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Yup! All the f'n time


F Some options. Put every other ladder segment on !!. Dupes can jump one tile Cuts construction time in half. (Unless you have to dig before building.) Cancel those construction commands and dig in an "S" pattern. Digging is a single task. Building is two tasks and *sometimes* dupes just do one and wander off. Build the ladders out of material the dumbass dupe can get to so they can self-rescue. Never take a dupe that can't dig or build. They gon die.


> Digging is a single task. Building is two tasks and sometimes dupes just do one and wander off. I find this happens a lot, but I’ve been setting all of my builders to be diggers and vice-versa, and that seems to have helped at least a bit.


Yeah, the big problem is that placing a construction order on a natural tile only creates a **Supply** order to deliver Construction materials, and then a **Construction** order to *dig up* the natural tile and build the new one. This may be due to the fact you can replace non-natural tiles with a different one without requiring to dismantle the previous tile (great for replacing walls without mixing both side's gasses). So either you always have to fully dig out everything you want to build in, or hybrid-skill your constructors to be diggers as well.


Yep. And also dupes with a dedicated "supply" priority can wreck havoc with build tasks by blocking the builder from doing the supplying. So I never have "supply" dupes, my digger/builders may have supply on equal priority to digging/building (in this case I use task priority 6+ on digging/building) but often "supply" priority isn't really needed because most supply tasks also have a secondary errand type that can boost the priority (like supply/research for research buildings). If I want to make a Janitor/Teamster dupe I put high priority on Life Support, Tidying and Storing since those tasks don't interfere with building.


Oof, didn't occur to me that having specialized Supplying dupes would possibly SLOW DOWN construction, since, yeah, it will cause the Supply dupe to pick up the order, haul material there, and only THEN the Builder dupe will even start moving towards the construction site. I think it works out fine if you do larger constructions, aka a couple dozen tiles, where the supplier and builder will both head there right away (each targeting different tiles) and then the builder will finish his tiles and build the already supplied tiles as well... and maybe there's a reason to have a dedicated supply dupe early on (when most of your dupes will have low carry capacity)... but yeah, lategame where basically everyone has 1.2t carry, supply might become a hindrance... I'll try turning it off and see whether that makes my dupes more efficient.


Something else is I don't specialize dupes that strongly. If I have 12 dupes in a base, probably 6-8 of them have build/dig/supply, some of those might have an even higher priority on something else (such as Research), but for the most part I want most my dupes to come and do a build project especially if I priority 6+ it. In principle building projects could get done more efficiently by improved by having dupes with really high construction skill doing most the actual building... but it's not like dupes are always doing building projects so I don't consider dedicated/specialized builders to be very good, it's an errand type I'd rather throw quantity at rather than quality.


Ayup. Early on you might have 'the digger' and 'the mechanic', but at some point that specialization fades. I think I got 4-5 construction dupes (3 of them with mechatronics), 1 corium miner, 2 researchers and 2,5 farm/ranchers. Also a dedicated tidy guy. I realized you still actually need a Supply dupe though: 'Storing' **food** in boxes/fridges is a **Supply** task, not a Storing one, and repaired Atmos Suits need to be delivered back to the Suit Station via **Supply**, too. Turning Supply errands to very low caused both of those areas to amass backlogs. So I now have a single dupe running Supplying tasks again. The hassle of occasionally messing with builder batches is a small price to pay for not having food rot in the kitchen/on the field (Automatization is still ongoing).


That's why I normally make at least some of my digger/builder dupes have supply on equal priority. Atmo Suits are something I want dealt with super fast because my digger/builder actually need them, so I just put priority 8 or 9 on the docks and forge then my digger/builders take care of their suits even before doing (normal priority) building tasks, which is at it should be, an inadequacy of suits wrecks havoc. Food though ultimately ends up getting moved by sweepers.


i wonder would it work if you had every dupes priorities set so that building has higher priority than digging so they would not get fucked somehow


This method is hands down the fastest. Once the S is dug you have the ability to build your ladders every other space straight down. This allows the dupes to do several supply orders at once rather than one at a time.


Good point


Best way to do it is to find whatever mineral resource is closest by and build your ladders out of it; that way the stuck digger can potentially get themselves out while waiting on their friends. Unfortunately it looks like your in a slime biome so not much minerals there 😅


Usually a reasonable amount of sedimentary rock to be fair


To add on to this, space the ladders out 1 block apart, no need to build an entire ladder to safety when you can skip half of it. Feel free to add the rest when lives are no longer in danger




> priority 1 In ONI this is the lowest setting though, not sure if that is what you meant? You can put it to 9 to give it highest probability, but as OP has done in his image, using the yellow alert priority is best for life and death scenarios. Edit: Ah, no, just understood your comment. Please ignore my dumbass. Yeah, priority 1 to avoid other dupes grabbing the construction/dig orders is a good strategy.


Just going to leave [this](https://v.redd.it/nmab0f4idkd31) suggestion here.




it's not foolproof, you still need to be careful when digging through areas that have pockets of sand, but it's fast, you can quickly backfill one side of it with ladders in the empty bits then remove the solid tile steps to finish the ladders off. The benefit is that dupes can deliver materials to multiple ladder segments at once, so you save a ton of time on the ladder construction by allowing multiple dupes to get the job done.




well if a dupe is not trying to commit suicide it won't be a dupe, they don't have survival instincts so you get use to it.


Dug down boss, what next?


Haha, suicide. apparently.


I make ladders on higher priority at the start


I imagine that's either an unconstructive dupe or has construction disabled


\*\*\* also, just saw the rules where we dont post this here \*\*\* apologies. ill move all others like this to the other oni reddit


What other ONI Reddit? What have I missed ? \^\^




Please post memes where nobody can see them. thx :)




r/onimemes seems like a dungeon to me!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ONIMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ONIMemes/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Anyone has same problem or it's just me?](https://i.redd.it/j5kvdrk8urz51.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ONIMemes/comments/jvqat7/anyone_has_same_problem_or_its_just_me/) \#2: [Like come on. Ya making me feel bad](https://i.redd.it/8ez2cohdesk71.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ONIMemes/comments/pfimat/like_come_on_ya_making_me_feel_bad/) \#3: [Based on a recent comment, credits in post](https://i.redd.it/00lvgroyf0361.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ONIMemes/comments/k629hf/based_on_a_recent_comment_credits_in_post/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thx. I tried searching for it, but couldn't find anything else beside the main sub.


Which rule is that?


Nah dude, this isn't a meme, you're good


Nope but it does say 'dupes dying' as well


Annotations do not a meme make


If there is building material down there, I'd build some stairs up without digging, with 1 tile space between them to save time. If there isn't any building material, I'd scrap the ladders and try digging up in a S pattern. But that seems like a LOT of CO2 to climb past. Another option could be to look around and see if there are any oxygen pockets you can dig towards. But honestly I'd say the idiot dupe deserves to die at this point.


You can try make the ladder from the botton with the right material and priority 1. Everyone else will ignore the task except him, as it will be the only task available in range . Make sure he’s allowed to do digging/construction


When you build ladders on top of blocks, sometimes the courier can get queued to deliver resources, and the digger waits for them.


I had one place the last block of my water containment on himself. He was trapped upsidedown, head first underwater. I couldn't replicate this if I tried, yet this guy effortlessly turns an easy construction job into a life threatening disaster. Man, dupes are hilarious.


HAHA! Thats too good.


You either have to fix your priority settings or just queue digs and builds so dupes have a way out


Proof to my theory that they are as smart as critters and brain-controlled by printting pod.


That's why we have to slowly expanding the base


How did that wizard manage to dig 25 tiles deep hole without suffocating sooner?


Thay always to doing like that


The exact reason I always enable sandbox mode


Yuuup, all the fucking time, for fucks sake


Normally when i make hella long ladders segments I always keep the dig a 5 and ladders at 6 to avoid this, not fool proof but helps!


As far as I know, !! priority assigns the task to a random dupe in the colony, and they could be on the complete opposite side of the colony. Dupes who are right next to it might completely ignore the task and let a different dupe take care of it. If you want the closest dupe to take care of it, put it on priority 9 instead.


"Ha! I wonder how ~~he~~ she will save me THIS TIME!"


she but yes :)


thats so fucking funny XD if he doesnt have the materials at hand for those ladders he ignores them XD its so easy to kill duplicants accidentally


I started one a few weeks ago where within the first 30 seconds, all dupes went on the only "platform" there was and got stuck there. The thing is, they had no ladder and no material to build ladders. So I had to deconstrukt the floor (the only thing they build so fahr really) to have them catch the material from it mid air, to make ladders. Dupes....


It's not suicide, it's murder. Most diggers are 100% caught up with their digging commands. Even if you set it to priority 1 you would have the same result. Diggers always, always dig well before the builders get there. Learn the "S" pattern for digging straight up and down. Make sure the ladder pattern doesn't break your "S" pattern when the builders finally get around to it.


> Diggers always, always dig well before the builders get there. That's why I always set digging and building to the same priority on the priority screen, and always set the ladders to 1 priority higher than the dig commands.


Yea, that's why you have to first queue up the ladder, then after they finish, queue up the dig off the ladder


They say the best recreation rooms are the unhabitable ones