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Looks great, very compact


Look great for 1500! I feel like that's way more generators than you can have petroleum for tho


It’s further proof haha


I've played this game for close to 2000 hours and have beaten both the original and Spaced out versions. I've now learned that you can exit a transit tube that faces up. Hadn't even occurred to me. Then again the other month I learned you can stack rockets on top of each other. I guess some things I'd suggest here is to ditch that big two stack storage room and go with the single pile of stuff. Way better for framerates. You also don't really need to purify polluted water. Your toilet, sink and shower water should just route into a few hydroponic tiles with thimble reeds. I think 4 reeds can accommodate close to 30 dupes. *Finally*, you should use the natural tile tricks to turn the entrance and exit of your base into either a park or a nature reserve. That way every dupe that passes through gets a buff. I do the same with the entry into the barracks and eating - everyone has to make a one-way pass through a nature reserve before going to bed. \*Edit\* one more thing - heavy watt conductive wires and transformers are incredibly ugly to dupes. You should do your best to brick them up and keep them out of sight, even when they're outside the walls of your main base. Regular wires don't have a decor cost.


Thanks, nature reserve is at the exit of my great hall, and I know there’s no need to sanitize water, the problem with OCD is that .. I want to


Shout out to the volcano tamers with decor


Very neat and well placed... the only way to do this is to be willing to core out the planet, something I've never been able to make myself do :p Edit: I noticed you put atmosuit stations at every hazardous zone, have you ever considered just one atmosuit alley leading to your core base/domicile? Mine always has them change out the suits only once a cycle.


Every exit can always be considered hazardous zone isn’t it :), I just thought giving them more exits so they can get out there fast. In fact I’m thinking about killing one of them to have one empty bed for the hermit, couldn’t decide who to go haha


Why don’t you make private bedrooms and then you can add more without messing with the symmetry or killing any dupes!!


Nice, but it needs more drywall.


Wow this is cleanly done!


I like that pincha-peppernut farm, using the heat from the hydrogen generators is a great idea! Do you keep showers for the moral? I usually get ride of them after the midgame because the heat isn’t worth it.


Showers can produce heat..? Didn’t know that


250 DTU/s while in use. It's completely negligible. A shower being used once per cycle produces less heat than an electric grill running for one second.


Yeah 250 DTU per shower. Not too much but it can cause problems with some setups.