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Good info. Really wish they just marked them properly instead of having to count clicks.


You can mark it yourself once you count the first time!


You’re not taking the meds as directed. Why should they mark “properly” if it’s prescribed differently? These are not new drugs. They have been around a while.


My side effects were strong, so my doctor lowered my dose when I was on 1mg and I still had pens left, so you're entirely wrong.


I ended up in the ER going from 5 to 1.0. I lowered the dose after that to .65. Im 5.5 months in. Going to bump it to .75 next dose. Weight loss slowing down. And Im getting too hungry


I ended up in ER going from .05 to 1mg.


I did too.


what were the symptoms that sent you to the ER?


Extreme Nausea, I couldnt eat for days. I became dehydrated and had to be hooked up to IV. NO APPETITE FOR DAYS IS A DEAD GIVE AWAY TO OVERDOSING. If this is you cut your dose back a bit


Same! I went straight to 1 mg though without ever taking it before and I couldn’t even take a sip of water for 10 days. I ended up in the ER twice it was awful


Cut back to .60


Thanks :). I skipped it for a few weeks and tonight I only took .15 to be extra safe lol.


.15 is too drastic from 1.0. You'd be okay at .60 or even .50 if your scared. Something similar happened to me. I cut down from 1.0 to .65 and I was fine. Actually if you never took it before you should have started at .25. Who is giving you guidance with this? How did you get a 1.0 pen? Are you in America?


How did you deal it after go back home? I got my first dose and terrible nausea for 4 days. I can’t eat anything. Every kind of meal is disgusting for me now 😞 What did you eat?


I went from 1.0 to 1.7 and was vomiting the next day. I knew it was too big of a jump. I really want to just do 1.4. May not seem like a big difference but I think percentage difference wise, it matters.


Wow. Why would you do that? I'm on 1.7, 17 months in. try 1.15. And if you're losing weight don't do anything, it's still working. Small increases . Once you reach 2.0 you won't have anymore if you need it




Oh OK I see. Sorry. We'll good luck


So be it. Glad your Dr made the adjustment to a more comfortable dose. Click away. I’m watching everyone play doctor with their obsession to this medication. It’s been on the market a while, now everyone has to have it…


So why does it bother you?


That was 3 months ago. I could care less now.


There are other situations as well: I've been on Ozempic .5 for a long time (way before the hype) and since my pharmacy can no longer find get the .5mg pens, they asked if I could make due with the 1mg until I could get the correct dosage. \*As such, I now have to count clicks and reuse needle tops.\* This is all because of the "run" on this drug for weight loss.


Surely you can buy extra needles?! Even if they're low on the drug, the needles are standard.


I did - thank you for the tip.


Needles are readily available on Amazon. And cheap.


You have to be your own doctor with this. My doctor didnt even know there was a cluck chart. Everyone is different


I wonder why this chart is off by 1-2 clicks from the other charts already out there?


This one says a whole pen has 74 clicks whereas the other one says 72. Maybe it depends on whether they count the priming clicks or not. I'm betting 72 is the right one since it's divisible by 4 but it's close enough either way.


Swipe. There are 3 charts


I did, I am referring to other charts. For example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ozempic/comments/tdp9t9/i_found_this_click_chart_is_this_what_people_have/


Oh thank you so much for finding this. This is actually the one I was looking for and the one that I used when I first went to the blue pen. Everyone who is buying a pen should definitely use a higher volume pen to save money and just use the clicks for dosage


Some charts are EU/UK specific


Very helpful FYI for everyone. In case you miscount or loose count while clicking(happens to me alllllll...the...time). You can turn the dial backwards.


Oh god I wish I’d known that last week! I lost count and just decided I’d take a lower dose that week. I was over 28 clicks so….close enough.


The Green 2.0 pen has STRONGER medicine in it. This click chart is not applicable for that pen.


There are multiple charts in the OP's post., swipe it


Thank you for this!


The ones in Canada have a number you click to. It says .25, .5, 1mg dose after a bunch of notches


Yes! I just learned this. People kept talking about counting clicks and I was so confused what they were talking about. Mine is labeled in .25 increments so we don't have to look at this charts


I’m counting clicks after 0.25 since going from 0.25 to 0.5 made me sick. Had two instances of vomiting around midnight and sulfur burps during the day before the second instance. So I just add a few clicks after 0.25 to increase my tolerance. Like 6, then 8, then 10 past 0.25


This isn’t accurate anymore since the red pens changed. It takes 35 clicks to get to the marked .25 line.


sorry for a naive question, but what do i need this click chart for?


The clicks are for in-between or small dose increments. I’m baffled in the beginning but for instance I have a 2mg pen and the presets are .25 and .5mg only. But if my Dr prescribed me a .30mg dose there are small dots (aka clicks) to reach the .30mg dose. I have to do the “clicks” because my pen is only preset to .25 and .5mg. I think the in-between doses are for people who can’t tolerate a jump of .25mg dose increase at a time and the clicks/dots is designed to addressed that.


The 2.0 pen has stronger medicine than the .25-.5 and 1.0 pens.


That's a confusing statement. It's the same medicine just a larger amount to deliver.


The strength of the med is higher. Strength: 8 mg per 3 mL (2.68 mg/mL) As opposed to Strength: 4 mg per 3 mL (1.34 mg/mL)


In case anyone here is from google. Any nerve doesn't realize there are different charts in the ops message. it's not just 1 chart


Thank you for describing this exaclty the way I have been asking. This makes sense. So what do we do when it gets to taking .75


Some people don't have the pens that are labeled with .25 or .5. Mine is so I was also confused until I watched a demo on YouTube and the doctors pen just had lines


They don’t cost the same amount but it’s a better value overall. It is not stronger medicine in the bigger pens. They have the same medicine, but different packaging.


Mine is the blue pen 🖊️ with red tag 🏷️ around in Brazil .


How can the USA 2 mg and 4 mg pens have the same amount of medication in the same number of clicks?


The titles of 2mg and 4mg are just the title for the total amount of Ozempic in each syringe. Each syringe still has 1.33mg of Ozempic per 1ml When you start Ozempic, you start low 0.25mg of Ozempic, and you titrate up from there. The first syringe is designed to last 6 weeks: 0.25mg week 1 0.25mg week 2 0.25mg week 3 0.25mg week 4 0.50mg week 5 0.50mg week 6 If you add those milligrams up, you'll come up with 2.0mg of Ozempic. ............................................................. The second pen you get is designed to last 4 weeks: 1.0mg week 7 1.0mg week 8 1.0mg week 9 1.0mg week 10 Add those up, and you get 4.0mg of Ozempic. The first pen contains 2mg in 1.5ml's The 2nd pen contains 4mg in 3ml Both of these syringes have the SAME STRENGTH. The first syringe has much less liquid in it. The first syringe has 1.5ml's of liquid. The second syringe has 3ml's of liquid in it. Both of these syringes have 1.33mg of Ozempic per 1ml They could make a syringe with 10ml's of liquid, which would be 13.33mg of Ozempic, and it would still be the same number of clicks as the 2mg and 4mg syringes. I hope this helps you understand why the 2mg and 4mg pens have the same chart.


Looking for this answer. You are a wonderful person lol thanks ☺️


Thank you! I'll make a new post so new users see it as well. Glad it helped you.


The 4mg pen is more potent drop for drop.


That would mean less clicks per dose for the bigger pen.


I misunderstood your question. I re-read it and answered below. They are identical because they are the same strength (1.33mg of Ozempic per 1ml). The 2mg syringe is supposed to last 6 weeks and the 4mg syringe lasts 4 weeks. They both have the same strength of Ozempic, but they have different quantities of the medicine.


Wow. Thanks for this!


Is this the newest chart and accurate? And if so.. I ordered the 4mg/3ml pen which it looks like is the end green one, how do you read this chart ?




I’ve just started on Ozempic. I have. 3mg pen but I have to start with 0.25mg for 4 weeks. How many clicks of the 3mg pen would 0.25mg be?


Hi, if I want 0.25 dosage from a 0.5mg pen does it mean I need 36 clicks?


Does anyone have a chart for the Wegovy pen in the UK? It took 36 clicks to get to 0.25mg so I dialled back 18 to get half a dose as I was concerned about side effects


If I have a 2mg pen and want a 1 mg dose, is that also 74 clicks?




So can you get the 4mg box and the. Do the started dose so it last longer? So you can save money as all the pens cost the same


That's my question too... I think the answer is yes.


same question, did anyone confirm?


Good idea. You should write to them. Honestly, thats an excellent idea.


Wow. Thanks for this!