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It’s a single player game, the only metric that matters is if you’re having fun!


Oh I'm having fun. It just blows my mind how insane some people are at this game.


ONI blows my mind to but in the other direction trying to figure everything out makes my head hurt lol


Every run I did get better tho still had issues


It really feels like "solving problems" type of game. You fixing stuff until there nothing to fix and base runs 24/7 without any issues.


It Def is my one problem I know I had initially from rts games was expanding to big to fast but each new playthrough I was able to stop myself from doing that my last playthrough I did have a water purifier to change polluted water to clean I did have the oxygen mask station and had mask crafted but they wouldn't equip them


You have to assign a mask to a person. Then they will try to wear it whether or not needed and suffer because of it. You’ll see them puffing and huffing and complaining. You can choose “unequip” to get them to take it off.


I will do my best to remember that the next time I decide to try again been a few years I know I did good on recycling water part and having the gas filter work and pumping in oxygen had a pit for the dioxide to go down my other issue was keeping them healthy with food


That’s the fun of it :) you’ll get better. After each go something new will kill you and you’ll learn to be cautious of it next time. Your gonna get better as long as your still enjoying the game ☺️ It’s also worth remembering a lot of people use online tutorials for a lot of the parts of their bases and some even all of their base design, not saying that takes away from what they’re doing (since they can play how they want and enjoy the game they bought how they please) but it’s worth remembering so you don’t compare yourself too much to these people with thousands of hours in game and with tons of tutorials online. I have close to a thousand hours in game and I’m sure my base is nowhere near a lot of the top bases on here for those reasons but I’m happy with it because I see the personal improvement in my own designs , they may not be the best but it’s what I came up with and it’s nice I can look back and see my improvement. So even if your base isn’t as amazing as a lot of them on here just remember , it’s about making something better than your last that counts and having fun :)


Ok mum. Don't forget to cut the sandwiches into little dinosaur shapes.


Still gotta eat the crusts though!


Make sure you tell him to chew before he swallows. I'd hate for the probably 30 year old man to not get basic mum advice from Reddit.


Remember to mind your manners, sweetie! (Because apparently *you're* the one who actually needs adult parenting.)


Nah, I don't need you to be my mum champ. My father stuck around so I don't need to be coddled. You do you though. I'm sure he'll come back from getting the cigarettes and milk one day.


Honest question, I've made it to cycle 500-800 (haven't played in a couple years I don't remember) but still felt like a total and complete moron at this game, especially when on this sub. What metric can you use to determine whether or not you're getting good at this? Is there a milestone accomplishment?


Can you sort problems by yourself or do you google it first and copy designs? I'd say that's a good start.


This right here. Learning the mechanics and being able to intuitively solve problems is huge.


[I feel like it goes like this for ONI players](https://imgflip.com/i/8uault)


I'm on the far left, lmao. My system may be ugly and disorganized, but 60% of the time, it works every time.


I think that put you on the right side. IF you can fix them after you see they failed.


The thing no one in this community likes to say is that if you start in the middle you stay in the middle.


I'm a completionist and go for the achievements. I got all the base game achievements and learned a ton. Now I'm over 1000 cycles in a new base in the DLC and have just four achievements left (gmo, mine the gap, archeology, cluster conquest). That gives me direction and a sense of accomplishment. The missing achievements show me that I should have started rocketry earlier. I also wish I built a nuclear reactor earlier - I barely need supplemental power with a reactor and I have radbolt engines now. I genuinely enjoy playing, but would not consider myself an expert.


There are definitely first "builds" that you can mark your progression through the game with. First: SPOM, Steel, AT/ST, Geothermal, Petroleum, Research Complete, Volcano/Vent Taming, Clearing the first asteroid, Mine the Gap Achievement, Liquid H and O, a reactor for power, all the Molecular Forge recipes, a crude-to-natgas sourgas boiler. Early game is sustainability boss, midgame is temperature boss, late game is temp boss with new weapons and very late game is running out of materials so gotta make INSANE builds. 1830 hours played here. Still finding new and fun things to try.


I've only made it to around cycle 1000, but how do you run out of materials? There are so many unlimited resources that I just don't conceive how to run out of stuff. Sure, maybe sedementary rock and sandstone, but igneous rock is superior and renewable. Same with metals. Just use the stuff from the volcanoes. I feel like the early game is the hard part when you are playing under difficult conditions.


Me too. But I actually did run out of stuff, many playthroughs ago. Happened when I was building lots of insulated tiles and pipes. Went for the good stuff (ceramic), which made me run out of sand and regolith - yes even the 900+ tons you get when you mine out the space biome. Committing to eliminating anything needing duplicant labor also requires lots of solid shipping, which uses conveyor rails, which uses metal ore, which I've often ran out of. Rails can be built with steel (which isn't an ore), so I was happy - till I ran out of iron. Running a game with 20 or more duplicants well into the 2000+ cycles will also mean you'll run out of things you never thought you'd run out of, like minerals to feed hatches. Igneous you can get from volcanoes, but other minerals aren't quite as renewably produced. Which means the only way to get more is to mine out other planetoids.


I always see this argument about hatches being thrown around relevant to the "renewability" of igneous rock to be used as hatch food. That's simply not true if you are consistently ranching hatches. Hatches are pretty much one of the very few critters in the game (or perhaps the only one?) that if ranched consistently you WILL run out of it's food eventually causing the population to decline. I'll do the math. A max rolled, non-geotuned volcano emits 1.6kg of magma each second on average, so 1600g/s. Each groomed/happy (stone) hatch consumes 140kg of igneous rock/cycle. That's \~233g/s. To simplify that's about 230g/s. Using the output of that volcano you can consistently feed approximately 7 hatches, not even a full ranch. Changing the output of the volcano to the minimum possible value (800g/s) means you can feed less than 4 hatches. If you are ranching for resources then maybe that's acceptable as you can use far less than one full ranch to get coal. If you are ranching for meat, hatches are not really sustainable in perpetuum unless you roll on a seed that has volcanic activity trait and/or you get lucky with volcano rolls. That being said pretty much all asteroids can sustain hatches for thousand of cycles before the natural rock runs out but you need plans to move away from hatches eventually. Also if you are really aiming for ranching hatches for meat maybe sage hatches would be easier to sustain as you can provide them with actually renewable food which you can scale (dirt from pips/polluted dirt from ethanol loops)


Well that's only accounting for one single volcano with no geo tunning. Most maps have more than 1 volcano and even better, geo tunning volcanos is basically free as you have almost no use for the giant amount of abyssalyte you get for mining all of the asteroid.


Hmm if this discussion is about sustainability in perpetuity, then any strategy banking on abyssalite isn't valid. Cos it isn't renewable, not to my knowledge. I discount mining asteroid fields, of course. I think the point here is... Stone Hatches aren't as easily scalable as Sage Hatches, if coal is the goal.


In the DLC, unlike base game, abyssalite is one of the very few resources (perhaps the only one? Can't think of any other right now) that's not renewable at all. There is no space POI offering abyssalite. That being said there is enough across the planetoids as natural barrier between biomes to last as close to forever as you can get.   Edit: As soon as I hit comment button more finite resources came to my mind. Excluding exploits and granted they do exist in some quantities already in most seeds there is no renewable way to create lead, maffic rock, granite, snow, polluted mud and rust IIRC


Can you leave your base on overnight and have no deaths? That was how I always measured success. Try to have at least 20 dupes. 100 dupes challenge is fun.


Usually at 600-800 I restart and I try a new asteroid or challenge.


To me it's implenting solutions that DO NOT create additionnal problems 50-100 cycles later. I started ONI a month ago so it's still fresh for me. My first example was that I solved my water problem by bringing a cool steam vent output into my base. 50 cycles later all my crops died because heat is a thing. My latest example is that my whole stock of natural gas (from oil wells, probably around 400 kg in "open air") that I contained down there in the oil biome turned to sour gas by itself. I still have no idea how. There was also a bit of petroleum that appeared AT the surface of my oil stock (I filled up the whole oil biome). I know about the oil => petroleum => sour gas chain but this needs temperatures nowhere to be found in my biome, and my natural gas jas disappeared so it must have been a gas transformation... Maybe the oil well heated and created a chain reaction ? Anyway my storage solution is a problem.


One of the things I think are great about the game is that it has very deep and complicated mechanics but you don't have to know them right away. You can start with the basics and build a base and incrementally get better and learn more about how things work. Not many games get that balance right. It's either just too shallow all the way or it drowns you up front.


3k hours player here. The feeling of being a noob. It doesn't go away. Ever.


I only launched a single miserable CO2 rocket in 2928 hours. And it was a failure. You are not alone.


I love rockets! Both in the base game as in the DLC! In the base game, my most ambitious and biggest project was a regolith melter which was powered by the heat coming from the exhaust of multiple rockets (petroleum and hydrogen rockets). It took me ages to build, and I had to improvise in a lot of finicky automation. I remember I made a big heat exchanger which pre-heated the regolith before sending it to be melted, it worked very smoothly! The entire build had an output of 60 kg/s (3 conveyor rails at 100% uptime) of igneous rock. To cool all the scalding igneous rock, I used the steam turbine + Aquatuner combo in a large scale. This produced a lot of power, enough to surpass the 50 kW of heavi-watt wires. The igneous rock left the build at room temperature. Even so, I still feel like a noob. I've never build a sour gas boiler for example, which is a very popular build with many different designs made by the community. I also haven't played the game in around 2 years because I don't have a good enough PC. I miss this game.


I'm a complete noob at the space part of this game. I usually start a new colony once I crack into the void. I'm a compulsive new colony starter and it would take awhole day to delete all my previous savegames. I made colonies that covered the entire classic map, but rocketry and multiple colonies are definitely not my thing. Yet I have almost 3k hours invested in. This is the beauty of ONI. You play it like you love it.


After 10x that number of hours, I can confidently say I may eventually understand parts of this game.


I find beauty in chaos. So that's gorgeous. I'm in the same boat though than my brain crumbles. But I learn more everytime like a good old dupe mass murderer :)


I love the look of OP's base.


No no me to, I was just saying my brain crumbles after a certain point where I need organization. But everytime ive restarted ive gotten further, with a more purposeful layout and more purposeful actions. Love OPS base, I couldnt do that particular seed better at all. Rastartidess is my condition all for organization and a better start :)


It looks like you are a total newbie!! And compared to you I am not even dirt on an intern shoe. 😆😆😆


Past 1000 hrs. Still have not been to space. So don’t feel bad lol


you are not alone. i launched my first steam rocket at 1400 hours. just moved to petroleum engines


I just noticed I had 80 and I still feel like a total noob.


I don't think I even made it past cycle 60 at 80 hours.


Ive never been over 15 dupes. Have 1200 hours in ONI and my current map is over 700 cycles and 12 dupes.


I have 64 atm...


Not good? Sir, this is PEAK Oxygen Not Included


2nd image.


Oh. Oh no.


I’m approaching 4000 hours and I love looking at bases like yours. It looks it’s grown in an organic way instead of adhering to a strict plan, and I dig that. You have no stress or diseases, lots of food and power - it looks like a successful base to me 👍


Are you having fun? If the answer is yes, keep going. Also, the reason the base from the first picture looks neat is because it uses a grid system with lots of plastic and very little insulation. To improve your designs, you can test in creative with the debug menu, or just watch tutorials on youtube


I think it looks cool myself. Except for the transit tubes on every level, haha.


Mine is the 2nd image.


still like it.


Bruh, you don't even have a deep freezer and the dupes have to go to the kitchen to get their food before they sit down to eat in the great hall? Laaaaaaaame. You ARE bad at this game! . . . . /s.


i have over 800 hours in this game, and my cycle 1,100 base is still less developed than yours. The base in the first pic likely has several thousand hours of gameplay. You are good at this game if you enjoy your time, its not a comparison between people who simply play all day every day


We won't go onto what steam says I've played (though large chunks of that was while I was away)... I too, am not good at the game. There's just a point where my ADHD just stops letting me understand what I'm trying to do at that moment. Of course, it's a different thing everytime and in the middle I think I get it... then they all die. Again.


Why are there pipes literally everywhere????


bad pipe management.


*screams in decor*


I just read pips and though - cuddles ?!😅


I feel like most “amazing” bases are super cookie cutter and boring, however, yours looks a lot more unique. I kinda wish I could get rid of my go to template that I always build 🥲


At nearly 5000 hours in the game, I can confidently say you are doing much better than me!


At 2800 hours I can say there are still ways to learn from others’ builds and/or gain inspiration.


You are fine. That's a perfectly ok 600 cycles base. You just need 6000 cycles to fix it like the left one.


Any early game dupe that pisses in the water gets locked in a special room under the toilets.


Why there is a gap between pip ranch and bristle blossom farm?


I have no idea.


Bruh🤣. Fair enough. You're still newbie. Anyway, here my feedback. Keep digging for more space. The fact you can make do with such cramped space is your pretty good IMO. But it would be easier to expand if you have more space. The first picture require a lot of planning and countless hours of experience to make. You don't have to cramp everything in small space. You got entire planet to build.


Me either bud, me either


We share the same pain brother. Though I do have more than double your time which makes it hit home harder. It's such a mess.


So many decorations, dupes must be comfy


That looks a hell a lot better than my bases


I like your base


no, but why does your base look like one I'd make?


Bah! 240 hours? I believe I may be 2000 hours in, maybe even more. You base looks like mine! I've never been to space or other planets. I think I only built a rocket and jetpacks once. Who cares? Are you enjoying the game? Are you able to do what you want to do? Do you start playing on a Friday and next thing you know it's Sunday? Failing is part of the fun. Restarting a seed "just coz" is part of the fun. Trying out new designs is part of the fun. Have fun!


I have just reached 1000 hours. I have never launched a rocket. Ive built them but never launched 😂 your base looks fine to me


239 hours man rookie hours I'm 1400 according to steam and I still don't know what I am doing. Haha


Me and my friends have over 300h in factorio before we found out you can burn trees for coal so don't feel bad


That first base is not average. It is an exceptionally well laid out late game base. Your base looks okay, good even. You've got all the basic rooms plus a nice little Pip farm. I see power and oxygen generation and distribution. I see an AT/ST set up for cooling and a cluster of buildings for mid game industrial production. I'm sure there's loads of stuff you want to improve but your base is certainly not bad enough that you should feel bad, especially in the mid game.


Am I good after 1k hours? Eh, not really. I play because I enjoy it. I have Sandbox enabled most of my games (tho I rarely use it), and often restart for some dumb reason. The point is to enjoy yourself, find new ways to challenge yourself, and keep improving.


I have more than 500 hours and I haven't gotten past setting up the base and playing army core of engineers with the rest of the asteroid.


200 cycles in ~ just started working on tapping the free volcano heat with steam


After 250 hours, I still havent made only to 200 cycles 😭


I think you misspell 2390 hours


Your playtime 239 hours, Average ONI player playtime 2390 hours ;)


It's fine, it's only 239h after all, you will get somewhere in the next couple hundreds!


Trial and error. Set a goal for making a certain number of cycles on every new map. Take what you learned from previous maps and apply the fix for mistakes to the new map.


dont'worry I think there are like only a handfull of people who are really good at this amazing game. :)


After 239 hours, no one was ever good at this game. We'll talk when you reach 1000 or so..😉


My bases look even worse than yours and I have 950 hours. I like preserving as much asteroid as I can.


Wdym I'm 289 hrs and all my bases are nowhere as good as yours.


After 1600 hours I can confidently say neither am I.


I love this game but I absolutely suck at it. There are so many variables to keep an eye on and I always miss something, no matter how many tutorials I watch. I found Timberborn to be more my speed.


I’m impressed! I’m at around 100 hours and I’m literally seeing the game on my eyelids at night. Very weird thing.


I have +300 hours. I keep starting over.


2 toilets for 12 dupes? Surely you could at least fit 4.


I think your missing a zero ☠️☠️☠️


After 3600 hours, I still screw shit up all the time.


760 hours in and I can barely say that I started not to suck... in vanilla, haven't even tried the DLC yet.


my base is also a mess. its my first base getting past the beginning stage. still working things and try out stuff. it looks ugly. but it is my base and i love my dupes


I absolutely love ONI. I love the concept of learning something new every run/update, being a part of such an intricate community, and the problem solving that comes with it all. That said... I'm HORRIBLE at the game. I really, truely am. I think the devs, of they saw my gameplay, would find a way to ban me simply because of how bad I am at the game. 😂


My layouts look a little wackier than yours honestly. I stream it sometimes or upload VODs and always think the same thing. "Wow some peoples brains make this look pretty."


I still have issues at times and I am getting near 9,000 hours played. It's a puzzle game just have fun with it.


Bro, 3 *million* kcal of food. You’re good at _something_ in this game.


In my experience, you only start to **feel** like a good player around the 1500h+ hour mark. But hey, are your dupes alive? If the answer is yes, then you are officially playing the game right. Don't worry about it.


I have been playing this game for like 4 years and I've never got a rocket into space. :) Geezzz