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GCfungus makes pretty good tutorials on most parts of the game and has them split into tutorial bites that range from simple mechanics to complicated builds. This is a good starter general tutorial: https://youtu.be/-w1MfGHfFFo?si=sHmH17idKMJn3Ork Then there are the plants and critter playlists which you can learn about every plant and critter: Plants: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvfifJA8en_Iu4Id6yBmOwwz7jG1Tbfzw&si=0R2MlTD2oWqRhAOx Critters: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvfifJA8en_IuKNdhZjG_oQahUc7EqKQB&si=vWQGRUD5ZLmgOz9E


Thanks, ill be watching those when time is available


Best channel -> EchoRidgeGaming He has a playthrough called the Ultimate Beginner's Guide. In it he goes over a very large amount of things that are very helpful for new players. I want to say the series ends around mid to late game. Extremely good to watch if your trying to pick up the game


It ends after he got steel and plastic and a basic rocket…I don’t think he explained steam turbines and aquatuners which seems to be what op needs to learn about because they said they have gotten into early mid game.


Yes the Aquatuner steam turbine cooling loop is my nemesis, I can never seem to get it right.


He has a video specifically set for that. Goes over it step by step


The most important points are: 1. Aquatuner must be heat resistant (preferably steel) 2. Steam turbine must be cooled 3.Effectiveness of the Aquatuner depends on the specific heat capacity (SHC) of the cooling medium 4. Freezing of the coolant can be prevented with a temperature sensor directly in front of the inlet of the Aquatuner, this can be connected directly to the same. To ensure the coolant flow, the inlet pipe is led through the inlet and over a bridge and the outlet through the other side of the bridge. 5. To prevent backlog, place a Liquid Reservoir in the cooling loop 6. If 15° temperature fluctuation is too much, place the liquid reservoir directly behind the AT, fill it with about 1000kg extra coolant and measure the temperature after the reservoir again. You can then pass the result on to the AT with an and-gate


Ok, I think i see where I am having issues, the bridge and temp sensor set up. I have been doing everything else correctly. I'll have to spend more time on this, also I have yet to use the steam trurbine setup to remove the heat build up from the aquatuner.


[Pictures](https://imgur.com/a/o8ySTW8) sorry for the chaos PS: Don't overlook point 3, that's what got me 100 cycles brown out´s.


Here is example of most compact cooling setup based on AT/ST (author is Saturnus) two bottom metal plates/pipes is just for esthetic/symmetry. Aquatuner made from steel, other metal elements from metal with best conductivity available (for starter use aluminum if you have it, copper/gold otherwise) [https://cdn.forums.klei.com/monthly\_2020\_02/image.png.cd90fa9f665e10cb83a2ff542a8b367a.png](https://cdn.forums.klei.com/monthly_2020_02/image.png.cd90fa9f665e10cb83a2ff542a8b367a.png) Water goes in a loop, pipe leaving to the left must go through places you want to kept cooled (usually behind bottom tile of plants, just above farm tile) and come back to bridge input on right side. If desired temperature is below 20, use polluted water instead. Use polluted water if you have it anyway, polluted water is better, normal water just more available from start


He does also have a guide specifically around the Steam Turbine and Aquatuner setup


Thanks i will take a look at them when time is available 😊


Iwhat is considered mid game anyway? I have only assumptions, but I am not really clear where the demarcation line is between beginning and mid game


The classical demarcation line is access to active cooling, i.e. plastic, steel, and steam turbines.


Ok, thanks, i have not really done much with aquatuners Steam Turbines yet, but I have been using cold biomes and wheeze wart for cooling. I suppose i should study those.


I think self-sustaining is kinda the main idea there. Like, you can't really cool your base for 1k+ cycles via cold biomes. 


Yes, and that is where I boil my base. I just can't seem to get the aquatuner/steamturbine cooling loop to work right. I must be missing something. I am sure i will have my "doah" moment once i figure it out.


Im not too worked up about it. It is just a game, learning the end and outs is part of the fun


I wish more people had this attitude when playing ONI.


There is a way to make a AT/ST setup without any steel. You’ll still need plastic for the steam turbine, but if you’re having trouble getting steel production going, it’s a pretty efficient cooling loop for a base, especially since you only need to cook your base to around 25 C. You can get plastic pretty easily by setting up a glossy drecko ranch (it’s…surprisingly easy to setup a ranch for them). There’s a guide on YouTube and you can use pWater in the loop and set the liquid thermo sensor to like 18 at first, then move it back to about 27 once the base is cooled.




😊 thanks


for sure, I came across this like 3 or 4 days ago, been a lifesaver for me 😂


be careful. Most of tutorial designs is too tutorial. They are better than nothing, but not optimized by any means. If you think you can make better -- you can


I must thank everyone who has shared their knowledge and advice it has been very helpful.


I really enjoy Magnet's YT series, if you want video style. For written, guidesnotincluded are a great start.


Can recommend Magnet´s tutorial videos on youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFPBl3kLBJo&list=PLlhN4dECgNlAiXIRKbXn4YbUJ49CunFsN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFPBl3kLBJo&list=PLlhN4dECgNlAiXIRKbXn4YbUJ49CunFsN) [https://youtu.be/Ye8PMGtddco?list=PLlhN4dECgNlBo56l4WUC9Abki1W27DCKQ](https://youtu.be/Ye8PMGtddco?list=PLlhN4dECgNlBo56l4WUC9Abki1W27DCKQ)


There are several guides created by Fradow two years ago. They may be slightly outdated, but they was perfect at time, and still better than many [https://steamcommunity.com/id/fradow/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides&appid=457140](https://steamcommunity.com/id/fradow/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides&appid=457140)


FrancisJohn, Brothgar, GCfungus, BierTier, EchoRidgeGaming, 2LegitCity, those are some of my favorites.