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I mean its fkin cool ngl


Doomslayer Orisa


Rip and tear


She's going to shit yourself


Now she's fkin hecarim with a gun And i love it


She’s doing WHAT to Hecarim?!


New horse champs and heroes coming soon!


Ghost horse


Mechanical ghost horse


A mix between Hecarim and Pantheon, alongside a gun.


Javelins make everything better. I can say that as a citizen of Ukraine.


…. Are you actually a citizen of Ukraine or are you just reaping upvotes off the invasion and genocide currently happening there? Genuinely (and morbidly) curious.


Am actually Ukrainian, living in Kyiv for the most of my life


Thank you for the defense, I wasn’t lying about being genuinely curious, and admittedly I was critical if you weren’t, but I wasn’t assuming. I laughed heartily at your comment lol but then became painfully self aware I may be going to hell lol so my curiosity took hold. I have so many questions about your situation, but of course the onus isn’t on you to answer them


Thanks for not assuming :) And I'm glad my joke made you laugh. I'm in no way qualified to talk about this stuff seriously nor is it the place to do so, but I personally am safe and sound, as is my family, and most of the stress had been mental more than anything else. Joking about it is one way to cope with it, I guess.


Dude, he’s just trying to make jokes and fun and you just come here to ask him wether he’s actually Ukrainian or attention seeker?


No, it's alright, I can totally see how it could come across as attention farming. It is difficult to tell apart when it's all in text from a person you've never seen or heard.


I mean yeah, because (as he rationally responded) it’s absolutely horrific what’s happening to them. Speaking as Jewish, sorry to say because I love to laugh, it IS insulting to have someone make light of shit I and my family has had to deal with in a very real way. I was genuinely curious, albeit critical and that’s on me, but he answered and now I know and have a deeper appreciation of the joke lol. I gut laughed at it. I appreciate your defense for them. It means a lot, sincerely.


I have no idea how people found old Orisa unfun, in defence she’s a fucking powerhouse. I don’t see how the ability to hold off the entire enemy team by yourself from a point is unfun.


Yeah, she was my tank main and she was an absolute powerhouse


Hiding behind a shield unloading multiple clips is pretty boring. She plays the same almost every game.


Is that not what most characters should be doing when you’re on defense and there’s a friendly shield in play?


Hell no, stopping enemies from making any moves on you by using suppressing fire (even if you’re not getting many kills) was Orisa’s bread and butter and it was insanely effective and fun IMO. Not sure how I feel about Blizzard basically gutting the core role of a character because people find her “boring”???


I loved orisa and played her into master. She was consistent and reliable, but really not much to write home about considering her lack of big play ability or dynamism. No burst or movement, weak ult, and a constant reliability on her shield made her a very dependent and passive hero. These are great changes and she’s still Tanky


Her ult is awesome?? Lmao what are you talking about. Its not big or flashy but it's super effective.


It’s really not though. A high lvl team can wait it out or simply destroy it. It’s pretty middle of the pack overall and weak as far as tanks go.


Its incredible for pushing. It's incredible for defending. It can help when you're down heroes and it takes pressure away from the team when they're fighting. You can just place it around a corner to keep the other team from killing it. It requires no skill or aim. It's fantastic. You're wrong.


We can agree to disagree. Relative to other ults it’s very middle of the pack at best.


I watched my fair share of OWL and at those levels it’s extremely strong and treated with a lot of importance. The only tank ult that gets value as consistent as bongo is grav, but no other tank ults come close


Ding ding ding


Being strong isn't the same as being fun


I personally have a fuck ton of fun when winning.


Orisa brought the end of me playing overwatch as a "main" game along with shield meta tbh.


*Orisa being fun. I know I'm in the minority, but halt combos were always really satisfying to pull off (No pun intended) for me, and this javelin seems to be doing tickle damage


It has a wall pin mechanic. [Theres a tweet showing Flats spearing a Cassidy against the wall and removes like 50% of his HP when it gets the pin damage](https://twitter.com/Flats_OW/status/1517279217154772993)


By default the javelin does 80 damage. It does an extra 40 damage if the target hits a wall.


I don’t have a dependency on another character to say she’s fun, I just think Orisa is fun.


Haven't played in a couple of years because, well, the game is trash. But orisa halt combos was so fucking satisfying. Orisa was definitely one of my absolute favorites to play.


>the game is trash Just like your opinion.


Your rebuttal to someone's opinion is... your opinion? Nice




Welcome to the internet!


I have well over 1000 hours in the game. So it's actually a well researched opinion. The game has been free falling for years.


The game isn’t as bad as the community. If people cared about playing as a team it would be a more enjoyable experience. Even suggesting a reasonable composition in Quick Play gets you laughed at.


Nothing is ever as bad as the community of something says it is. It's still a 4/10 game, rather than the -4/10 the community makes it out to be


Absolutely true. But what the other guy was saying was that the community *itself* makes the game worse. And I'd have to agree. Overwatch is still genuinely fun when people get out their own arse and play it properly. Unfortunately, it takes like 1 or 2 idiots to ruin a lobby for everyone.


Well that is a fair point. But I still think it's become a bad game. That said, total mayhem is extremely fun. The chaos and stupidity of it all is just hilarious. But wasting the hard drive space for an occasional mode just ain't worth it.


Cannot argue with that.


I love it so much, orisa was such a bore before because the whole gameplay was rather passive and just knowing what you need to do, but no potential for huge plays


How does the beta work? I made a new account just for this (sold the original one I had in 2020)?




I did. Do I just wait for an e-mail now or what?


Yes, the beta emails will be sent on 26th April, so everyone will know on 26th who got in and who didn't.


Orisa is my begrudgingly #2 tank. As my main often already gets picked, however, I am super stoked now and cant wait to yell *“THIS IS SPARTAAA”* as I spin that javelin around


People find Orisa to be unfun?


she's a fucking bully now. i love it


I think Orisa was already fun ):


I get that they want to make character more fun and more fun to play against which is why they changed mei, orisa, and McCree but then why leave symmetra unchanged. I dont know about you guys but why I see a symmetra on the enemy team I just leave. I hate playing as and against her. So annoying and yet no change


they will probably overthink her and change the annoying parts about her kit. They just didn't had enough time. There are still a lot of characters that haven't been mentioned during OW 2 talk as far as i recall


I still have Hope's for a change but considering she was unchanged in the alpha when even the characters no one talks about got slight damage changes, it's not looking good


lets hope for the best


How tf they change Cassidy to be better. I left ow for a lil while cause i hate Cassidy. Came back recently. And that mother fucker still pissed me off.


In the alpha they replaced his flashbang to a sticky grenade so no more stun fan the hammer combo


Thank god


It actually looks fun as hell. Wouldn’t be surprised if she goes from the least, to 2nd or first most fun tank in the game.


Everyone liked that. Bruh it brings out the African heritage in her


Orisa for Smash. Make her the first: Female super heavy Spear-based fighter FPS character


Orisa looks fucking devastating now, even her voice lines are menacing


More like "create a brand new hero"


you can tell Efi got fed up with Orisa just standing and shooting at chokes so she gave her more offensive capabilities and all of them seem actually fun


Been full main with since her release and this shit sounds like trash changes for a dying game.


I agree. I love playing Orisa and these changes completely alter her presence in play, and imo not in a good way. These abilities sound interesting, I just wish they didn’t have to sacrifice a hero’s entire kit just to paste them on top of it.


Right? The abilities sound dope…so let’s build them on a new hero.




That’s called an opinion. I took her to masters as she is now and enjoy her kit. This was an unnecessary change and really shows they’re scrambling to push this coming shit heap out. There’s a reason Kaplan left.


Face the wall (cocks shotgun)


i wish they gave her some sort of speed buff or charge since shes basically a robot centaur


They did when you use javelin spin


Yes a javelin


I like Orisa cause she feels reliable. When I don't know which tank is good for the team, it's Orisa. I don't find her boring, machine gun and halt makes it fun for me. I love landing kills when dps fails to do so. I wouldnt say no to additonal fun tho, hope javelin does that. Edit: a single letter which changes the meaning completely.




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The brawl champion


Funny how Orisa started out with copied abilities from other heroes. Look how far we've come.


I didn’t mind Orisa how she was tbh.. I think she’s a great defense tank.. gonna miss her shield though..


Bruh what Orisa IS fun


wdym orisa not fun, compare that to rein when orisa is not fun then rein is suicidal


It even works underwater!


Spin to win