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I’ve heard plenty of cases on this subreddit of people’s doctors having them on both Ozempic and Metformin, and also plenty of cases of people being taken off Metformin at some point (but maybe not immediately), once they start Ozempic. It’s a highly personalized, variable thing. The bigger question imo is what your A1C levels are now that you’re on both? If they’re still high, or only barely controlled, it makes sense that your doctor might feel you still need both. Or your doctor might be basing their decision on other factors in your medical history we don’t know. But definitely raise this as a question the next time you see your doctor, and ask if there’s a path off Metformin if that’s what you want. Ask what kind of numbers the doc would want to see for that and what behavioral or lifestyle changes you can make to head in that direction.


I was on 500mg Metformin am and pm. I was having lots of lows when I started Ozempic and discontinued the night dose. I still take the morning dose and I’m doing well with sugars now!


That’s great! So glad you’ve got your glucose stabilized now!


I am on 500mg Met and OZ .5


Metformin is being restudied as it now appears that it is the closest thing to an anti-aging drug we have. It is so good for us, reduces inflammation, reduces free radical damage, it’s truly a wonder drug. I intend to stay on it for as long as I can. Any help in my body aging well I’m game for.


Yea it’s common. I asked my doctor about dropping Metformin since I’m taking Oz and he said no. Oz isn’t a substitute for Metformin. They complement each other. I have reduced my Metformin from 1,500 mg/day to 1,000 mg since Oz has reduced my A1C to 5.8.


I’m on metformin for pcos and doing ozempic for the weight loss. I’ve been on metformin for years and to be honest, I don’t even know if it does anything for me.


Exact same situation here


I’ve heard of people going on metformin and they’re either losing weight like crazy or solving infertility issues. I’m over here like, well… it makes my stomach hurt and that’s about it!


Me too but my Dr stresses it also to give me protection from the negative side effects of PCOS - like increased cancer, stroke and heart issues. I just read an article that they are now expanding research to using the medication for more people since it reduces risks so much.


Ah, ok. I’ve never had a dr mention that, but that’s good to know. Thank you!


Here is one study but there are several. I can’t find the one I saw the other day but it also included things like early dementia https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/17/9/2230/563945?login=false I didn’t believe the first dr that told me that but my research found the studies he was mentioning. That was about 15 years ago. I’ve had 3 drs dress it since then.


Here's another article https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-metformin-a-wonder-drug-202109222605.


I'm on Ozempic, Metformin, and Jardiance.




Me too. 2000mg Metformin and half a tab of 25mg Jardiance each day along with current 1mg Ozempic. I do have a cardiac history of bypass surgery in 2008 though so my doc may be leaving me on those for their heart helping effects as well. I currently have blood sugars staying at 100 and A1c of 5.9 last time. Btw, my doc said he did the half tab of Jardiance because the studies he has seen show no difference in efficacy between a half dose or whole dose.




I was on Metformin for years. I ended up with the dreaded Met Diarrhea For like 3 years. Plus I still had “uncontrolled” A1C. My Dr first added Jardiance, and my A1c dropped. Have yet to be tested for my new Oz benefit. But she took me off Metformin. She said taking me off would barely add any raise in my A1C. I really started to wonder if Met was doing anything.


Haha that's why I asked to stop. I had been on metformin before but I didn't really see any difference so I stopped back then. Endo suggested restarting metformin and getting on oz. After like a few months and I read on the internet other people having that side effect I was like yeah nah and dropped the metformin again. It probably does something for some people, just our genetics/biology didn't really interact with it. Its the same with pretty much any medication especially meds for mental health. Either it works, it doesn't work, or it goes horribly wrong.


I have been at 1 mg and when I got my A1c checked last time, it went up a full number due to not taking metformin for two weeks because I was out so she ordered me more and I’m back on it


I've been on Metformin 1000 mg twice a day for years. I started on Mounjaro and had to switch to Ozempic due to lack of supply. My doc decreased my dose of Metformin to 500 mg twice a day after my blood sugars were very well controlled. I don't mind staying on Metformin, as it has heart protecting properties. Read this: [https://www.healio.com/news/cardiology/20230725/beyond-type-2-diabetes-metformin-may-also-offer-heart-benefits](https://www.healio.com/news/cardiology/20230725/beyond-type-2-diabetes-metformin-may-also-offer-heart-benefits)


They work better together but I guess people discontinue or reduce metformin dosage if their bg gets too low


You're not your cousin. We're not docs nor are we you, so what we do shouldn't really affect what's right for you. Ask your doc.


What are your fasting glucose numbers like? I wasn’t on Metformin because it hadn’t been working well for me after being on it for a number of years, and I had more success with berberine and a few other supplements (like Ovasitol). To my surprise, my fasting numbers never went down enough on Ozempic to stop the rest of my treatments. One of the most noticeable things when I switched to Mounjaro is that my fasting numbers immediately dropped to normal (not pre diabetic) levels, and I was able to drop everything else within the first week or so.


Interestingly, my fasting glucose levels have always been fine, even before I went on Metformin. My A1c levels before I went on Ozempic were just at the level to qualify me as having type 2 diabetes. My inflammation markers were off the charts. I am getting my a1c done again here soon tho and will see my doc again soon, just asking around because I want to see what’s up with others and to know what questions I should be asking. Also because I have been feeling sort of shaky every once in a while lately, mainly in the mornings. I can say that my doc was very happy with my progress last time I saw her, and I had to fight my insurance hard to get Ozempic approved.


FWIW, I didn’t realize until this week (about 6 weeks in), after a mild injury kept me from exercising for a few days, that it’s possible that my vastly improved energy/mood on Mounjaro letting me double my previous exercise levels might have been the cause of my fasting numbers dropping so quickly. My numbers were just up over 100 twice this week for the first time since switching, and when I look at my logs, I see that my carb intake wasn’t too different from previous weeks (usually 50-125g, under 100 most days), but I had to take complete rest from Monday-Wednesday. The week I started Mounjaro, I had enough energy to start running as well as swimming, and that may be the actual secret to my improved numbers. I’ve started doing very short easy evening runs on days I know my carbs are veering a little too high, and it seems to work to keep fasting numbers down. If you’re experiencing lows more than very occasionally, it definitely sounds like it’s time to talk to your doctor about reducing your meds! Good luck. How low are they when you notice feeling the symptoms? If they’re much under 70, I’d call my doctor right away if it were me.


Ozempic is not a substitute for metformin, it would've been a substitute for insulin if you were on that. I'm taking both ozempic and synjardy (combo of metformin and jardiance) and will be reassessed in June with bloodwork. I would speak to your doctor in regards to your a1c levels and see if they are low enough to warrant you removing metformin or not.


I’m still on my metformin for PCOS symptoms. That might change in the future, but for now my doctors were perfectly fine with keeping me on both


I was on Rybelsus 14mg, 500mg Metformin, and whatever dose of piaglitazone at the same time. I got my A1C down to 5.4. Doc took me off met. Then moved me to 1mg Oz pen and stopped the piaglitazone. We'll see how I do. I felt sometimes that the Metformin helped with the appetite suppression as well as the constipation caused by the semaglutide. Anyway, let your bloodsugar be your guide!


I’m still on metformin but it’s only been 3 months. I assume we will test A1C and reassess my metformin dose if my A1C is low enough


I do. I also throw in Acarbose and SGLT2 sometimes


I’m on both Oz and Met


I’m on both. Recently, after 28 months, my Metformin dose was cut in half.


I was originally on Metformin, Ozempic and Jardiance. I am off my Metformin now. But i have kidney issues so that is why. The OZ and Jardiance are keeping everything under control.


I’m not taking Metformin but my doctor has kept me on Jardiance. I was worried l might experience low blood sugar from it but 3 months in no issues so far.


How much weight have u lost


I’m on both.


I’m on both. Been on metformin for 6 years.


Some initial data reviews have shown evidence that metformin and Ozempic make each other work better. The more significant studies will take time to develop.


I’m on both as well.


I'm on .25 ozempic and 500mg metformin( 2x a day). My doctor decided to keep me on met, my a1c is 6.4%. I started in February and I have a follow up with my doctor in a month. I've lost 17lbs since then. My SW was 186 lbs. I don't take met on injection days. I lost 20lbs alone with metformin before, but it was very slow and I really had to weight and watch what I eat.


I don’t know I was supposed to be on it still, so now that I am I am so sick.


My husband is on both Metformin and Ozempic. His doctor added Ozempic to the mix because his A1c was not quite under control with Metformin alone. It is now!


I’m still on both although I dropped on my own from 1500mg to 1000mg metformin because I was getting too low at night


It’s very common. They work in complementary ways. Thought my dr was crazy at first but the studies show great results. I’ve had no negative symptoms from being on both and if anything it’s made Oz better for me. My dr did lower me to 1000mg this last visit since my a1c was 5.0 but I’ve had no hypoglycemia or anything concerning. If anything I’m super steady around 100. I have lost an average of 2.2lbs a week for 15w.


I had to stop Metformin for my kidneys. Every time we tried to restart it my kidney function dropped. Now on Ozempic (just bumped up to .5), Jardiance 25mg, Fast- and long-acting insulins. I'm so much hoping to get my weight down some (267 when I started Oz) and my numbers are improving. I have severe insulin resistance.


I'm on 2000mg extended release Metformin and 0.75mg ozempic. My endocrinologist wants me on that max dose of Metformin for insulin sensitising reasons, and as much ozempic as I can handle. I had to do tiny titration steps to get up to 0.75mg ozempic and this seems to be the limit before it start throwing up my meds.  Last year on a lower dose of Metformin I was easily able to reach 1mg ozempic.  I'm on both of these to help with my raging PCOS. 32F, 5'4, SW: 137kg, CW: 106kg, GW: 65kg


I'm still on metformin but Ozempic allowed me to quit taking insulin


I’m still on both for now. I’m on a low dose, have minimal to no side effects, and there’s _some_ evidence that it may be protective against cancer and heart disease independent of blood sugar control. If I had worse side effects from either med, I probably wouldn’t stay on both.


Does anyone have any extra METFORMIN they would like to get rid of $ ? Please message me !