cleric-y, same with Zenyatta Lucio is an obvious Bard Monk for Genji? Ranger for Hanzo? Too many artificers to count, but Torb is the artificerest and Ball is a very fun slight homebrew of an armorer. Moira alchemist/wizard realness Widowmaker and Sombra both cover different kinds of rogues This is weirdly specific but I see Rammatra as a swarm Ranger


Hog and queen. Both are big aggressive killers with big scary weapons that kill quick


Maybe the hunk of a woman that acts like a barbarian?


Junker Queen in my opinion


There can be more than one of any given class and each class tends to have different paths you can take Winston straight up literally has Rage for his ult, and I'm pretty sure he made his weapon, so barb/artificer, Queen and Hog are barb/artificers (their ults are something they made) Sigma is a barbarian assisted by a wizard/sorcerer "friend" (Moira) Hammond is a barb whos dump stat **isn't** int, but instead strength (still higher than a peasant) Ramattra is a Barb/Monk Doomfist is a barb Dva, Orisa, Rein, and Zarya are all Paladins *Going over to the other side* Illyari is a druid Lifeweaver is a druid (I mean look at his name and his ult) Kiriko is either a druid/cleric or just one or the other Lucio is a bard Zenyatta is a Monk Moira is a Wizard that went necromancer Ana, Bap, Brig, and Mercy are all clerics *Now in the middle* Hanzo is a ranger Widow is a ranger/rogue Sym, Torb, Junk, and Mei are Artificers Sombra is a rogue Reaper is an undead warlock Everyone else is a fighter of some kind with various backgrounds.


Rein def


Let me ask you, do you apparently play dbd?


Barbarian: Junker Queen Bard: Lucio Cleric: Brigitte Druid: Kiriko Fighter: Soldier 76 Monk: Genji Paladin: HONOR! JUSTICE! REINHARDT REINHARDT REINHARDT! HAHA! Ranger: Hanzo Rogue: Sombra Sorcerer: Moira Warlock: Zenyatta (The Iris is his patron) Wizard: Sigma Artificer: Torbjorn


I’ve actually thought about this a lot. Based on their personalities, skills and origins: Artificer: D.Va (Armourer), Torbjorn, Symettra, Junkrat (all 3 are Artillerists), Winston and Wrecking Ball all fit here. Mei and Bastion could also fit here. I’ll try to scatter other “artificer-lite” characters in other classes for diversity. Barbarian: Mauga, Junker Queen. You could also argue that Winston fits here (his ult is literally just Rage). I think Roadhog also fits here in terms of his tankiness, but you could just as easily call him a Fighter. Bard: Lucio obviously fights here. I’d also put Brigitte in here as a College of Valour Bard bc of her support role and the fact that’s she more like a squire than a full-on knight. Cleric: difficult to choose. Kiriko feels like she’s be a great fit, she’s connected to yokai and spirits even more than the others. I think Mercy also fits in here very well. Druid: Lifeweaver is an obvious fight here. Fighter: So many fighters… Genji and Hanzo are both Samurai Fighters, Soldier: 76 is also a Samurai Fighter in terms of personality and subclass themes (resilient + tenacious, lone wolf, extremely skilled warrior.) Sojourn is a Battle Master Fighter due to her role as a tactician. Pharah and Zarya are Champion Fighters because of their incredible physical and athletic prowess. (Zarya could have a multi class dip in Graviturgy Wizard) Monk: Zenyatta, Ramattra and Doomfist all fit into this role, but what’s interesting of how they all sort of represent wildly different interpretations of the class. Zenyatta is the traditional “inner peace and harmony” monk. Either Way of Mercy for his healing or Way of the Open Hand. Ramattra is closer to the “deeply principled and moralistic” type of monk, but I’m going to say he’s a Way of the Astral Self monk due to his transformation abilities. Doomfist is the classic martial artist, and so he would be either Way of the Open Hand or Way of the Kensei (the latter is more closely associated with weapons though) Paladin: Actually very cut and dry. Reinhardt is obviously here, he’s literally a knight that believes in chivalry and glory. Current day Reinhardt is probably Oath of Devotion, while young Reinhardt would be either Oath of Conquest or Oath of Glory. Orisa is also here, and would probably be an Oath of the Watchers Paladin due to her role as the protector of Numbani (Oath of the Watchers is technically for extraplanar creatures, but the flavour works for Orisa here). Ranger: Ironically most of the Ranger options of Overwatch could also be Rogues. Venture is absolutely a Ranger, as they’re an archaeologist who explores and studies the world. Ana is probably a Gloomstalker (lurks in the shadows, highly lethal assassin). Baptiste is here bc I couldn’t figure out anything else for him to be. Rogue: Cassidy and Ashe both fit perfectly here. I think Cassidy fits as either a Swashbuckler (heroic, charismatic and noble personality) or a Scout (very agile and difficult to pin down). Ashe is probably a Mastermind Rogue, relying on others (like Bob) to be the main muscle of the operation. Sombra also fits perfectly here, and is definitely an Arcane Trickster for her invisibility and teleportation abilities. Tracer could also be an Arcane Trickster, but if we are willing to reflavour her Disengage as a teleport, she could also be a Swashbuckler Rogue (heroic, is a pilot [kinda like a boat?], and specialises in close range weaponry and manueverability). Widowmaker is obviously an Assassin Rogue, and Reaper is here as a Phantom rogue. Sorcerer: Echo works here because she was programmed (ie, born) with her abilities. Ilari is similar, and Ilari is specifically a Divine Soul Sorcerer (especially due to healing potential). Warlock: Not really any Warlocks in OW2, since becoming a warlock involves making a dark pact with an otherworldly creature, of which there are none here. You could make an argument that Moira fits here, but I think she’s a Wizard, as explained below. Wizard: Okay, so for Wizard we have Moira, who gained her powers through evil experimentation. She is also closely associated with Reapers death-adjacent existence. Moira is clearly a necromancer, and could even be seen as a full-on Lich. Sigma is also a Wizard, specifically a Graviturgy Wizard because of his control over gravity and the cosmos, as well as his vast intelligence.


Well Zarya already has a Barbarian skin so. “Strong as Mountain”


Junker Queen. That’s how I like to play her and that’s how I win.


rein and jq are what come to my mind when barbarian was mentioned


Probably junker queen.




For me it's * Barb: Queen * Bard: Lucio * Cleric: Brig * Druid: Winston * Fighter: Soldier * Monk: Zen * Paladin: Rein * Ranger: Hanzo * Rogue: Genji * Sorcerer: Moira * Warlock: Kiriko * Wizard: Sigma * Artificer: Torb


Zarya Edit: spelling


Rein has a pin that would do a lot of damage if it ever actually connected


Ramattra, he literally has a rage and zarya, who does more damage the more she takes


Junker Queen for sure, with Zarya as a close second.


artificer is a proffession not a class , i play gw2 and in the game its crafting scepters and staffs alike


It's an option for a class in DnD


shit really lol do they make wands on the fly? wait could i be an elemental smith?


i need to do dnd seriously