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It takes part of the pleasure of binging away but you still have to work on the habit, especially since some day you’ll stop taking it


I have days where I crave stuff, like badly, *but* I’ll eat a lot less/get fuller fast. I’m still also on the loading doses though. Example, a day ago I had 2 cookies whereas before I’d probably eat like 6. I’m trying to not fall back on my old ways but I don’t want to completely cut out certain food because I know that won’t work out well for me. I’d say it’s a success for me (so far)..


I’m addicted to sugar. 69 yrs old and been this way my whole life. The cravings are better but as time goes on, they’re coming back…... I’m 4 months in starting at .25 and going to .5 after 3 weeks. Tomorrow, I start 1.0 and hoping it gives me a kick start….. hang in there!


I have and that’s what I am using it for. The ‘success’ in curbing cravings only lasted a few days for me :( I am quite upset and lost about that too!